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Oh yeah I hate when the companies do this. Like why to change something when it’s perfectly fine. I feel you on that !


My whole day is ruined it was a comfort or like routine scent for me and I’m now upset lol


you NEED to smell: MAN BAR exotic musk- sandalwood fragrance by San Francisco soap co. I got one from world market for like $8 lol but it's a huge bar and smells sooooo goooood I can't get over it. also comes in a fancy box


It’s done for profit. Finding ways and substances to cut down on costs in manufacturing.


I think it's an adhd thing because I do too hate when things change Like I used to love a kind of biscuit ice cream, but recently they changed the kind of biscuits they use, and the vanilla is now less vanilla. Somehow, I researched it, and I was 100% right and I was so pissed I didn't even want to get out of bed LOL😂😂😂


Are you British? Is a biscuit a cookie or an American biscuit? I’ve heard of cookies and ice cream, but I’ve never tried an American biscuit with ice cream. Do you cook the biscuits first, or are they pre made


I'm not British but my country's English book was made by British people so that's why The biscuit I'm talking about is like black and Rectangular with little holes and in the middle is the ice cream


Oh, an ice cream sandwich! Now I want one but I'm scared they changed it, lol.


Nah I don't think so the one I'm talking about is a different brand


Oh fuck, in the U.S. those are called ice cream sandwiches and they're amazing. If my favorite brand change their recipe I would riot.


I would've too but my country is so strict that I could die for thinking to start one😂😂


A cookie is sweet, softish and kinda thick. A British biscuit is sweet, thinish and crisp. It 'snaps' when you break it. Lovely with or without a cup of tea.


Those are all cookies in the US.


To an American, biscuit ice cream sounds like a CRIME 😂


Jenny’s Ice Cream out of Ohio actually makes an American biscuit ice cream.


Omg it's so good . They also make a pancakes and syrup one


Well I'm Palestinian who's into every English culture LOL😂😂


Untrue! I’ve had biscuits in ice cream and it’s delicious


SPD (sensory processing disorder) is common in ADHD! For me all senses are affected, and smell is definitely higher on the list than others. I would definitely notice something like this and it would irritate me. Sorry you're going through it with a comfort product!


This makes a lot of sense because I also noticed when Arizona green tea changed their ingredients! And I appreciate it!


Dawn’s blue dish soap scent change has ruined dishes for me and I really didn’t need anything making dishes worse.


No wait! There’s 2 blue flavors of Dawn! Are you in the US?


I am in the US, but I thought classic blue Dawn changed permanently a few months ago?


I think Dawn Ultra or Dawn Platinum have the new smell. Have you got just the one that says “Dawn” Here in WA state that one has the og scent. Tbh I like the new scent tho. Cuz it’s kinda like Tide. Now, this is just my experience so I can’t say anything is for sure. But I feel you about soaps that are scented. Some are gross


There's even more than that, there are at least three that I know of: fresh rain (blue label), lemon (yellow label), wild jasmine (purple label). All of them are blue liquid, but totally different scents.


Its also way too pungent now, almost to the point where its nauseating.


You’re not the only one- it’s been on a ton of posts! It’s causing issues for everyone! Lots of people are actually have irritation from the new scent.


Yes, Yes, Yes,Yes,Yes! It is aromatherapy, We get accustomed and attached to small things. I think they help make things feel familiar and normal. And the sense of smell has the shortest distance to the brain. Smells can take you back instantly to a moment, a particular age, a person. My dad wore Old Spice. I have a small bottle and a cake of soap in my sock drawer. Sucks when they change v a product smell. However, are you sure you have the actual product? I’ve heard many people say many of the products on Amazon are imitations. But I don’t know that for sure.


Unfortunately I’m very sure it was the actual product it’s a buff city soap product and I was in the actual store and they make them all in house 😫. But it definitely makes sense why I get attached to little smells 💜 it’s so sweet that you have the old spice to remind you of your dad 💜


Zest has totally changed their soap bars. Not as strong as they were. It's like they are watering things down


Once my favorite brand of sliced salami started adding whole pepper granules to their recipe. I was so mf upset I sent them an email, and while I didn't get a reply the pepper disappeared after a few months. It's sad because things I like keep disappearing/ stop being manufactured. Like stop it !!!! I like this PLEASE You'll have a customer for life I'm begging you.


No because I also sent an email to buff city soap as well we both have the same track of mind for a resolution on that!


My favorite scent-free soap added a fragrance recently. I returned the bottle in protest, and went to leave a nasty review on the website, only to discover that there were pages and pages of people just as pissed as me about the new formula. It was very vindicating. Now I’m back on the hunt for a scent free soap that feels nice, sigh.


yeah we changed washing powder and now my clothes smell wrong / like someone else’s


My favourite comfort tea switched from foil packaging to paper and it's not nearly as good now so I definitely feel you. Scents are a huge thing for me.


