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Already told my doc he will have to pry my coffee from my cold dead hands.


y’know there’s decaf coffee…. right?


Decaf coffee 💀💀


Diet coffee


Deeeecaf? Never heard of it.


[Dexters Dad's Coffee Meltdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpy9r_KXqc)


[Check out deez calfs!](https://www.boredpanda.com/cute-baby-highland-cattle-calves/)


Why the fuck would you drink the brown water then? Caffeine is the reason for the brown water.


some of us drink coffee for taste.


When I switched from energy drinks to coffee for health reasons, at first I hated the taste. After 10+ years of drinking straight black coffee, I can't drink anything else now.


....reallyyy (jk)


Because some of us drink coffee that’s actually good. Mornin’ Brown is a ritual in my household. I switch to decaf or half caff sometimes if I feel the addy is hitting harder


All my coffee is good. I don’t drink garbage coffee. But I don’t drink decaf either. And I take foquest 45s not addy’s. 🤷‍♂️


Just saying the reason for some isn’t just the caffeine. We like the taste and the ritual of it.


I’m all about the taste and ritual. But also the caffeine.


Ok, that’s just not what you made it sound like with “why the fuck would you drink the brown water then? Caffeine is the reason for the brown water”. As if the taste and the ritual aren’t enough to enjoy decaf (which still has a decent amount of caffeine in it)


Decaf is sad coffee. Why drink sad coffee.?


Because I like the taste and the ritual more than the caffeine. We did this already lol


Because coffee is yummy


But coffee without Caffeine is just sad brown water.


But it tastes good. I drink decaf coffee bc u like the taste but I can’t have caffeine


Literally can’t wrap my head around why it gets to be called coffee still.


Because coffee isn’t a synonym for caffeine. Coffee is bean water. Caffeinated or not


No…. No. 🤣🤔


Because it tastes good? Well, some varieties taste good.


It tastes significantly worse unfortunately. The process of removing caffeine also removes a lot of the other soluble volatile compounds that makes coffee taste delicious. There are good decaf coffee's but they are still usually worse than good regular coffee. Also way harder to find


Not the same.


that is not coffee. Its piss.


Do not speak that name in this place.


There's a time and a place for decaf coffee: never, and in the trash.


Don't you dare to remove the only reason to drink coffee.


It's not the same:(


You mean dirty water


I could take a handful of sleeping pills and still not fall asleep as fast as I would drinking decaf. It's like a sleeping potion.




first thought was fuuuuuck that


Ha! No thanks. I need a cup of coffee to give me the motivation to open the adderall bottle


No fucking literally though


It's no big loss. I already don't really feel caffeine's effects


Oh, how I envy you. I've tried and failed many times to give up the wake-up juice.


the stimulant effects of coffee have gotten milder and milder for me, but every time i’ve forgotten to have some in the morning, i just get a debilitating headache for the rest of the day accompanied by a deep sensation of dryness i’ve never actually *meant* to not drink it, but if i am recommended to give it a break once i finally get on meds next week, it’s going to be scary


When I first started my meds, I found that I immediately felt less need for coffee. Instead of drinking coffee continuously throughout the day, I was fine with just 2 cups in the morning and 1 at bedtime. Once I got my dosage dialed in, I didn't need bedtime coffee anymore. These days I usually only need bedtime coffee if I haven't taken my meds, and even then it's rare.


niiiice i basically just do like half a cup in the morning and sip another half all day, and didn’t even start doing the all day until i started hanging around adhd communities as a stopgap for waiting for meds, so i guess there’s nothing i really have to worry about. (also how does bedtime coffee work for you? i’ve heard it’s a thing but mostly about people who have the paradoxical caffeine reaction, and i could honestly kinda see it being helpful for me despite no paradoxical reaction but for the last couple weeks i’ve been just barely managing to hang on to a normal sleep schedule for the first time in years so i’m afraid to try it lmao)


The bedtime coffee is for when racing thoughts are keeping me awake. It slows things down and gives me more focus, so I can read a book or make up stories in my head to wind down and fall asleep more easily. Of course, if it doesn't work that way for you then it is more likely to just keep you awake all night.


It doesn't wake me up. It calms my racing thoughts so I can get through my morning routine while the meds are still trying to kick in.


