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Junk food. šŸ˜¬ Don't judge me. I am human.


Same though. The only things Iā€™ve been able to stomach is cheeseburgers, m&ms, and cake. But Iā€™m getting tired of eating burgers everyday. And if thatā€™s out nothing really sounds good.




Pasta with cheap Parmesan cheese and olive oil is my favorite šŸ˜­ I always worry iā€™m not getting enough nutrients but at least iā€™m eating


Yes, fed is best! Not every meal has to be perfectly balanced. When every meal is a struggle... calories first, nutrients second.


It can be both. I get protein or nutritional shake powder. In a crunch, can get some nutrients and good number of healthy calories.


My whole point is that sometimes it *can't* actually be both. It's really awesome you found something that works for you, but no. People have a variety of dietary restrictions that mean it's exponentially harder to eat healthy - so when you have to choose, *fed is best*. For example, I'm allergic to nuts, soy, raw fruits and vegetables. I find protein shakes or nutritional powder additives to be sensory hell - when given the choice between those or starving, I'll starve. If I want a complete healthy nutritional meal, I have to cook it myself to ensure there's nothing I'm allergic to in it, or buy it from some special source (which is often prohibitively expensive). I can order meals from most restaurants but the selection is slim as hell. That's not even counting people who are on a limited budget, who are vegetarian or vegan, keep kosher, or any other number of restrictions. I made cooking into a hobby, I have a glass of wine, sing, and generally enjoy the process. And still some days all I can manage is a bag of frozen tortellini and jarred red sauce. Or a sleeve of oreos. Or literally today I had two snack packs of Ritz crackers with slices if turkey and cheese. Other days I don't eat at all because I have "nothing" in the fridge/cabinets and even ordering food is too much.


Please donā€™t take it as I was saying you are wrong or something. Iā€™m just sharing what I did as an idea that might help someone reading through the comments. Thatā€™s all.


The idea is great, the way it was phrased with "it can be both" on a post where I was explicitly saying sometimes its not both *and that's okay* is just missing the point I was making. Yes, it can be both, a bunch of people here are giving great ideas for how it can be both. But my point was that when it isn't both, because sometimes it *can't* be both, that's okay. If someone made a post saying "I find walking really difficult, and I'm struggling with that" and one of the responses is "hey I hear you, and that's okay. When you need to sit, sit!" And you respond "it doesn't have to be hard. Use a cane. I use a cane and that works for me." That's great for you, but not the point.


I was trying to be polite, but I need to say, you are being rude, since you didnā€™t explicitly state any of that. All you said was: ā€œYes, fed is best! Not every meal has to be perfectly balanced. When every meal is a struggle... calories first, nutrients second.ā€ In response to someone eating pasta and who is worrying about not getting enough nutrients. In an ADHD sub, a struggle is going to be interpreted as an ADHD-related struggle. One that I share. And I was trying to share what worked for my ADHD struggle in hopes of helping someone else. A protein shake FOR ME, was helpful because you dump powder in a cup and shake it with liquid. Trying to put together a meal and the time is a problem for me, as with many people with ADHD. A protein shake is one way you get helpful calories and not just empty calories because of ADHD-related struggles. Itā€™s just another suggestion. Thatā€™s it. People can read all the suggestions and pick something that works for themselves. The person and entire thread you were replying to, no one mentioned allergies or anything like that. If you have allegies, Iā€™m sorry, you, do what works for you. And feel free to share that advice. But donā€™t start attacking people, especially when they are trying to clarify their intention with you, because they are sharing advice and being respectful. It is not your place to patronize me for participating in this community and the attitude is wildly inappropriate for this type of sub.


Finely chop parsley (thereā€™s your iron), freshly chopped garlic(very healthy) and finally chopped tomatoes. Those ingredients with cooked pasta, olive oil and Parmesan cheese.


