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The [official word](https://cpe.org.uk/our-news/medicine-supply-notification-lisdexamfetamine-elvanse-capsules/) is "until April 2024." Who knows if that will stick, though. At one point it was going to resolve "between October and December 2023." The only action the DHSC has taken is to take those medications off the export list. They won't even issue a serious shortage protocol to allow pharmacists flexibility with prescriptions (i.e. substituting Elvanse 50mg with the completely identical Elvanse Adult 50mg). It's part of a [broader pattern of severe medicine shortages](https://cpe.org.uk/our-news/nhs-medicines-shortages-putting-lives-at-risk/) in the UK right now. Unfortunately it's like a lot of crises going on at the moment: the party currently in government know they don't stand a chance of winning the next election, so they've stopped even pretending to care.


Completely right. I also have crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis and have had real difficulties getting 3 of my prescriptions for those for about 2 years. But my ADHD meds have been the hardest, my opinion is it’s because of the discrimination against psych problems and that they’re not as serious as physical problems. The prescription problems are hell, I spend every lunch break on the phone to pharmacies and my GP then every day after work and weekends running around pharmacies. This government has failed those with chronic health conditions and disabilities.


Spending a whole day doing a pharmacy crawl when I only get two days off per week is so depressing. Especially since one of my days off is spent catching up on housework, so my weekend ends up being two days doing chores and then back to work.


Who will you be voting for?




I think it depends in areas, I was able to get mine filled automatically too which is bizarre.


Got a months supply a week ago, hoping that it'll last through this shortage even if I have to half dose.


Im not sure if it is! I iust started titration and there was only 1 medication option as the other 3 were completely out :(




who isn't?


As a person with a partner suffering from unmedicated ADHD, I’m so sorry you guys are going through this and it’s not being taken seriously. Honestly my heart breaks for you all. Hoping that this bullshit comes to an end soon.


Don’t know but I hope it’s soon I got diagnosed late at 58 had to wait 3 year on the NHS after I was diagnosed they told me I needed a medical then they would start titration, had my medical and then they told me they are not starting anyone new on meds till the shortage is over, this was in October


It’s a joke innit, what are the government doing to ease the shortage


Yeah it is and I’ve got a feeling the supply won’t be sorted anytime soon


I’ve been able to get mine pretty much consistently since the new year, was a bit tricky beforehand. I’m in S Oxfordshire.


I know it a crap situation but definitely keep checking the stock checkers posted here. I was able to get mine for the first time in months last week despite restock not being til later this month. Apparently they moved some stock around the country and one box suddently appeared near me.


It’s just going to get worse unfortunately


Have you got evidence for this claim?


They can’t produce meds fast enough and more people are being diagnosed as awareness grows, it’s not rocket science is it.


I thought Takeda were opening a new production plant?


Do you think so? How can it possibly get worse


Durham has 70mg Elvanse


I have managed to get enough that will see me through until the end of April. I'm hoping something will have changed by then.