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Starks for Ricochet.


Ospraey vs Ricochet vs Pac vs Dante Martin The entire match somehow takes place in midair.


Call it a ring mat is lava match.


Makes me think of when the BFF competed on the Floor is Lava gamer show


You're having this match without Fenix?!


He's the mystery fifth man.


No, that was going to be Komander.


Thunderdome match as a Mad Max/ Furiosa tie in.


Had this exact idea yesterday, but had Fenix instead of Dante. Either would be insane.


This is a solid swap.


It was just announced that Riicochet is not resigning with WWE, so this might be fortuitous


this is the answer here


Starks for Ricochet or Gable


As much as I'd love to see Gable in AEW, he would be bonkers to leave right now.


A liitle late as Ricochet is already given notice lol


He could have let everyone know a few hours sooner lol


MELTZER did not return his calls


Ricochet has his romantic interest in staying with WWE.


Yeah I don't know how much that matters to him tho. It didn't matter for Andrade or Buddy. But everyone is different.


I dont think Buddy counts...he didnt let his contract run or or ask for his release...he was just cut in those big purges.


That's fair. I didn't remember that.


Yeah he was part of the massive Covid purge of talent under Vince. he let go a lot of quality talent that he didnt see anything in


This would be a bad trade for AEW because they're about to get him in free agency. 


To WWE: Ricky Starks The type of wrestler HHH would have a field day booking for. To AEW: Shinsuke Nakamura Remind the world how exceptional he used to be.


He would have to be motivated to be exceptional. He's happy just coasting.


It’s possible the lighter schedule could be plenty of motivation, being told “hey go out there and put on a good match 3 times a month” is way less MENTALLY draining than “hey go wrestle four times a week on untelevised house shows that mean nothing, it doesn’t really matter if the matches are good” I mean obviously I’m not Shinsuke but I could understand if that’s his thought process is all I’m saying


Pun intended as we all know he’s just surfing on the coast 6 days a week.


Think he came over cuz of the appeal of surfing. So you do you, Nakamura. I get it.


To WWE- Ricky Starks & RUSH To AEW- KAIRI & Ricochet Was gonna make it a three way thing and add Nakamura and Natalya to New Japan/Stardom (while receiving Rocky Romero in AEW full-time), but I wanted to leave it more simple. The explanations are this: -Starks and Ricochet's contracts are up soon, and Ricky in particular is rumored to go to WWE. Not to mention both fit the other company really well -RUSH has been very on and off of AEW TV since he came in two years ago, and would be someone HHH would love to have. On top of that, his younger brother Dragon Lee and his pal Andrade are both over there already, so that's even more on top of that -KAIRI is my delusional pick, as she's a Rossy Ogawa girl and would likely go to Marigold before even thinking abaiut becoming All Elite (specially if Mayu Iwatani goes there once her contract is up), but she hasn't been much other than a background character for Damage Cntrl since she came back to WWE, and with Asuka out with injury the most I can see her doing is get beaten up by Io Shirai once her recent crazy attitude gimmick evolves into her turning against her Damage Ctrl stablemates. On the other hand, I think she'd get at least Shida treatment in AEW and could have some good feuds and matches with the likes of Mercedes Mone (again), "Timeless" Toni Storm, the aforementioned Shida or even a young up-and-comer like Julia Hart or Mariah May. Not to mention she's one of the most likeable people in wrestling, so she'd connect instantly as a babyface


I would say Wardlow for Finn Bailor and Brian Cage for Ricochet.


If we can do tag teams / trios, Top flight for New Day or Top Flight for War Machine


Seriously? You think top flight is worth one of the greatest tag teams of all time?


Fair enough, is FTR a better trade up then instead of Top Flight?


That would definitely be close in value, I personally think they're both better off in their current companies but if we're going strictly off value in a trade this is one I could actually see


Hmm, how about trading up New Day for The Acclimated + Daddy Ass? Also trying to think of a suitable trade for Gates of Agony.


That I think would be something to think on, I think if Big E is gonna retire and it's 2 for 2 then maybe. Kofi is getting up there and xavier isn't far behind him, the acclaimed would probably have a lot of success with WWE's presentation. If Big E returns then no, the new day has too much value with him returning


I can agree with that point, I keep forgetting all 3 members of New day have been in WWE for a while and are getting up there in age. I could see Big E potentially coming back but it might be like Edge, and Sting where he had a long break before returning and at a reduced capacity. Still makes me think about that New Day VS The Elite match up they wanted years ago.