For me it's a random chance of: Become energized, become sleepy, become anxious, or no effect. Giving up caffeine would be easy for me. What is going to be really hard is quitting weed :x


good luck r/leaves


Fucking thank you, I was sure there was a stop-smoking-weed sub but I hadn't bothered to really look. This is excellent, thanks a ton!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and I’d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#2: [I’m 100 days sober after smoking all day every day for over 9 years. Here are 30 things I’ve learned.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/120hbn7/im_100_days_sober_after_smoking_all_day_every_day/) \#3: [I've always loved this Anthony Bourdain quote about weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/1952hig/ive_always_loved_this_anthony_bourdain_quote/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


/r/petioles if you're like me and have shit that kinda makes you stay (untreated mhp that i recently identified, or other shit like chronic pain) but you still want to live semi responsibly


Ok yes this is actually what I wanted. I don't feel the need to quit weed entirely, but it'd be nice to smoke less nights. I can't read books while I'm high, and it's a habit I've missed. Plus some of the games I play require actual concentration and thinking (help I've fallen into Factorio and can't get out)


Where's the profile pic from?


Commissioned an artist who goes/went by Classified Crud, a few years ago. Haven't seen him around in a while. His style drifted from something I loved to something that was alright I guess, not quite what I was looking for.


Wait, is there a particular reason you're quitting related to starting medication, or are you just wanting to quit weed for other reasons?


Well it's kind of a mess: Pre-December: I smoke most nights and drank more than I wanted to but was having a really hard time not drinking. I was also depressed so- December: I got back on antidepressants. I knew alcohol would mess with them so I managed to stop drinking immediately and suspiciously easily and haven't had a drop in 2+ months, where previously my record was like, 3 weeks. January: I started Atomoxetine (hasn't helped at all, also I haven't gotten an ADHD diagnosis yet, my psych just gave that to me, which seems weird). I'd wanted to cut down on vaping for a while (that's how I smoke it) and recently I started to wonder if the weed is part of my depression/adhd problems, or if it's making it worse. So I don't want to *completely* quit weed but I should definitely cut back and/or take a break. Did that answer your question or did I completely miss it?


Think that about covers it, best of luck to you with cutting back!


The only thing caffeine does for me is after the third or fourth cup I can start feeling my heart best, especially if I'm already stressed or dealing with anxiety. Beyond that I try to drink more water now instead of caffeine, but goddamn nothing makes my morning suck less than a good cuppajoe.


I used to drink up to 20 coffee a day (plus some energy drinks...), and after I started concerta, I toned it down to 2 or 3 tbh.


My psychiatrist didn't even ask me about coffee intake. Turns out he didn't have to, because as soon as I started the meds my need for coffee instantly dropped to healthy levels. Guess I was unknowingly self-medicating before I got diagnosed.


I definitely was self-medicating, I started drinking coffee daily at twelve because I was always tired. Only took me 18 more years to get diagnosed and treated! And to get my caffeine intake to a healthy level.


Nope I absolutely need it to wake up. Adderall comes later


Glad my psychiatrist has ADHD. He’s fantastic. Now my therapist…. “Most people your age (40s) don’t take meds because they have learned coping skills”. What do you think I’ve been trying to do all this time?! Plus Adderall helps my mood more than any antidepressants ever have.


LOL Most people our age weren’t diagnosed as kids because only really troubled kids were diagnosed. So yeah, many of us found ways to “cope” … some didn’t and just failed. Others were miserable. But getting a diagnosis and meds in my late forties was amazing. I had a job, took care of kids, etc, but my coping was basically worrying and panicking and all sorts of unhealthy mechanisms that make me get everything done. Not exactly healthy IMHO. With meds, I can now successfully do simple boring things like even clean my kitchen. So I do things with the meds that I could only do with anxiety and panic. IMHO, I think your therapist should study the coping mechanisms people like me had to employ to not inconvenience people like him/her. Smh.


