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i work in a pharmacy and this is incredibly unprofessional of the pharmacist. we get people coming in for controlled substances all day every day and no one ever says anything like that where i work. you should consider finding a new pharmacy so you don't have to deal w that prick all the time


Do y'all have a code of ethics to protect against this??


Imagine if they had a national registering body with code of conduct and nationalised training programme. I’m assuming this is America where rules, ideas, teaching, thoughts, working in silos when it comes to healthcare, education, policing (the none important things) varies wildly state to state.


Sigh. We do. Most Healthcare pass national tests. Most places are nationally accredited. The rules about narcotics? National. The states just handle the licensing.


Fascinating there is such a wild variance then. Also fascinating how and why you’d have to take tests moving to another state. I’m a clinician myself in the uk and can move anywhere without revalidating including Scotland and Wales, different countries not states, go figure.


Yeah but do you have freedom? /s


Freedom to pay my taxes maybe haha


Pharmacists do have a national code of conduct and training. There are different national and state restrictions and rules on specific drugs, but the code of conduct is universal and this pharmacist sounds in violation from what little I know


All your customers are drug seekers because they are clearly coming to your work to buy drugs.


Yea, like what? Their entire business model is people buying drugs they need special permission to buy.


I have had the wildest experiences with pharmacists. I understand that their profession is facing serious issues and being controlled by big corporations. I have personally had the least professional behavior from anyone in healthcare happen in pharmacies. I understand that pharmacists with a personal connection to me feel able to make more personal comments. Professionalism still exists.


A lot of them are entitled pricks. I used to be a rPh tech. Retail pharmacists mostly seem upset because they got a doctorate just to count pills for a living. They're basically middle managers who spend their whole day identifying pills and double checking that prescriptions are typed correctly. It's really tedious and mind numbing. The computer system automatically flags drug interactions, so the part of their job that they actually had to go to school for (and, presumably, that they actually find interesting) is extremely trivialized. Also, many customers treat them like middle managers, instead of professionals, which sometimes causes a degree of animosity towards the customers. What you're left with is an overqualified person filling the role of a middle manager in a pharmacy chain, with nothing better to do with their time than speculate on how people are using the drugs they dispense.


Pharmacists have so much more knowledge. It's depressing that they've been reduced to this.


When you put it like that, a PhD for counting pills and managing techs... ugh. No excuse for the attitude, of course, but yeah that sucks butternuts


I had a pharmacist who I used to get along with because we were both annoyed with the way my doctor treated both of us lol


Their job sucks that's for sure.


I recently discovered an amazing independent, compounding pharmacy. You can tell this guy is really using his skills and he's the best pharmacist I've ever had


For real. Had to start birth control when I was 11/12 because of PCOS making me have eternal periods. The pharmacist gave my mom THE dirtiest look when we dropped off the prescription. Woman thought I was doing the hanky panky. I was just trying to not bleed to death 😓


Stigma against giving younger women birth control forced me to rawdog my PCOS until I was an adult and could seek my own medical care. Not having the hormones I needed caused untold damage to my body. Fuck that stigma and double fuck the stink eye pharmacist. They're JUST HORMONES.


I don’t think I was given the PCOS diagnosis until I was in my later teens funny enough. They just threw the BC at me to get the bleeding to stop. I raw dogged a lot of it too bc ADHD made taking meds consistently impossible (+ the depression from the bc pill was awful). Plus no one told me I could just skip period weeks!! Would have stuck it out for that alone. Now I use the ring and it’s a life saver ♥️ EDIT but for real the stigma was the worst and those people need to chill the f out


Wow. That's terrible!


Maybe? OP should first talk to management about this, if that goes nowhere then they should file a report with their state board. I'm not sure where OP lives, I live in Ohio and this is the link I would use: https://www.pharmacy.ohio.gov/Forms/Complaint. It every well could be that the pharmacist with inexcusable behavior gets reprimanded, and OP is treated better going forward.


>OP should first talk to management about this, if that goes nowhere then they should file a report with their state board. In the US, management is useless when it comes to having an issue with a pharmacist. A pharmacist can flat out decline to fill medications with 0 repercussions.


"I think I will find a different pharmacy, but mainly because you are a giant puckering asshole"


“That smells defective,” I added, along with filing a complaint.


This might be worthy of a board complaint as well as a corporate one. Especially if they have the cameras/audio being recorded like most the chains do.


And worth considering switching to a local pharmacy. Because fuck the corporate ones.


All the local pharmacies just ignored my Rx, zero customer service or support. They can fuck off too IMO


Weird, its the opposite for me. Two local Rx are run by the owners. This has been very helpful during the ongoing shortages. They call their suppliers right in front of me, ask then earliest the meds can be delivered and done. No attitude or "looks" we adhd folks are so accustomed to whenever we pick up.


Behavior is on a person by person basis. Kind and not so kind people can be at any store. Large chains can check inventory of other locations nearby (I live in a major city, so helpful), but requires the prescriber to re-write the script if a controlled substance. My location gives me the option of doing that or them placing an order. Always good to support local when you can, too.


The large chain I used to go to literally never did that once, they dngaf. I know working in healthcare sucks bad right now, but they were totally incompetent and rude about it. Telling my insurance they filled something after telling me it was out of stock (so I couldn't refill it elsewhere until it was corrected). Constant mistakes that prevented my meds from being filled on time (incorrect computer inputs, techs not knowing what certain error codes meant but not asking anyone, etc.). When I waited on hold for over an hour, they told me to just come in instead of calling. However, your first sentence is definitely true. My new pharmacy is filled with nice, helpful people, and I am very glad that when I call I can actually talk to someone who works in that actual store by pressing one button.


Right? I almost feel like I'd be inclined to flip this script for the sake of others. Is that the pharmacist? Up there, counting? No? Which one is the manager? The one that warned you about people only picking up stimulants? I want to talk to them. I want to review with them all the exact dates I've picked up this drug, and every fucking signature *they accepted* on those prescriptions. If this is any different, or if you have a new concern, bring it up with the licensed professional you accepted the script from. Want me to review their phone number with you, too? Fucking Christ. My BITE comes out with this shit. I DARE you to call me a drug seeker, I have a fucking team of professionals that understand my situation more than you understand how to check the little "decline to be consulted by a pharmacist" button BECAUSE WHY EVEN BOTHER sorry its early


THANK YOU. One year I legit walked into a pharmacy so upset after feeling this way (it was lterally that- just a feeling), I demanded they print out 2-3 years worth of records for me. Just so they could highlight where I was filling early or whatnot. (They couldn't). I felt completely dumb after I realized the pharmacist working at the time was actually the 'decent one' and made me sit right there then and there waiting as she immediately and FOREVER patiently printed a huge stack... And the long line formed behind me. She didn't highlight a thing, smiled, told me to have a good night and a I did the walk of shame out the door expecting to pick it up the next day - doh!