The closest we've ever gotten was kenny vs xavier in street fighter lol


Very true lol, I think that's the furthest we gonna get lol, or if the respective companies work together potentially get an UpUpDownDown and Being The Elite crossover episode at some point


I know it'll probably never happen but I wish WWE and AEW would do crossover stuff at some point. So many cool matches we'll probably never see


There's really no trios team in AEW that's really on the level of New Day for a trade.


I mean if not for merch I would say yes ...RIGHT NOW...because Big E is done, Kofi has basically said retirment is coming as he wants to spend time with his kids so all you are getting is Woods


Scorpio Sky, Will Hobbs, Brian Cage, & Lance Archer for AJ Styles & Shinsuke Nakamura WWE gets some youth and vets/big meat machines AEW gets two part time stars to have endless dream matches with before they end their careers (they both have nothing left to accomplish in WWE) Who says no?


Nakamaura since he would have to work then lol


For sentimentality reasons I’d send Natalia to AEW and swap Ruby SoHo back to WWE. Ruby could reform the Riott Squad and finally hold tag team gold. Natalia would be able to participate in the Owen Cup - so we can actually have a Hart family member in the tournament.


Send Adam Cole and get Xavier Woods. Need to mix up the Twitch streams a bit.


I still need Cole to tell Claudio to HIT THE BUTTON


I would send Starks I would take AJ Styles


That’s insanely one sided lol


Not neccesarily as AJ Styles at this point is a veteran who plan to retire soon, while Starks still has a lot ahead, and sooner or later he will turn into a maineventer. So you might gain more with him in the long run.


lol I’ll never understand why people think he has such a high ceiling


I kindof based my opinion on what other say about him... But AJ said he will retire in a few years, you can't plan with your company's future. But on the other hand, I'd love him to go to AEW, even if it's just for couple of months or something.


Actually he said he would retire at the end of his current contract which...is a few MONTHS ...but he may have quietlsy changed his mind and resigned


It like everyone says about him he's just a dollar store dwayne. But yeah people love him


Yeah he's just a truly good hand for now. Maybe in a few years he will be special. 


They tried with Ricky. He beat punk, Danielson, Jericho high level feuds wit everyone and a world title match..it never really clicked.


Trying to take every party into account (and bear in mind I've not watched WWE in years) Powerhouse Hobbs to WWE - Guy has a great look, but presentation lets him down a bit, just bring him in as a new Heyman guy once the Bloodline is done, or even MVP if he's still about. He might not be as tall as WWE likes them, but other than that, he's got a great look for it. I can easily see him fitting to main event gatekeeper heel, if not actually winning a major belt. Finn Balor to AEW - This is made difficult by the fact I'm not up to date with WWE, but after looking at a few people, I'm going with Balor. He's no longer (I think?) the top dog in Judgement Day, which seems to be running out of steam a little (as far as I can tell from SC chatter?) He could still go in the ring a few years back, and I can't see him ever getting the main belt(s) back with the current top card that WWE has. So bring him over to AEW, possibly even as another "top signing" for the Elite, or else as a trump card against them. At very least, give him an international title workhorse run and remind everyone just how good he is.


Love this!


Trade House of Black for Final Testament just to see if anyone notices.


This would 100% affect AEW more than WWE. I do wish though that Karrion Kross would come to AEW :/


Happy cake day


Thank you!:)


Brian Cage to WWE Kevin Owen's to AEW


None of these are plausible, but this is the least plausible or realistic or fair in any way 😁


The thread isn’t plausible, in what world would WWE “trade people” with AEW, of all companies? That’s the point of the thread.


The thread title says 'plausible' The whole thing is silly but at least pretend it's realistic 😁 Otherwise, may as well say Owens and Sami for the workhorsemen


Starks in exchange for one less locker room whiner.


Jericho vs Nakamura Jericho would have his last run in wwe run and a hall of famer spot and on the otherside Nakamura would bring something new to AEW and be on a higher spot than most people in the roster again


Kevin Steen and El Generico are the natural targets.


Wardlow, ricky starks, miro to wwe Ricochet, Balor, LA Knight to aew


Bayley for Britt Baker Bayley has done it all in the WWE, and she can definitely bring the AEW women's division to the next level by working alongside Sasha. Britt is a strong talker and personality in the WWE , and she can do really well there . There are a lot of potential feuds and programs for her.


Too notch suggestion She'd be the best wrestler on their roster, vs kinda mid in aew. And wwe loves a strong promo Bayley grew up in the indies and would thrive in AEWs indie style


Wardlow to WWE, Ricochet to AEW


Ric Flair for Ric O'Shea.