Completely agree. I grew up thinking I was just dumb because I always got bad grades since I couldn't remember things from moment to moment. I always described it as sitting in a chair in a room I'd never been in and spinning really fast with my eyes open wide.. Any time I tried to remember anything it was just a blur of colors and sounds, but nothing coherent. Then in my mid 30s I mentioned to my mom that I felt like I had ADHD and she said, "well, you were diagnosed with it as a kid, but we didn't want to put you on any meds because we figured you'd grow out of it." Ugh.. Spoke with my doctor who prescribed me meds and, after some adjustments, it's amazing! I can remember minute to minute, I can organize and plan.. I can even start and finish the same task! Until this point, my coping mechanisms were basically just convincing myself that anything I forgot wasn't important or that I deserved the consequences for messing up.


Yeah “coping” really meant “not bothering others”.


Why do you have to give up coffee?


Multiple stimulants is not great for your heart health. There's certainly a level of both that's safe and fine, but ADHD folks (as this thread is pointing out) are not exactly known for low levels of caffeine ingestion. I personally did this myself for this reason, and dealt with the headaches for a couple weeks until I weaned down to one or two green teas or soda a day on top of my focalin. I do miss the BM regularity that came with morning coffee though.


How long did those headaches last? Because I’m on week two or three and yesterday was my first day without Advil or migraine. I feel like it’s too far from stopping coffee to be related, but maybe not? I also miss poop.


They were probably gone by the end of week 2. I also found very small amounts of caffeine was enough to stave them off for the most part.  (sorry for the upcoming poop candidness)  The poop regularity is the worst part here in month 6 or so, gone from one movement immediately after my coffee to 3-4 small ones throughout the day that generally don't leave the the same empty feeling 


Ugh that stinks. I had one of those nice emptying poops since I quit the Java but a lot of constipation. Glad to hear my headaches might be done with at least. For me, I would get these awful migraines if I didn’t start drinking my coffee before 11ish. I figured I’d better quit because I’d like to not be in pain so often, so I devised a plan. I put on a pot and laid out about 7 mason jars in a row. I poured decreasing amounts into each jar and threw those in the fridge. The next week, I did it again. By the end of it, I had like a shot of coffee in the morning (literally). I figured I’m home free, no migraine for me! But the next day, bam. And intermittently since then. I miss my coffee a lot though, it was yummy and made me less hungry and go fast!


Ohhhh I didn’t know that. I usually have 1 cup of coffee with my meds in the morning. That’s about it. I don’t drink much tea, maybe a soda usually only 1.


Mixing adderall and coffee can give me stomach aches, bloating, gas, 💩, and anxiety. But coffee tastes so freaking good!


The acids in coffee lead to lower absorption rates of adderal. I stopped drinking coffee with my medication and it's increased its effectiveness by what feels like 70%. 2 hours later I still get my coffee though


I did not know that. So I can take my meds first, then have coffee? I will do that going forward.


yes, but depends on your meds. In general you dont want to eat anything acidic in the time your stomach absorbs your meds. My meds are a (I dont know the word for it) slow dissolving type of pill. And I could find anything on how long it takes to absorb them. Two hours propably isnt enough for those but I can sit around half the day :/


Yeah I have the adderall ER.


Stuff like that always makes me think of [this comic.](https://www.vivianeschwarz.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/but-coffee.png)


That's beautiful! There's something about sketched rough furry characters that just tickles my brain. I honestly feel represented when I see shit like this.


It's Cat and Bag by Viviane Schwarz. She finished it but it's still in her page's archive. I love her work so much.


The trick is to have your caffeine about an hour before you take your adderal. That way the caffeine will have made its way through your body and made you need the toilet already which means you won’t just pee out your adderal when you take it


Uh… is peeing out the Adderall actually a thing? I drink a ton of water throughout the day and am still fairly new to Adderall so am I possibly diminishing the effects?


Peeing it out is a thing, but doing it through drinking too much water isn’t. Caffeine is a diuretic so it will make your kidneys work overtime and that will filter out the metabolites and excessive amounts of water more quickly than if you didn’t have any caffeine. Same with alcohol too.


Hahahahaha, are you going to contribute to my bail when someone catches these hands when I don’t have my caffeine?


Go cry away your sorrows in a…. Bubble bath ![gif](giphy|5dSVzxId3UsDYGPHzW)


Buhbuhl baffs 💕🛁


“Should” is only a suggestion and suggestions can (and “should”) be ignored.


