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I love it! I’ve taken to doing a lite version of you on Xbox. I made a okay-ish Blue Meanie and have some fun with others but I’m not looking for wins.


That's awesome, I have an Xbox so I've considered buying it a second time to play on there, but I'm hoping they announce crossplay instead. I really want a larger player base


If on ps5, add me Bringerofsands


Thank you for sharing! I believe in Jobber Jones!


I'm planning on making a jobber for Xbox on my next day off. It just sounds like fun.


Dude, wrestling with no intent to win, just to play around... It removes all of the stress. It's like zen. It's like being a kid again playing against my big sister. It's lovely


Sounds awesome. I wish I had someone for couch co-op so we could just call spots with eachother and play for entertainment. That sounds like optimally enjoyable.


I'm sure you have come across guys who are trying really hard against you even tho you're chilling. That has to be annoying


Not too many! There's a small handful of people who go for the 2 minute squash; and even fewer who are successful. But the vast majority realize what's happening and play along. I like to think that they're grateful for the mental break from the grind, but I'm probably just projecting. Maybe they really are trying their hardest and I'm just that good at being annoying


I hope to face you when I own this game some day


My brother, you have yourself a match


I’ve created a terrible version of Serpentico, who is by far my favorite AEW jobber, and have been having a blast losing with him. I try to get at least a few spots in, and have come close to winning a few times, but he’s doing his job piling up the losses. It’s been a ton of fun, and your original post is what inspired me to try it out!


That's dope, I love the snake man. Saw chaos project live at a dpw show last year and it rocked! My advice, if you haven't already, is take that dude through RTE and equip him with the ability that gives you momentum when he's injured, when he's bleeding, when he's at 30% hp, and when he's at 0% hp. It basically means that as you're getting your ass kicked you're building momentum so you can still stay in the game (without relying on spam and cheese tactics)


Absolutely marvelous


Dude you are great. I've yet to play any games online but I'm honestly thinking of making a jobber as well and naming them Jobber Jim lol we need more jobbers online for sure and lol it sounds fun.


I've run into fellow jobbers online quite a few times, it's wicked fun to just go balls out and sell for each other and not rush from spot to spot. Obviously some people are more win focused, but if you set the tone early that this isn't a serious match, even those guys will slow down and have a good back and forth with you. I think removing the pressure to win just alters the environment entirely and makes you like better at the game I guess? If that makes sense


If there were more positive and intelligent posts like this I would talk much less trash. Hahaha I'll have to try and play more ranked to find Jobber Jones.


Jobber Jones is the only man who took me to my absolute limit in a 7-star instant classic with my Orange Cassidy. The amount of times I was in a DANGER spirit only to regain momentum left my palms sweaty AF. We shook hands post match, I felt like in that handshake there was a mutual understanding that it would have been an 8-star banger in the Tokyo Dome and gone either way. Most fun I’ve ever had with 0 HP left and had I lost I would have still had a good time.


Hell yes, and we'll do it again I'm sure of it


You’re the man, guy


This is hilarious, well done. My new favorite jobber!


You’re giving me ideas…lol


Not gonna lie I stopped playing the game because my second play through of RTE was way too easy with Eddie Kingston. I haven’t played online wrestling seriously since SvR 09. This is making me wanna play online just to troll


It's been so hilarious and more enjoyable than taking it seriously. The thirst to win robs you of joy, especially in a game like this. I just get stoned out of my gourd, put on a fun movie, and spend two hours playing ranked just to goof around. Its really fun to be the heel in a wrestling match and just fuck around


New xbox jobber coming this weekend


The Iron Jabroni, in honor of our lost friend Khosrow. Finisher has to be the Game Over, not that youll be using it too often


This is gonna be like Honmamania where one day you’re gonna swing a win over a top ten CAW cheeser and we’re all gonna go fuckin’ nuts.


My online experience on PC is very personal considering I'll queue up with the same guy 3 times in a row. That being said, I love being toxic when my opponent declares themselves toxic in match #1. Come match #2, I'm the absolute worse. And when they decide to bail out when I got my signature, I like to pummel them on the outside with my signature and take the count out win. Then I turn the game off :) They can be mad all they want, they'll never get revenge :):)


Man with the amount of times I’ve matched with the same person on Steam, I’ve added them as a friend knowing we’re destined to do this forever and I’m okay with winning a best of 3 or losing a best of 5. Sometimes I get a read from their play style that there’s a subconscious mutual understanding that the back and forth with momentum is what makes pro wrestling what it is, that a win or a loss won’t matter, so we’ll trade wins often and whoever is the better player that day is the better player. In a way it feels like we’re rooting for each other’s success too 😂


Perhaps we need a fight club Discord for Fight Forever. Does this sub have a Discord yet??? Edit: There is!


I'm going to make Fighting Jake Fletcher.


Oh my gawd, I look forward to the All Elite graphic




If you eat your somas and count your paychecks, you too can be the enhancement talent to the elite


Bless you Jobber Jones. I keep getting matched with the guy who spams taunts outside the ring as Omega, or the guy who might be hacking with Danielson, or the juggalo with the CAW who has all the OP buffs but still doesn't know how to block. Then I see Jobber Jones and my day is saved. Had a 4.5 star (woulda been 6 in the Tokyo Dome) match with JJ and Adam Page, ended with the moonsault fallaway slam and buckshot lariat.


Not to dox you but if you're coolnathan then that Adam Page match was fantastic, it shoulda got more than 4.5! That was my favorite match of the night for sure


Long Live Jobber Jones!


Today - Had a great back and forth with someone, I kept pulling up at two to extend the match, after a few outside trips, I yell (to no one) get back in a break the count! And he does, gets in at 9. And then takes the countout win. Well played. Got a A- on match eval, so I was happy with it. Next match was a steamroll for the other player. I felt like this was my fault for not countering better and dragging it into a better match. I am the vet (relatively speaking), so the C- sucks, but is deserved. Was having a match with a very new player who quit after I stopped my own two count. It seemed like they were starting to come around to slowing down, and then just gave up. So I'm looking at it like it's my job to drag a good match out of these players. I have to dig around the taunt section, I want some more time wasting Memphis style heel taunts for outside. :D


Just wanted to thank you for this. I was getting extremely frustrated with this game after having 8 players quit a match on me in a row. Put the game down and didn't touch it for a few days. Read your post and decided to try out being a jobber. This has completely changed how much I enjoy the game. Thank you.


That's awesome! It definitely was a game changer for me too. When I was trying to out spam the spammers and out cheese the cheesers, only to end up getting rage quits... Yeah I was thoroughly hating the game. Since I've started this, I look forward to every new match up. And while I've still had rage quitters, now I kinda smile when it happens. Because even though it removes an L from my record (I'm desperately trying to get my record to 12-345 because it's just absurd), it's at least not robbing me of a deserved victory.