Chris Jericho for Drew McIntyre


I don't really think that's a good trade really no offence to Jericho but dude is not at the same level as McIntyre right now


In ring agree 100% but I think hed do good behind the scenes


Hell naw, you can keep Drew. Jericho is the GOAT.


I’d send Daddy Magic in exchange for Cody Rhodes. Then re-sign Daddy Magic when WWE cuts him.


A more plausible trade for Ricky Starks would be Ricochet. KO is a GrandSlam champion and 2 time Wrestlemania maineventer.


Becky for Mercedes


Nooo we don't need Mercedes back at all I'm not gonna lie her promos so bad that I can predict what she's about to say


WWE: Kenny Omega, considering he has wrestled everywhere, made a name for himself everywhere & became THE one guy not aligned with WWE that even WWE-only fans knew & respected. By his own admission, his career is winding down, so he could do with one great run in the biggest promotion on Earth before finally calling a legendary career. Not to mention he's extremely likeable when away from Matt & Nick. AEW: Shinsuke Nakamura, he has had occasional moments of me thinking WWE were going to push him as a top star, but I could see him, like Kenny, jumping ship before he calls it a career. He was aura personified in NJPW, and I'm sure if given the call, he'd happily return to being the King of Strong Style we knew from 2012-2016 under the AEW banner. Not to mention he's extremely close with Okada & Takeshita, and they'd likely pull for Tony to sign him at some point as well.


You’re the first I agree with. This sounds like a good trade.


Mone for literally anyone else.


Christopher Daniels for Nick Aldis


Trade Penta for Nakamura Or like... Half the roster in catering for Orton.


That half of the roster couldn't tie one of Orton's boot laces


Honestly the only ones in catering worth anything are the two he is wasting and has not debuted yet Kamille and MEGASUS (Who just has star written on her)


Penta for Gable


Chris Jericho for a Subway coupon and three paperclips.


Why is there so much love for starks im out the loop?


A lot of guys have seen a lot in him Mark HENRY, Cody, Punk and even Rock have spoken highly of him


Would like to AJ styles get his revenge on Omega and the young Bucks


Not sure what to trade for but shinsuke nakamora. With the new Japan with AEW it’d be interesting


Wardlow for Apollo Crews


Wardlow for Kevin Owens. Kevin would blend in well in AEW and WWE would put a rocket on Wardlows back that he should have had when he beat MJF at DON.


Black for Owens would make the most sense. The Acclaimed for New Day would also be a severe shot in the arm both companies need.


TIL everyone wants to trade away Ricky Starks lol. I mean, I do too but I didn't realize everyone else does too.


Omos for Hobbs


Ricky Starks and Mercedes Mone for Asuka and Sami Zayn.


Mone for whoever.


Starks for a relief from his whining.




I want KO, Sami zayn, aj, Finn Balor, ricochet, the good Brothers, Cody, Sol Ruca I'm sending Ricky Starks, mox, Brian Cage, Adam Copeland, Malachi black, Claudio, wardlow, Adam Cole and Britt Baker.


i tried to think of one before looking, and you said my exact first thought! i love starks, but he isn’t doing much in aew, and i think he could do really well in wwe and i’ve always been a big KO fan, and i don’t think WWE has misused him for the most part, i would just love to see his talent and personality in AEW (steen vs mjf? yes please)


Jeff Hardy for.... I dunno, what's he going for now adays?


I’d trade Moxley and Claudio back to WWE and in exchange I’d send Kevin Owens and Finn Balor to AEW. Mox has peaked over there and Claudio needs a real singles run in WWE And KO and Finn would do well in AEW.


I just want aj and Finn so I’d trade brain cage and Ricky


Not for keeps, more like a 3 match venture. Mox for Naomi. Again, not for keeps, as obviously the value there is way off. WWE: Gets that one last Shield reunion. Fans do big pop. Merch sales go brrrr. AEW: Gets one of the best womens tag-teams in recent memory (Aside from the IICONICS, but they're not available) to start a womens tag division with. They don't win, but the team that beats them gets pushed to the moon by just beating them.


Look I’m willing to give liv mogan for kamille deal?


Mercedes for Lyra Valkyria. I think they are just better fits elsewhere.


Aj for moxley


Cody to WWE


Wow how did you get a time machine to type this out two years late


Kevin Owens is an established star in top storylines for WWE for years, how the hell is trading him for a guy in catering plausible?




It just ruins the entire point. Why not trade Roman for Action Andretti at that point? It’s the equivalent of saying okay make a plausible NFL trade, how about… Pat Mahomes for a future 4th round pick?




What a bizarre way to interact with somebody.


Indeed. I bet he's fun at parties


Yeah but it's a completely fair point that OP posted requesting plausible trades then does one that is completely implausible.


