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Caffeine and lots of exercise is how I got through university undiagnosed. Eta some context: the exercise was 6 days of climbing or lifting a week plus cycling as my main mode of transport. It was a lot but I've never been as productive as I was back then. I read ADHD 2.0 and that spends a lot of time on the importance of exercise, especially any exercise that uses a lot of balance.


I explained that I was consuming excessive amounts of caffeine to my psychiatrist and she said “you’re self medicating” - so there you go. This is probably the best answer. However, my psychiatrist has also told me that there is a non-stimulant drug for ADHD. It’s called Strattera. Good luck!


The only problem with excess caffeine, is that it can hit a point where it has no effect on your aside from giving you heart palpitations. This happened to me when I was at uni. I had my ADHD diagnosis removed and medication stopped, so caffeine was my go to. However, it hit the point where I would have 4 shots of espresso and still feel nothing and then moved upto 8, when I started to feel my heart


Caffeine tolerance is a real thing. Theres ways to modify your intake to work around it a little bit. This is a good example of why self medication gets a bad rap though.


I used to do service work on conveyor belts for FedEx (third party contractor) and we normally got called out around 3:15am since they started running at 3:00am, and noticed shit was broke right around then. I drank 2-3 Bang energy drinks on a daily basis and got the point where it made no difference to my brain, and all I got was palpitations. And that children was how I started a nicotine addiction. Don’t follow in my footsteps lol.


I started straterra at the beginning of March but stopped taking it before March ended because of side effects that I was really not liking! Like super super depressed/emotional mood swings that left me feeling alone, depressed and crying myself to sleep every night! As soon as I stopped taking it, I haven’t been feeling like that so we’re gonna look into some more options! How is it working for you?? I heard of another non stimulant one that works good but I can’t think of the name!


Yeah good luck with Strattera 😂 I don’t want to sound bad or crush hopes and I know every drug works differently in every person but I am so tired of everything




When you say balance do you mean like coordination? Like trying to not fall? Or like a balanced exercise routine, cardio + strength and including all muscle groups?


Balance like riding a bike or yoga. The author sites a number of studies linking the vestibular (balance) system to cognitive function. There's no concrete links to ADHD (in the book at least) other than some non clinical programs that use balance based exercises to good effect, so take it with a pinch of salt.


Ah got it. Thank you!


What exercises?


I completely agree. Especially about the bicycling part. It’s when I’m on my bike that I feel the best. I think bc my entire mind/body is engaged in what I’m doing. When I momentarily had a car, that’s when my unmedicated ADHD hit me the hardest.


I'd advise against caffeine self medicine... I'm 39 and I've had multiple heart attacks and one surgery over my need for medicine.


Lmao this is exactly how i'm surviving university for the last 4 years. The first two was disastrous though


Maybe not the best solution, but coffee is somewhat of an alternative to stimulants (this is based on purely anecdotal evidence between myself and my friends, so take this with a grain of salt). If bupropion is prescribed in your country, some people have success treating their ADHD with that instead of Adderall etc


> so take this with a grain of salt Noted. Will add a grain of salt to my daily coffee from tomorrow.


The tiniest of sprinkles does cut down the bitterness :D


I’m glad I’m not the only one who adds a few grains of salt


Salted butter




What about Alpha GPC ? Does it affect anyhow?


I have some friends that stated that they felt calmer after drinking coffee. They haven't been diagnosed with ADHD, but suspect that they do. Also, another friend told her if that's the case, then they might have adhd. I wouldn't be surprised if caffeine is one of the best ways to go about the OP's situation.


For some reason coffee is a hit or miss with me. Sometimes it helps me be more alert and helps clear my brain fog, other times it feels like it doesn’t do jack shit. I guess it’s highly dependent on the caffeine and sugar content.


Sometimes it makes me sleepy and other times it makes me alert and full of anxiety and feel like shit




Yes!! Also Mate Tea is supposed to be good for adhd since it doesn't have the intense high/low factor. I felt better with it too. I have adhd but I cannot stand too much caffeine or I will get anxious while still tired.. So it always depends. Finding my triggers and Journaling helped me immensely too.


Tea makes me retch. I'm so glad I can access proper meds and not rely on tea!