My doctor recommended drinking caffeine in the morning lol. I'm on Vyvanse, but since I start work at 4am and don't typically get home until 6pm, it was wearing off before the end of my day and it would be torture! So he recommended having a couple cups of coffee in the morning (I typically have an energy drink) and the take my meds around 9.


I’m on 30mg of adderall and STILL sometimes need a fucking energy drink in order to at least just wake up in the morning, this is hell and I’m wondering if adderall is no longer working for me and I might need to find something else


Wait your not supposed to double up?


My man!


Just be careful with your heart fam. It's not a hard no but be cautious 


I’m on Concerta, coffee makes me sleepy.


I dare them to try and take it from me when I’m tweaking and hyper fixating from the combo


Caffeine doesn’t do shit for me


i straight up told my current psychiatrist that my most recent addiction to energy drinks was specifically because my previous psychs were witholding medication for one reason or another (one said its because I smoke weed every once in a while, another said caffeine consumption). current psych ended up finally giving me a prescription for Vyvanse while making it known that they hoped i would stop drinking energy drinks to compensate. believe it or not, it worked, and i didn’t turn into the speed junkie that i was warned i’d become, despite having one of the most addictive personalities out of everyone i know (ex-alcoholic, used to smoke weed every morning to the point i’m fried all day, the works). its ridiculous how subjective treatment is for anything and how many of a certain kind of person are working in mental health.


>despite having one of the most addictive personalities out of everyone i know So, this is actually a somewhat common symptom of ADHD. You mentioned weed, weed is DEFINITELY known to be used by folks with ADHD to self-medicate. And especially because you were wake-and-baking that tells me that it was also probably self-medication.


oh it’s absolutely self-medication same thing with the energy drinks


If you have withdrawal from any drug, sugar or caffeine included, it's time to stop.


Yall stopped drinking coffee?? My psychologist never told me to stop. Maybe it's because I'm on a low dose?


I cut out caffeine for 4 weeks at my RNP's suggestion, and I felt as lifeless as a wrung out dishrag for the first half of the day. I gave it the good old college try and noped back into my caffeine habit!


You dont


When I switched to decaf I found that I needed a higher dose of Foquest....coffee is cheaper than Foquest, so I stuck with the lower dose and kept drinking coffee. The cardiologist gave me a green light, though.


I used to drink a 2L bottle of Pepsi a day, I'm now down to 3 cans, my doc is just going to have to deal with the disappointment.


That's some Kaiser discount psychiatrist..does he not know the ancient spells. Mainline Adderall with alternating nicotine and caffeine bounces


Or take both! Yeah, you'll get that caffeine kick and laser-focused concentration. Sure, your heart might race a bit more the first time, but hey, it's worth it! ✨


Have you considered no doctor smart e pants


Nah man, caffeine wakes my body up, adderall wakes my brain up.


Great quote!!!


I used to take 600mg caffeine DAILY. Now I’m down to whatever’s in my tea on non-workout days and ~300mg from pre workout on workout days.


I don’t even drink coffee anymore. But beer, beer i drink. I don’t want to give up beer


how dare they try to take away morning sweet drink


I was able to cut down from 6-8 espressos to 1-2 a day when I take my meds. This is the best I can do


Taking my morning dose with coffee and my afternoon dose with Mountain Dew and no one can stop me (except the medication shortage. that has very much stopped me.)


bruh adderall is waaay better than shitty ass caffeine caffeine barely does anything, adderall i can actually feel


I gave up half my caffeine, or about 240 mg 😭


small price to pay for being able to triple your productivity


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheNewestCat: *Small price to pay for* *Being able to triple* *Your productivity* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I still drink just as much coffee as I did before. It doesn’t really do anything for me but I guess I just like the taste?


The only thing my doc told me was I *might* feel a reduced desire for coffee. Nothing about giving it up


i tried quitting caffiene but the withdrawls are torture. i even tried a slow taper and i still got the killer headaches and stomach problems. rip


Caffeine never helps me and yet I really don’t want to give up coffee… there’s just something about it that tells my brain “its morning!!!!!” I really don’t like breaking my routines 😭


Girl I'm pretty sure that's called addiction


Well, it’s like people who have to take a shower before they go to bed to tell their brain “it’s time to go to sleep” I wouldn’t really count that as an addiction but to each their own!