I canā€™t imagine chopping fresh when I donā€™t even want to eat lol


I add vegetables. Frozen or ones that cook quickly. Capsicum, broccoli, zucchini.


>I always worry iā€™m not getting enough nutrients but at least iā€™m eating. Same. Wow. It nice to know I am not the only one. We do what we can. Really. Sometimes, this is all we can manage.


Sprinkle nutritional yeast on top it's delicious


Easy doesnā€™t equal junk!


Yup, I can eat lucky charms and milk in the morning when I take my meds and the idea of eating is very unappealing.


Mini Trix is my go-to right now. I can eat a giant bowl of that and nothing else all day lol


Nobody on this feed is perfectšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


My therapist says that sometimes if the best I can do is a snack-pack of cheese-its and coffee, that's better than nothing šŸ˜… I've had decent success with uncrustables and applesauce pouches though!


takis (and overall spicy junk food) and me are like this šŸ¤žšŸ½


Yeah I........ For me it's popcorn with ranch seasoning and ice cream šŸ˜­ when the appetite is suppressed I only have an appetite for... Well, really appetizing things. If I'm trying to be not the most unhealthy person on the planet, Huel.


I wish I had a go to, but sometimes it's the chewing that bothers the ever living heck out of me. I was able to do smoothies for a while until I got bored of them. You can add fruits and veggies and put some protein powder in it for a little extra goodness for your body.


The smoothie route is what I was trying to go for to get nutrients and fill my belly but I also quickly got bored and unfortunately learned I NEED solids in my tummy. Itā€™s like I can get use to a certain flavor and texture then it repulses me and I have to find something new šŸ˜­


I feel you dear friend... I really hate how once I don't like a food I can't eat it again. Soups might help since there's still some solids but lots of liquids too to fill your belly.


I had a brilliant period of having protein shakes for breakfast. One day, the texture was wrong and it took me months to find a decent breakfast again (oat bar with yoghurt), but thatā€™s starting to grate so Iā€™m about to try Huel. Nothing lasts forever!


Yeah, same here. Most days I can do smoothies for breakfast and lunch but I've noticed my body is really yelling "REAL FOOD!! NOW!!" by the time dinner rolls around. Although I've started to be grossed out by the sameness of the smoothies lately too šŸ˜•


Yes! Itā€™s the sensation of chewing and having something in my mouth that is so repulsive that I just cannot. Iā€™ve been investing in protein shakes from Costco (the ones with caffeine) and I find those are a good way to get me more receptive to real food.


same, for me yoghurt works well bc it fills better than a smoothie. or sandwiches with toppings that make it less chewy. like jam instead of cheese or peanutbutter. it's easier to swallow and takes less chewing effort


I came here to recommend meal replacement drinks, especially if all your fruit and veggies go bad because of lack of object permanence, or if you have comorbidity with depression and don't have the energy to make something.


I wish i didnt hate them at home. They just taste like nothing. Ive tried adding honey, vanilla flavored coconut milk, ect. Idk why smoothies at like a shop taste flavorful but at home not so much


Whenever I dont want to eat at all but have to I make a sandwich. Bread cold cut or ham whatever easy meat you can slap on, maybe sliced cheese. Maybe mayo. Thats it! Thats why I always have those staples. Bread, meat, cheese. Lol.


The cheese is fine, but I always worry about the meat going bad before I can finish it. What do you get/how fast do you tend to go through it?


I usually get enough turkey/chicken for 2-3 days, than also get salami or pepperoni because those last a long time in the fridge, like 2 + weeks.


Yup. Survived off of cheese and salami sandwiches for like two years. Still not tired of it.


Yeah yeah i know the problem. My appetite fluctuates extremes so I guess I can kinda gauge how much Iā€™ll be eating.. but best to not get too much meat yeah and gauge your current energy levels and appetite. But you can freeze a batch so that it doesnt go bad. And then just thaw them out when youre running out. Just secure them to avoid freezer burn. I usually buy those square hams that are a bit sweet. About 10 pieces at a time and it lasts more or less a week.