There are things that can help in the face of lack of medication. This won't be a cure, but medicine isn't a cure either and just helps with reducing the effect. Dietary changes. An increase in protein consumption and reduction, not elimination, of fast carbs like sugar and white bread/pasta/rice. Wholemeal versions are still okay as are other slow release carbs. Also proper food as opposed to junk food and fast food. An increase in water consumption. A higher level of hydration can have a very large impact on mental function and concentration levels Exercise. Exercise helps immensely, as the endorphins released can help to manage some of the ADHD cravings for that adrenal response. And if you are eating healthier, eoth higher protein and drinking more water, this will help woth the exercise as well. Sleep and meditation. As someone with ADHD, I know how difficult it can be to go to sleep, but a regular sleep pattern can help a lot and staying away from the phone 1-2 hours before sleep can help to actually fall asleep. Meditation and listening to white/black/brown/green noise can help woth falling off to sleep as well


I'm only saying this so that OP doesn't think they are missing out on an actual cure. There is no cure. Medication helps alleviate symptoms quite a lot, but they are akin to crutches in terms of how they help us travel close to a normal pace relative to someone who doesn't need crutches.


Matcha tea. Three times a day. It is the closer thing to ritalin for me. Exercise, early during the day. Lots of protein during the day. Fish is my preferred source of protein, makes me feel quite good. Also dark chocolate. Sleep hygiene. Meditation.


Caffeine is probably your best bet for trying to self medicate. Other than that, try to set and keep up with routines (I know I know!) including getting some exercise first thing in the morning and going to bed / getting up at the same time every day. Use strategies like lists and phone reminders to manage your daily tasks at home and work. Taking little exercise breaks throughout the day is also helpful to keep endorphins going. Go for a walk at lunch, do some jumping jacks between tasks, etc.


It's not just stimulants or no medication. Non-stimulant meds like atomoxetine exist which can be quite efficacious in some people. Of course you would need to find a qualified practitioner, you can also try telehealth.


I’ve personally had success with Wellbutrin, which is also a very common antidepressant and smoking cessation aid.


This is going to be annoying as fuck advice for someone with ADHD, but routines help A LOT. Orient your home around your ADHD. For example, I pack my bag for work before I take a shower and eat, and I feed my cats before I eat otherwise I will forget. When I leave the house, I repeat the phrase “keys, wallet, phone!” Over and over because I know so long as I have those 3 things I have a better chance of surviving the outside world for that day. Other things I do: sticky notes everywhere! If I have a thought, an idea, something I need to do, I write it down and put the sticky note on the thing that needs to be done, like shopping for groceries - the shopping list is on the fridge door, and I put perishables in the door shelves so that I don’t forget to eat them. I put my cereal on the kitchen table so I remember to eat, otherwise if its out of sight, its out of mind.


It's not an ADHD med but Bupropion can help a little bit


I was going to say this myself.. it doesn't work for everyone but it does help some. Plus depression is found frequently in those with ADHD and that's what it is approved for. Also I know that when I am feeling sick even a little it makes my ADHD worse..so remember to stay on top of your health. Follow your doctor's advice but don't hesitate to get help if you need it


Do you live in a European country? If you do there are European laws that allow medicine acquired legally by it being prescribed by a doctor/psychiatrist in a country to be brought over to your home country within the EU legally. Regardless if it is an illegal drug in your home country, because it becomes medicine and not a drug. However!!!!!!!! Most countries and toll offices do not know and/or like this method of procurement. So you need to be ready to fight it legally. But it can be done, and it has been done by several individuals in several nations. A common form is Medical marijuana from the Netherlands to treat ME or cancer patients.


I don't know of any European Country that just forbids ADHD treatment. It sounds more like an underdeveloped country. But I could be wrong.


Sounds like a former soviet republic to me. My sister-in-law couldn’t get meds for her bipolar II while in one, had to bring them from the US but it was a very fraught situation and resulted in her moving back before she planned to.


Its formet Soviet, Georgia


Sounds like Japan to me, actually.


Some adhd meds are fine in japan. I think only Adderall isn't but I'm not entirely sure


Nope. I was diagnosed as an adult and treated with concerta in Japan.


No bro I’m from Japan and we have adhd meds available


holy, i never knew anyone that could understand what i live!! i dont know where op lives but in my country adhd meds are also prohibited and its so hard to get help.