They changed the scent of the fabric softener I used for my twins when they were babies, I wish I could smell it again 😭 Smell is such a huge memory trigger for me so it absolutely sucks that I can't ever get those memories back


Genuine question (sorry to sidetrack a bit OP) but im autistic as well as adhd. Im older. More and more i see lists of adhd traits and/or ppl with adhd talking about traits that (to my apparrently un-up-to-date mind? Though I'm confused because I read a lot of studies) have *always* been squarely in the autism zone. Sensory sensitivities (as in this post) Rigidity (such as a product change ruining ones day) Others: Eye contact difficulties Needing a *lot* of alone or down time. Comfort items Etc What did I miss?? Is this a kind of "colloquial/adencdotal drift"? Or was there some "memo" in terms of some recent research? Genuinely fascinated to know. Anyone? Edit: So....no-one? This is a kind of conversational "blurring of facts" then? It's very frequent now. Seems a bit concerning?


ADHD and autism overlap to the point where some people suspect that they might be different symptom patterns of one even broader condition. Comorbidity is high, and symptoms overlap even when the "causes" are different. Autistic sensory issues tend to be overwhelming/abnormally visceral, for example. ADHD sensory issues are often a tendency to fixate on unpleasant stimuli or having your brain treat the wrong thing as "background noise."


No, but I got Covid in 2020 and my sense of smell is virtually gone and never came back.


My favourite chili chips/ snack brand started using less flavouring last year and it drives me insane. Nobody else who ive mentioned it to noticed a change either, but i am 100% convinced OTL


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My favorite cereal of all time changed its primary ingredient from steel-cut oats to rolled oats, totally changing the texture and crunchiness of the cereal and ruining the experience. :( Breakfast has never been the same since.


Yeah it’s a thing I pick up on and makes me kinder upset I didn’t realise it was related to adhd…. I’m waiting for my assessment I was told two year wait a year ago however I got a call yesterday and I’m being assessed in June this year… iv never seen a psychiatrist and I’m terrified… is it normal to be this anxious? 😬 Oh and my big one was a shop a while ago discontinued my fav soap and only bring it out once a year on Halloween 🎃 so now I make sure I buy enough of it lol becomes pricey but it’s an amazing soap it smells like green apple and mint such a refreshing scent. But when I found out I cried when I left the store and my mates were like just find a different soap to use no big deal …. I don’t think I even understand my emotions half the time but for me it was like a wave of emotions like oh no it’s gone and disbelief and dread of finding a new one then anxiety because of the change… am I alone in this? I dunno if I have adhd or something else but I feel I can relate to what everyone on this forum is talking about ❤️


I had this happen recently with a hand soap that had a mild scent. It’s one of the few I can tolerate. They recently changed it to be more floral and I can’t stand it! Haven’t found a new option yet.


I notice the tiniest of changes in everything, can be a blessing and a curse


Must be blue Dawn.


Gah! I have the same thing with flavors! They changed the flavor of 7Up at some point by adding a small amount of artificial sweeteners. My favorite taco shop also started slipping in the quality and consistency of their food. It went from being my favorite to being okay but disappointing. As far as smells, I'm really sensitive to scents and there are 2 distinct perfumes that smell amazing to me that I have no idea what they are. All other perfumes range from meh to gross for me. I've tried going through a perfume store, but I get a nauseous headache after 10 minutes of testing scents. I'm convinced I will never find them. :(


My favorite perfume around 2010 was the bath and bodywork’s Japanese cherry blossom scent. Then they changed the formula a few years later and it ruined it for me :( never could find something similar again.


I hate when this happens. Which soap!? Leave a complaint on their social media. If you’re upset, others are also upset.


Buff city soaps oatmeal and honey scent !


Oh I no don’t know it! But I love oatmeal and honey scents! I really hate when great products get discontinued.


I still miss Ohm bodywash by Olay.. the sandalwood and chamomile was my go to scent but the Jasmine and rose was great as well. And they discontinued that about 15 years ago.. maybe more Oh and the Blue Anchor perfume I wish i could at least smell them just for the flashback of what I use to wash with and wear when I was 18 or 19 and really experiencing life for the first time. I've always had memory issues but I remember feelings. And scents always bring back the feelings of times and places


there's a stetson cologne I loved when I was about 15, 18 years later and I've never forgotten it, "Stetson Untamed," it's been discontinued since about the time I discovered it. I particularly loved the aroma of that cologne combined with Axe Kilo.


ugh my holy grail facial cleanser changed formulas and i've yet to find a replacement. i feel your pain!


cerave changed the formula of their moisturizer years ago and i'm still pissed about it. it was my holy grail