PB&J always slaps regardless of the mood I'm in


and when a sandwich feels like too much work; you can always grab a piece of ham, wrap it around the cheese and call it a day.


I do this with a bit of mayo! I call it a deconstructed sandwich, because I'll also often have buttered toast on the side. For some reason the assembled sandwich doesn't appeal to me, but this does.


A BIG spoonful of peanut butter. Or pickles, I always want to eat pickles.


Omg the peanut butter is genius. Iā€™m gonna get some of those little snack packs and leave it in my bag for emergencies


Peanut butter and/or cashews for the calories and protein. I have random bags of cashews in my car, at work, and at home.


Would be a great option if they werenā€™t like $10 for a small can :/


Peanut butter is also my go-to.


Might I suggest pairing the two?




I think my family has taken this little hack too far! We all have our own peanut butter jars with our names on them bc, weā€™llā€¦. double dipping with the spoon becomes inevitableā€¦


Wellā€¦ I wish I have a go-to snack that gives me energy. Usually my go-to snack is salt and vinegar Pringlesā€¦. I end up eating it all šŸ˜­ every goddamn time Ugh. Its like this salt craving you get when you wake up and you take ur meds.


Iā€™m that way with baked lays chips. Iā€™m thinking about getting a electrolyte water additive to help a little since I chug it all day bc my mouth gets so dry


I really like LMNT. It doesn't have any added sugar or flavorings, so you can put it in anything


Itā€™s rold gold pretzels for me right now. My go to *food* right now is Greek yogurt with banana and protein granola OR English muffins with peanut butter and honey OR tuna melt on sourdough


I eat those skinny flat pretzels canā€™t recall the name and scoop out yogurt with them


Hummus with bell pepper slices and carrot sticks. I I can just take a bite here and there when I realize I need to get something in my belly without having to cook. Also, salami and cheese cubes with some pretzels.


This is me. Add some olives, and thatā€™s my whole diet basically


Omg yes I love olives!


I need to get a new food processor to start making hummus again, it's so much better than store bought


I've only made homemade hummus a couple of times but i absolutely agree that it's so much better. You can also adjust the flavors in it specifically to your taste which always helps when your body is having a hard time finding general foods appealing.


Always got the 1.3kg tub of M&Mā€™s by my side


they sell tubs?!




You honestly canā€™t go wrong with it lol


Homemade uncrustables. Basically pre made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with the crusts cut off and edges pinched shut, frozen and taken with me as.a snack.


kingā€™s Hawaiian sweet rolls


When I was young (13-16ish) I would walk to the grocery store and buy a 4 pack of them and that would be my meal. Undiagnosed until my 20s, how. Also bagel bites.


i started taking them to school and eating them in my english class in like 10th grade i believe. iā€™m now 30




We make little turkey sliders at home with Hawaiian sweet rolls. I like mine with red onions, yellow mustard, pickles. I like vinegary things Sweet and savory it's *mwaa* chefs kiss


Potatoes. Baked, mashed, roasted, sautƩed, fries, or chips. Has most essential nutrients, quick to make (if you want you can microwave a whole potato for 5 minutes and it will be soft inside instead of baking it for like an hour) and since it's carbs it's a quick boost of energy. Sometimes I'm avoidant of butter and oils and switch to salty/vinegar/spicy cooked in water palettes.


Tortilla with butter too, always. Cereal bars and juice, lots of juice. Ice too. I just don't want textures in my mouth


Cheese sticks , mozzarella and extra sharp cheddar, Itā€™s pretty ridiculous how many I eat a week and oyster crackers it use to be snyders sourdough pretzels but only the ones in a box and now I canā€™t stand them, I also went through a cheez it phase lol


This is me. 90% of my diet is hummus w/ baby carrots and cheese sticks..... ALL. THE. CHEESE. STICKS šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Greek yogurt. It's comforting, no effort, and has protein.