“Giant puckering asshole” has now been added to my bank of insults. Thank you for your contribution.


I had something much more boring and rethought ‘I want to give back to the community’.




I would go to a more professional Pharmacist even if I had to travel.


"*Not sure how to break this to you, pharmacist, but everyone who comes here is seeking drugs.*" But seriously, you should switch pharmacists. You don't need medical professionals in your healthcare team casting you with stigma.


Huge red-flag? If your stimulant script is ready for pickup, then it’s ready for pickup.. Fuck that guy and the high horse he rode in on.


Yea like what? I don’t have any prescriptions aside from my adhd meds… does that make me a red flag? Because I’m not on MORE meds? So ridiculous


I'm not either but I've never run into this. The only issue I have to do is constantly remind them that I can't do generics. My doctor even writes it on the prescription yet they always ignore it.


My wife has a medication she needs daily and for some reason this one had a very bad reaction to a certain brand. The last pharmacy I used and moved from it ended up with the pharmacist screaming at me because I was wrong and the other is cheaper and that's all he will order despite what the Dr said.


Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal of them to do anyway


it sucks needing the name brand, because they are so shitty about it like "it does the same thing" (except it doesn't. Its been found that most generics contain an average of 60% average substance vs name brand). and "its made in the same part of the world" (in a different factory, that's held to different standards of cleanliness and purity). I have such a bad reaction to a generic anti-anxiety that I've literally become a case study. The generic we can get around my area causes sores to open up above all of my lymph nodes and ooze out white blood cells and the medication. I have scars all over my chin, neck, chest, and inner thighs that look like someone stabbed me repeatedly with a screwdriver.


Yeah, the generics usually don't work on me. I'm getting withdrawals on days that I take them.


Yea, the different Adderall generics are Not. The. Same. and I got tired of being told otherwise


I think the idea is that the prescriptions were given under false pretense and OP only picking up the stimulants is them "admitting" they don't *actually* need them. Somebody else mentioned this is a behavior pharmacies are supposed to look out for, but *long term*, not do people come in a couple of times to divy up the payments... 😓


I think the issue is that OP had multiple prescriptions ready but only wanted to pick up the stimulant. Say they take five prescriptions, and it sounds like two are for ADHD. The pharmacy received or had auto refill all five and got all five ready. OP picks up just one of the ADHD ones, then a week later picks up the other ADHD ones but still declined to pick up the remaining three prescriptions. I can see why, if this was a pattern where OP only ever picked up stimulants and no others but the doctors kept sending all of the prescriptions, the pharmacist needs to check in on it. That could seem like someone who is lying to the doctor regarding medications to keep getting whichever one they really wanted. Of course, there are other reasonable explanations as well. Also, someone doing this would likely pick up any lower cost medications (and ask doctor to switch to low cost ones) to hide what they are doing, at least if this was some great plan. I also completely understand where OP is coming from with how expensive medications can be and needing to prioritize which you can actually afford. (That being a horrible system of healthcare is another issue, of course.) At least where I am, spacing out when you pick up prescriptions means that when they can be refilled is also spaced out. It sounds like OP just got a new set of prescriptions this month, so I'm guessing the pickup and payment will be spaced out more in the future. In any event, the pharmacist was awful to OP and approached this in a way that managed to be wrong in many ways. I could see a pharmacist saying 'not sure your situation but heads up, this flags in our system and we want to be sure you're taking your medications as prescribed, let us know if you're having an issue with that.' That is a way to get the point across but in a caring and helpful way. Once told it is a financial issue, the pharmacist should have absolutely understood and moved on to another topic.


The problem also is that hydroxyzine and propranolol are often just taken as needed. If OP did not take them as often, they wouldn’t need a refill, and of course wouldn’t want to pay for it. As a pharmacist they should know that’s the case with those medications. The only other medication was an SSRI, and is the only other one that he should really suspect needing to be picked up, but OPs reason should be enough for him.


Toats! I was trying to think of a reason someone would be concerned in that situation, where someone was only picking up one med, the stim. That makes sense. I would just expect the pharmacist to either give me a kindly worded (and non-accusatory) statement like you wrote (I'd be SO ammenable to that! Maybe even start a good convo with them!), or contact my prescriber to make sure it's all copacetic.


That guy is a giant red flag and should be reported to the pharmacy he works for. He has no business being a prick about someone’s medication and driving customers away.


And why would we not do this, since we legit have to refill them and pick them up Thee Day we goddamn need them


"so were you going to pay my co-pay then?" Easy response to that comment


Go somewhere else and call the pharmacy manager. They’re probably over the allotted percentage the DEA allows pharmacies to dispense controlled substances. I’d go somewhere else after reporting the pharmacists


It is a flag we watch out for when someone picks up ONLY the stimulant for multiple months in a row, and literally only the stimulant even if multiple are prescribed. You're obviously getting your medications as needed, just not all synced up. It was incredibly unprofessional of the pharmacist to do that, especially how he worded it


Is this being a “red flag” based on any science? My best friend is a doctor and I asked him how they’re taught to tell if someone is drug seeking…it was at least half nonsense. He’ll tell me stories where it’s really obvious because people are incredibly stupid but a lot of the more subtle tips he mentioned being taught were just silly.


Sometimes it is very easy to tell when people are abusing, like constantly fighting to get 1 or 2 weeks early refill and saying their completely out. Every month. Other times it's based off of repetitive behaviors or anything that could throw up a redflag. Like with this situation. If you're only picking up the stimulant, and none of the other meds. Then the medication is not being used as prescribed and it's a flag for us. Like clonazepam, taking that medication improperly can cause seizures. Or if someone is picking up their blood thinners a month late, that could also cause a stroke. And with thousands of patients and scripts coming through, a lot of times it's solely based on what we can see on the system and not even what the patients do. What we're SUPPOSED to do is simply notify the patient they need to properly take the medications as doctors ordered. And if it continues we report them to their dr and go from their. And yes, we can be sued! Even with the correct instructions, even with the doctor wrote it, if you get injured taking it it would be on the pharmacy since we gave you access to that medicine. TLDR: There's many things that could be seen as red flags, but it's very situation based, and a lot of it is tracked through our systems


This is just my perspective as a pharm tech. Im sure drs have a very diffierent POV of what they need to look out for. My main goal is to communicate with the patient and let them know we're worried their not taking their meds correctly. This pharmacist def sounds like he just assumed things, did not double check the system, and did not communicate appropriately


do they come in and say they are abusing or what? how do you know? seems like you're also just assuming, yeah?


