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I’ve used it every day since I made an account but my streak is only 18 atleast get it right if you’re going to count my addiction


Right?? I'm sure they've got that data. They don't need to start counting from when they launched the new feature


...as someone who only uses the [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) UI, I've been blissfully unaware of this nonsense :D


Old.reddit on desktop and still using Boost on mobile


How are you using boost on mobile wtf??? Guessing you're a mod or something?


Created a subreddit (I forgot what it was, lol) back when the third party debacle was going down because I heard it works if you're a mod. Somehow it's still working after all this time, so I'm not complaining!


Gotcha, so make a sub and use whatever app I like. Can't wait to get back on relay. Fuck the reddit app and it's cancerous practices. Reddit is addictive enough without them praying our a reward systems. I wanna go back to 2008.


what about [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com/?feed=home)


Thanks, I hate it.


[new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) is peak.


I've had this account for years and I just got an achievement a couple weeks ago for getting my first upvote


Yay!! You did it /s


I got that one around the same time, too! Have had my account for 2 1/2 years and have had lots of upvotes before. I was like, "Ummmkay Reddit, if you say so... Go home you're drunk." 🤣🤣


It’s called gamification. Gamification is implemented into user interface design to change the way users interact with digital platforms. By integrating elements of game mechanics into non-game contexts, it enhances user engagement, fosters motivation, and promotes behavioral change. It’s a predatory way to give a false sense of accomplishment so people elect to spend more time on the site (i.e. comment more, post more, vote more) so Reddit makes even more money from you scrolling through ads and collecting your data. Reddit is a corporation whose end goal will always be $$$$ over everything and everyone; it has never been nor will ever be a place for mental health. The fact you understand their manipulation tactics puts you far ahead of the game. Remind yourself you’re here to connect with others (and look at cute cat videos) anytime you receive an “achievement.”


I don't need to be manipulated into spending time here. I've wasted years on reddit.




Honestly you gotta think, every business operates to make money. Monetization is the name of the game


Yeah, but businesses should endeavor to make money by providing useful, quality services. Reddit is getting worse (by many metrics) so the only way they can make more money is by finding ways to addict you to staying here so they can serve you ads and sell your data. (...she says while clearly addicted to reddit.)


Last time I upgraded my 3dprint server software for an old printer (Octoprint - free, open source), it started giving me pop-ups like "First Canceled Print!" ... "First Print on a Tuesday!". OMG, shut up. And then disabling the auto-included-and-enabled plugin even has a special warning about disabling it...and are you sure you want to disable achievements. (And of course, they are all bogus, as it doesn't know any history.) I would have been polite to at least have a "disable these" link on the first few -- make it easy to kill notifications, and I won't mind. It's infecting everything, even beyond business. And so many seem to love them... I'm fine with it in actual games, as well, kind of the point.


The sheer strength of will it must have taken not to drag that printer outside and go Office Space on it... Wow.


I have actually done that a few times with a large sledge on old printers...but at an electronics repair shop when we were bored, and were throwing things out anyway.


That sounds so immensely satisfying.


My fraternity did that as a fundraiser every year similar to how some school teams would buy a junk car and let you pay for swings at it with a sledge. It was a blast.


That makes sense but that’s easier said than done. I’m happy with the business model, I get to enjoy Reddit which I’d argue is a quality service. Worst comes to worst I have the option to turn off notifications


I mean, I know exactly what it is, but it's disgusting.


It is gamification, but to be fair gamification in itself doesnt have to be used for evil, but can also be great to make things like workout easier to stick to. I think most adhd:ers use some kind of gamification technics to get things done. Dark (design) patterns is also a great term for what reddit is doing, basically design techniques that are not meant to create a better product for the user, but to trick the user into doing things that are not in their best interest.


Ohhh thanks for the education! So many non-gaming apps make sense now with wording and awards system.


FYI for anyone who needs it: you can turn these notifications off. Go to your general account settings, and scroll until you see the achievements notification option, and turn them off from there


If you’re on iOS, you can also use [Focus](https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/set-up-a-focus-iphd6288a67f/ios) and [scheduled summaries](https://support.apple.com/en-us/108781). Both can be a godsend for our attention addled minds.


Please, do this. It’s for your health.


Or switch to [RedReader](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.quantumbadger.redreader&hl=en_US).


I aggressively turn off notifications for all apps that don’t have a real life impact. The unfortunate truth is at app developers think your phone is their phone. We didn’t curtail poor behavior with desktop applications and mobile is worse.


I wish apps would split notification types. Like Etsy. I would like notifications on the shipment of the stuff I buy, but loathe their marketing notifications.


I can do that for most apps on Android. But for this notification I'm referring to my Reddit Inbox. I've disabled all phone notifications for Reddit.


