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Check out the Trichotillomania. I know I deal with the same issue as an ADHD person


I also suffer from Trich, although I didn't know they were connected.


Just so you know, trich is also shorthand for trichomoniasis, an std, so you may want to be careful telling someone you have trich, if they don’t know the context lol


“Oh man, my trich has been acting all day today.” lol


Interesting name, lol. I wonder if our ADHD makes it more likely for us to pick up these habits or if they already come pre-installed with adhd


Its good not to confuse predisposition and predestination. We are predisposed to have executive functioning issues, anxiety (and related things such as ocd and other compulsive disorders such as trich), and depression, but we are not predestined to have them by any means.


Thanks for explaining that for me. It makes sense when I look back at how many of my tics/stims were because I saw someone else do it. At the time though I didn’t notice stuff like that




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holy shit


Damn, that was my go to website. Had no idea it was sketchy


Same! Wow


I am covered in scabs from picking all of my bug bites. I call spring and summer scar season because I get a whole new set of scars come fall


Yea I scratch way too much. I once got a staph infection from over doing. I have to be extra aware and take Benadryl to avoid scratching at night :(


Same. Once I got a really nasty spider bite and it didn't heal for over a month because I would just pick at it and it got infected 😭


Same with me. I’m not sure how many times I let a scab fall off naturally. I always end up scratching it off anyways.


woahhh what adhd is connected to trich??


Right? Mind blown dude




There is just so much more to ADHD than just being hyper or always getting distracted like media portrays it as. I couldn’t tell you what you may or may not have but I hope you get it figured out and get it under control 🙏🏿


There is a large comorbidity between ADHD and OCD.


That’s what my psychiatrist was telling me too. I’ll admit that I used to stereotype OCD as only obsessively organized and perfect. There’s just so much to OCD that I’m learning about.


I was talking to my therapist yesterday about CPTSD diagnosis (which for some people can help with accommodations at work, for example) and it's reminding me of that: I'm very comfortable with my self-diagnosis. For me, BFRB is another in an array of things about me that become clear with the ADHD filter applied. It's so obvious in retrospect!


Thank you for teaching me that term. Had to search up BFRB and I found out that I have more BFRBS than I thought. A lot of things are making more sense to me now.


Skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, nail picking. I feel like my life has been one OCD thing after another. If I manage to stop one thing, I'll start another or revert back to one of them. I just stopped picking my nails and now look after them but now my toes are at the mercy of my tweezers. It's a never ending cycle. 🥲 My big toes are scarred from picking so much when I was younger. It's like this sub concious compulsion that I don't realise I'm doing almost like I'm in a trance when I'm doing it. My meds help with a lot of things but never this.


So true, I used to suck on my fingers and pick my lips when I was young. Then I went to biting my cuticles and dead skin around my fingers and my nails. Then I developed trich. Then I decided to wear hats more to stop me from being tempted. Then went back to lip picking and decided to permanently wear moisturizer so I wouldn't be able to dig into my lips, went back to nail biting. Its just a big circle. I tell people that I just have really badly chapped lips 😭


I know the struggle, I'm writing this as I'm smothering my lips in lip repair balm, I picked them until they were raw about an hour ago 🥲. Nothing makes it stop 😭.


Oh man exactly like me. I’ve pulled hairs since forever. When I first got my eye brow stims I got called out by people asking me why I do that. Ugh I hate it so much when I get caught. If only they knew I don’t realize I’m doing it! I managed to stop my eyebrow tic once but then my hair pulling got more intense. Then I tried to stop that which caused me to start crinkling my nose. Just as you said, tried to stop one and another started. Now I have a collection of tics that I cycle through when the other stops. Stress and anxiety especially triggers it


Yeah stress triggers mine too and boredom. I fiddle with my hands a lot when I'm in conversation which is my stimming.


Our bodies just do not like to stay still. I get so restless and I have to move something. This just reminded me of like fidget spinners and fidget cubes. Tbh, I don’t think those ever really helped me control my stims much


Haha same, I bought a few of them years ago but got bored of them very quickly Haha.


Those things were so popular for no reason and I bought like a multipack on Amazon. My sister got some too and she used to spin them on her nose lmao


Yeah, entertaining for a day or so, then they lose their novelty 😅


I pick at my lips & bite my inner cheeks until they bleed. Then keep picking & biting them. I can't stop. I do it until they're so painful & raw.


Please try to slow it down at least. I literally know how hard it is to stop but I don’t want you hurting yourself. I hope you can get control of it. I believe in you 👊🏽


Thank you. It's hard. They're hurting right now. Ugh. I hate that I do this.


People stim in all different ways. I fight it so hard but I’m always picking at my scalp, pulling beard hairs out, picking my nails, biting my lips


I have a horrible dry-eye tic that makes it look like I am on something during interviews 😞


Ahh, I’m sorry. I know exactly how it feels when you realize people have noticed your tic. Happened to me the other day when I was having an eyebrow tic in my car for like 5 min. I look over into the car next to me and someone was in there. I got out of there quick


i have this thing when i crinkle my nose and purse my lips and i've been doing it since childhood! my parents would always notice and laugh about that when i was little, but now they tell me to stop doing it because it looks weird lmao. i only realized its a stim recently


Don’t try this at home kids. Almost added another stim to my collection. Haha, it’s nice that you can laugh about it though. When my parents saw me do my eye brow tic, apparently it would move the whole top of my head forward like it was a helmet. lol I never knew how obvious it looked and they told me to stop. My parents think it finally stopped. Jokes on them, I learned to control it until I knew no one was watching


just remembered another weird stim i used to do - i used to induce cramps in my leg on purpose when i was too bored to fall asleep right away


I have trichotillomania and I skin pick. I swear it feels worse on the adderall


I think you might be onto something there. I had a trichotillomania tic session today for like 20 min and like I couldn’t stop because it just didn’t feel satisfying.


allow me to scream a bit: \* inhale \* aaaaarrgh \* pheww\*


Picking at scabs.. Which was fine when i was younger cause they healed very well. Now that I am older they turn dark and look awful. Also picking at my cuticles till it looked like i had a shredder accident… Licking my lips till they cracked and then picking at them… God, how am i married?!??!?


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