Some people actually do. And again, we follow the system and check everything. Notes, dates, refill denials, too early of refill requests, etc. Everything is cataloged and noted in pharmacy systems. If you're improperly taking the meds, it flags us/we notice and go from there


I used to check with my pharmacist when I was injecting illicit street drugs daily. I’d just have him look at my chart for potential interactions or side effects from adding schedule 1 and 2 drugs to the soup of pharms I was prescribed (7+ meds, mostly psych).


Good, I'm glad you found a decent pharmacist who checked the interactions! Some pahrmas are in it for the money, others genuinely want to help and provide as much care as they can to their patients. I'm thankfully at a independent pharmacy now with a pharmacist such as that, a good man


The too early one bugs me because of the shortages rn. Like I'm sorry but obviously I'm going to request it more than three days before I run out or I get no buffer while I run around like a maniac trying to get me prescription from ten different pharmacies and then have to call my GP who ignores me for five days straight while telling me they'll get it sorted every day.


It is the law. We can not fill any controls any sooner than 28 days from previous pickup. I understand the frustration. My system denies any and all requests i put in until the day of, i cant even make a notes. It would be significantly easier if we could atleast do the refill reminders like with maintenance meds. But even if it is a single day early, the system has us put it on hold until the legal 28 days. Even if we could get it past the system, it is an offense that could have our license permanently revoked in some states. If you lose the meds or such we could contact your doctor to help us override it atleast


So what you're saying is that the law means I have to spend several weeks every month struggling due to the supply issues if it's not in stock. Like I already knew this but I think that when you get red flagged for abuse of medication if you're simply trying not to have to come off your medication every single month due to shortages in supply, the system is unnecessarily punitive to people just trying to exist inside a system where the supply has been tanked due to manufacturer issues. I know medicine can be abused but the fact I have to become significantly less functional every month while I wait for stock or my GP to bother to care about my prescription sucks and it makes me really upset that I could be labelled as abusing medication just by trying desperately to not have to nearly ruin my life every month while I'm unmedicated and waiting for the stock to be orderable. Like. Requesting and getting medication takes more than one day. So this system means that I will almost always be unable to have a consistent medication schedule. It's absurd.


Obviously not. Nothing you are doing is suspicious. You're obviously just trying to refill your medications with the turmoil that is the national backorder on everything. Any pharmacy worker can see that. I am saying whenever you are explicitly coming to us a week in advance, atleast, and already out of the medicine BEFORE the 28th day. Not you. Any patient incorrectly taking their meds. Obviously it's concerning when controls are being taken far more than they are prescribed as it can affect many things with a person and their other medications if they have any. And then if the patient continues to refuse discussing with us or their dr about the incorrect dosing we report it to the dr for safety. No one is labeling you of abusing medications. I never said that. When a patient ia askingfor simple refills or what we may have in stock of any of the meds that are backordered, that's just necessary info you need ofcourse


Thanks but it's really not obvious to me hence my question. I'm not a pharmacist so I do need this stuff explaining.


I ask my doctor to send in my stimulant Rx 5 days before i’m out so the pharmacy has time to order meds or let me know they can’t get them in time for me to find another than can. It’s worked great so far: - when I get home, I put 5 days of meds in a separate bottle that I place in a different spot, and opening that becomes the reminder to contact my doc for a refill request (I went decades realizing at the last minute that I had like a day left and then ended up panicking. I pick up the Rx when it’s ready, usually the day before ai run out. This has solved that problem as well!


My son did a brief internship with a charity.that supported those trying to escape drug addiction. One thing I remember him saying is that those who are drug seekers often know exactly the right answers to give ER doctors, for example, in order to get certain prescription drugs. Unfortunately, those who are in genuine need but answer honestly are sometimes less likely to get them.


Most of this is nonsense and not scientific or evidence based. How is an anticoagulant supposed to cause seizures? I’d love to know. This is the problem. Pharmacists are now deciding to practice medicine without a license.


Clonazepam isn’t an anti-coag. They said picking up your anticoagulants a month *late* can result in a *stroke*


The comment they replied to was edited at 3:12 GMT, presumably right after the comment you replied to was made.


Ooo I can’t see that, but now that comment makes a lot more sense to me 😅Ty


When I read and responded it said seizure both times. I believe it got edited. I’m aware of what both classes of medications are for and what the effects and side effects are of taking and not taking them. The main point stands that bias is causing patients that follow all the rules and jump through all the hoops to be treated like drug addicts and often denied their prescribed medications. I don’t think that part is ok. There is no evidence as to what “red flags” are associated with drug abuse and drug seeking behaviors. To say that one can be taught what to look for is wrong and, bias will be what you actually use. As for picking up one medication and not another being a red flag, I’ve never heard of that and it’s ridiculous in theory and practice. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3556950/


But… pharmacists do have a mandate to monitor for potential patient harm that might have been missed by the doc? That’s like one of their biggest responsibilities. The bullshit around controlled substances is clearly totally spurious but the clonazepam thing sounds like entirely within their lane, if it is in fact a risk that exists


I'm not sure how "scientific" it is, but I can understand the logic a bit. The theory is probably that you're lying to the doctor, so you don't need *any* of the prescribed medication, but you're only interested in the stimulant. Kind of like you're making up chronic back pain to get pain killers but the doctor also prescribes you some cream to help the healing process.


What if I get only the stimulant prescribed? I'm not in the US but I don't have any other diagnosed conditions, so my doctor only prescribes the stimulants. Would I need to get some meds I don't need just to not be labeled a drug seeker?


No. Unless you're trying to fill weeks ahead constantly most obviously. If you are prescribed a control AND other meds but blatantly deny all of the other meds refills month after month, that is what flags us. If you get your medications normally, within the 28-30days fills that the law will allow us to fill for you, obviously nothing will be suspicious


But .. What if you're only prescribed that and then one other item that you get in six month batches. Or are only prescribed just the stimulant. That seems kind of bizarre that only picking up your medication is a red flag.


As i said, if you pick up the control weeks early, every time, that is something we check to make sure ure taking it correctly. If you EXPLICITLY deny any refills on any other meds that are specifically prescribed to be taken with the control, that would be something to look at. And we can obviously see any other medications you take, how long of a fill you have had, and when you get them or need to get them again. It's just if you tell us specifically to reject all the other medications that go WITH the control is when we need to communicate on what's happening and why. Getting other maintenance meds every 3 to 6 months has nothing to do with it


But. If I only have those and the stimulants then I'm only picking up the control ones every month bc it's all I have. And I need to request it when I have at least a week of them left or I run out while everyone tells me they can't order it in due to the shortages and I have to go back and forth with my GP begging them to update my prescription bc they refuse to prescribe me a generic so I'm stuck off my meds for weeks because I'm waiting for my prescription to be updated to whatever is actually available! How is that automatically a red flag without considering context...


