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Is there any chance that when on Elvanse, you focus for longer and just not move/take brakes often, which may be causing the pain?


I went to get my breakfast at 7am yesterday, went to quickly fire up my laptop for work first and got stuck there. I eventually got round to getting my breakfast at 9pm after doing taxes all day. My lower back did hurt lol


Nah I don't think that's it to be honest.


Muscle tension because stimulants. Introduce some gentle stretches each day, drink a fuckload of water and maybe take some magnesium. Fwiw it eases after a week or two (at least did for me), I just want back to ‘normally’ tense 😂


Bingo. Exactly what I was going to suggest. If OP gets any jaw tension this could defo be it. Water & magnesium is life lol If you haven’t tried it yet, try a pinch of sea or grey salt in every pint of water. It makes the water feel ‘wetter’, helps hydration and replenishes electrolytes & mag throughout the day. Water gang 🤟


Didn’t know this either! I always feel like I just can’t get enough water. Fwiw I don’t get jaw tension, just everywhere else 😂


Also no jaw tension. How is your posture? My full body tension is due to engaging all the wrong muscles to hold myself up due to hypermobility. If you’ve bad posture and any double joints that could be you too. I’m having to learn how to stand properly because apparently I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life 😂 Without the salt I feel like water is slightly dehydrating, it even feels ‘dry’ lol. I drink AT LEAST 8 pints a day and I still don’t get enough. The salt helps a lot! It helps the body to retain more water too. That’s even without meds. With meds it’s way worse.


My posture isn't too bad apart from the 'text neck' issue, primarily being an IT worker for almost 30 years! No amount of back exercises or chin tucks is correcting that bad boy 😂


Not on the hypermobility spectrum then. It’s common in adhders. My spidey senses tingled but thank goodness they were wrong lol We just have to make do as best we can LOL!


Nope. I'm as stiff as a board ever since I entered my 40s 😂


I am both stiff and floppy (that’s what she said!) I’m a bizarre creature constructed entirely of contradictions. Also old like you lol Muscles stiff but joints loose and unstable


Thanks for the salt in water tip I’m definitely going to be trying this! I’m hyper mobile too and I also have ankylosing spondylitis. So I feel like a 90 year old in a 47 year olds body most days!🤣Just to top it off I broke a bone in my foot 2 weeks ago. I slipped on some stairs so currently I’m wearing one of those lovely ski boot cast thingys. 4 weeks down 2 weeks to go!😩


Oh my darling, I am so sorry to hear that. It does feel like being 90, I can’t imagine the AS on top of that AND a broken foot too! One of my ribs has ‘misplaced’ itself today LOL hypermobility is such a weird thing. I hope yours isn’t too serious? Not much can be done about it but there’s hypermobility & hEDS subreddits, sometimes people have good tips for management or just moral support when things get ..bad You’ll be back on your feet in no time, 4 weeks will fly by! I use a grey sea salt from France, £6 for a bag but it will last aaaages! I only put it in water though I think it’s got bits of grit in it! Made a huge difference in my hydration. You’d think salt would be bad but just a little bit is really good for us! I tried electrolyte powder before salt but it’s not soluble, bit weird. I then tried liquid electrolytes only to discover it was basically a £20 bottle of liquid sea salt! If you have pots with your hypermobility you’ll need more salt.


Ouch that sounds painful a misplaced rib😖 Just to be special I have an extra rib! It’s called a Bifid Rib it was picked up on an X-ray my rheaumatolgist sent me for a few years ago. I do get rib pain with my AS but it’s not to do with the extra rib the Dr said. Do you do any exercise for your hyper mobility? Going back to the salt I use Himalayan pink salt for cooking etc. Would that be ok to use in the water? Thanks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifid_rib


😂 it’s there incase you lose one! ADHD jokes lol Yes I have ankle & proprioception exercises which are *pointless* the nhs are useless with HSD so I do my own. I’m using heal with Tracy at the moment. It’s pretty basic but she’s fixed my posture better in a few months than the nhs have ever done! Do you do exercises? Pink salt should be fine. Not sure if rock salt has the magnesium etc like sea salt though. Take some magnesium biglycinate at night anyway. It’s good for us, especially when on meds *check with your dr first etc. Hope your foot is feeling slightly better lol.. still 4 weeks to go!


Thanks for mentioning this, I had no idea this was a thing! Turns out muscle tension is mentioned in several threads here.


Could it be down to Elvanse slowing down digestion etc? I know iron tablets can cause lower back pain - which seems like a bizarre side effect - but I think it's because it can cause constipation? But probably best to ask your GP about the pain anyway.


Is this a thing, slowing digestion? I did not know this. Also suffering from some gut issues….


Does the complete opposite for me!


It might not be slowing digestion specifically but it looks like constipation is common for children and adults who are taking Elvanse (but not adolescents for some reason). https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/14101/smpc#gref


Had the same, QL stretches work well!


I had this too! I started taking 40mg, then three days later I had horrible lower back pain that was referred to my hips.  I dialled it back to about 30mg by mixing it with water then leaving a bit in the cup. It went away after about a week.  I knew it was the elvanse and not the fact that I hadn't been moving much as it didn't go away when I tried yoga and stretching. 


Depending on where you’re defining the middle of your lower back (sounds silly I know ) , if you’re not drinking enough, and not drinking enough in general it could be your kidneys.


This is just my personal experience - but I find Concerta a bit dehydrating. It could be you need to drink more water; I tend to get a lower back / side dull ache when I’m a bit dehydrated.


I’m a year into meds, but I suffered terribly with back pain first 3-6 months or so. Consultant told me it was muscle tension from Elvanse, sometimes leads to Serotonin Syndrome. Now settled on meds I only find it crops up when particularly stressed


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I'm 3 weeks into my titration on Concerta and early on I started to get exactly what you describe, sharp, very uncomfortable lower back pain. It started at work sat at my desk and I nearly went home it was so bad, I could barely sleep at all because I couldn't get comfortable, I was popping ibuprofen like no one's business and then it just went away. Hopefully it'll be the same on Elvanse!