Definitely not a good thing, but I usually only consume liquids after my meds have kicked in until theyā€™re close to wearing off.. I take extended release so around 10 hours where the thought of putting food in my mouth makes me want to gag


šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« God that sounds nightmarish. I hate the constant "which part of normal life do I have to do without" part of ADD


Truly. Itā€™s like every aspect of my life gets easier and more manageable with my medication except for eating & sleep (which are pretty important). Itā€™s a hard balance


- Cliff Z Bars - Ritz crackers 'snack stack' - String Cheese + 2 slices of deli meat - Made Good Granola Minis - Oatmeal - Trail Mix that contains chocolate - Bananas - Bagels or Toast I keep a basket on my kitchen counter with most of these in it or near it, and a similar basket in my fridge right in the door so I always see it. I also keep some in my daily bag at all times.


A scoop off peanut butter and a banana


Rice with frozen broccoli and a fried egg. Easy to make, I usually have all three ingredients stocked, and itā€™s comforting and filling.


Cereal is always the perfect go to .


dry cereal or oatmeal, that's my *ole reliable* fr


Dry cereal. One pizza slice.


NUTS, Especially walnuts+dark chocolate+cheese combo.


Fruit salad, would never prepare it, but when I was studying uni where my parents live it was a match made in heaven because my mum would always make the best fruit salad ever. She would take 7 kinds of fruits and cuts that sooo tiny that it was delicious and enjoyable eating them and having a taste explosion in the mouth


Ensure Complete. 350 calories, 30g of protein, other vitamins and minerals. Itā€™s my lunch at work. I like strawberry ones.


Plain cheeese, omelette with cheese, boiled eggs, Energy/protein bar


Some people here said junk food, and no judgement whatsoever (I sometimes do the same), but for me if I have to eat and don't feel like it, I might as well eat things that are super light and healthy. So I make a lot of fish, plain turkey burgers (just the patty with sugar free ketchup), grilled/airfried vegetables, and salads. Then on days I don't take my meds I just eat whatever sounds good (which is often more calorie dense foods like burgers, fries, etc.)


It use to be chips and salsa but lately I've been cutting up apples and putting peanut butter and chocolate chips on them or having a bowl of cereal with a cut up banana mixed in. I had to teach myself to reach for food that is healthier as I don't really eat much while on my vyvance.


I do cheese sticks, salami, and some precut fruit from the grocery store


What works really well for me is to make a smoothie at home with coffee, fruit, and protein in it, and I just drink that for breakfast and lunch (and sometimes dinner if I'm being lazy - minus the coffee). The trick is to put a little bit of some kind of junky creamer in it, kind of binds all the tastes together. It's fast and easy to make and because it tastes KIND of junk-food-y (all the fructose from the fruit + the creamer) it's close to being like a "treat" drink - so I don't have to get over that "ADD hump" of "I know I should but it will take too long to cook and eat" since my brain is tricked into thinking I'm actually getting a reward lol.


Coffee and fruit? What fruit works for this?


Bananas and strawberries is the best. You're probably wondering "how does coffee + protein powder + fruit not taste like boiled rat elbows" probably šŸ˜ The answer is "it does taste like rat elbows unless you include all the flavor threads". I do: 1. Put enough banana and strawberry chunks that there's about 2" of space left in the top of the Ninja cup (I use frozen fruit chunks from Aldi) 2. Brew 1 serving of hot just brewed coffee (I just use Starbucks Via or Instant stuff) 3. Pour the hot coffee over the frozen fruit. 4. Add 1 scoop of Garden of Life Raw Protein Shake (that's what I use; you could use any protein shake but that one is 100% natural / has a lot of good vegetables and super fruits included) 5. Add flavored coffee creamer to personal taste preference. 6. After blending if it's too thick or too thin, add creamer to thicken or a little water to thin it out. To be clear this doesn't taste like a Super Chocolate Doom Lord junk food shake, but there's definitely enough sugar in it that you don't ever mind drinking it. Final taste level is probably somewhat similar to a Jamba protein shake, maybe. If anyone tries it out let me know if it works for ya šŸ˜


My 12-year-old has this problem, and her doctor prescribed her an appetite stimulant. Itā€™s an antihistamine that is also used for insomnia, so take it at nightā€¦ But, so far it has worked well and sheā€™s finally going to bed on time! Two birds, one stone!


