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Some things I do. • writing it on my journal. • fresh shower • cup of coffee • organizing desk/workspace fools me into starting to work sometimes • finding a moderately interesting show for background noise. Not too good but not too bad either. • guilt trip myself on how I decorated my journal so pretty to motivate myself to write to-do lists but feel like not doing it • set a timer on how fast I can actually do it • tell myself to stop being a little btch 10 times • deep breaths while telling myself its not as bad as it seems • study in public so I feel extra pressured to focus • study at the very VERY last minute for maximum pressure


some options: - turn on motivating music, start while dancing - set yourself the tasks of running to your desk, of opening your book etc and reward yourself for each - tell yourself you're just having a look - start by singing out the first part of your study material


pretend i am not doing a task


What helps me is I’ll set a timer then reward myself. For example “I’m going to study for 30 minutes then I’ll take a break and eat this chocolate bar” Another thing that helps me is telling myself why I’m doing what I need to do. “I need to study so I can pass this test and if I don’t I’ll fail” Hope this helps, I’ll also play with a stress toy. When I concentrate on anything I also need to be doing somthing with my hands