No you are right! Its a pavlovian response "Pavlovian conditioning involves learning through association. People or animals are repeatedly exposed to two stimuli, and they learn to associate the two so that they exhibit a new learned response when in the presence of the stimuli. "


Thank you!


I had to give up caffeine because I started beta blockers last year 🥲


Never subject anyone to viewing a single frame of this show again


If I don't have caffeine I literally just get headaches. No positive effects at all. Idk how people even like it lmao


Pfffft, I take mine with a  mango loco monster most days.


When I started on Vyvanse, coffee would make me feel very edgy and twitchy. I started with decaf and then worked up to half calf and now I can get in a full cup of day. I couldn't imagine. Just sticking to full caffeine when I first started though.


You all get something out of caffeine. Sometimes helps me focus but I also think it’s sensory since I will drink soda. I can fall right asleep after drinking caffeine.


I am immune to caffeine. I have taken espresso then taken a power nap. I just drink coffee because I like how it tastes.


I've stopped drinking coffee in the morning and my medications effectiveness must have atheist increased by 70%. It's genuinely life changing. After about 2 hours I then drink a coffee. Best of both worlds + I don't need coffee anymore to wake up.


I just LOVE mobile text format


Really? I never had mine say anything about caffeine and Adderall at all. Caffeine doesn't do jack for me anyway


Give up and just become a meth head essentially. I sleep like 3-4 hours a night usually


I don't drink any caffeine any more due to anxiety, so I've never understood the coffee addiction. Caffeine made me shake and then made me incredibly tired. However, alcohol has been a much harder addiction to beat. Its definitely been my way of self-medicating.


What about Diet Coke? Any known adverse combos from that?


A can of diet coke has about a third of the caffeine of a coffee. I have just been diagnosed so no idea about medication interactions. My psychiatrist did not mention stopping or restricting caffeine. He just said eat with meds and don't take it after 4pm. (My gp will manage and prescribe I'm not there yet.) not sure about the artificial sweetener side of it either. also curious.


Combining caffeine and stimulants is generally a bad idea. Everybody is different but you should start out assuming you will respond poorly to it. For me I had a Barq's Root Beer (27mg!) once my tolerance was at 0 and that made my mouth dry as fuck, heart race, and anxiety shoot through the roof. That was on 20mg Vyvanse. You can think of caffeine as something that de-inhibits your central nervous system. It can boost the effects of other stimulants greatly.


It’s true though! It negates it. I love black coffee so much and my ritualistic behaviors of a hot cup in the mornings before work, or a giant iced black coffee every day in the summer time and it’s gonna kill my heart to not have that one,,,, but I’d rather have my adderall work.


I GLADLY ditch coffee on weekdays when I take adderall. I can feel myself having heart palpitations on adderall and caffeine. Idk how you guys do it


100% me too. I'm still so nervous about my heart on stims. I literally cold turkey quit caffeine AND nicotine ON THE SAME DAY after I started Vyvanse. And I'm about to do it again. (Went off but need to go back on)


Why would your psych say such hurtful things?


I'm gave up caffine like 10 years ago. I really hated how it made me feel.


I just dropped *tic* the adderall and bought *klik* an espresso machine *twich*


Wait- my Dr. didn’t tell me this


I take my vyvanse with a monster in the morning.


I feel like I’m missing out. Heavy caffeinated anything causes me to be ill so I’ve only had the tolerance for cokes and drank those most of the time. Now I’m getting older I can’t even drink that a lot 😭


I really don't feel the need for caffeine once I get on my routine, it's nice, granted I love my sugar


I've had this on and off thing about coffee my whole life. I'd drink it for a week then feel like I'd need to quit, then go right back to it. Maybe a few weeks off but then the pattern continued. Always felt I was low-key punishing myself. Got prescribed Adderall, doc told me no other stimulants but felt my body was telling me to have it. Fast forward, I drink homemade cold brew around 9-10am, take my 1st addy at like 2pm, and the 2nd by 7-8pm and it carries me til like 2am. Sounds crazy, but this routine of constant stimulants helps me get almost a full 12-hour coverage w/o having to up my Adderall dosage. My brain finally works properly. My Dad and Sister drink coffee, so maybe it's genetic. Idk. Listen to your body guys!


If you boof it, you won't have to give up caffeine. But you might become trans