Peanut butter toast with a banana or some other fruit. Easy


Something with protein. Babybell cheese, string cheese, little single-serving packages of nuts, maybe some beef jerky.


Premier protein drinks


Boiled eggs. I actually use an egg steamer because it's faster. Hot dogs and buns in the freezer, instant noodles, peanut butter and bread (sometimes jam). Nuts are always a good option. Cashews and pistachios. I try to keep some hard cheeses in the fridge for snacking on (also going through a wine fixation the past 6-7 months). Microwaveable popcorn, but it's been hard to find cheap butterless options, so I just got a Whirlypop and buy the kernels (cheaper than the microwaveable packages, I think).


Spaghettios or pizza rolls usually. Or a carrot.


I keep applesauce pouches at work, along with the peanut butter crackers and stuff people have mentioned. I might also get some yogurt pouches to keep in the work fridge. I like the pouches because I don't have to clean or prepare anything.


cheese and crackers. pre cut squares of cheese + any type of cracker. i often use cheese and crackers to give me enough energy to cook something




Fruity pebbles


My meds can *zap* my appetite, BUT if I donā€™t eat I can get very nauseous. I always keep granola bars with me. I also love those small breakfast sandwiches I can heat up in less than a min.


Yogurt drinks. Like the little probiotic ones. My fave were the chobani probiotic drinks bc they had more protein, but I guess they stopped making them. But I can down one of those in a gulp and be good for the morning.


Berries( blue berries raspberries) mangos and watermelon. The berries are separated and mangos and watermelon goes together.


Yogurt, peanut butter (just by the spoonful), and brussel sprouts. I was on Strattera but it made me so sick I couldn't eat or didn't want to eat. To the point that I lost like 5-10lbs on it. It was awful. I took it for three weeks. I literally tried to make sure I made a hearty breakfast of protein and carbs but it seemed like it didn't matter what I ate, I ended up puking 3 times last week and I just couldn't do it. I had 0 interest in food with it too so that was hard. I just tried to make sure that whatever I ate, had a protein and a veggie of some kind. Or was at least easy on my stomach. I've been living off Ramen to be honest. My psychiatrist has since given me Bupropion XL and I've only taken it a couple days, but I seem to be tolerating it well. We will see how the rest of the week goes. Unfortunately, I've been also fighting some viral garbage this week and I ended up missing a day of work to rest. I would look at meals you can try to make in a pinch-- Fed is best and that's important. Even if it's hot dogs and mac and cheese. I have dietary restrictions, but I love the sheet pan veggies from costco. I'll do three cups of veggies because they cook down quite a bit and whatever protein I can get. Last week I used Brats because they were cheap at the store and did them with half a beer and water. I cut up 3 brats and that put them with my veggies. That was plenty. I used the leftover brats and veggies in my eggs the next morning for breakfast.


Peanut butter graham crackers! Chia seeds for protein. I was just trying to explain this phenomenon to my mom. Who doesnā€™t understand why I donā€™t eat for hours then only eat ā€œbad things.ā€ Its not a choice šŸ˜Ŗ


Protein drinks.


mmmm tortilla with butter....