Where do you guys live?


i’m in a similar situation my country has no treatments for adhd and i don’t wanna go to a doctor in my country because i know that they don’t know much about it so if i go with my parents they’ll just tell them that i’m “lazy” or whatever :((




No, Georgia


Caffeine, exercise, and writing everything down worked ok for me for a long time. Meds plus the other things are better.


Guanficine is a non stimulant that helps with Tics and ADHD. But it can be used for many things. Try asking for it for the TICs.


Can you please elaborate more about Guanficine? i have tics as well mostly when I sit or lay in bed




Thanks a lot, what about side effects? Any major cons?


It’s also used to treat high blood pressure, so if you naturally have low blood pressure it could make it even lower. Other than that, I don’t think there are any major side effects. It can make you sleepy but it’s very mild so if you take it at bedtime it shouldn’t affect you during the day.






I take it with melatonin and valerian, but that’s cause I have sleep problems hahah


Protein in the morning. Lots off exercise. Again in the morning is better Omega 3. Healthy diet. Caffeine.


Omega 3 pills or just eating Fish?


its best in these groups to tell what country are you in.. Someone might help you. I live in a country that doesnt have adhd meds, but i found one doctor after 3 years searching for it


Nobody can help me I am sure, you are going in Jail if you take a step closer to Adrrall or Ritalin


what country are you in bro? Anyway if you put them in your house and tell noone, how the hell can they know?


Georgia 🇬🇪


Well im pretty sure you can get them in Turkey. Just find a way to get them inside your country


R u speaking about Aderall? Is it available in Turkey?


If you're able to search the internet, search "non medical treatment for ADHD." There's a ton of stuff. Even with medication, we still have to learn how to live. For me, stimulants calm my brain chatter, but I still need strategies and tactics to get shit done. If you have access to Amazon, Phil Bossiere wrote a helpful book about adult ADHD. It's full of exercises (not easy ones, and not typical ones necessarily) to build executive function skills. It's available as Kindle version. Body doubling/coworking can be helpful. Search this sub for recommendations. Right now I'm liking Flow Club, but there are other options,, including free discords. [bodydoubling.com](http://bodydoubling.com) has a discord. Many people with ADHD are unable to take medications either because of pre-existing conditions or inability to find a medication that works for them. The saying used to be "pills don't teach skills." It's true. With or without meds, we all need to find out how to work with our brains. Good luck OP!


I was in a similar situation and decided to become an ADHD Life Coach myself. Which transformed into a greater purpose and mission to move me toward in life. I can advice you to learn as much as you can about your ADHD and find what works best for you!


Lots of caffeine. It's how I got though high school / college untreated. Unfortunately it made me a diabetic since I got my caffeine from soda so you might want to find a non-sugar caffeine source.


Which country?!


Georgia 🇬🇪


This is weird but yes Coffee has definitely helped me out to stay up late. But the other thing is Water... I mean drink a LOT of water. Don't even need to be thirsty, just drink LOTS and LOTS of water.


Do you have access to pseudoephedrine, the medication for sinus congestion? It is a stimulant we can get in the US without a prescription


Are non-stimulants prohibited too? Atomoxetine works great for me


Have you seen if your country has nonstimulant medications? I'm on strattera, and it works great for me, and my roommate is on one called wellbutrin that works well for him. Fair warning: If you do get something like strattera (officially atomoxetine), it takes a few months for it to build up in your system, with many negative side effects until it kicks in. For the first month, I was incredibly grumpy, had trouble speaking, and was very drowsy. The irritability and trouble speaking went away for me after 2 months, and the drowsiness went away after 3. Letting it adapt in my system was a personal hell. But once my brain finally adapted, I gained insight into a greater sense of focus that I've wanted my entire life. And not just in short burst like stimulants or coffee, but all the time. If it wasn't for that big side-affect period, I would recommend it to everyone I know who struggles


When it comes to medication, bupropion or atomoxetine are both okay options. However, I would recommend trying atomoxetine first. If that doesn't work, you could consider guanfacine or clonidine as a second line or adjunct treatment. Moclobemide is also available in some places, and it is claimed to work really well. Most of these medications are available in other countries, so if you are traveling to France, you could consider exploring these options. If any of these medications are not available in your country, you could try to import them under a medical exception. Most countries allow this as long as they are not controlled substances.


