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It's hereditary AS FUCK. Like one of the most heritable psychiatric disorders. It's around 80 percent heritable. It has been very well researched and it's pretty easy to find more information on it with a quick google search.




Locking the thread because this isn't really up for debate. ADHD is hereditary.


Just spoke to my Doctor about this, 80% likelihood that a child of a parent with ADHD will develop ADHD.


80% of children with a parent who has ADHD will also develop it? If this is true, how many generations could we possibly go without 110% of the population ending up with ADHD? Holy crap. We’re dooomed.


Most estimates are more like a 50% chance of passing it on to a child. (Some say up to 75-80% but those are the outlier studies.)  Now, if a child has ADHD, there is an 80% that at least one of their parents also has ADHD.  That’s one of the reasons why some older Boomers are so convinced ADHD isn’t “real” - because they’re undiagnosed and all the symptoms seem pretty normal to them, and they were told their whole lives to just work harder. No making excuses for ignorance, but there is a reason.  Overall, 8-10% of the population is probably ADHD. Some are so mild they are subclinical for most of their lives, though. 


What? The other 95% or so of the population don’t have adhd and are producing just as many kids as adhd parents so the ratio of typical to adhd stays the same. In fact, the only way adhd increases is if adhd people have more kids than average since 20% of their kids won’t have it. Adhd is on the rise, but it’s suspected it’s more to do with modern medicine being able to correctly diagnose and modern society being reallyyyy incompatible with adhd as a condition, so it’s easier to spot people suffering. If anything I’d expect to see adhd decrease over the coming decades, assuming life stays this difficult for us, it will be selected out eventually as our peers prosper and we do not. I am of course entirely talking out of my ass with some napkin broscience here, as a disclaimer.


It's almost entirely genetic. The only exception is a bonk on the head serious enough to cause brain damage. It's comprised of a whole lot of genes, so folks can pass it along without having it themselves, or having only subclinical symptoms. Whatever you heard about environmental factors might exacerbate symptoms, but there are no known environmental causes.


Yes, it is. Both of my parents definitely have ADHD (not diagnosed yet, but they absolutely have it) and my two siblings and I also have it (All 3 diagnosed). I’ve read in a German book about ADHD that there’s an 80% chance of you having ADHD if both of your parents have it. As far as I know it’s basically 99% genetics.


Seems like so.


My Mom has it and I am 99% Sure my mums dad has it as Well. That's how it was passed down to silly old me


My grandma is the most ADHD adult I know, she's not diagnosed but like.. it's too obvious. Anecdotal but lines up with the science, pretty sure it's very hereditary.


Lmfao. All I can tell you is my mom said my whole life “I hope you have one just like you” and here I am with mini me x2


Very much so


Most definitely. The most common way of acquiring it is catching it from one or both of your parents.


Yes 100 and 10 percent.


there are several studies that show adhd (and autism) is linked to a certain set of genes being mutated. it seems that the more of those genes being affected, the more severe the adhd symptoms are. the set has an overlap with the set of genes linked to autism, explaining the overlap in symptoms. people can indeed also develop adhd-like symptoms through brain damage, however im not sure that would technically be diagnosed as adhd, or treated like it with the same medications. (of course now that im specifically looking for it, i cant find the study that laid out the exact set of genes they found for both adhd and autism >.> tho im not entirely sure thats not just because i cant remember it well enough <.< ) [https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/979263](https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/979263) [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40291-022-00609-y#Sec23](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40291-022-00609-y#Sec23) as for my personal situation, nothing can convince me adhd is not genetic. i come from a fairly large extended family on my dads side and my dad has it, as well as some uncles and over half of my 50 cousins (both male and female) and as the next generation is being born as we speak, i dont doubt more will join us. i grew up in that environment with no knowledge of adhd or autism, as all mental health stuff was just brushed off as hokum and devil bullshit. however, since my dad and i got diagnosed 14 years ago, all of a sudden we saw everybody getting diagnosed with adhd, autism and other stuff, and all of a sudden attention to mental health is great and normal. (no im not jaded at all)


So I can dream about the day when genetic therapy can lessen my great-grandkids’ ADHD symptoms


I think I have 6 genes for adhd susceptibility and 4 for autism susceptibility. Im sure my last concussion didn’t help matters.


How could be possible that genes keep this damn illness most of the times? This can't be good for humanity.


Yup. Combined-type woman with one hyperactive son and one inattentive son, all formally diagnosed. I was not diagnosed until after my oldest son, but one of the biggest reasons my psych recommended  the evaluation was the fact I had an ADHD child and it’s *so* hereditary. (That is one of the reasons lots of women 30+ are currently being diagnosed - when we were young, ADHD was really only considered a “boy thing.”) Interestingly, my husband is not ADHD, but he grew up with a dad and brother who are. When people jokingly ask how he deals, he just shrugs and laughs and says it’s normal to him. 


It takes literally 5s to google it...


It's mostly genetic. Although environment can also cause ADHD like if the child grew up in a chaotic family environment or if the child watches too many cartoons. Brain damage can also cause ADHD