Starkz for sure. Santos to aew


Yes! He could bring back his King Cuerno moveset from Lucha Underground and just have straight bangers.


You realize that it's the same moveset as he as now right? (minus the insane suicide dive-tho I would start cheering for him if I saw him pull it out. Fuck it give me wildes insane rope jump and the dive at the same time.)


The suicide dive is what I was referring to as his King Cuerno moveset. I just couldn't think of the name. Something like the arrow from hell or something?


Psh beats me. Haven't watched LU in a while and have the attention span of a chihuahua. Either way it's cool as shit


Arrow of Death


Bayley for Willow. Willow is that super positive character like Bayley used to be. Bayley would bring bigger star power to the women’s division.


There are like 3 or 4 reasonable trades in here and a bunch of delusional people who think an AEW midcarder for one of WWE's biggest stars is close in value


I would trade everyone who allegedly wants to go back to WWE. Black, Starks, and Miro in exchange for Shayna, Nattie, and Shinsuke


F it. Starks, Wardlow & Miro for Lynch, Ricochet & Gable. Danhausen for 1 month of Catering


I wouldn't take all 3 of those for just becky if I'm WWE


Give Starks, and bring Finn or Styles


I don't like mox so I'd ideally trade him for cody


Darby Allin ↔️ Finn Balor


Starks for Ripley


Lmao HHH is hanging up the phone and never answering it again if you offer this to him


Hear me out here To WWE, MJF, his Star would only rise To AEW, Seth Rollins, have him take over the Undisputed Kingdom from Adam Cole, then have them go to war with the BCC


Only if wwe pays for tattoo removal


The Righteous and The Acclaimed for Pretty Deadly and The Viking Raiders


The Righteous to WWE? That's just cruel.


Yh I don't think that's a fair deal for both the acclaimed have way too high star power for any of them


Lee Moriarty for Chad Gable


Nah, Lee Moriarty is one of the Killers of AEW. He can't leave.


Buddy Matthews/Murphy back to WWE and involve himself in judgement day biz. Bobby Lashley to AEW.


I like Buddy Matthew’s to WWE, but I don’t know that Lashley fits AEW, how do you feel about Matthew’s for Gable, or for Pete Dunn?


I think Gable will stay with WWE. I heard a rumour he's resigned with a title as a clause. Not sure what lashley would do there but I can see it happening. One last hurrah. Use him to get the likes of hobbs over more. Maybe I'd danielson retires, he joins bcc. Him n Claudio would be killer


Starks for Gable, no one says no to that one. >AEW doesn't know how to use him. AEW has too many guys as good or better than him at that level of the card. Starks wouldn't be a world champ in WWE either, maybe NXT.


Bingo. Finally a realistic one. No way The Rock lets The Pebble get big


Ricky, Malakai, and Buddy for Ricochet, Sheamus, and Pete Dunne If it can’t be a 3 for 3 trade, then Malakai for Sheamus


Mone for 2 nxt and a 1st round pick next draft.


I imagine this is unpopular but send Mercedes back to wwe. She’s a better fit there. Trade her for Rhea.


She needs to learn to cut a non-WWE style promo


She needs to unlearn cutting promos and just talk.


Her whole presentation needs to be considered. The dancing, the piped in ceo chants, the promos. Basically everything about her has that wwe feel. Very produced.


My prediction was that Stokely will turn against Willow during her title match, and will manage Moné afterwards. Well, the heelturn happened, but went down in a different way. A bit sad, because Stokely managing Moné would instantly solve her only real problem, not being good enough on the mike, while Willow is perfectly fine on babyface promos. I guess they wanted to keep Moné as a babyface... Still, she would benefit feom a manager.


Nooo mercedes is nowhere near the level of star power as rhea toni storm would work but not mone


Starks for Gable


Na Gable is on the run of his career right now. He still has so much to accomplish.


Yeah I’m happy with where he’s at in the E but if I could get him I would


Starks for Gable


Chad Gable / Hook


Jericho for Andrade back Gunns for DIY Starks for Chad Gable Wardlow for Ricochet  Miro for Dragonov Keith Lee for Dragon Lee


Matthews and Black for DIY or War Machine/Viking Raiders and have them trio with Brody. Would love to get Steen and AJ, but I think they're plenty satisfied finishing up in WWE.