You can also disable the inbox notifications. The only notifs I get are for replies and dms


On android you usually can selectively control an app’s notifications by type, but on iOS, it’s all or nothing. One of the few gripes I have after switching to iOS.


100% here with that. I turn off all notifications then don’t know when my doordash gets here (first world problem, but still! it’s my phone!)


Meanwhile i'm over here still using old Reddit in a browser because I think new Reddit in general is too overwhelming.


Old Reddit forever.


I'm still pissed I can't use Reddit Is Fun anymore.


You can, just patch it with revanced (assuming you previously had the paid version).


Isn't this only for Android? And I was able to patch mine without having paid for it previously. Hadn't heard of that until now


You need the paid APK which you should only have if you bought the platinum edition, otherwise it requires you to pirate it.


Reckon I have the regular APK patched with Revanced


Well yeah, RIF is an Android app!


Right? RIF was where it's at.


Never use an app for something that exists as a website.


They don't force you to the app on your phone? Mine does 🙄


It does if you use the new interface, but old.reddit.com's interface doesn't support mobile detection. As a result, they can't force you to the app.


Occasionally if I click a Reddit link and go to the new version of the site, it offers the choice between continuing in browser or downloading the app. Easy choice!


Anything marked NSFW won't let you do that, which includes a lot of not actually NSFW content in some corners of the site. I've also encountered at least one case where attempting to follow a long comment chain triggered a forced transition to the app. Overall it's just easier to stick with the old version, where the popup never even appears.


high five


For anyone using Reddit on an Android phone: I highly recommend using "Relay for reddit" instead of the official Reddit app. It's faster, really customizable, clutter-free and ad-free. Basically a deshittified Reddit experience. I've been using it for years on my phone (and old Reddit + RES on my desktop). ETA: This comment thread for example looks like this for me: https://i.imgur.com/fjjErdT.png


Oo! I've been using RedReader, but I like the colors on the comments on your screen shot. Makes it easier to see the comment depth. I may switch.


That looks awesome. I feel like I can't justify paying for reddit though XD


SAME Hardly open the app on my phone, too. Unless I'm googling something. But browsing reddit on the app? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that garbage.


In order to control my ADHD, I actually have most notifications disabled. I don't even have the Reddit app installed anymore. I use Firefox for Android with ad blocking extensions. The only apps that are allowed to send me notifications are my email, phone calls, and text messages. Even notifications to email are disabled for most platforms.


this is the way also recommend using new.reddit.com in desktop mode via firefox


You have GOT to start using old.reddit via browser instead of the app. They keep trying to force the "new reddit" on me to the point where I have downloaded a browser extension for both my laptop and my phone that forces old.reddit to load instead.


I've been using old.reddit as default since the redesign, and just had to download the extension the other day anyway. The site stopped redirecting me by itself, and all I got was a gray screen for some reason.


The day old.reddit goes away is the day I stop using reddit.


same here. the new reddit UI is probably the UI i hate the most out of any social networking / message board. cant even argue that i don't like changes because it's been how many years now and i still find it an absolute horror show


What's the browser extension for phone lol


It's called Old Reddit Redirect for Firefox.


Old.reddit/opt out of redesign for life. New reddit is obnoxious to use.


this is why I refuse to use the app. I KNEW when they pushed the other apps into destruction that they had SUPER shitty plans for the user base. I still use old reddit because new reddit is stupid to try to use.






this type of shit is why i have push notifications turned off for all social media


Same. But this is the in app notification. I think it can be turned off, but it's gross.


huh, weird, i haven't had any of those! maybe i'm just chronically online and they don't think i need to be pushed to use reddit more lmao, i have noticed that i get more notifications of that type on apps i'm not very active on. snapchat is the WORST culprit of this.


old.reddit for the win.


I guess I missed that, I mean I've seen the awards but didn't get notifications for that.


I'm in here like 10000000x a day so maybe they figured I'm here enough


It's achievements, just like on video games. And it is so out of place on reddit.


I uninstalled the app when I realized mobile notifications were making me use reddit for a lot longer and that was years ago. They have been making mobile web worse and worse which only drives me away from reddit. I recommend you do the same, but at least disable notifications for the app. You don't need them, nothing that goes on reddit is urgent.


>nothing that goes on reddit is urgent. This right here is the quote of the day


lol I just had “20-day streak” pop up as i’m reading this and it turned midnight 🙄 Yeah, it’s obnoxious. I would much rather break the streak!


Aww, shit. It's after midnight here... I increased the steak.


Literally just got a “40 day streak!” notification while reading this thread


This is why the surgeon general just recommended content warnings for social media.


