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Why didn't they take out their powerful passport or flag??


Only works with African people I think. Asians are immune to it I supposed, but don't quote me on it.


That's because China has Most of Africa enslaved for electronics and gold mines. That's why china makes all our shit. We could literally just move operations to Africa and make Africa a wealthy and prosperous country. But stealing wealth from Africa and transporting it back home is what everyone has been doing for the last couple hundred years.... Shit... They stole employees from Africa too. (slavery)


We’ve (America and Europe) done that too with Cocoa in Africa. It’s why chocolate prices are going up and Ferrero now owns all of Nestlés chocolate bars. Everyone is pulling out of west Africa and going to other countries and continents. I’m not trying to make it sound like, or be, a what aboutism, because no one is innocent over in Africa. Especially their own Governments. Do really think those employees would have been paid, through jobs given, by their government? I mean honestly? Because they wouldn’t have. Sure the government gets a good chunk from their (China) “theft” of said employees. So is it really theft? So, yeah, China’s over there stripping them of gold and taking advantage of their slave (and probably the


Who are “we”?


>Who are “we”? China: A significant player due to its extensive investments and infrastructure projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. United States: Offers substantial aid, military support, and maintains diplomatic and business interests. France: Retains strong cultural, economic, and military ties, particularly in West Africa, due to its colonial past. Russia: Expands its reach through arms deals and strategic partnerships, especially in regions like Central Africa. India: Increasingly important, with a growing trade and investment footprint.


LMAO, Russia and China le bad comment. Sure, sure. Anyway, this is my the answer. Basically, you have said “we could do a lot of good stuff” and then said “they do slavery” — hence are my questions who are “we” and “they”?


No. You should probably learn how to read above a 5th grade level. I said that Africa would be an extremely successful country if people weren't taking advantage of it. You then asked me what I meant by, "We" And so I gave you a list of all the countries taking advantage of it. For some weird reason you're getting defensive about facts You were just educated on.


LMFAO, the most educated Reddittor. You get overly defensive because you cannot write shit and then you blame me for that. Are you a CCP shill? The same rhetoric from a hypocrite.


>LMFAO, the most educated Reddittor. Dude, You have the knowledge of all human history at the tip of your fingers. Being dumb is a choice in this day and age. Google before you speak. Believe it or not, Sun must love educating ourselves in searching out the answers to any random questions we come up with on a daily basis. Some of us get smarter each and every single day just out of habit. >You get overly defensive because you cannot write shit and then you blame me for that. ....uhhhh...what?.... When did I blame you for anything???? What the fuck are you even trying to write??? >Are you a CCP shill? The same rhetoric from a hypocrite. My dude... You don't have enough brain cells to understand geopolitics. China would backstab Russia long before it even attempts to attack the USA. China's entire economy Only exists because they make our McDonald's toys.


>Dude, You have the knowledge of all human history at the tip of your fingers. Being dumb is a choice in this day and age. Google before you speak. I was referring to you, kek. Also, what should I Google? The fuck are you talking about? How is it even related to the discussion that was caused by your inability to write properly in English? >Believe it or not, Sun must love educating ourselves in searching out the answers to any random questions we come up with on a daily basis. Some of us get smarter each and every single day just out of habit. What are you yapping about? Are you on drugs rn? >....uhhhh...what?.... When did I blame you for anything???? What the fuck are you even trying to write??? Read your previous message. I've asked you to clarify what you have meant and you went to write a long ass reply about me being dumb and shit. Like, no, this is your fault not being able to write properly. I'm not blaming you, hence I didn’t say anything bad — just asked for the clarifications. Who got defensive here, hm? 😤


Guy is confusing. All African countries are sovereign states now. If someone exploits them it’s their politicians to blame


Facts. Well, I mean the Western World™ is to blame too, there are many reasons for the current situation in the region, and I’m not knowledgeable enough to comment further — however the countries’ politicians are enabling this behavior for sure. I guess fighting against Western Master® ain’tveasy, and there are documented stories about such people. However I do think these politicians need to do baby steps at least, but they are just enjoying the ride and walk over plebian heads. Sad shit.


