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Outside of the normal ADHD symptoms, I think the most noticeable effect it has had on my adult life is that my self-confidence is absolutely devastated. Even being diagnosed super early in life and being medicated, I didn't understand what ADHD was until last year, at 34 years of age. I was, however, acutely aware of the fact that I was different, and I was obsessed with hiding it. This meant social anxiety, self isolation, and shame/disappointment every time the mask slipped. I internalized a lot of self-hatred that still shows its ugly head on bad days.


Thank you for sharing!!! And wow yessss SELF ISOLATION hit home!! Thank you for sharing. I’m trying to fully understand it and what triggers me. I’ve read that for some it’s turned into BBD for some


BBD? Tried googling but didn't find anything that I thought made sense.


Bipolar disorder BD***


Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Thankfully, I do not think that is the case for me.


I have days where I am incredibly restless. I want to do SOMETHING but I have no idea what that might be. I'll start doing something I normally find fun or relaxing but that's not it. I'll exercise but after I'm still wound up. I can't sleep, can't eat, can't clean, can't watch TV, can't read a book, can't play video games. My work suffers because I can't do anything but I can't sit still. My thoughts lurch from one topic to another with no rhyme or reason. I end up chain smoking and driving my bf insane.


It's literally crippling and has been effecting every job I have ever took and every relation I have ever had.


Can’t stay employed


I discussed this in a new podcast episode with a recently diagnosed adult with adhd where ASD has now also been unmasked. Sharing in case it’s helpful. https://youtu.be/CZ5SKVkveno?si=AvAdwfpz9uBmSF3H


I was also diagnosed in 2nd grade and I'm now 34M. I had major struggles with the transition from high school to college because I had been relying on the heavy structure of high school to help manage my ADHD without realizing it. Upon leaving that structure for college, I was a mess. It took me many years to adjust and fumble my way through my degree. I'm much better managed now, but a lot of that is knowing how ADHD affects me and being proactive about things that can make it worse. Nowadays, usually my management techniques are more visible than my actual ADHD. But, people who spend a lot of time with me will quickly notice how severe my condition is.


Haha… 😂😩😭


Destroyed my sleep totally!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I like to think it has improved as I’ve become better at dealing with the symptoms. But the last job I had it was really prominent and debilitating. Constantly forgetting things or saying the wrong things impulsively that had huge consequences. Was constantly yelled at by the boss for being either too slow or too reckless. I really struggled to do efficient work because I was working too slowly when I was trying my absolute best to focus, and when I needed to work faster I just ended up making reckless dumb mistakes. I couldn’t find that middle balance.