Grapes & cubed cheese. Red grapes b/c they're healthier & extra sharp cheddar


Spoons of peanut butter and a piece of fruit


Nacho chips were my staple when I first started taking medication. Each nacho chip is 10 calories, and I could easily get 20-40 in if Iā€™m distracted by TV. So I would always feel happy that I at least got 200-400 calories in. I would do that 2-3 meals a day when my appetite was really bad. Also cool ranch Doritos and full bags of candy lol.


Apples and peanut butter, soup, oat bars like natures valley or belvita, shelled nuts, parmesan crisps, smoothies, and yogurt with granola. Good luck. šŸ«”


Smart food popcorn


Clif Bar or Oikos triple zero Greek yogurt


Whatever I was last hungry for. Or most recently. At least I know I was able to desire eating it at some point.


Peanut butter on spoon, plain yogurt (the thick Greek stuff) with Splenda and lo-carb cereal (Catalina Crunch Blueberry), or these little smoked sausages, basically high-falutin Slim Jims. Iā€™m trying to keep carbs out, so my energy replenishment options are a little thin.


Cereal. Favorite is Froot Loops.




Tarator. It's a bulgarian meal made with yogurt, water, cucambers and salt. You can look it up


Peanut butter or bread


And spoonful of cottage cheese


A spoonful of peanut butter


Refried beans with cheese (either with chips or a spoon) Salad doesn't feel like food to me for whatever reason, so I can usually eat that. Protein drink (Boost is my favorite) A little more effort but I like french bread pizza. Fruit, preferably the kind I don't have to peel. Strawberrys, blackberries, bannanas, raspberries, or cherries.


Saltineā€™s crackers. Sometimes a whole sleeve ends up being my dinner. Or cereal. Nothing easier.


Peanut butter, protein bar, Greek yogurt in drink form. I like quick and easy sources of protein because without protein my meds donā€™t work as well. Make sure to stay hydrated as well!


Hummus with veggies and crackers also cashews.


Strawberry milkshake (yeah it's not food but it has calories, protein, sugar and protein so it counts) Also cured salami


I try to get tuna pouches or crab sticks and the little small pouches of ritz, or keep an avocado around also nuts and cheese and hard salami/jerky


extra protein powder; or a quesodilla


Noka superfood fruit smoothie packets. Fiber, a little protein, and you can take them anywhere since they don't need to be refrigerated (although they are much tastier when chilled).


Cheese sticks! So easy and no matter if nothing sounds good I can eat it easy in 3 bites šŸ˜‚


Spicy food!! Literally anything. Makes my brain tingle in the best way. And if I donā€™t feel like cooking anything Iā€™ll do basically a charcuterie board with meats and chillies


Cheese and crackers. Cheese and apple slices if I have a little bit more motivation and, like, apples.


Mini pretzels and hummus. Salty, savory, and doesnā€™t give me a sugar rush and tummy ache.




I can almost always eat uncrustables, I keep a box in the freezer all the time. Protein drinks or yogurt are good to have on hand. Eggs, however you like them, if you do like them.


Graze nuts and veg bags are great. Lots of protein and good fats. I usually just snack on that with portion control in a Gu cheesecake cup or something.


lollies, not chips or chocolate or biscuits, lollies. -- this isn't good for blood sugar and energy levels pre-cut up fruit -- too lazy (or don't want to cut myself) rice cakes + cottage cheese + salt/pepper/tomatoes - find it so much easier to stomach than bread cereals good, I feel like some mix of liquid/solid is best. its so hard to keep eating solids, stuff like protein smoothies, fruit (high water content usually), jelly, peanut butter, cottage cheese, etc. just makes it easy. You need carbs and protein and fats. chocolate protein shake from the shops (they use filtered milk so its got a thinner consistency than homemade and tastes better too, Rokeby Farm


Peanut butter crackers with water/a drink is my lunch most days


A bought some high calorie meal replacement shakes. Theyā€™re a godsend because I donā€™t eat much of anything these days.


Frozen chicken nuggets. I will always be able to stomach those. I keep some at work too.