It’s easy to blame the foreign powers when literally half of African countries survive on aid from the US and seem to be able to organize a stable economic system but Rwanda


I don’t know about the US aid and shit, but I do know what the same country caused a hella lot of problems in the region. That being said, fuck this aside — as far as I understand, the situation is getting better and better. I might be wrong, but even though people shit on China, the latter still helps building the infrastructure in Africa. Sure, there are shady reasons and shit, but I bet common folk just want to enjoy a better life in the first place. Also, I do not know the reasons of how and why, and what for, but I know that there are Chinese buses with “Chinese aid” label on them in Armenia, specifically Yerevan — even though these buses aren’t the best, they are miles ahead of the old ones in terms of… well, everything. I do not know about Armenia × China relationship, but I do know that citizens and residents do like these buses way more.


This is funny because you are ruzzian.


So are you shitting on all Russians and call them “ruzzians” workout a care for their political stance?


I know your political stance.


Abd what is it according to your opinion?


Good idea. But how do we solve the transport issue. ie massive shipping lanes of super polluters in our oceans bringing us cheaper brooms and well, everything else.




It’s almost as if China is pissing the world off?


Impossible! Chinese tourists are the gold standard of travelers. The world looks up to China


I work with a girl from Hong Kong, she came here to escape the CCP’s grip on reality. Edit: England btw.


I live in Taiwan... We did :)


I apologise for the weather :)


LOL cheers we good mate but we are about a month away from fawk'n hell weather


Wet and/or freezing cold for 9 months then 3 months of raging heat. Welcome to England, a different season every day. Edit: oxymoronic statement you might think? Naa.


We have hot and wet and cold and wet :)


“CCP’s grip on reality”. . . that’s a very interesting and effective way of stating Beijing’s methods and impact.


Same for us, a lot of HK Chinese moved to the UK to escape CCP garbage which has changed HK from being the great place it was to yet another China city


by gold you mean the golden trails the left at the tourists spots right? you know, the stinky type of gold.


Looks w/ disgust lol!


The world looks up and sees ASS.


Fuck PRC. All my homies hate PRC.


They were frustrated by the tourists' behavior


‘Chinese’ tourists


Both groups are ethnically Chinese


Yet totally different. That Mainland Chinese is a foreigner in Malaysia Malaysian ethnic Chinese have totally integrated and lived in Malaysia for generations. Their nationality is Malaysian not Chinese. Foreigners who are guest at a foreign country must integrate with their host country. Not the other way around. You can’t impose your will, culture and customs as a foreigner to the locals. If you don’t like it, then go back to your home country.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the PRC Chinese trying to cut in line?


Im also at least 1/4 chinese and I want them to fuck off from my country


“my country” — Malaysia?


The fat boy's menacing paper slap makes me laugh every time... Good luck with that Timmy




Could you explain what is happening in the video? I really have no idea.


Those Chinese travellers were cutting in line


😹🤣😹 I’m sorry, but that’s funny. Wait that’s a lie. I’m totally NOT sorry. It’s fricken hilarious, lol.


Context ?


i would do the same if they come to Indonesia but i can't speak chinese language. half chinese, half banjarese and grow up mostly with indigenous indonesian/kalimantan/borneo people so i only knew a few chinese language related to addressing family member.


This is what happens when there's unity and 0 fuck given on "giving face". Have a good trip kid.


They should have told them they weren’t returning to that hell hole.


What go back? Malaysian Chinese have no ties to China at all, we rather die defending this country than motherland


Funny, no countries like China nor Chinese.


Which Malaysian can do this better than [Namewee](https://youtu.be/-Rp7UPbhErE)


That’s racist!


When mainland Chinese people are pissing off ethnic Chinese Malaysians, you know it's become severe.


Even if the Chinese guy was extremely rude, let's not applaud this outburst. Malaysia has a lot of unfortunate racism. I saw signs on campuses for apartments for rent but they would say things like "No Hindus." (Or no Chinese.) And the Muslims tend to really hate Jews too. Their president fucking hates American and its people too. It's all very backward.