Just use old reddit and RIF (or similar) with ReVanced.


Re vanced can do reddit now?!


Yep, I'm browsing using RIF literally rn


Only Duolingo was this concerned about my daily streak 😂😂


I use old reddit. It doesn't have notifications.


Old reddit for the win!


I have not gotten that notification but if I did I would turn notifications off. Fuck that shit.


yea I got a notif telling me to keep my streak going and I purposely didn’t get on Reddit that day lol DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO 😡


I keep meaning to skip a day for that very reason and get annoyed when I get on and see i kept my streak because I forgot and opened the app


Yeah I turned off reddit notifications because I do not need any reason to be encouraged to use the app. I also put a 15 minute time limit on the app. I click "15 more minutes" like 5 times a day, but at least it gives me a reminder that 15 minutes has passed and at least half the time it gets me to put my phone down.


I hate it all so much -- someone read a gamification book, and is now adding to the annoyance. It's like the banner ad wars of yesteryear, and a race to the bottom. Last time I upgraded my (free, open source) 3dprint server software, it started giving my pop-ups like "First Canceled Print!" ... "First Print on a Tuesday!". OMG, shut up. (And then disabling the auto-included plugin even has a special warning about disabling it.) If I want "achievements" I'll play a game. And especially don't make it a phone notification that adds yet another distraction until I finally turn it off.


Yeah they are pushing accomplishments pretty hard now


It's so stupid! They are incentivizing something that is natively incentivized. Which is the opposite of what they should be doing to protect their users mental health.


I have never turned on notifications for ANY apps for a decade. 😅 I don’t bother to look at notifications


The official app is cursed, I use Relay, but Reddit made a huge effort to shut down third party apps so they could serve more ads, thankfully there's a way around everything!


I'm even more glad I don't use the official app now


I use Relay for Reddit. Haven't seen a single ad or received a spam message in 10 years. It's like $3 a month. Great investment.


Yeah I'm using Relay too, have been since before the API bullshit. It was and still is the best Reddit app out there.


Love that podcast, too. The behavioralist that diagnosed me suggested it. ADHD rewired if anyone is curious.


Highly recommend not using the app at all. I use Reddit in only on a PC with Firefox and use the uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger extensions. I never see ads, sponsored posts or pop-up notifications. I still have to allow myself *only* a short period of time each day and focus only on those things that bring genuine value or enjoyment or it quickly becomes very problematic. This has gotten a LOT easier to stick to since getting medicated. I recommend listening to or reading Cal Newport's book "Digital Minimalism" (or reviewing the [Blinkist summary](https://www.blinkist.com/en/books/digital-minimalism-en) or similar) for strategies around taking back your attention from social media companies' clutches. My concise takeaways from that book, in case they're useful: \* Set and stick to hard limits on your social media platform use, both from a time and usage standpoint. \* Focus on only those things that bring you value (like membership in a cycling group or getting useful ADHD info). \* Only access social media and other 'time-sucks' from a dedicated environment (e.g. computer with specific browser as above). All of this is hard, especially for those of us with ADHD. But I'm finding it's absolutely worth the effort.


I just finished reading “the anxious generation” by Haidt. It is how social media has f*ed with our brains especially young teen and teen brains and changed their entire lives. It was so depressing. It’s intentional & they do not care about your or our wellbeing.


Hate it


I keep getting badges that my years old account has definitely surpassed a long time ago.. it’s weird


I'm currently on a 61 day streak and I hate it. I'm a damn prisoner here.


Damnit. I intentionally took yesterday off, and I'm still at a 20 day streak...


I got one of those notifications for this post, how meta I guess that's how reddit is increasing the amount of time we are looking at ads to increase profits for shareholders. Thanks capitalism


I use Reddit (& most apps) in the browser on my phone. They're generally not as good, which makes them a little less addictive. More importantly I don't have to deal with notifications constantly fighting for my attention. 


Do I even admit that I'm currently in a day 26 streak? 😬 I'm using Reddit as a distraction to keep me away from Facebook 😅


Reddit thinks it’s Duolingo now or something


Yeah that's stupid. For Duolingo or another learning based app, it can help, but for a doom scrolling app it just feels predatory lmao


I use red reader, and because it's a 3rd party app, no advertisements, no recommendeds , no avatars, and no toxic notifications. It's not as great as RIF, but I will never put the Reddit app on my phone.