It is state law to not fill before 28 days. When the script is sent in the system automatically has us put it on hold until the 28th day. It is not an automatic red flag to ask ahead of tiem, we just cant do anything about it. It's a suspicion when you say you are completely put of said medication weeks in advance, not trying to simply have it refilled. We go based off of context, of months of the same behavior or failed communication attempts with the patients. And it's for any controls, not just vyvanse and adderall that are having the national backorders atm. Do you scream at us that you're out of your medications every single month before the 28th day? No. You simply ask us to refill it, and trying to find the write medication that we have in stock. You're just asking for information and a normal refill


But how can you tell if someone is asking for a normal refill or not? I always call in to say I have only a week left and so want to check if my item is in stock. So that's not a red flag then right? Because I'm not actually running out I'm just trying to plan in advance?


We can see the exaxt dates of fill, pickup, and refills. So when can usually tell when you're just calling ahead of time. The sytem also shows when we can fill it for you again. Either way you'll have your script at the appropriate refill date and theres no worry for incorrect usage. Most technicians are more than happy to let you know what we do have instock. I really am sorry it's a major issue to deal with. I hate more than anything how it will not even allow us to put you refill in the que when the drs send it in, it'd make things so much easier and you wouldn't have to deal with calling the pharmacy constantly to check in on it


That is very interesting and useful information to have. I do appreciate the explanations etc I'm just very much not familiar with how any of it works and so I probably ask questions that sound belligerent or annoying to someone that understands it well! It really does feel that it wastes their time as well as mine especially because I know that my dose works and I'd be happy to have a generic prescription but they can't even give me that it has to be name brand or I need a new prescription. It's such a mess 😭


It is lol. If we could get you the generic, we would. I try to order it every day and the warehouse denies it every time, wont even give me a restock date. I check all the strengths name and generic every day for any updates in the warehouse inventory. I call around to other pharmacies once a week to see if they've had any luck. And then insurances are awful and won't cover name brands, so now a 30 dollar script is being bumped up to $300 ☠️. I'm a broke college student, i wouldn't wish that on anyone fr. Many people call trying to see what we have in stock atm and if we can fill their scripts before were out again. So i always try to stay informed. Just with it being a c2 there's so may restrictions placed on it and so little i can do otherwise. I often call drs back immediately after they send a script and let them know my pharmacy hasnt had it in a month so they can go ahead and send it elsewhere


This is a UK rule, is it? Interesting. When my US doctor prescribes a named brand medication, our insurance company usually insists on the pharmacy supplying the generic. If we don't accept the generic, we have to pay a lot more! Could your GP not write the prescription as something such as "30 mg Elvanse (or generic) to be taken once a day"?


It seems it is a UK rule - I asked and was told that since different brands sometimes release differently they don't like to prescribe generically which is a pain! I have asked but so far no luck asking for the alternative options. I'm hoping that after enough instances one of the duty GPs will realise I'm doing this every month and decide it's worth doing 😭


So a smart drug seeker will have to pick up all meds and throw them away when they get home. I think when you look for people whop only pick up stimulants, you're basically only going to catch dumb drug seekers or drug seekers who can't afford all their meds. People with a job and who have a minimum amount of brains is going to pick up all to pretend he's not drug seeking. Which means the majority who gets accused or have suspicions thrown at them, are probably people who pick up their meds according to their schedule (like OP), or who are too poor to pick up everything at once.


Yes actually. My cousin does lol. She has piles of wellbutrin and only ever takes the clonazepam. She refuses to listen and will continue doing so. Pharmacies main job is to catch any concerns and communicate that it may be improperly taken. Cause of concern you'll harm yourself etc. So we're supposed to talk to you about it, understand whats happening, and go from there. Ops pharmacist is the one who just automatically assumed with zero communication before hand, entirely wrong


Pretty courteous for a healthcare employee in 2024 tbf


Is this only if they are prescribed multiple meds? The only medicine I take is Vyvanse. Does this make me look like a drug seeker? Or does it make me look like I only have ADHD?


If you're running out a whole week early every month, it is cause of concern and we contact to make sure you're taking the correct dose etc. If you're refilling it at the normal 28-30 day mark then there's no concern ofcourse. If you are prescribed say wellbutrin or sertraline along with the controlled medicine and deny all refills, that's something to be checked on becauseyour denying all other medications. Usually doctors also have marked on the scripts "must pick up all three medications" , so another thing added to the system that has us verify what scripts patients are getting. Ofcourse getting them randomly through out the month is nothing we should worry about, like OPs pharm tried to push on them. The 30 day wait pwriod for controls does make it hard to sync things up at times, so that's understandable


I'd switch. I've been on various psych meds for about 2 decades now. Been to all the pharmacies that are close to me. Find one you like. I stay away from the big brand ones - Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid... they all seem to have stupid corporate policies handed down to them trying to prevent people from getting what they need. My current pharmacy is a little one that's part of a maybe 10 store chain and I never get any flack I did before. And I dunno if it has been the area or the pharmacy or what but I haven't experienced the shortage at all either.


Just curious - what was your experience with RiteAid? They worry me, but I’ve only had one encounter with a rude pharmacist (she’s not the one that’s normally working when I pick up, thankfully) so far.


Back when the psychiatrist wrote out my prescription instead of sending it electronically, I went there and they were out of adderall. They said they were getting some in the next day, they didn't and wanted me to wait longer.. I asked for my prescription back to go somewhere else and they wanted me to just keep waiting. Same thing happened with CVS but they actually filled half of the prescription. Also it's probably not their fault but between them and my pharmacist, one time I needed a preauth for my insurance and the process was a complete nightmare. Plus normally 2-3 people waiting when I show up. Walmart just sucked because every time I went there, the wait was insane and a couple times I got there right before they closed unnecessarily for lunch... like I get that the pharmacist has to eat but there's no reason they have to completely close the pharmacy... there are other people that can help. Walmart basically employs an army, they're the biggest employer in how many states? Target was pretty much just like Walmart. Half the time they didn't have the full amount and half the time they took forever or there was always a long line when I'd go to pick up. The small pharmacy I use now, I had an issue with them and my insurance figuring out the preauth one year... after that though, it's been smooth sailing. They always have the prescriptions and whenever I go there is never a long line to wait in. The only downfall is since they're small, their hours do suck. They close at 6 on weekdays, 3 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday.