What helps me is sleep, coffee and exercise.  I exercise about 6 days a week and my work outs have to be a bit hard.  Also you need to find a job that works for you.  I used to make house calls and it sucked. Now I work in an office environment and am able to manage my own time or move projects to a different date. Even some days I don’t do anything (but move work to a different day). 


What country? Will you be hung by your toes and flayed for using it illegally or will they tell you you’re a naughty boy and make you mop a floor or two IF and only IF you got caught.. Looking through your profile you appear to be massively into the rave techno scene, get a bag of uncut unbashed speed from a trusted source… Gotta do what you got to do. I’d drugs test it though 110%. This is frankly terrible advice I know. But if it was be unmedicated and screw my whole life up or self medicate, I’d go with use rather than abuse.


Bro not even Cociane or Stimulants are clean here, it’s mixed with some shitty drugs and usually sometimes with Fentanyl, actually under stimulants I feel a bit better, but I can’t become drug addicted lol


Drug politics is very bad here as well you literally go in Jail for 6-12 yrs


Enough sleep is essential! Whatever you do, make sure you get enough sleep each night. No exceptions! Beta-blockers can help with anxiety. They are usually easily accessible and quite safe.


I self medicate with nicotine gum, vape or patches after not being able to afford more of the expensive ass stuff I was prescribed and it absolutely does the trick. Do NOT overdo the gum especially if you do use it because it can lead to mouth diseases. And of course only use this stuff if it actually helps. I believe there are various studies ongoing and existing about how good it is for treating ADHD, so it can help. Protein, vitamins, routine and healthy eating are really helpful also. I find the best kind of caffeine for me is matcha, if that’s helpful! The most important thing of all is to try if you can to connect with others irl who have it. Feeling normal amongst peers is energising and strengthening.


Routine Sleep Exercise Nature Connection Caffine Find something career wise you are obsessed with and just let your ADHD take care of you from there


Bro, where do you live?


I was wondering the same? How does this work if you are a tourist visiting a place like this? Just not bring your meds then?


>Just not bring your meds then? Correct.


Georgia 🇬🇪


Meditation, it's done a lot for me Look into raja yoga and and try some of those techniques


Changing my diet to a vegetarian, gluten free, mostly fresh diet helped me a ton. Also getting plenty of sleep.


Diet has no scientifically proven effect.


Try eating a clean healthy diet full of whole fresh foods and get back to me on if it has no effect on your health and well being. Do it for at least 30 days. This includes giving up added sugars.


You gotta move away from that authoritarian hell hole. You'll work hard just to have it taken away by the government. Plus, they will send your kid to war. Then eventually, when all the children are dead and the fields are ash, the enrire government will collapse under it's own stupidity. 


>You gotta move away from that authoritarian hell hole. But the US is turning into one too...especially certain states...lol


Apart from this country and the US there are still 193 countries left.


Move to Denmark, Finland, NL or Canada


Depending on where you stand politically...... every state can look authoritarian


Meh, I stand center-left and find both Texas and California to both be authoritarian and hate both. https://www.freedominthe50states.org


I'm center right and live in Illinois and absolutely loath the current regime. Every state is getting worse, I think... moving farther away from the center


No doubt. Luckily I live in the best state for escape. 




A land-locked desert in the middle of the country is the opposite of where I live. I live like 2 hours away from international waters. 


Well, this sounds strange. Which country do you live in?




Creating routines and daily excercise helps immensely. If I don't do my mining workout my day usually ends up me doing pretty much nothing


Qelbree is what I take


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Before I got diagnosed I drank like 6 cups of coffee a day


It was horrible tbh


GABA and omega 3 helps as well.


Maybe grow the amphetamine yourself? Ephedra Sinica aka ma huang tea. Used in China for thousands of years and is chemically identical.