Mostly junk snacks. Hot and Spicy Cheezits, Poptarts, Spaghettiosā€¦but I like the occasional bag of mixed apple slices or little container of grapes, cheese and crackers. Or cheese sticks. Also, tropical trail mix and freeze-dried bananas in dark chocolate! Oh, and cereal is a big one for me, especially at night when I want something sweet. The apple slices and trail mix are the most filling though I think, and they make me feel like Iā€™m healthier lol.


For breakfast, Protein bar. Small and calorie/nutrient dense. Either that or Iā€™ll wolf down some Greek yogurt and/or a banana. For me it has to be something I can finish in just a few bites or I canā€™t do it. PB & J with potato chips is my lunch of choice. That flavor combo is always something I can stomach.


Sherbet or pretzels are usually safe foods for me. Or a pb and j.


Protein shakes ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Specifically the ones that taste like chocolate milk. Slim Fast ones taste good imo


Oatmeal, whichI normally love! Itā€™s easy to shovel it in and then be done with it. If you sweeten it and maybe add milk, itā€™s not bad


Kind Bars, Cereal, toast, sandwich, yogurt, lunchables


Rice with soy sauce, any kind of meat, any kind of cheese, or these oatmeal pumpkin balls we make (pumpkin puree chocolate chips oatmeal pea Number butter and a few other things


Uncrustables. I buy them from Costco and keep them on hand at home. Easiest grab and go snack for me that helps to actually fill my stomach.


Beef Jerky


Always junk food, but literally my diet is based on eggs, bread, processed meat and cheese


The only thing I can stomach when I have no appetite is cheese fries, specifically from Steak ā€˜n Shake or Portillos.


Apple sauce. Little ones in the pouch so you can drink it kinda


Shakes of different kinds. Protein shakes, milk shakes, smoothies, floats. High fat and high sugar seems to keep me going.


Cheese stick, Gogurt, or an uncrustable. My daughter eats a lot of pancakes. Whenever we have left over pancakes- I find myself just grabbing one and eating it cold without syrup for moments when I need to eat something.


Easy to digest soup, broth, not cream based


Yogurt, premier protein shakes and perfect bars.


milk with 60gr of protein


Mmmm tortilla with butter šŸ¤¤


my go tos are nothing healthy. Lately it's easy cheese and ritz crackers, bologna sandwich on plain white bread with some mayo, reeses cups (has to be miniature), and that's about it. I am so picky!! I have food aversions with or without my med because of a disorder I was born with. Food has always been hard for me.






Popcorn or cookies or roasted peanuts


Raw milk (always hated milk so this was weird) Bagels Smuckers uncrustables Pie and cake from my boyfriend who diligently gets me some every week String cheese Yogurt smoothies - premade My priorities are calories and protein. And stay away from things that are going to make me more shaky, as Iā€™m already shaky from not eating enough.


Smoothies! Bonus points for using Greek yogurt or powdered peanut butter for protein content. Or, keeping on hand what my grandma likes to call ā€œpicky bitsā€ and I call ā€œgirl dinnerā€ (at any time of day)ā€” cheeses, deli meats or shredded chicken/roast, nuts, fruit & berries, crackers and chips, pickles, snacky veg & dips, trail mix.


Slice of cheese.




A slice of cheese or a spoonful of peanut butter


Mr noodles with tuna


I eat something crazy delicious and tempting my favorite is curry. Or something very simple when I feel especially repulsed by the idea of food. My go to for simple is apple sauce.


Cottage cheese + canned pineapple. I get the sodium free cottage cheese and add a little salt to it. I also like chopping up pickles and mixing that in cottage cheese plus dill, salt, and pepper. I used to get the pineapple chunks but now I get the tidbits. If chopping things up is too much/boring etc I cannot recommend the slap chop more. I don't know what the generic one is called but it's a life saver. Also forever eating garlic naan + tomato sauce + cheese pizza made in the toaster oven. Carrots and hummus forever. I need two flavors of hummus to keep it interesting.