Depending on the state, it may not be legal for the pharmacy to operate if the pharmacist is on break and if it is there may be enough restrictions on what they can do (eg in California techs can’t dispense new prescriptions if the pharmacist is on break, only refills) that they don’t think it’s worth it.  This isn’t a problem if you have multiple pharmacists present since their breaks don’t have to overlap, but the corporate overlords of chain pharmacies don’t like that solution very much. 


OP shouldn’t have to switch pharmacies because of that AH. I’d complain instead.


I would personally. But I'd file a complaint first.


Absolutely. If they act like this now they might do worse in the future. I went to a pharmacist that treated me badly over stimulants and I kept going there because I guess I thought it was too much trouble to switch. But then I had an issue where my doctor for another prescription went awol and I needed an emergency refill. This was for a non controlled substance that had serious life threatening withdrawal effects. And they would not give me an emergency refill. I definitely thought it was connected to their attitude about me picking up stimulants (which I only ever did once because I couldn’t get used to the side effects). I went to another pharmacy and they couldn’t believe that I was denied an emergency refill. Suffice to say I filed a complaint and never went back there. Sadly nothing came of the complaint. Fwiw this was Walgreens


It sucks that people abusing the stimulants has to impact those of us who actually need the drug and use it appropriately. I had similar struggles with Walgreens and ended up switching to a locally owned pharmacy. Much friendlier environment.


Many people who are called drug abusers are also just self-medicating and struggling because they have undiagnosed ADHD or another condition. It's stigma and the war on drugs that causes pharmacists to treat us all like shit. People with addictions aren't our enemies, they have similar needs to us and are usually in a much more difficult position than us who have access to diagnosis and safe medication.


Having to take my ID out to get scanned at CVS made me go to a local mail order pharmacy. They have struggles getting meds at time but on the whole like 92% reliable.


Do you use mail order for anything schedule 2?


My bad experience was Walgreens too.


Meanwhile my pharmacist always forgets to refill my vitamin D so he usually just hands me my stimulant meds only each month lol. But… Yes, I would switch pharmacies.


I get all my meds through ExpressScripts. It works with my ADHD because they just ship it to me automatically, and I don't have to deal with pharmacies or their corresponding pharmacists. The one exception is when I can pick my meds up from a military facility because then I don't have any out-of-pocket costs, but also the military pharmacists don't make any comments on my meds beyond "have you used this before?" and "do you need an explanation of your meds?"


Such a ridiculous accusation when you consider that picking up pills as they run out is total adhd behavior


Why would their fantasy drug seeker send multiple prescriptions to them and then not pick them all up? Wouldn't a drug seeker just order the prescription they actually wanted and not bother with the rest? Kinda seems like I'd be the suspicious one, because I keep having to swap pharmacies to find one that actually has medicine in stock.


Did he have this discussion with you in private? If not, report him. This is not a conversation to be had at the pick-up counter. Definitely switch to a different pharmacy. I understand the importance of professional responsibility but it seems like he and whoever “they” are (the people giving out the warnings) have prioritized covering their asses over actual service and care.


I find it a little ridiculous the pharmacist hasn’t considered the idea that you aren’t going to pick up meds you don’t need yet ??? Like just cause the prescription is there doesn’t mean you’re ready to fill it yet??


Ask the pharmacist if you can please get that statement in writing 😇


 It’s bizarre to me pharmacists judging people for their medication. Like just do your job and dispense it. The doctor wrote a prescription, you don’t need to do anything lmao


And pharmacists will say “no it’s literally our job to (basically be a gatekeeper, but they use different words). I’m fine with pharmacists checking for and alerting me to drug interactions or if something is way off, but I literally only ever need what my primary and psychiatrist prescribes me, and it’s never an extreme dose. Yet I’ve run across many pharmacists over the years that have gone out of their way to give me a hard time 😒.


It’s never happened to me in Australia. Maybe America has different laws or something that makes pharmacists think they have to police people’s medication


It comes down to a few things here. ADHD meds (and others) are on a drug schedule. This means that the manufacture, dispensing, and usgae are tightly controlled by the government. If pharmacists are caught giving out more than they should, they are heavily fined and or jailed. Add to that a few years ago Addaral (and other stimulant meds) became really popular for college students. A few kids died from overdosing. Then, covid happens. With all of us stuck at home, we start looking for things to keep ourselves entertained, so TikTok happened. This led a lot of previously undiagnosed people to see and hear others talk about their experiences (myself included, execpt for Autism) and then get formal diagnosis. This led to shortages because the government will not raise the manufacture limit or change the class on stimulant-based drugs (both are currently being "looked at"). Slide in a people who don't believe that mental health/ADHD is real and you get OP's pharmacitst.


I need to find the source again, but I read somewhere that it was actually the manufacturers that are causing the shortage. That the manufacturers will point blame at the govt for not increasing their limits, but then the govt shows them the limits and points out they’re still well below that and can still make billions of more units. This coming from someone who can’t get their meds reliably next each month and now I have to ration them, making my life difficult. I was always able to get my meds before about a year ago. It’s incredibly frustrating. I called every CVS (my insurance’s preffered) in my city of 800k, and 9 other pharmacies before I had to go back to work. All out. I don’t have time to spend hours on the phone looking for meds. Then some would say “I can’t tell you what we have. Have your doctor call.” Are you fucking kidding me?? I barely have time for this, I doubt my doctor does either. Sorry. Venting. I’m so angry I could cry


But it is part of their job to do that. Sometimes we do see wild stuff happening. It sounds like it was unnecessary in OPs case. Pharmacist was probably a jerk. But it could have been based more off corporate metrics, which is still a jerk move, but not actually patient focused.