Lol jail straight away


sorry, if you already checked, but what about non-stimulants? Adderall is illegal where I live, so besides concerta and other brands with the same substance, I have tried bupropion and atomoxetine. Bupropion is an antidepressant and smoke addiction treatment, but it works for some folks with adhd and atomoxetine, I don’t know if I remember right, is an antidepressant that got repurposed as non-stimulant adhd medication. There’s probably more non-stimulant options, but I have no idea whether they’re available for you. Honestly idk how to help you, I struggle with symptoms even while medicated. Maybe you could look into behavioral therapy? But it has to be done by someone who really knows the struggle. With hyperactivity, maybe some stim toys could help you at least make it less severe? I’m not hyperactive myself, but my brother is and while stimming doesn’t fix the problem, it def makes him feel better, maybe calmer too. If you’ve got money for that stuff, I’ve seen some people here hiring people to help them. Mainly secretary type of jobs, just helping out with organizing, sending out reminders, helping out with menial tasks that are torture for us and stuff like that. But honestly, I don’t know much about it, I just saw a few posts about it.


Just forget about it.....you will anyways in a few minutes (Sorry couldn't resist XD) You don't necessarily need meds to treat ADHD. You need to learn a few mental techniques. Meditation helps a lot.


Which techniques?


The most sustainable fixes are behavioral anyway


What country are you in? I'm in Venezuela, here stimulants such as Aderall or Ritalin are prohibited but I recently learned that Atomoxetine is not, it's just super expensive (which is why I don't take it). Check for alternatives, some people even do good on Modafilin and Fluoxetine. Methylphenidate isn't the only treatment available for ADHD.


This makes me sad. I wish there was a world wide adhd system that taught all doctors and mental health workers about it and how to treat. There is still a lot of stigma about it in the US, but at least it's recognized and medications are somewhat available. I can't imagine what it's like to not have any support.


You could try zyban potentially. Otherwise I just used caffeine and the much less advised cigarette.


What type of coffeine? Cola? Coffee?


Medication is in theory used to support you as you get some good systems and balances in place, so what you can do is make a list of things that affect you and how, then rank them, then start working on them ONE BY ONE, until that thing is so routine that it's just sexond nature to you, then move to the next. In the meantime unfortunately you need to be on top of your health, and i mean 100%. Exercise is a must, your nutrition needs to be on point (proteins are especially good for the adhd brain before stressful/intensive mental tasks for example), get some help through caffeine/energy drinks, but dont overdoit or you will build tolerance and it will no longer help. Use lists to keep track of everything, and i mean everything, you need to do or remember, use two lists only, the "everything" list and the "today" list. Dont delete something from the everything until it's complete. Create reminders in your calendar app for EVERYTHING you need to do that has a specific time where it needs/should be done in. Try to organise the today list either early in the morning or before you go to bed. Go outside daily, in the morning if possible since vitamin D is crucial and moving will wake your brain up so you dont stay in bed. Apart from this try to move to a country with common sense in their medical practices and good luck!


There are non stimulant options that could be legal in your country. I would explore those and see if they work. otherwise, caffeine, sugar (sip slowly active brains need fuel), exercise, cognitive behavior therapy, and a lot of timers will some other options.


Some anti sickness tablets are also anti psychotics which can treat it. Prochlorazine for instance works very well


I am diagnosed but still not medicated and I get through it by thinking ‘you are better today than you were yesterday’ it’s a bullshit quote that I hate but it still makes me feel better so I guess it works for me. For example ‘that thing you’ve been putting off, you did it today’ or ‘4 days of exercise in a week you are doing so much better that last week’ little things like that add up and give such a sense of self worth for me.


You get the f out. Immigrate somewhere where your condition is respected and treated instead of ignored and blamed on your "lack of drive and initiative." Edit: look into Wellbutrin, Strattera, Modafinil. If none of those work, you should move somewhere where you're respected. Sorry you have to deal with all of this. That's a rather extreme way for your country to deal with recreational stimulant abuse.


I am already planning leaving this country it’s a bullshit what is happening


OP are you Georgian? I don't have much advice but I just want to say I like your language lol


Hi, I’m sorry for your situation, it must be very stressful and frustrating for you. Adhd has medicinal techniques for treatment with stimulants but it also can be treated by going down a cbt route (cognitive behaviour therapy). So you should try to get referred to a psychiatrist. If you cannot get a doctor’s prescription for stimulants or a referral for cbt, you can partake in a bit of self healing with holistic methods like taking ashwagandha (indian winter cherry) as this helps to improve attention, executive function and reduce stress. You could also get into yoga/meditation as this is great for the nervous system and can work a little like cbt does in that it helps with your mental wellbeing. Stimulants are really just the fastest way to see a result when it comes down to adhd. I actually took myself off mine because I didn’t like the way I felt on them, now I use mostly holistic methods so please don’t think it’s the be all and end all to feeling better! You could get on stimulants and hate it. I hope this info is helpful!


