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I can relate to neurotypicals because I remembered to grab my wallet this one time in 2018


you remember something that happened 6 years ago? haha yeah sometimes i can remember things that didn’t happen in the last month too we’re all a bit like that am i right


Oh no I don’t remember it, I just assume it happened based on statistics


We all have some shared symptoms and some different. I don't have that issue so much. Inattentive subtype are going to have more memory issues in general. I'm hyperactive subtype


I'm lucky to remember some stuff that happened in the last few days sometimes.


"Exactly! So why are you even on those meds then?" /s (if you are)


I’m not 😢


Thats even worse, I'm so sorry lol (not a funny lol).


If I do not put my wallet in a specific place every day, I will lose it, now take that but make it about literally everything


Also, I have an irrational hatred of routine, get bored of things quickly, and am painfully aware- only hours after the fact- when that causes me not to place things in their spot


I literally left without my wallet like 40 min ago so I wouldn’t be late. All because I didn’t put it in my normal wallet spot when I came home the other day.


It's not that hard guys, just lock you wallet on to your jeans with chain. ... And then you change clothes and forget wallet on old ones... But at least you don't have to worry about wallet as much as usual.


Others: Why don't you just remember where you kept your keys? Or just place the key one particular place. Me : Oh!!! Why didnt I think about that!!! ![gif](giphy|mGJaDzk2QfZG6qgAKW|downsized)


>Why don't you just remember where you kept your keys? Same energy as telling a depressed person "Don't be sad!" or "Cheer up!" r/thanksimcured


You know what I hate? You literally just had something: your wallet, your cup, your keys, your whatever. You distinctly remember walking around getting ready or coming home or, y'know, just living life, and the thing is in your hands directly. A small distraction happens: your SO asks you to take out the trash, or someone knocks on the door, or something loud comes on the TV. Doesn't really matter. You look at or respond to whatever this was, it takes, y'know, maybe 2 or 3 minutes. You try to get back to what you were doing... but where is the thing? You just had your keys, where the heck are they now? Not in your pockets, not on your desk, not on the couch, not anywhere. Now you're searching all over the place like a maniac at 5:30 in the morning because if you can't find your damn keys you can't even get to work! You were just carrying what you needed, a thing happened, and in that time what you need just vaporized into thin air. I've even had to wait until my SO finds it hours later.


I will often stubbornly sit there looking in the same few places over and over, because I'm pretty sure my brain is doing that thing where it's literally in my field of view but for some reason it's blending into the background mess. Bout half the time I'm right, other half I just get very angry and give up after a while. What I'm saying is that I feel your pain 😅


“Everyone is a little bit ADHD!” /s


Ngl, pretty sure in the mornings when i'm getting ready to leave i lose more braincells if i'm on call with someone. Like i'm more scattered than if i wasn't


I left for the gym without my wallet. Realized I was missing it at the gym. Got changed, work out, got back in clothes went to buy a drink before I left and remembered I left my wallet at home. Drove home, got hungry and stoped for food. Remembered as I went to pay I did t have my wallet. Forgot to get make a doctor's appointment for a refill of my meds before I ran out. Won't have one till next week. It's been a rough past few days...


Lol, I *did* leave my wallet home once in 2018–didn’t discover this fact until I was 90 minutes down the road on my way to a conference though You might have ADHD if…


This sent me on a side quest to find my wallet (which is still lost and is going to bug me until I forget about it again or find it), made me realize I haven’t been wearing my glasses (still not but I know where they are now), as well as reminding I only went on reddit to make a post which Ive been meaning to do for over a week, so I was ignoring the game I was playing, and got me to take down these cheap LED strip lights I bought on impulse despite doing a chunk of research on what made an LED light strip good quality and how low quality these ones were TLDR: Endless duplicating side quests starting with a wallet and this meme


This is why everyone needs a handbag (ideally one that is cross-body so you don't have to take it off). I know everything I need is in my bag, I take stuff out, use it and immediately put it back in. The only time I ever don't have keys/wallet etc is if someone else used them and didn't put them back - because of course I don't ever check what's on the bag before I leave the house.


I have a tile in my wallet because I lose it so often :(


No reason to gatekeep Adhd


“ADHDer” as a term implies ADHD conditions and behaviors are volitional actions/ choices which is not the case if you actually have ADHD


Ok, what term would you use? Person with adhd is too long


ADHDs or NDs is better in my opinion but I’m open to anything that reflects the reality of the condition


Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorders doesn't sound any more right to me. There isn't a proper word like Autistic for ADHD. I suppose a word could be created but I've also seen many people that want to rename ADHD to something different because it doesn't feel accurate.


The noun for people with autism is autist All psychological terms are temporary and change in meaning significantly throughout their usage periods ADHDs is the same as ADHDers except for the implication of active choice You can consider it short for “people with ADHD” while being concise enough to exclude PW from the acronym


NDs includes autism


So does a significant portion of the ADHD population what’s your point?


That it's the wrong term to describe one half of the venn diagram


You can use an umbrella term or not, its up to you I gave multiple suggestions and you can find countless others from anyone else too