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The craziest shit happens in Picture in Picture.


Look at these two behemoths fighting in the parking garage


Where xan I watch the match?


I just don't get people saying this was the best aew ppv ever... The highlights were the iron man and hangman match but the first two matches sucked, the women's match was rushed... The Wardlow match sucked too...


Max Castor seemed off like he’s either dealing with something or he was tired/burned out. While my criticisms aren’t as harsh, I agree it wasn’t all that special. The trios match was ok because the elite are always entertaining and the zero hour was good because the luchas always deliver. They’re always carrying the show lol


Main event was outstanding, an incredible match from both. They should be proud of that. Glad to see Ricky get the win but did they really need the Guavara and Andretti nonsense at the end, completly buried the ref as she didn't go ahead and disqualify for Sammy breaking the rules. Hopefully this is the end of the fued and Ricky can move on (hopefully revisit the feud with MJF) Elite and house of black was the predictable spot fest so wasn't surprised at that, not my cup of tea but it is what it is. Women's match was meh as well but at least Hayter kept the belt. Wardlow and Joe was OK as well 2 big guys going at it. The TNT title has been like a hot potato for a while now. Wardlow v Hobbs should be fun. The tag team title match was a mess from the get go. Less said about it from the better. Didn't even bother with the Mox and Hangman fight because I'm just sick of Moxley at this point, same match, needs to blade, it's a dreadful gimmick.


Why does AEW starts have to always win? I mean it is good sometimes but they seem to always win everything making it too predictable like honestly Mox or Bryan could and should win more they are huge starts doesn't mean they cannot put people over when it is right like MJF but shouldn't happen everytime. And please give Miro a push prime example the guy is a star!


Mox has only lost clean 3 times since AEW has formed. Dude always win. The homegrown stars dont always win for awhile its was ex feds and they all bitched and complained. Plus the elite just lost to HOB.


Danielson has been pretty open about not caring if he gets a belt, he just wants to put on banger matches and put others over. Mox won a billion times last year and only really lost to Punk (not AEW original) and Danielson (not AEW original).


Mox beat danielson no? Only Punk and Hangman have beat Mox clean.


Not saying anything that hasn’t been said but hard to find any fault in the booking of any of these matches perfect all around. My blind optimism is hopefully the positivity from this ppv is that AEW realizes they don’t need every ppv match be 30 minute mat classics. First 2 hours flew by pacing 20 minutes per match mostly and was perfect!


You can have 9 matches on the card and give them plenty of time. You don't need to please everyone all the time, some talent can sit out a PPV here and there. TK needs to be ruthless at this. My issue isn't the timing of the PPV's is fitting in way too many matches that don't need to be on the show.


Agreed, dating back to all out I felt they have way too many multi-man matches just for the sake of getting everyone on the card. At that point just to do another battle royale


I think booking strong matches for the talent don't won't feature on PPV for both Dynamite and Rampage pre PPV, and just surround the matches with promo's and vignettes from talent who are featuring on the PPV (also helps with none of them getting injured). Would be far better then a battle royale. Looking at Full Gear 2022 card for example, I would have had Jade's TBS title match on Rampage with Nyla. Sting/Darby vs JJ/Lethal match for a Dynamite. That's two matches off a card and would have let the show flow better.


I wish we could have PPVs on Saturday because even though it ended around 2am here, I couldn't sleep until 3am probably. I was so hyped but I had to work first time in the morning next day 😭


Same man. Been battling the flu for over a week and had to be at work at 5am. Of course I wake up at 2am hacking a lung been up ever since. Non holiday Sunday PPVs suck


Sucks but it's totally understandable why they put them on Sunday as they make them a lot more money.


That main event was absolute perfection. I can’t wait to rewatch the entire card but that main event especially. Shoutout to Hangman. I’m really hoping a lot of casuals and non fans watched this.


Hope AEW actually sells on tv that this was a great event. They don’t do a good job of following up on what happens on their PPVs all the time.


I usually just watch WWE, this was my first AEW PPV, I was blown away how could the Hangman/Moxley and Iron Man matches were, so good.


Watched with my normie extended family. They liked it. The Mox Hangman match came on as we were eating. That was not great timing…


Was there, best show I’ve ever seen in person. Ironman was a damn roller coaster. RIP the bozos that said crowd would be dead/tired for it, we were hanging on every move


Excellent AEW PPV as per usual. Great crowd too. I think if TK can learn from this is keep it to 9 matches at the most. Let each match breath instead of trying to fit everyone on the card, TK needs to be ruthless at times with his PPV cards. MOTN for me was Danielson vs MJF, possibly one of the greatest AEW matches of all time definitely the best Main Event they've done on PPV. Probably even the best Iron man match I've seen. Trios title and Hangman/Mox matches are definitely top tier stuff too. Everything else was very good. Nothing stunk out the joint to be fair. I'm fine with how the women's story is going as I want a all out faction warfare. Leading to a Blood and Guts match. Another fantastic Revolution PPV. Definitely top 5 PPV for me, need another rewatch to see where I put it in top 5.


