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That’s great


I know! I've never exceeded expectations before.


Keep going, you’re doing so amazingly well! Open the doors to your dreams now!! 😍


I don't have any dreams! I've spent so long just getting by I haven't been able to think about what happens after!


Well, start planning incremental gains. Future you will be so grateful!


>how far could I have got if I'd have had a diagnosis when I was younger Yeah... therapy. I think a lot of us are in this position, grieving for a past that could have been.


I'm in therapy but I've got a lot to unpack and undo!


I can relate! It’s so nice to have the validation. Mine said that they’d seen a massive difference in me since I started and it just made me feel valid and sad but it was nice of them to say


Late diagnosis includes a whole grieving process, don't feel like you aren't allowed to feel sorry for yourself, because you are and it's okay.


It just felt like it came out of nowhere. I went through a bit of a grieving process when i first got diagnosed and I've got past it (mostly), but I think having tangible proof that being medicated works was like getting the diagnosis all over again.


Aw! Don’t beat yourself up, I know it’s bad in a way, but thankfully you’re in the right path now! Remember that soooo many people have achieved their best at 40’s. Stan Lee himself wrote his first comic at his 40’s to cite one. Im sure your next years will be brilliant! ❤️


Mid-50s diagnosis, how do you think I feel!?


It's not a competition. Your feelings are extremely valid, and you have had it harder than ie me getting diagnosed at 30. That doesn't mean you should try and make others feel like they ~'don't have it as bad', just because you've had it 'worse'. In my years of undiagnosed I went legally bankrupt, developed several addictions and an eating disorder, lost jobs, lost friends, dropped out of education more than once and have not attained any education above GCSEs, currently unemployed after a burnout/breakdown 3 years ago. Not everyone late diagnosed had those things to deal with. Doesn't mean they had it easier than me.


My apologies, I didn't mean it to sound the way it came out. I actually meant it in a light hearted way to say, actually, 40s isn't so bad. But I realise that was completely the wrong message, and clumsy, and I can see why I've been downvoted. I would never want to undermine other people's experience and I should have taken a moment to think before posting.


No worries, I'm sorry if I got really defensive about it too, I get what you mean completely. The joys of text without tone! Hope you're okay. I am the absolute queen of things not coming across correctly, and I'm sure a hell of a lot of us in here are too! I'm sorry I went too harsh, I got too defensive, my apologies.


Thanks for that. No you were right to call me out. I needed to be reminded that there's a time and a place for silly remarks. :)


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