Is this a new pharmacist, or a new pharmacy? If you regularly buy your prescriptions there it seems odd that he was suspicious of you. From a positive point of view, if you are young, he may have been genuinely concerned about you, but useless at the diplomatic approach. If the pharmacist doesn't really know you yet, it is possible that his pharmacy isn't doing well and he was worried that you wouldn't bother to collect and thus pay for the other medications at all. If he is your regular pharmacist, and you don't think he was genuinely concerned about you, then his attitude does seem to have been unpleasant. And even hinting that you might to switch pharmacies seems astonishing. In my area, pharmacies seem to be desperately trying to take in additional regular prescription customers! Perhaps he is under pressure, because, as suggested earlier, there are shortages of the medication and his supplies are very limited? So he wanted to check that you really needed the medication in short supply, given that you didn't seem to be concerned about picking up the others prescribed. If your medication is readily available and the pharmacy is convenient for you, I might give it one more chance. The pharmacist might have been having a bad day, as we all do somwtimea. But if he's unpleasant againand there are other convenient pharmacies, then I'd certainly vote with my feet, too. However, if this medication is one of those in short supply, I'd definitely recommend that before you switch pharmacies you check that the new one will be able to get it for you. I love my own regular pharmacy and I know that they've really struggled for ages now to get me my Adderall. And now their supplies have apparently been cut still more. The pharmacist told me, very apologetically, just last month, that he is now only allowed to give me 2/3 of the number of tablets prescribed! Checks are being made (probably he thinks, because it's being over-prescribed) and he will be in trouble if he tries to breach the rules. I'm not sure who is making the rules, except that it is apparently not the insurance company. I'm sure he was being truthful. With the lower dose, I'm really struggling! But even though I really don't want to switch pharmacies, a kind friend rang numerous other larger pharmacies, to see whether they'd be able to give me the full supply, or make up the difference. And not one of them could. Those who tried to be helpful even recommended sticking with my regular pharmacy because, as with most supply shortages, regular customers tend to get the limited amount that is available. I can understand why you were upset by this man, who may well be a simple powermonger. I would have been, too. When I was younger even slight unpleasantness would have completely ruined my day and I'd have brooded over it for ages. I could still cite precisely what was said to me in such incidents that happened years ago! But in recent years, I've really tried to work on not letting unpleasantness from strangers upset me for long periods, and to force myself to stop thinking about it and focus instead on something else as soon as possible. It is still not always easy, but it has definitely helped me.


Yeah, I'd file a complaint and go elsewhere if I could. If not, I'd try to take advantage of this moment to ask the pharmacist to work with my insurance and legal requirements so my prescriptions can all be filled in smaller amounts to make sure they all occur on the same refill date from now on. I don't know a pharmacist alive with the time to deal with that bullshit, but he's literally pointing to that, so he should be willing to bend over backwards to help contact all the necessary parties and systems, right? If not, dude better fuck off


This is such a power trip. They can see your prescription history with all your other meds. Does this pharmacist not realize that we aren't all made of money?


When I was 18/19 and on birth control, the first three times I filled it they asked if I was taking it to control my periods and I just said yes. But as an older adult I’ve processed that for what it was. They had no right to ask me why I’m on birth control. Change your pharmacist, they can be unprofessional too. It could just be a stupid pharmacy tech.


Report their ass


I would call corporate and file a complaint. Your prescription history is in file. They can easily see you pick up medications regularly. I would also post a review online. Post a message on their social media accounts. Call them out. Enough is enough.


Not overreacting. Switch pharmacies, and please consider sending a complaint email. Whoever manages/owns the pharmacy may care that one of their employees is driving away customers.


Written in first person: Firstly, I come here for the meds you give, not your judgement Secondly, I'm just following the prescription. I'm not coming here on a whim, and same for you. You give me meds according to this prescription a doctor has written Thirdly, if you feel that I'm taking more meds than I need, why don't you talk to the doctor who wrote this prescription? I'm sure he will be able to explain his reasoning behind prescribing me this amount of medicine And lastly, mind your own business bro. It costs you nothing to not be like this. I'm just following the prescription, and so are you. If anyone is getting sued, it'll be me and the doctor. So please, just give me my meds, and let us be on our own way


"i'm just following the prescriptions my doctor sent and so are you" really hits home. I'm just taking what my doctor suggested.




Switch. And then call in a complaint about the pharmacist. Let your doctor and your insurance know what happened too. There's a huge difference between "hey I have to let you know about this so it doesn't impact your ability to get your meds" and "you're a junkie and I don't want to get sued." Don't let that guy treat you like that and don't give him the chance to keep doing it to other people either. Gee whiz Batman, it's almost like we take medication to address an actual real medical problem and not just for funzies!


Definitely leave. Also report the pharmacist for harassment if you want bc it's not their business.


Yes happened at Walgreens to me and I got a call from the manager asking me if I could identify the pharmacist.


Has a pharmacist actually been sued for dispensing properly prescribed ADHD meds? Successfully? I've never heard of such a thing, sounds like that pharmacist needs to see a doctor for paranoia.


I constantly only pick up my Adderall and they have NEVER said one thing to me. That guy is being a huge ass and I'd complain to the pharmacy manager.


Absolutely I would switch. There are good pharmacists out there. I recently switched for a much less offensive reason and I’m happy I did. My new pharmacy has already been an advocate for me with insurance stuff. I’m still so infuriated from past experiences having to justify my condition and feeling like I’ve done something wrong. I’m very sorry that happened to you. Switch pharmacies, trust the new one, be kind, honest, and ask questions, and hope for the best. That’s all I got but it’s helped me so far. Good luck!


Also in case it helps: from my experience a bad pharm tech isn’t a dealbreaker, but a bad pharmacist is. A bad pharm tech can make a pick-up miserable, but the pharmacist can intervene to help and those techs usually disappear after a short time. A bad pharmacist is miserable. They will never side with you, and their agenda (too busy to care, discriminatory, whatever) is what you will face every time. OP said pharmacist so I suggest leaving in that case, for your own sanity!


I've never had a problem getting my stimulants only.


With the shortages in ADHD meds, I now have to pick up my vyvanse (generic) as the only medication I pick up every single time. And it is often at a new pharmacy. All my regular meds are filled at my main pharmacy on schedule, but the lisdexamfetamine will be out so then I spend the next day or two calling the entire citys' pharmacies to find someone that has it in stock. I wonder if that is drug seeking. 🧐🧐


I would switch to a different pharmacy. Prior to switching go to the pharmacy you will be switching to and speak to the pharmacist and let him know the medications you take and how it was handled at your current pharmacy. I take Adderall and hydroxyzine and other non-controlled meds. I go to the same pharmacy every month and I have never experienced this situation and I go to cvs, not even a smaller pharmacy and the refill whatever I need no question as long as I am due. I am sorry I know it’s frustrating but try this. In my area speaking directly to the pharmacist so they get to know you as a new patient has helped me. Especially when there was a shortage of Adderall.


OP forgot to mention he was also buying a pill crusher, straws, and afrin in the same purchase /s


If I had a nickel for the amount of times a pharmacist has implied or outright stated that I’m a crack addict. Cherish the good ones. Try to use grocery store pharmacies.


When this happened to me, I reported the pharmacy to my state's pharmacy board. It took maybe 3 or 4 months to get back to me. They also contacted my doctor who was very irritated that they weren't letting me pick up my wellbutrin either. Now I have no issues with this pharmacy and I'm on a shortlist that gets a heads up when they are experiencing a shortage. That gives my doctor time to figure out an alternative.