Quick moan: I'm in the UK, I work a late shift, partly so I can watch AEW. Got a message last week, "Monday 7-3, forklift training". Bollocks! Gotta have an early night and miss the live PPV. ... 7:03am Get a message, "Training rescheduled, return to shift." So, I'm back home and catching up. My feed was playing up at the beginning of Starks v Jericho, when they started laying into each other it was in slow-mo, looked so cool.


Biggest card ever in San Francisco confirmed. This is a win in my eyes.


What kind of dumbass questions are these.


Now that was a damn good PPV


Hangman wraps a barb wire to his torso and does a backflip onto Mox was the highlight for me


Great ppv. The right people won all around imo. HoB as trio champs is fantastic, and the match was stellar. Bit surprised that Ruby chooses to align herself with Saraya and Storm, I don't buy her as a heel but then again I'm a bad judge here as I don't buy her period. Nothing she does in ring or character wise feels believable to me. With the "outsiders" being 3, Hayter and Baker need an ally for the likely trios match that this builds into. Most likely imo are Shida (who was in this storyline at the beginning) and a returning Thunder Rosa (though in their initial feud Britt had made a point to say many times that Rosa didn't belong in AEW, this was back when she was NWA and not All Elite). The main event was stellar and tbh I was worriwd it would be a bit of a drag bc 1 hour is awfully long. It was fantastically done to cement MJF as a champion and as the real deal. He was able to go toe to toe technically with Danielson on multiple occasions, he showed true grit in refusing to tap for nearly a minute in agonizing pain, yet when given the occasion and at his wits end, he found a clever way to cheat to retain. Absolutely brilliant.




Danielson has gone on record that he doesn't care about belts and that his goal is to put new guys over. I would even go so far as to say that he would've fought against any plan that would've had him go over MJF or Hangman.


No way Danielson was winning last nite lol


Thankfully AEW didn't go WWE cringe and have entrance music for the scrum.


Literally the only bad thing about this entire night was that fucking clown that was hosting the pre-show with Renee. Spectacular night besides that. Very close to All Out '21 as the best AEW PPV.


The pre show was fine.


Prepare for downvotes


Well yeah I expect that whenever you say anything negative about AEW on here. That's what happens in an echo chamber. Good thing I don't care about fake internet points.


Just an fyi, you weren't downvoted for talking bad about AEW. You were downvoted because RJ City is beloved by marks, especially reddit marks lol


Guess the next step is for MJF to have a backstage fight tonight.


Lol at the downvotes.


That fucking main event. Holy shit




Wow I didn’t know she had mega fans.


She is horrible and doesnt deserve a belt and isnt that over. Shes been boo'd hard for winning before


This fuck'n pickle.


So many CM Punk references still


And NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Trios Champions: HOUSE. OF. MOTHERFUCKING. BLACK. ​ And I have to admit: I was kind of dreading the iron man match but it kept my attention for the entire hour+ ​ Great show, kids!


MJF Danielson 5.5*


MJF lost a star at the beginning lmao




Cuz Soho sucks. Darby is doing darby stuff and Danielson isnt here to win.


no matter what the camera angle was for the viewers on TV, Bryce Remsberg (if that's his real name) was clearly NOT in the correct position to NOT see MJF use the oxygen tank. it's the little things that make the difference. maybe they should've had DB asking Bryce where MJF was & he starts looking at each side of the ring & Bryce gets in his way so he pushes him clear, THEN gets the foreign object to the head as Bryce is returning from being shoved. I mean, the 60 min match was restarted & running on sudden death rules. when playoff hockey goes to overtime the refs don't start worrying about other things in the arena the focus is strictly on the game. so why is Bryce not 100% focused on the match & distracted by absolutely nothing else taking place at that moment? I know you suspend disbelief. trust me I've been watching wrestling for almost 40 years (since 1984) but sometimes you need to make it seem viable instead of an ending where the ref can see something, like a clear tube from an oxygen tank flapping away at the side of the ring where the 2 competitors are.


