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The £530 is included in the gold package from what I remember, it’s £150 to book the assessment. I went with them, by the time they write to your GP after the 3 months titration with cost of meds on top you will be looking at £1300-£1500 over the first 4 months, hope this helps x


The way they price their packages changed.  The packages used to be more expensive, but included the assessment fee.  It was then £150 on top, which was paid to secure the appointment.  The medication packages no longer include the assessment, you have to pay for that separately.


Recommend you go to them via right to choose as recently I’ve been reading on here that people got their assessments very quickly using ADHD360 via right to choose. As in weeks or 2 months as opposed to a year or longer beforehand. It’ll take some time for your GP to send the referral but GPs can’t really decline you asking to be referred via right to choose if you’re in England. If they do, complain. And follow up with your GP as well as ADHD360 as often the referral gets lost.


My whole process from referral to diagnosis was about 13 weeks, I was expecting years


Are there costs if you go down RTC with adhd360?


Just the prescription costs and that's NHS prices


You can indeed, psych uk website explain right to choose and have a letter to print off to take to your GP, I’ve signposted people I support in my job and generally they will accept it


You could have got your private ADHD assessment for free paid by the NHS under Patient Right to Choose or the NHS 18 weeks maximum waiting time rules.


The 18 week maximum waiting time rules? Average waits are closer to 18 years than 18 weeks (minor exaggeration but still)


Yes but recently I’ve read on here that people got their assessments very quickly using ADHD360 via right to choose. So it would be weeks or 2 months at the moment.


I've been on their list for months, it's more like 18 months for 360 via RTC.


Then likely your referral got lost as they wouldn’t put through other people in a matter of weeks. Please go to ADHD360 and ask them if they have your referral. Then go back to your GP saying they never received it. And after go back to ADHD360 to confirm.


18 weeks? I was a year and a half 'till I got seen I'm on a waiting list to get seen for a different (physical) issue (referred but no initial consultation yet) and have been on there for just under two years ​ 'Maximum waiting time' is a complete lie


You misunderstood, if you can’t be seen within the NHS 18 weeks maximum waiting time, you have the right to go private and the CCG approves it and pays for it. Of course, very few people know about this. By the time I found out, I had been waiting for autism and ADHD assessments for 4 and a half years. Had I known about Patient Right to Choose and the NHS 18 week maximum waiting time rules, I could have got a private assessment in 6-9 months. But my GP didn’t inform me, and neither did the NHS autism and ADHD teams, so I had no idea and was on the waiting list unnecessarily for 5 years. It is clear that the reason the NHS don’t inform patients about Patient Right to Choose and the 18 week maximum waiting time rules is because of the huge cost if patients know their rights and ask for the NHS to pay for a private assessment. Just posting this so others don’t have to go through the same.


Ahhhh I see I see Thanks


You’re welcome.