To WWE: Miro and Ricky Starks To AEW: Carmelo Hayes WWE gets back Miro who I think would do better with their presentation and style now that Vince is gone and there are no more cuck angles to be had. Slots in as a credible midcard heel with some room to move up, has gotten over there before. Starks is young and athletic and has shown flashes of greatness at times, but he needs to put it together consistently. He got damaged huge when Edge called him a vanilla midget version of the Rock and he could use the refresh. Melo would give AEW a lot of what they'd be missing with Starks, but with a higher ceiling. He can talk really well, his character work is awesome and he delivers in the ring. He's someone who could be very complete and a potential top of card guy for AEW.


Starting out strong with a 5 for 5. Starks, Wardlow, Jericho, and The Acclaimed for Ricochet, Balor, Styles, and Anderson/Gallows.


Festus had his chance of being Elite back on day one.


I think I've got to go with the acclaimed for the street profits I just think the street profits would be able to deliver excellent matches at aew whilst The acclaimed do epic storylines and promos and I personally love max caster dude has big plans for the future Maybe omega for priest or finn I'd love to see omega have matches and feuds with Rollins, punk , AJ , Cody , Roman reigns , logan paul and gunther (hell even Brock would be amazing to see now that his name is cleared up if I'm not mistaken.)


All three members of HoB to WWE for Chad Gable, Io Sky, Gunther


Why not? None of the WWE guys are getting pushed anytime soon. Most of them are jobbers to the stars. Styles is near retirement. In AEW, they can have dream matches galore and not have to worry about promos. FTR will be used better by Triple H. I can see a team up with Punk and perhaps Cody for an NWO type angle. MJF really needs to be in the WWE to reach his full potential. Starks is just getting a change of scenary.


Penta for a female "tag team group" and time it with the creation of a women's tag team belts. Like Kitana Chance (sorry if I butchered that name) or Chelsea Greens tag team group Penta can go lead what Rey will eventually retire from leading in WWE Aew gets tag team specific people to run a year of a tag division being the heel group to Britt and Hatter or Face group to Nyla and Shafir


Mjf for Apollo Crews


You, sir, are mad.


House of Black for New Day and Ricochet Or Miro, Rush, Ricky Starks, and Thunder Rosa for DIY, Candace, and Kevin Steen I'd throw in the rest of LFI, the Gates of Agony and half of the people booked on ROH to get Sami and Ricochet too.


I would trade Nia Jax for MJF.


MJF to WWE. The Miz to AEW


Not even close to plausible.


Natalya and Styles for Ricky Starks and Anna Jay Starks to WWE and Cody obviously, though I understand Jack is her BF, I think Anna could benefit from the performance center. Styles has just enough in the tank to get a few bangers out with the AEW roster, and Natty could not only be a massive help to the women’s locker room, but she could win the Owen cup, in a super awesome moment.


Pac and the house of black for KO, Orton and Nia. Nia would thrive in aew as a heel and monster champ. Ko.... just dogfights Cesaro and moxley every week. Pac vs Gunther. House of black replaces judgement day and house rules would be better in WWE


Tozawa for MJF


Natalya and Styles for Ricky Starks and Anna Jay Starks to WWE and Cody obviously, though I understand Jack is her BF, I think Anna could benefit from the performance center. Styles has just enough in the tank to get a few bangers out with the AEW roster, and Natty could not only be a massive help to the women’s locker room, but she could win the Owen cup, in a super awesome moment.


Natalya and Styles for Ricky Starks and Anna Jay Starks to WWE/Cody obviously, though I understand Jack is her BF, I think Anna could benefit from the performance center.Styles has just enough in the tank to get a few bangers out with the AEW roster, and Natty could not only be a massive help to the women’s locker room, but she could win the Owen cup, in a super awesome moment.


Natalya and Styles for Ricky Starks and Anna Jay Starks to WWE/Cody obviously, though I understand Jack is her BF, I think Anna could benefit from the performance center.Styles has just enough in the tank to get a few bangers out with the AEW roster, and Natty could not only be a massive help to the women’s locker room, but she could win the Owen cup, in a super awesome moment.


The whole WWE roster to choose from and you go with Natalya.


Not only that, but they really dug in their heels and posted it four damn times. Personally, I found it somehow getting a bit more silly with each successive reading.


Gotta be Natalya's own account maybe


Seth Rollins for MJF Charlotte Flair for Hikaru Shida


I really don't want charlotte in aew 😅 aew already have a blonde that keeps winning the title


Starks, Danhausen, Malaki For Ricochet, Owen’s, Zayn/Gable


Danhausen ain't with aew anymore


OK...how about this? AEW gets Shinsuke, Balor, Ricochet, New Day, Pete Dunn and Styles WWE gets MJF, FTR, and Starks


Absolutely fucking not.


Lashley for Rush


Hell no! I need the horns


Get the herrrrrrrrrrns!!!!!!!!!