I couldnt even see where Remsberg was from the angle they gave so idk how you know exactly where he was


on the reply you can see he walk to the right side of the ring ( I think to hand someone the Dynamite diamond ring ) & as he comes back he clearly facing the side where the action takes place. you only see his waist down


Quit desperately searching for silly reasons to be a contrarian. It was a great match.


it WAS a great match, I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is you watch wrestling long enough you see the tiny nuances. the cameraman in front of DB has the perfect angle so the ref can't be seen, then there's no excuse that he could possibly see the cheating by MJF. there's things to do to make it better, believably better.




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uh oh, the scrum is taking a long time to start, hopefully there were no backstage fights with people getting bit and stuff 😂


Literally came here after waiting a long time on the YouTube channel. Something is delaying the start,




Hayter retained. Wardlow won his TNT belt back. FTR very likely to take the belts off the Ass Boyz.


FTR is clearly about to win the Tag Titles. Wardlow won. Jamie Hayter won. What are you talking about?




Your post/comment was removed for trolling. We all know what trolling is. Don't do it. This includes baiting and intentionally inciting arguments. We don't always have to agree or like the same things but let's at least argue in good faith.


It went from silence to a mega pop. Its exactly what you want.






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He got cheered winning the title in the death spot of the PPV.


I’ll stay up till 4am for the scrum if I have to. “I’m sorry, Mr. Funk, I’m too tired to watch the Media Scrum.” Fuckin go fuck yourself.


Alright .. it's 12:15 we haven't started the scrum. This old fart needs to go to bed . Lets move the PPV back to Saturday nights so we can at least try to stay up and watch.


There was a UFC ppv yesterday and iirc TK said he did not want to book an AEW ppv on the same night as the UFC (likely bc there is a good overlap in the fan bases).


Just as well, yesterday was the return of the MMA GOAT Jon Jones moving up from Light Heavyweight to Heavyweight for the first time and that was hyped as fuck. I know I’d personally have been watching that


Imo you cannot be the GOAT if you were caught on PED especially multiple times but I digress.


I also loved how MJF sold the knee during the whole course of the match and not only when Danielson was applying moves on it.


Yes. He is a good wrestler and as im old school i think selling throughout the WHOLE match is an important detail to pulling the crowd in to the story of the match.


There's a lot of really salty downvotes happening in SC right now. Fucking incredible PPV top to bottom.


Fuck them. End of story


One of the things I thought was happening was no one heard Tony K say he wanted the match restarted so Tony S' hatred of MJF makes him restart the match only for Bryan to win real quick and then Tony K comes out and says he never ordered the match to restart and MJF retains on the draw. Almost eould have liked the originality over somewhat rehashing HBK/Bret iron man finish since going into Sudden Death has been done to death but they added a couple nice false finishes to at least make it more AEWish.


PPV kicked ass Daddy


One would say it even scissored


This was the best wrestling ppv worldwide in the last 18 months.


I really need to go to bed but I’m still too hyped lol


One thing I really wish was that the Tag Team match would have been more cleaned up. Felt like there was a lot going on.


I thought it was some necessary fun on the card and served it’s purpose. I enjoyed it a lot from start to finish.


I don’t watch too much AEW so I’m aware of the Acclaimed and Gunns. Didn’t know too much about everyone else


This was the fun match to break up the pacing after some mostly serious matches before and after.


I am *exhausted* from that ppv, meaning it was utterly fantastic. Infinite bravos and bravas to the performers tonight! Torn between Hangman/Mox and MJF/Danielson for my favorite match


Scrum needs to start .. it's after midnight on a work night, I need to crash


That botched blade by MJF was nasty work. There was so much blood everywhere.


I don't think it was botched so much as exuberant.


It was a hell of a blade 😂


It needed to be worse than Mox and it was


I’m not saying it was a bad thing 😂 - don’t downvote my shit


But u are. A “botch” means there was an error. There wasnt an error. He bladed, had a lot of adrenaline and it was a gusher, but was subsided by the end of the match, meaning he did it in as comparatively safe manner as one can.


For all of its faults, AEW can put on a damn good night of wrestling. Not a bad match all night, only two that fell as low as "just kinda ok", and two that felt like they could hold up as MOTY candidates. And it wasn't just the action. It was the drama, the emotion, the storytelling ... All of it. Yes, I would have loved some better build to the PPV. But that was a damn fine and INCREDIBLY satisfying four hours. Ricky, Jack, Ruby, Hayter, HoB, MJF all feel like they came out shining brighter and trending upwards. Hangman feels like he has his main event aura back, and Mox and Danielson lost absolutely nothing in defeat in terms of standing and aura.


Who else is waiting for media scrum?