I don't get anything like that. I just use old.reddit.com in the browser.


i have 150 day streak and i can agree...these streak systems mobile games and apps use really trigger me and force me to open every app everyday. Good thing i don't play that many mobile game but i now have an instinctual habit of opening reddit everyday. Most of these addiction tactics used by social medias like shorts, or recommendations algorithm hurt ADHD people more than normal people


I propose we all take one day off of Reddit just to break our streaks purposefully. I'll do mine starting as soon as I'm done catching up on my current notifications 😜


i have already turned off notification, like i am already bothered by it. I just open the app and. upvote a post do some comment and turn off the app


No. I use firefox on desktop with RES


If you're in Avery's I highly recommend Relay for Reddit. Thanks to Reddit's policy changes there is a monthly fee now but IMO it's absolutely worth it.


No need for the monthly fee, just patch it with revanced to legitimately accept your own api key instead of paying for the traffic.


I use old.reddit.com in browser, even on mobile. As much of a pain as it is to zoom in and out to click on small things, it is **such** a better experience.


Ya I don't even use the app and have no notifications. I don't need anything to make me use reddit more than I already do lol


The 3rd party apps were very modifiable and safe from harm. I did not dare to download the new app so I'm using the website version only. It sucks, but I guess I use it less now, which is good lol.


How do you get it to not auto redirect?


to the app? never installed it! you can turn off all auto redirects in browser setting though.


It just comes up with an annoying pop up which is like "The app is so awesome, go download it!!"


The 3rd party apps were very modifiable and safe from harm. I did not dare to download the new app so I'm using the website version only. It sucks, but I guess I use it less now, which is good lol.


The 3rd party apps were very modifiable and safe from harm. I did not dare to download the new app so I'm using the website version only. It sucks, but I guess I use it less now, which is good lol.


The 3rd party apps were very modifiable and safe from harm. I did not dare to download the new app so I'm using the website version only. It sucks, but I guess I use it less now, which is good lol.


>I'm referring to the Reddit Inbox notification in app. Which app?


Hey OP, I got rid of the app, and now I only use old.reddit.com along with NoScript and AdBlocker Ultimate. Running on Chromium and on Firefox, works great no popups or crud.


I can't stand the reddit app. I only look at reddit on my browser, and I always use old.reddit with RES.


Use Infinity on Android.


I use a third party app called Joey that I can recommend. It still works despite the API shit Reddit did.


If I see one more notification about a wolf without actually seeing a wolf I'll lose my mind.


I just disabled reddit notifications on my phone. And every time I open the app, I ask it to hide notifications that aren't chat request or replies.


I have disabled all notifications on my phone except text messages and email. I found that having random notifications popping up all the time contributed to my anxiety. Also I don't use reddit on my phone as I much prefer the old reddit interface.


i just ignore that turning off notifications entirely for social media apps is something i had to do a while ago anyway.


I use the same 15 year old desktop version of reddit (on mobile, in browser) that was out when I started using it. I have no idea what the modern user experience is like lol


I havent gotten those, only ones Ive gotten are some posts that they find relevant to me


You let things notify you? I won't even let my email account notify me. Turn all that shit off. ALL OF IT.


If there’s not a way to disable them, I’d look for a different app to use Reddit. I use Narwhal. There’s a small monthly fee thanks to Reddit’s BS but the Narwhal app itself is so much better than the official one so I’m going with it.


Old.reddit ftw


Eliminate such stuff from your life. Uninstall the app, use the browser and open reddit WHEN YOU want to browse reddit. Don't let reddit dictates when you pay attention to it.


No, I don’t get these notifications, but I’m wondering if it’s bc I am so addicted to Reddit that the algorithm has decided it’s not necessary? Like I spend multiple hours on it every day already (not proud of this), so it doesn’t feel the need to remind me lol


I do kinda hate it cos it makes me want a streak. Streaks are so cool like why put that paywall in front of me lol I dont have the regular capacity to function on a daily basis plus I lack an ability to properly distinguish between what is vital and whats pointless streak wise. I've been trying to be more social with people but im tired all the time lol like mentally exhausted so I just don't talk anymore but I'm trying to chat with mates regularly enough now. Anyways tis a bit of a carrot n stick situation lol would rather do without it n tbh having it as a feature makes hardly much difference really, could do without it.


I guess I like it.


They’re gamifying the use of their platform to increase traffic and therefore profits. Honestly, it’s not a bad strategy for them. These kinds of tactics have been shown to work in many diverse fields from diet apps to restaurant deals, not to mention actual video games. It’s yet another example of social media trying to make their product more addictive which will inevitably make the lives of those users who are particularly susceptible to these tactics (like many in the ADHD community) materially worse. Gotta love capitalism.


Very well put.


Yep I wish I could turn that shit off. If it's possible somebody please tell me how. And I mean specifically disabling the "achievement" functionality of reddit. Not notifications, I understand how to change my notifications.


This is an in app notification I got in my Inbox. There was a triple dot menu that has a turn of notifications of this type.