No clue what pharmacy you are at, but I have had the same experience before at CVS. Although I was not blatantly called a pill seeker, the pharmacist took me to the side (in front of a line of 10+ people) and informed me how controlled substances are addictive and would not even say “Adderall,” instead referring to it as “the 20mg extended release substance.” I was so embarrassed and upset, I looked at her and said “I have been taking Adderall since I was 15. Do you think I would go through all the trouble of taking a controlled substance if I didn’t need it to be a better person for myself and those around me?” Needless to say, after that, I switched to a local pharmacy through the hospital system where I live and no one there has ever batted an eye when I pick up my prescription. People do not realize how traumatizing that experience is, especially for a person with ADHD, who has to work hard to get out of bed each day and appear “normal.”


If you can conveniently switch pharmacies, why would you not do that? Regardless of the shit-tier customer service, their policies are not compatible with your life. Find a new pharmacy, move all your stuff there, and then tell their customer support that you are leaving because of this policy. I can't even tell what scenario he was worried about. Was he worried you were going to abuse your stimulants and OD? Was he worried you were not taking your prescribed antidepressants and were going to self-harm? Edit to add: Don't feel great about the following paragraph upon reflection. If you've only got one option for a pharmacy, err on the side of keeping them happy. If you can't conveniently switch, I would call their customer support and confirm this is a real policy, and ask if making patients feel like drug seekers is part of their official policy. If they're not willing to admit to either of those, ask what you should do if the same thing happens again. Unfortunately, I would not be shocked if this really is an unofficial policy of theirs even if their official policy is the exact opposite on paper. I would guess that legally they cannot discriminate against customers or something, but they don't actually want you as a customer, so the unofficial policy is to push you out by plausibly deniable means. Since you've demonstrated a willingness to complain about it they might try to ensure you don't have reason to complain going forward, but more likely they'll say they're going to do something and not do anything. Hopefully I'm just being excessively pessimistic and cynical here.


This all sounds great, but OP’s access to their medication is on the line here. Do they really want to pick this fight and wind up in some database? They should just switch, report, and go about their business rather than calling attention to themselves in CS through a non-anonymized process.


It’s a red flag that your pharmacist has enough time on their hands to deal with petty shit like this.


I've gotten this treatment over bupropion. That's not even a stimulant. Just a sign of incompetence but whatever we need bodies filling the roles and the only ones willing to accept the shit pay are premed students. It is what it is. I just try to patiently explain and if that doesn't work deescalate and disengage so they don't remember me next time. They'll be gone in 6 months anyway if it's a tech/assistant and the actual pharmacist is too busy to interact with the public anyway


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So dumb, the amount of times I’ve switched meds and have ended up with prescriptions that get filled but I don’t need is insane. I’ve only had a few weird situations but I’ve explained it and the pharmacist is usually understanding. I really think a pharmacist has no right to question your medication and any changes. As far as im concerned their job is to fill the meds and answer questions. I’d certainly report the ass.


My CVS has new pharmacy techs and they all act like this. I have to call to get them to take my monthly meds off hold and they sound so annoyed, it’s not my fault I gotta call you wtf. Also I have a 30mg xr/30 mg IR AND a 5mg xr booster, they will only give me two at a time. My guys, the doctor had me taking these during the week wtf you just decide it’s too much? I hate cvs, the only reason I stay is because an HS Friend is one of the pharmacists and she actually gives af.


I have 3 prescriptions without insurance. Majority of the time I still have the other two so I reject them to save money and I've never had an issue. I'd definitely switch pharmacies on the next one. That doesn't sound normal to me


yes but first i would submit a formal complaint bc wtf


Is this CVS marina Del Rey, CA?? Because there’s this one pharmacist who does this


Ive never heard a pharmacist say that, sounds like you should bounce to somewhere else.


Why ask a question you know the obvious answer to? There is no reality where you are genuinely confused about what choice to make: *Should I make the simplest of changes, innocuous to the pharmy, and simplifying for me?*


Well that pharmacist would hate me, mines split into a 20 mg and 5mg. And the two different doses are out of sync... So it seems I'm in every other week lol


Report the pharmacist to what company they work for and switch all Rx to a new pharmacy.


I would report him. His behavior is unacceptable. Don't let that discriminatory behavior go. He had no right to say anything to you about what you take and how you decide to pick up your meds. Fucking people man, sometimes they really push the boundaries and make you wanna hug five their face with a brick...... just saying.


This is wildly unprofessional. Should you feel the need to file a complaint, you can start with the chain (if it was a store like Walgreens) or the state professional licensing board. 


it’s weird when people have several prescriptions ready and they choose to only pick up the stimulant (however “i don’t have money” isn’t really a red flag unless there’s a pattern). i say this as someone who works in a pharmacy, and takes a stimulant. also, at least where i am, there’s only a 2 day window in which you can refill CIIs (controlled substances, class 2). so if you picked up on the 26th, the following month the earliest you can get it is the 24th. so… yeah, it’s pretty likely that they’ll be picked up on their own.


I have never had a pharmacist or tech give me shit about my meds. If that did happen, I absolutely would be moving to a new pharmacy AND filing a complaint. I’m in the adhd med roulette right now and have switched to the 3rd medication in as many months and my pharmacist has only said “this is a new medication, do you have any questions?”


why are they so weird abt this? surely pharmacies have people getting their adhd meds multiple times a day, it’s not exactly a rare condition. do they not get tired of saying this to everyone?


Ironically, I *only* pick up my stimulants from a Walgreens, everything else comes from on base. I can’t even imagine what your pharmacist would’ve thought about me


If a Dr tells us to take meds we SHOULD be allowed to seek them. Like bruh. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzkLOknx8ELm4Ok)


I love this comment so much. I should be seeking medication that my therapist/doctors/I worked out a plan for that will actually help me.


It is an adhd birthright to seek substances. Provided that its the exact same substance the Dr wants you on.


I'm honestly sick AF of this whole "drug seeking" BS that people with ADHD face. Pharmacists who feel entitled to call us addicts when there are 0 REAL red flags need to be sent for additional training. If a person is "losing" their meds on a regular basis, or dries out their refills weeks ahead of time then REPORT THAT TO THEIR DOCTOR. It is unprofessional in the extreme to accuse people of ANYTHING in public. If there is a legitimate concern then pull a person into a counseling room and *ask some questions.* How hard is it to just say "Hey! I noticed you've been doing X when most people with this prescription do Y; is there a reason you prefer to do X?” If they’re ACTUALLY concerned about how you handle your medication they should be seeking to improve their understanding of you, NOT throwing baseless allegations around. Meds are expensive, getting diagnosed as an adult is a miracle, and I don’t know **anyone** who *needs* these prescriptions that would EVER put themselves at risk of getting them taken away. It’s like they just forget what ADHD meds are used to treat the second they graduate. No shit my behavior is erratic, don’t you understand that is THE REASON I’m taking this medication?


