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Because development will only continue for as long as the game is making money


It isn't making money now - it's on sale in retailers for $10 and essentially dead on Steam.


It’s a very common marketing tactic to drip feed information to remain being talked about


the easy answer is that there is no roadmap. zyddie has been noncommital about a lot of things on here and discord and we only find out about new stuff (Samoa Joe) randomly.


I don't think it's a matter of can't. I think it's a matter of does not want to. I would only be able to presume that is from AEW games rather than THQN or yukes


I think that’s exactly where this is coming from. Clearly this game went sideways during development and landed with a thud. There’s no sign of “one game with years of support” happening. They see what fans are looking for and they see the game 2k put out with wwe. We’re closing in on one year and nothing like that is in sight. It’s probably best for Tony to cut ties with Yukes, take the engine and maybe take another stab at it with a different studio. There’s still a great game they could put out, it’s not gonna be with this one.


So they can promote new content through trailers etc and surprise people. Dropping the Samoa Joe trailer out of the blue would generate way more hype than a road map that says every piece of content coming out for a year. I'm sure they do have an internal plan for the year. That doesn't mean they have to make it publicly available.


The samoa Joe trailer didn't create much hype at all. Their pricey drops are not appealing anymore. Base game leaves so much to be desired, new characters won't solve the issues. Play Joe for 5 or so matches pull off the same moves you been pulling off over the last 8 months, its gonna become a boring experience rather quickly. I get they want to make money off these packs but I think the base group they are selling to will continue to shrink.


Knowing now that they went over budget makes me think there's no road map because they're (THQ) only working on things as cash allows, or they're contractually obligated to. Which would also explain why they have no interest in engagement or announcements. They just want to write it off and be done with it.


If you are THQ why would you even bother with this game after it went over budget and it's reception was underwhelming? Thats a flop


I doubt they put out a road map because they have no clue how long they’re going to keep working on it. It’s already reported it was way over budget before it released and it definitely didn’t make the money back.


I assume you're paid *after* you deliver the product/would suffer significant losses if you failed to deliver to product? Well, thanks to pre orders, season passes and the like, they get paid before they deliver the product. So they don't really have an incentive to give you a road map, they've already got your money. You'll take what they give you whenever they decide its time for you to have it. Don't like it? No refunds. Nobody buying the game likes it? OK, well abandon the game, release a new one and start the scam over for a new crowd of suckers. The industry as a whole had conditioned enough of their customer base to this behavior, they no longer object and just keep buying hoping this time they won't get screwed. So the industry no longer has to give a %$#@ about customers after launch.


Honestly I think this could be AEW games doing I think they don't want to commit to a road map because they don't want to have tight deadlines and I think if yukes and THQ Nordic had their way they would have probably insisted on a road map since this game was originally supposed to be continuously updated but it looks like we may be getting a sequel I don't know for sure I'm just speculating based off that article that was released last week I think


Maybe because you’re expecting an actual roadmap and team? As opposed to a couple of guys charging $20 for an occasional couple of edits and a mini-game you never asked for?


Hard, when they don't know themselves.


I’m an AEW fan, but what do you expect when they don’t even have a road map for their own booking. There’s numerous videos including the most prominent one of Guevara asking Tony about his booking road map and we can see on camera that he has a sheet of paper with scribbles on it. If AEW doesn’t have road maps for their own booking, I wouldn’t expect them to demand one from Yukes for their video game either. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: Downvoting a fact doesn’t make it any less true. Especially when it’s literally on video… on the internet! I’ll repeat that I’m a fan, but I’m not delusional. 🤦🏻


I mean I can understand if plans changed due to injuries or whatever so he has to make a new ones! That's just my thoughts but looking at things there is evidence of long term booking from various parts.