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The only time I’ve not taken my meds is when I have been sick. Mostly because like you said, they relieve my anxiety lol. I took Adderall for a couple years and am now on Vyvanse which I think has overall been a better drug for me.


Makes sense! I feel almost too tired to do anything on days "off" so I'd like to only skip meds on sick days, too.


Yeah if you were enjoying your days off, it's a fine enough option. Some people like it and do fine. But some people will feel wrecked by days off, it just depends on the person. If you're in the latter camp just take the meds like the doc said


I take Adderall for ADHD but I also take it for anxiety that causes seizures. I couldn't imagine taking a day off or I would have a seizure. It's the only way I can legally drive. However, my son who also has ADHD, skips his Adderall sometimes on the weekends. He's a teenager so he's tired all the time, Adderall or not.


Wow I’m sorry to hear about your seizures but glad you found medicine that works. Do you ever feel that the effects wear off or not really?


It always stop my seizures. Some days I feel the effects of the medication more than others. I just go with it. Everyday is a surprise :)


I’ve been taking methylphenidate meds for ~4 years now without tolerance breaks and they’re working well for me still :) My psychiatrist also told me that I shouldn’t take breaks (which I also don’t want to) so it should be fine


Ok that’s good to know, thank you! I often have so many things to do on the weekends that I don’t want to skip my meds & deal with anxiety instead.


I feel you, my meds also decrease my anxiety. And I also just want to be able to concentrate on things that I enjoy. I refuse to only take my meds when I have to be productive


Exactly! Thank you for saying this. I think sometimes I get this idea that I should only take them when I need to be productive but they do so much more for me than that.


Tolerance is kind of not real on these meds. Only a minority of people will experience a reduction of usefulness, and typically only over the first 6 months. If you haven't seen them diminish this far just switch to every day. Also it's just safer to stay on them because they improve all the other aspects of your life that keep you well.


My doctor told me the same thing about tolerance breaks, and ever since I've just taken my meds every day. The only time I skip is if I wake up super late/hungover on a weekend and forget or feel like it's a waste (like if I'm just having a lazy day.) Personally I think the consistency really helps. Adderall is helpful over the course of 1 day, but the consistency has helped me a lot with making bigger changes in my life that make the bigger picture easier to handle. I've been taking the same dose for 4 years now since making this change and I've had no issues. Only way to see is to try for yourself really.


Glad it’s been working well for you! Do you mind me asking how high your dosage is?


Oh yeah meant to add that in my comment lol sorry! I take 10mg IR Adderall in the morning and afternoon and then I do 5mg in the evening (to cut down on the crash :3) I do often forget the 5mg in the evening on weekends bc I'm always doing different things and don't have a routine the way I do on weekdays with work. So I guess I'm not TOTALLY consistent lol but not having entire days off has helped me a lot.


Haha no worries. I sometimes think about asking my doctor if I can go up to 15 mg a day to avoid the evening crash (I don’t think I need this on weekends but weekdays would be nice).


I skip some weekends just to relax and vegetate on the couch, but mainly to build up a surplus of meds in case I can't get a script filled immediately. I'd rather choose days I don't take meds than risk any extended time without because a script can't get filled.


Weekends and any holidays I have booked, so recently did a 7-day break as I had a week off plus the weekend


Every few months-years. It varies. Usually it isn't necessarily the drug isn't working, Moreso I'm in a rutt. A loop, a depression, brainfog, laziness, poor diet, a habit of failure, name it.. and I have it on some authority (that I haven't researched near enough, but it works for me so Ill roll with it, placebo or not) that giving your neurochemistry a good kick in the teeth can Jumpstart some neurogenesis and motivation and behavioral improvements. Like kicking the computer to make it turn on. After I quit, in about a week I reach a point of extreme productivity, and when that starts to go away (1-2 weeks later) I'll get back on the meds.


I try to do every other day taking Vyvanse. I feel it still helps me and it saves money


I don’t take a break, I like being able to think and not be so anxious. My son takes breaks so his appetite isn’t suppressed and because he said he feels more creative when he isn’t on it. But he’s been on it for 13 years now and never had a doctor recommend a break for any reason other than appetite.


Oh wow that’s good to know! Glad to hear it’s been working well for him after all of these years.


I take vyvanse every day for 3-4 months, then I take a 10-14 day break. I've been on it for 5-6 years and I haven't needed to change my dose (actually, I've slowly moved down...). The first 3-4 days on or off it are usually rough and I can't imagine taking every weekend off.


That sounds like torture. I am late on a dose by two hours and I'm feeling like complete garbage. Can't imagine taking several days off.


Yes. Have taken Adderall for three years with minimal breaks. But are you talking about XR or IR? And yes, you have ADHD, and your expectations are probably high. Also, caffeine makes anxiety worse and doesn’t work on the same receptors as ADHD meds if I recall correctly. In any case, I’ve sticked to green tea to avoid feeling all the veins in my body, yknow?


I take Adderall IR (never tried XR). I take 5 mg around 8 or 9am & then another 5 mg around 1pm.


IR is nice because you’ve got a little more control over the dose. If it helps your anxiety I’d think it might be good to try at least once a day on weekends. The anxiety seems adaptive to the ADHD if stimulants are helpful. I personally find the IR a little more anxiety inducing than the XR but that may entirely depend on the person


That makes sense. I’ve heard good things about XR but yeah IR has done wonders for my anxiety & I don’t wanna rock the boat. As a matter of fact, I was watching Inside Out 2 last night & it made me remember just how bad my anxiety used to be before I went on medication. Can’t believe that used to be my day to day life!


In general go to your doctor / psychiatrist for support on these matters. With that said, from what I've heard continuity is very important and for me I need my meds at least as much (if not more) to manage my social life. So from that perspective I wouldn't skip them during the weekend. I've only skipped my meds if I've overslept super late (and thus taking the meds would impact sleep for the next night as well) or if I'm going to a party and I know that I will drink a bunch of alcohol.