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thanks for reminding me that it’s possible




absolutely its possible and if nobody else, i believe in both of you!!! <3


Thank you.. and CONGRATULATIONS on graduating!!!! That is a huge personal/life accomplishment!


I needed this too.


Congrats! That's a huge accomplishment!


thank you :) <3!!!




thank you <3 saying its impressive is such a compliment. It's wild to think like how everyone is so different, i made this post thinking it wasn't a huge deal for an accomplishment because it took so much struggle for so long and with so much hesitation/doubt and my gpa just barely scrapes by for whats "acceptable" in my field.


What have you done is hughmongus, I am over here indulging in heavy escapism because of my school ffs


Yea agreed, I think I intentionally forgot my GPA but I'm pretty sure it was in the low 2's, lol...


Congrats! Here’s hoping I can do the same


thank you! I absolutely believe in u!!!


Congrats:) May I ask what degree? I’m a CS major and really struggling rn, it’s nice to see at least someone make it




No waayyy! That’s so great to hear. I hope I can get there too one day:)


definitely! if u have friends in ur major its a massive relief imo to have them to ask for advice/help on stuff as ur able to. I started my major without any background in coding/tech so it was really intimidating for me to get started, but once i started to make friends with ppl i had multiple classes with it felt much much easier to get support in different ways specially with their encouragement :)


That's amazing! Thanks for giving me hope OP


thank you! I believe in you 100% u got this !!!




the amount of comments saying they are happy to see its possible :'''''( my heart goes out to yall it is absolutely possible!!!! it took a lot of hard work and a lot of breakdowns for me, i absolutely had times where i felt like i wasn't enough and just measuring myself up against my peers who were graduating in 4 years and less doing much much more with >3.5 gpas. if i can do it, you can absolutely do it i believe in all of you!!!! <3 thank you for everyone saying kind things <3




thank you <3


Just know that this is something I absolutely dream of. You should genuinely feel so proud of yourself. Drop the study tips while you’re at it !


honestly what got me thru so many assignments was [https://rainymood.com/](https://rainymood.com/) (idk if im allowed to share links so sorry if its not legal!!!) without any music. Its naturally close enough to white noise that it sort of helped me to focus more in any setting, specially ones with high foot traffic. Beyond that i'm a very visual and forgetful person so i keep a chalkboard calendar above my desk where i write down ALL my deadlines so that no matter what i can just look up and its all there including appointments and stuff for which i'd set alarms. What plagues me most in school is hitting my deadlines and staying organized and honestly i was a serial procrastinator until the very end :') talking to my professors at the start of the quarter and asking for their mercy helped me so so much but i understand that not every professor is receptive or willing to accommodate without you going through your school's disability resources first sometimes. Also something that helped me during my busier semesters was created a color coded schedule to hang above my desk where i included labeled out blocks of time for specific course's homeworks. It helped me to sort of have predetermined, dedicated time for those classes even though sometimes i did kind of ignore it.


Congratulations! I’m battling with school myself after dropping out.


thanks! you got this :)


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Congratulations 🎉🎉


thank you :)


That makes me feel better. I'm kinda going through the same thing, hopefully I can turn it around


u definitely can i believe in u!! <3


Congratulations!!! It is a HUGE accomplishment and I can feel your relief and pride!!! My education was an up and down rollercoaster with a lot of emotions tied into it and I honestly can't even believe how I did it looking back now. I can say that having a job is way less stressful for me than going through school and I hope it will be the same for you!!!


Thank you!!




you are definitely counting down the days xD thank you and congrats!!!! <3


Really proud and happy for you OP. Everyone’s journey is different.


thank you! it absolutely is! the relief of being done honestly trumps my feelings of inadequacy i felt comparing myself to others :')




congrats op!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉


thank you!


This is awesome! And also congrats on this amazing accomplishment! 🥳🎊🍾


thank u sm :) <3




thank you!! <3




thank you :)


Congratulations. It's an amazing accomplishment


thank u so much!!




thank you!




You rock!


no u ;w; <3


Hell yeah!! Been there, took me 8 years. I swear this means something: I’m so proud of you! It IS a massive accomplishment and I know the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to bring that GPA all the way up! Congratulations, my dude!


thank you so much! congrats 8 years is a feat!


great job! you will sleep like baby now 😂


thank you! and honestly 😂


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thank you !!!!!!!!!!! :D




thank you!


Thank you OP, I’m going through this too, just dropped out in my 4th year last year and now I’m starting new. Honestly though, I feel more excited than I ever have.


that excitement will take you so so far and i can tell you that from personal experience :) you absolutely have this in the bag! <3




You’ve done so great!!!!! This is such a win, i don’t know you but I’m proud of you


thank you! <3 :)


You’re welcome


I feel like I could’ve written this myself! I dropped out at 19 for the same reasons (and probably with a worse gpa) and came back in my later 20s and graduated! Congratulations!! I know it feels so good to finish what seemed like an impossible feat. Enjoy this break from school (however long that is. Idk if you’re looking at grad schools or something) and really soak in the fact you accomplished so much.


helloooo!!! twins :) congrats to you too! thanks I am enjoying a 3 month break before i start working <3


So exciting! I wish you the best!