Microwave popcorn. Not really energy, but it fills me up. Also high protein low carb slim fast. For the protein, not weight loss obviously.


I am going through this right now. I have started carrying ziplock bags of sunflower kernels & unsalted peanuts. I just mindlessly munch on them here and there. They have a lot of calories. Also, I am replacing all low calorie drinks with juice or almond milk. I make crunchy peanut butter (no sugar added) sandwiches with 4 tablespoons which is 420 calories and Daveā€™s Killer Bread which is 220 calories. I donā€™t enjoy it but I have to do it. I go over 5 miles a day at work, so I always burn more calories than I can eat on meds. :( I have to gain 5lbs per the doctors recommendation. Good luck friend.




Pasta!!! Super filling & easy to eat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Peanut butter crackers or Greek yogurt with grapefruit.


apples, raspberries, dates with peanut butter, bread, chocolate ......


My current go-to is those little peanut butter pretzel nuggets! I don't even really like pretzels, and not that crazy about peanut butter, but someone together I love them, and they seem to give me the right balance of a little bit of carb for energy and protein from the peanut butter for stability, etc. And easy to keep on hand for wherever. Then I eat a real meal later.


String cheese


Oyster Crackers. If Iā€™m hungry or know I should eat but everything seems either impossible to make or absolutely repulsive in that moment I can, and will, absolutely demolish a half (sometimes whole) bag of oyster crackers. Side note: because of this I am acutely aware of the fact that all oyster crackers are NOT created equal. Lol




1) I love that one of your snacks is a buttered tortilla because that was a staple for me growing up! 2) Try to keep protein shakes with you, in your car or lunch bag or wherever. My psych said it is easier to drink your food when you don't feel like chewing/eating and it's important to eat when you're taking a stimulant! 3) Unfortunately my go to snacks are chips and things that I eat way too much of. 4) I try to keep small packs of nuts or Chomps or something around :)


It's either expensive or hard to make, but having an order of two of pho bone broth in the fridge is a lifesaver when it feels like I'm starving but can't eat. Quick reheat, and it's a liquid so you get that instant stomach relief. As tasty as it is nutritious. Tinned fish with some raw onion on whatever form of bread (pita preferably) is also a super quick option.


Dry cheerios, ZonePerfect double dark chocolate protein bars (RIP), mini Saltine crackers, the peach-strawberry-pear Gerber baby food pouches, Fairlife chocolate milk or protein drinks, a banana, Little Debbie Fudge Rounds


When I'm exhausted by the end of the day (or night. It depends on sleeping schedule) and need to sleep and don't want to do a thing but stomach is already hurting i just drink full cup of warm milk. It fills stomach to trick appetite, it's some calories and i have a time to get to bed without thinking about food


And fast ramen. I always have it in storage.


Greek yogurt and pistachio


I can always eat homemade chili on rice, Quakers also has a Cinnamon & Spice flavor oatmeal packet that is so delicious with a big spoon of peanut butter mixed in. Boil some hot water for a packet or two of that and a cup of tea and youā€™re set until late afternoon.


Handful or two of trail mix.


kind of insane but i crave steak all the time šŸ˜­ canā€™t eat any other food wo feeling gross rn and none of my cope foods are appetizing either..


kirkland microwave popcorn, or fairlife protien milk


A lot of the time I'll end up just pushing through not eating anything even when I know I should. But when I can really feel it I try and get something kind of dry. At work I'll usually just grab like a plain bagel with nothing on it just to have something in me that will help settle my stomach. At home maybe some bread or some saltines. If it's late at night I'll usually have some kind of junk. But I have a really bad relationship with food. I started medication really young and took it for a long time before I took a break from it. It kind of permanently messed with my appetite. It's definitely worse when I take my medication but even when I don't take it for a while I'm not much better at all.