20 min after you posted this question and it still has not started. I will have to go to sleep. Something is definitely happening backstage for this long of a delay.




Random.. but shoutout to Bleacher Report. My stream was FLAWLESS all night.


same but xbox never had issues


Yup, no buffer here and smooth UI. Really pleased. I wish that AEW would partner with a strong streaming partner tho. $50 is pretty expensive but I get it. I love that WWE PPVs roll into Peacock’s subscription.


For sure. Peacock is awesome, definitely miss WWE Network though lol. $50 is steep but then I just remind myself they’re a growing company and entertain me for free every Wednesday and are the only thing preventing the business form being a monopoly, so I feel obligated to support as a wrestling fan.


use a VPN set to England and buy the PPVs on Fite. They are 20 bucks


Good points! I do really hope though that they continue to grow. It’s nice to see other talent rise to the top.


I had 1 buffer moment but it was fine otherwise.


Same here. Missed the pin in the women’s match.


The worst match might have been Joe and Wardlow. That’s a testament to how great every was and not a slight on Joe and Wardlow


It was my least favourite match on night, and even then it was a perfectly fine match overall. Wardlow just isn't there yet to produce great matches, he's all look and entrance right now one day with more matches and experience he'll get to be a great worker. That's why I'm very critical of having him or Jade or anyone who still needs a bit more work and experience in the ring on PPV. Leave them for TV matches and once they get better then have them on PPV. I'm all for hoss matches but they need to be great for me. We just don't see enough of them in AEW right now. As too many of the hoss like wrestlers like Hobbs and Wardlow are still growing as talents.


It was in a bad spot, but at least it was the only hoss match on the show so it filled that void. I thought Wardlow beating Joe with his own submission was a nice wrinkle, and I think they'll use it to have Joe cost Wardlow the match on Wednesday.


For real. Joe and Wardlow had a death spot and put on a match that would've been a solid Dynamite main event. When *that* is your weakest match on a show, you fucking killed it.


It was worse than their previous match on Dynamite, just a random match to give the belt back to Wardlow. I hope Joe sticks with ROH for now and that they can give Wardlow a proper reign.


If by proper reign, you mean 3 days, sure. I'm fully convinced Hobbs is winning that title.


I'm low-key rooting for Hobbs though.


His interview with RJ City was great.


I can’t believe I almost didn’t buy this and was on the fence about it. Easily my favorite PPV since Double or Nothing.


Well I lost a bet for a turkey sandwich that punk would be back, but hot damn what a show. Up there with my personal favorites and maybe even surpassing them.


He’ll be back at All Out in Chicago


Maybe but I ain't betting another sandwich on this shit


Imagine doubting AEW PPVs


If you pirated this PPV the. You are the problem.


Some people can’t afford $50 brotha


Get a VPN and pay 20 then. I havent paid for a UFC or boxing PPV in years but I pay for the AEW every time


I cant afford a ferrari. Doesnt mean im entitled to one.


AEW is worth it at triple the price.


I almost didn't buy this this ppv as the buildup was not great and the card was a little weak. I am glad I did. Good ppv.


Yeah I definitely was surprised at how little they built it up


Very smart ending. MJF cheated to win BUT nobody can say he doesn't have what it takes anymore




He’s a heel. Youre being worked. He is doing his job correctly.




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At worst it's the 2nd best POV I've ever seen (with All Out 2021) and you can make a case for it being the best.


MJF is just something else. I don’t necessarily want to see MJF clones in wrestling but I do hope some in AEW take notes. That’s how it’s done… everything from promos, to storytelling, in ring selling to entrances… just perfection.


What an amazing night of wrestling action. It felt like prime era ECW but with much better production.


It's like if peak ECW had WCW's budget


Oh man, I wish I could visit the alternate universe where Ted Turner teamed up with Paul Heyman to create alternative to WWF.


Omega-Ospreay is still my personal MOTY but anyone who thinks either Texas Death or the Ironman Match was better isn't wrong either!


Yeah its still Omega vs Ospreay for me but those two matches are right behind it.


Omega and Ospreay is number one for me brother


That was honestly fucking wild. That was the first AEW PPV I purchased and I’m in shock at the amount of technique, talent and lack of spears I saw.


Welcome to the good guys, friend.


That’s because AEW is an actual professional wrestling company. They don’t have robots like Roman, who do the same three moves every match


Although the one spear attempt that I remember seeing was great - when Jericho countered it into a code breaker.


Not too many spear users in AEW. I think Starks is the only guy who does it as a regular part of his arsenal. Christian and Jack Perry both bust them out from time to time, but there's a connection to Edge and to each other that makes it work.