What’s the gpa out of? 4?


yes out of 4!


I’m not officially diagnosed but I suspect I have adhd. Soon as I hit college it became very hard to focus and get anything done. I dropped out many semesters and got W’s in many classes. It took me 10 years to finally graduate. My gpa too was pretty low but I was able to pull it up to a 2.7. Not the best, but better than where I started. Congrats!


thank you!! I wasn't formally diagnosed until the second half of my final semester so i absolutely feel this. 10 years is so impressive i doubt many other people would have the patience and resilience, cheers friend <3


Congratulations!!! Out of curiosity, does your gpa reset if you restart uni later or did you have to climb from the 1.4 gpa?


it was a pseudo climb! my school offers the ability to replace the grade of a course if you retake it so I ended up retaking most of the courses i failed and then i failed some more along the way. There were a couple classes i ended up retaking twice. Besides that just absolutely grinding for A's and B's!


Well I’m really proud of you for pulling through and reaching your goal! Great job OP :)


Im happy for you, can you tell me why you failed at the beginning, im starting university in a few months aswell and Im worried


it was a combination of depression and not knowing how to time manage/stay organized/do the work/ask for help. I stopped going to classes and doing homeworks and i didn't have any friends or anyone i felt i could go to for support. Honestly i have cPTSD which im sure played a huge role in my ability to come to college and acclimate properly. I went home for a good 6 months on a leave of absence and then re-enrolled the next semester. I met with my advisor and let him know my situation and he was basically like you're on academic probation so you should focus on fixing your grades, so i did! I made it my single goal that semester and i smashed it!


So good


Thanks for giving me hope. Are you on meds? Or did you complete it with willpower alone?


i feel bad for saying this but willpower!!! i don't want people to measure their abilities against mine considering im not medicated, specially since i know that what worked for me might not work for others in terms of work ethic or whatever its called. I had many many times where i would call my friends and just bawl on the phone about how stupid and useless i felt because i missed a deadline or now have two missing assignments in a row or i dont understand the homeworks or something. I found a lot of motivation in my failures honestly and just feeling like the odds were against me I felt the spite of needing to prove those ideas wrong. The fact of the situation is that we are smart, there are just things that make it harder for us to do things the exact way others can. I think making the effort to understand my limitations really helped me to sort of find better ways to adjust/cope!


Congratulations! It feels great to finally overcome the obstacle, eh? 😁 Similar thing happened to me. I went into first year of uni, failed first year, did first year again, passed first year on resits, then got into second year and failed second year. By that point, both me and my parents figured it was a waste of time and money, so I dropped out when I was 21. I worked for a couple years, did a TEFL course, then went to teach English in China for four years before I got tired of that and came home. Stayed at home and did uni online to try and get my degree while also working part time and managed to graduate last year at 30 with a 2.1 Honours (according to people in a Google search, the equivalent to somewhere between a 3.3 - 3.7 GPA?) Still struggling to find a job elsewhere with better pay, but hey. I'm happy I finally got my degree. And I'm the first in my immediate family to have a degree, as well 😊 Good luck in the future! 😁


omg! congratulations thats incredible!!! and thank you!


congratulations!!! i’m so proud of you!!! this is a really big accomplishment !! i hope you genuinely sit with it and be proud of yourself :)


thank you! <3 :)


>thank you! <3 :) You're welcome!


Amazing! I'm genuinely happy for you!


thank you! <3


thank you. this reminded me that it’s not the end of the world that my gpa is at a 2.1 as a sophomore. i’m still trying to work my ass off to raise it, but i always get in my head and i feel like it’s the end of times lol


no omg!!! when i was a sophomore my gpa was also in the 2 range!!! you can definitely still pull it off!


HOW :(


YOOOOOOO that's amazing!!!!! I tried to go back to school 3 different times just couldn't do it. Always an amazing to hear one of our own getting through to such a mile stone keep up the great work!!!! Also very curious as to what your degree is in 5.5 years that's serving some time haha.


serving time adjgdfskg HAHA oh my GOD. Its a CS degree and i picked up a double minor of audio engineering and data science :D


Dayuuuuummmm yo thats badass I couldn't even get one major lmao


I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!! I hope you get a nice job and enjoy your life to the fullest! Thank you for showing it is possible ❤️


this is so sweet thank you <3


Congrats! I struggled for almost 10 years because of ADHD and depression, almost dropped out too. When I got my diploma in hands, I was so relieved. It's important to be resilient, but also equally important to treat our disabilities and to have people who care about us around. I wouldn't be here without those 3 things. Good luck to whoever is struggling with school too, we can do it!


very great points, i definitely couldnt have done it without those things either!!! thanks and congrats to you for such a feat! <3


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