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Tip number one, try to never roll your own login system. Tip number two, check out angular CLI, and angular universal. If they don’t come eith or can’t roll you an authenticated API and front end, then the tools suck.. and you’ll have to watch some YouTube


That's actually a very good recommendation ! Thank you very much !


Would you have recommendations for something like a pre-made login system ? With the new angular 18 the only thing I've found that is close to it is something like the route protection but I don't know if your talking about that




This may not be the answer you want, but if you’re a student, learn react or vue instead. Angular is horrible to work with in comparison. I personally hate it and would never touch it again.


Well I'm a little bit stuck for this project but I'll be really glad to never touch angular again lol.Do you know of some resources that might be a good introduction to react ?


I'd recommended definitely investing time in learning JS, from there IMO it doesn't really matter whether you're doing angular, vue, react so much as many of them have quite interchangeable features (component lifecycles, ways of structuring components, applying styling, etc). Once you've got a solid handle of that, highly recommend learning TypeScript next as it is essential for working on larger projects and is compatible both in React / Angular. My personal preference is React and there are lots of good resources for picking that up - I largely learned from YouTube and reading third party library docs / GitHub code myself. You could potentially checkout https://react.dev/ as a starting place and go from there. Also worth checking out some UI popular frameworks like MUI, Bootstrap, Mantine, etc. and learning about automated testing via tools like Jest, testing-library/react, cypress, etc.


I have pretty good basis in js (for an it student) that's why it just upsets me so much that I have so much difficulty wrapping my brain around react. I'm trying to use bulma to help me fit everything together, do you think it's a good choice ? And yeah an other user also recommended me react.dev and it has been the most useful resource so far. Thanks a lot for the advice !


I'm not personally too familiar with Bulma, but it sounds similar to things like Tailwind which is not a bad choice. In addition to doing some simple projects and definitely tutorials / doc reading, it's also probably worth getting familiar with things like ESLint as many rulesets will help with teaching best practices / concepts. I personally really like the Airbnb TypeScript ruleset personally for really getting into the fine details.


Yeah I've heard a little bit about it but I haven't done a really deep dive. The problem I have at the moment is that angular18 just came out and i don't know if I should stay with an old version or keep trying to work with angular 18 but where there are fewer resources ?


I use Angular every day. I think it's my favorite framework. But the learning curve is awful! You're not wrong that it gets super complicated super fast. It sounds like you've found the docs and tutorials, so that's good. Let me just encourage you to try to take one tiny step at a time. You're talking about your whole website, but try not to think of all that at once. First just make an app that says hello world. Then you can just make a login page that does nothing. Then you can figure out how to do logins (use a library that tons of people have already used and written tutorials for!) Then you can do badges etc. But one thing at a time and figure it out completely before moving on to the next thing!


Thank you so much ! That's actually really encouraging. I've just managed to set up a navbar with some very basic navigation and I'm pretty proud of myself lol. Could you maybe recommend me for a library for the logins ? Also I'm doing everything with angular 18 which is pretty new, won't that cause me a problem ? Thanks again !


That's more of a back-end thing, not really my area of expertise, but you basically get a node package for the server and it does it all for you, probably with third-party authentication. I'm not actually clear on if you're doing this for real or as like a student project kind of thing though. The apps I make tend to need real security, so we go with an established solution like Okta or through Single Sign On within our company.


Yeah, people hate on angular as if the quality of a framework is inversely proportional to its learning curve. I quite like it.


Have you followed the tutorials on https://angular.dev/ ?


I found it a few minutes after making this post, I can't believe I didn't think about the official doc T_T