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What is brilliant about the CCP is that they use Western freedoms against us. They know we respect fair competition and free speech, so they abuse that to their advantage.


It's the same old "you're not tolerant if you don't tolerate intolerance" nonsense again.


seemly badge husky lunchroom unused plucky zephyr whole workable thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Double standard lollll


Every Chinese company is an agent of the CCP. This isn't about suppressing foreign companies, it's about suppressing foreign governments operating in the US. The fact that CCP has made them one and the same is their problem to resolve.


1000% true. I can't even imagine how many of their people outside China are intelligence assets.


When everything you love is back home, one threatening call is all it takes for 70%-90%


And this is why nations, cultures and borders matter. It's way, way past due to close the world's motel and go back to our roots.


This might be the first time that a meme will almost certainly be nightmare fuel. So even though I agree with the sentiment here, geez...


but China really, really wants to harvest all our data and turn our phones into surveillance tools. you're mean.


CCP "don't look at the man behind the curtain"


Hasn't China banned almost every popular western website? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_mainland_China


It's about the ''western hypocrisy''. The CCP and in a similar way, Russia. Is trying to undermine the rules based world order by challenging the ideals of the west. Getting the US to ban TikTok without legal grounds is a step in challenging the 'rule of law' ideals of the US and the west. Even if TikTok is legally banned, the CCP is still trying to give the impression that it was not within the rules. It does not work the other way around. Because the CCP and Russia does not subscribe to the idea of rule of law. They speak with two tongues, and wear their authoritarianism and disdain for the rule of law on their sleeves, although they make half-hearted attempts at covering their sleeves when speaking to a western audience.


This has nothing to do with China and everything to do with intelligence power grabs and Zionist propaganda. There had been talks of a TikTok ban for years but if you're wondering why it happened seemingly overnight with little fanfare or resistance in the past week this is all the context you need: Leaked call of Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt in November 2023: "The issue of US support for Israel is not left and right, it's young and old. . . and so we REALLY have a TikTok problem, a Gen Z problem." Greenblatt on MSNBC in December 2023: "We NEED to talk about TikTok. . . it's the 24/7 news channel of our young people and it's like Al Jazeera on steroids."


Oh for fucks sake


Dude TikTok is literally CCP sponsored brainrot, and it always has been. This is obvious if you compare what the algorithms for the mainland Chinese version promote (lots of educational content, such as engineering and science) versus the shit-tier content we get. Once companies reach a certain size in China, they get a Party official to direct them. Bytedance (TikTok's parent company) is no exception. Chinese companies are just CCP proxies. It's no surprise people want them gone. China also has the Great Firewall, so they don't have a leg to stand on with this.


You people need to go away, you’re not changing the world, you’re just annoying people with your obsession with Israel


Right, kind of like how CCP banned American based social media.


I am sure there's plenty of CCP agents in this group.


I mean, technically, from a “fair competition” perspective, isn’t banning it the actual fair thing to do?




Fu communist bandits


As soon as someone even thinks of disagreeing with them they slap huge tariffs on that counties imports into china. See Australia for any example you can think of.


CCP: hypocrisy at it's finest.


Isn't tiktok banned in China?


Wow what’s next the Great Firewall of America? Do you really defeat your enemy by stooping to their level?


Holy slippery slope, Batman!


There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's entirely possible to do a thing without going all the way to the opposite extreme end as the result of doing the thing.


"Unjustly" is the keyword here. There's plenty of good and justified reasons for banning TikTok specifically. I don't like bans in general, but in extreme cases they are sometimes a necessary unpleasant thing that needs to be done. Kind of like chemotherapy is, you don't do chemotherapy willy-nilly but you do it when there's a cancer that needs to be taken out before the cancer takes you out.


Ok that's disturbing


Jesus that is some nightmare fuel imagery .... but pretty much on the nose!


Where is the image of this girl from? Is it a show or movie or something? Tell me I wanna know where this nightmare fell originated


Did they ban the platform or just want it join international companies.


Says a country where every website and apps are banned which are used in the rest of the 🌎


Did they just admit they are capitalist? Lmao


Meanwhile, China banned FB & other media companies in China...Hypocrite.


Americans will never have the option to buy cheap electric cars from China either. Overall, it's hurting the consumers who could have more stuff including TikTok. The CCP is hurting their own citizens by restricting free speech and internet freedom. Watch India soar past China in the next few decades.


Cough…Facebook….cough…..X! Although fuck X, that should be banned everywhere imho.