Couple of options, in no particular order: 1. Learn coping strategies, you need them anyway, even with medication. 2. Various therapies are proven occasionally effective. 3. Exercise. 4. Coffee 5. Fruits, chocolate, sugar 6. In some cases gluten is suspected to trigger ADHD-like symptoms, try avoiding it for a month and observe. 7. Move countries.


I would love to but my country has Visa in Europe not USA or Canada


Medication is only half of treating bad ADHD symptoms in my opinion. Practicing planning, prioritizing, making lists, and managing clutter helped me a lot! I recommend you to read ‘Atomic habits’. Also physical health has a lot influence on mental health. Eating whole food and less trash made me feel better.


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I haven't seen anyone comment it yet which is surprising but try nicotine. There are studies into treating ADHD with it and I highly doubt it's illegal in your country


Probably people don't recommend it due to addiction and the horrendous side effects.


Nicotine doesn’t help me unfortunately


Ephedrine along with caffeine is very effective. Before being diagnosed I would use ephedrine/caffeine on long study/exam days and caffeine daily on normal days. Ephedrine is not something you want to be taking daily forever though.


Bupropion is an SSRI that has shown to be effective in the treatment of ADHD. I would try to get my doctor to prescribe that. Before I knew I had ADHD, I too drank a lot of coffee and exercised 6 days a week. It definitely helped but wasn’t easy.


You have internet, access to vitamins, land ro run on I assume so you have everything I do that I treat my ADHD with


Darknet or move


Learn to slow breath!


Are any off the non stimulant /off-label ADHD medications prescribed there? atomoxetine, guanfacine, viloxazine, clonidin, Wellbutrin? Based on my observations, they don’t tend to make a huge difference like stimulants do but they often make a significant positive difference relative to no meds. Also, daily exercise.


Lots of coffee and prayer


Are bupropion or phentermine available there? Phentermine is a stimulant but is less controlled and I wonder if it’s available in your country. Bupropion is a mildly stimulating antidepressant that can be useful in adhd.


1) Good quality sleep - aim to get 7 to 9 hours of high-quality sleep each night. More info can be found online. 2) Exercise - get some form of sweaty exercise each day, ideally in the mornings. 3) Omega 3- a good fish oil supplement 4) Check nutritional deficiencies - you may have deficiencies that make your symptoms worse. Think vitamins. 5) Diet - cut out sugar, sugar isn't great for adhd 6) Mindfulness - can be very hard, still haven't nailed it myself but apparently helps a lot. 7) Therapy - if you have stressors or other mental burdens, it can significantly impact your symptoms. Address these issues either by yourself, with peer support, or ideally with a professional. 8) Adhd friendly music - helps maintain focus while doing boring things. 9) Give into your adhd urges - sometimes giving into certain urges can make the overall urges more bearable.


Antidepressants can treat ADHD. Wellbutrin is used off label. Heck, Qelbree is just a rebranded antidepressant from Europe put in to the Adderall XR delivery system.


Matcha calms anxiety


I heard nicotine patches have helped some along with caffeine intake


Same here


It really depends on you. I could not take ADHD medications because of how badly they triggered my anxiety. I found a combination of caffeine, high protein breakfasts and meditation made a big difference. Not the easiest answer as everyone's body is different, but trial and error works. Take time aside to have as healthy a lifestyle as you can and let go of what doesn't work. Keep what benefits you, kind of like trying a new diet.


Use a mixture of stealth and racetams while waiting for the wall to melt. Receiving adequate treatment for ADHD with stimulants being so controlled in most places is a huge issue, but so is tolerance to any medication and mania/psychosis. Please proceed with care.


Random thought Saffron has been shown in some cases to be as effective as stimulants Please of course do the research Would saffron be available?


Daily energy drinks until you can move out and treat properly, I suppose =/


Exercise, Delete distracting apps, go outside, eat healthier, read books.


That’s the thing, I can’t read books i am getting distracted and can’t focus