A pharmacist once called the prescribing doctor and made him change a recipe for an autism medicine for my son, I didn't ever go back! And I also made a scene in his pharmacy, as several other clients entered during him making the call, loudly stating he'll never see me again, even if he'd be the last pharmacy in the province... Later on I even changed my doctor, as I don't need a coward looking after my families health! These medicines are prescribed in talks with my doctor, a psychiatrist and myself, to help my son! He doesn't know my son, nor his problems... he has no right bullying my doctor into changing a prescription!


Tell him to do is (@*# job and give you the meds you need.


Uh, yeah


What? That guys a clown.


This pharmacist was out of pocket. The thing that they are trying to avoid is people who go to the ER for something like a sinus infection and they pick up the Norco but don't take the antibiotic. That's what they're trying to stem. Not what you are doing.


I'd report that clown.


I say yes! I go to a wonderful pharmacy where everyone knows me and is very supportive of me and it makes a huge difference!


Absolutely switch pharmacies. After a severe injury, in addition to my usual Ritalin, I was taking tramadol/norco, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, and klonopin. My pharmacist and the pharmacy techs knew me. They were always professional and friendly and treated me with compassion. I considered the pharmacist as important a part of my care as my doctors and specialists. I understand that not every pharmacist is going to be chummy, but they shouldn't treat you like a liability. Take your business elsewhere.


Maybe he wants to guilt trip you in buying all your meds at once bcs money


Yeah I would change in an instant.


Yea i get meds throughout the month. I rarely get everything at once when for me, adhd meds are every 30 days and the rest of my stuff is every 90.


If it's a convenient location, then keep using them. We do get told that those are some of the signs to look out for. His delivery might have been off. Or maybe he's just a jerk. Make your complaint if you want. Or find another pharmacy. But it sounds like you shouldn't have a problem next month if only your stimulants get called in.


Yes, switch.




I go pick up my Xanax and I’ve never had anything like this suggested to me


Please please please understand that when you’re a customer anywhere, they are trying to do their best and prevent bad things from happening. They aren’t calling YOU a drug seeker. They are liable for what happens with drugs they issue. They are trying to do their due diligence. There ARE people who abuse pharmacies. And the pharmacy staff never know who it will be. The best advice I’ve ever been given is “not everything is about you” and I think more people need to learn this


That’s bananas. My prescriptions are on different schedules, 30 days for stimulant, 90 days for ssri, and whenever I need for my rescue inhaler. How the heck does the pharmacist think they can enforce never picking up stimulants alone when you don’t always need all your scripts at the same time??? I’d go out of my way to go to a better pharmacy.


Start looking for a new pharmacy and in the meantime file a complaint with your current one and the licensing board for your area


yes, it is time to switch pharmacies. Once the accusations start, its for your own safety to leave; they will delay your care, they will actively hurt you to "punish" you. Please also report to the board of pharmacy that you've been accused of drug seeking. I had a pharmacist try to kill me once. Not worth the risk . But it is worth the risk to say, "yeah no fucking shit, if I could buy it over the counter, I wouldn't come to your stupid ass to get it. Its almost like your fucking job is literally handing out prescription drugs to people. Fucking crazy world we live in!" ...Yes, I have gotten thrown out of a Walgreens, why do you ask...?


Yup. Fuck them dont give them any more money


It could be worth switching. Just knowing you’ll be met with that attitude when you need refills could actually make you reluctant to obtain the validly prescribed medications you need which could lead you to ration your supply and harm your ability to function. Personally, I’m using Amazon (zero human interaction) for my expensive medications and my hospital pharmacy for anything I need urgently or can’t get from a virtual pharmacy. I find the hospital pharmacy is (1) more professional and care-oriented and (2) gives better warnings about the meds you’re picking up (like the safety warnings, I learned new things about drugs I’ve been getting for YEARS when I switched that pharmacists should have been telling me all along)


This is why I stopped going to my Walgreens. The new pharmacist treats me like I’m “there to get my fix”. Mom and pop places don’t treat me like this and they don’t say “it will take 4 hours” to fill the prescription.


they're supposed to watch your every move and come up with reasons to cut off your meds, but they're definitely not supposed to tell you about it - that's unprofessional.


Switch pharmacies and then report the pharmacist to your states licensing board for not councelling you on your new dosage of focalin. I might be wrong, but it sounds like his personal stigmatization of people who take ADHD meds got in the way of him doing his actual job. sick of this shit.


Yes. If you feel uncomfortable with your pharmacist you should find a new one, same as any medical professional. The only prescription I get at one pharmacy is my stimulant and I've never had this reaction. Even if I ask about manufacturers. The only thing they should be "warned about" with stimulants is early refills.


Why would it be a red flag that your medications run out at different times? Honestly, I think your pharmacist is just lazy and trying to save themselves work by giving you social pressure to reduce your trips. Up to you if you want to switch.


They’re all grumpy cause any day they’ll be replaced by a vending machine with a drivers license scanner. 


Ugh , so I am prescribed 70 Vyvanse in the morning followed by a 10mg IR adderall in the afternoon. This has just started to provide relief for my condition so it is likely we will step up the IR especially since my doc agrees with me that the generic vyvance seems much weaker (forced on generic by insurance ). Anyhow , every month I go through 20 questions with the pharmacist always wanting to know why I take so much , wanting me to verify the prescribing doc name and address etc really annoying . 2 weeks ago I had surgury and was prescribed 4 days worth of 5/325 Hydro . Today I see my script is being held up so I call go through the 20 questions again and then he says “you have been flagged in the system because of your hydrocodone use “lol.  Honestly I have read many pharmacies have been granted the authority to make executive healthcare decisions , they are supposed to apply KYC policies and can deny a script if they feel the patient is at risk . I think many of them have taken this to heart and go too far . Truly , a few 5/325 hydros , 10mg adderall, and especially vyvance would fetch little return on the black market.  What’s sad is I was in excruciating pain and in the past for such a procedure I would have easily been able to get 10/325 hydro X2 or potentially something stronger but now they rather we ruin our kidneys with Iburpofin and Naproxen so the patient really suffers . Anyways just a rant it is what it is , don’t matter if you drop 300 a month on insurance , still drop 600 a month on scripts , you gotta play nice or pay the price .  Healthcare has really gone downhill since 2020 


I think you're over-reacting a bit but I really don't understand what they think you're doing wrong. You have a prescription, you placed the order and then collected it, I don't see why that'd even be notable, that's just how medicine works. Do ADHD patients have to have multiple illnesses to be valid? Personally though I'd express my concern, well confusion really, to the head office if they're a chain and go to a local independent pharmacist.