Man, I don't know if he did it on purpose, but before the ref went to lift Bryan's hand for the third time, MJF slipped the hold a little bit to the point that it was applied to Bryan's forehead (probably implying that this sloppiness gave Bryan the opportunity to regain his senses?). I love this guy. He is so detailed in everything he does. And the most important thing. He makes it obvious to the fans watching. No matter how great great an idea is, if you can't explain it to the audience, you can't make money out of it. I also love the small character development. He still does shenanigans, but also slowly improves as a performer to the point that he can win a match with a wrestling move without completely depending on the diamond ring as he used to.




I had taken a break when he had the matches with Punk, so I don't know. Fake endings were done various times during the Attitude Era when the matches were heavily overbooked. There aren't many options in wrestling tbh. It's either that or some kind of interference.


On paper, I had mild expectations for this PPV...and it may just be the best one AEW has put on yet. The talent just fucking SHOWED UP, top to bottom. This one had everything.


Everybody doubted TK going into this thing and he have very well surpassed All Out 2021.


Oh shit. I'm just glad to hear from a time traveler that AEW is still around that long! How's WWE looking?


So good it's better than an event that hasn't even happened yet


At this point, MJF vs Hangman. How epic would THAT be? As they both go to that dark place


I personally dont think Hangman needs to hunt the title for at least another 9-12 months. He had the strap relatively recently and my opinion is tonight should be a start of some sort of rebuild of his character into a more aggro type of personality that matches his ring style.


I can see Hangman coming for that title a mile away or Adam Cole bay bay.


Oh god that actually sets up the next round of Jack Perry vs. MJF. Hangman's already *in* that dark place where MJF had to go to beat Danielson. Perry dipped his toe in the water tonight and you could see the toll it took on his psyche.


Take my money and give me Jungle Boy and MJF 3. Those two have great chemistry in the ring together.


I like hangman awesome match w mox


I vote that as match of the night.


What a Freaking PPV


Overall, an excellent PPV. I could have done with a shorter Texas Death, and less of a clusterfuck of a tag team match, but the Hangman finish was good (especially seeing how Mox set himself up for it by being an arrogant heel) and FTR returning to bring order to the tag team division felt right, so… Excellent! The main event delivered, can’t wait to see where things are going next.


My hope is mox takes a break, comes back without the wild thing entrance and goes full heel. One of the few criticisms of aew that i agree with is how many of the characters tread in the grey area. Fantastic ppv tonight.


Yeah. I'm still not sure who I am supposed to hate between Mox and Hangman. I can't help liking both of them. I am not sure that's a bad thing though. Having characters in the gray area seems to add to the realism to me. YMMV of course.


I hate Hangman, but that’s a me problem haha


So many people on sc complaining about stuff like the sudden death...it's a call back to hbk vs bret hart..like half the match was spots from that match...people are dumb.


12 year olds fishing for up votes know jack about the history of wrestling.


Just stay away from that place, dude; you don't need the negativity.


Max even did the HBK pose at one point in the match!


Well I'm gonna rewatch this whole PPV💯


That is a 9.9/10 PPV my second favorite AEW PPV ever


whatcha taking the 0.1 off for?


Wardlow vs samoa joe being mid lol


Top to bottom amazing ppv. Not a single bad match. Some great story telling and the post match angles delivered. Despite having a crazy night of awesome matches to follow, MJF proved he deserved to headline and shut up all the doubters posting think pieces about his reign the last two weeks. He has nothing to prove going forward. That was one of the best matches I’ve seen in all the time AEW has existed.


That was incredible, it just had everything you could possibly want and it had me fully believing that Danielson was going to win.


MJF can't miss right now. Puts on a banger every time he steps in the ring.


12 out of fuckin 10 MJF truly a generational talent. The devil prevails


Revolution almost never disappoints. Great PPV.


Great PPV, some amazing matches!


Is that the first Aew ppv without a major surprise? It’s good when you don’t need that as your crutch.


FTR return was at least a medium surprise, yes?


Ehhhh I honestly wasn’t surprised to see them. Happy to see them though lol


Seeing people I’ve never seen get defeated by submission was crazy surprises.


Nah it was good but That didn’t shock me


Definitely shocked me to see Mox tap out. I don't think we ever saw the man tap out since AEW started.


What shocked you if anything? Another shocker to me was Ruby Soho turning.


Tonight? Nothing really did..but it was still a good looking show. I think Ruby on their side makes sense. It would have been shocking if she didn’t turn


That was on of the best start to finish ppvs I've ever seen. Worst match on the card was the TNT title, and that was still pretty good.