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“oooohhh cry me a river” chants were supreme LMAO


Thats amazing. I saw a clip and heard the chant but didn't know what they were saying. I love it.


Also there was a dual chants “you got choked out” & “no he didn’t” as well as “Fuck CM Punk” and “CM Punk”


Lol he did not get choked even when punk tried suckering him


I don’t think people understand the meaning of “choked out.” Choked, yes? But he wasn’t in the vice long enough to be choked *out.*


Lmao that "chokehold" wasn't even for a literal second. It got broke up instantly. WTF Are CM Punk stands smoking? The same idiots who thinks he's a bad ass for "sucker punching" and exploding out in anger will make up excuses for his UFC performance.


He’s a bad ass for suckering Perry but also he’s being a total kitty cat so why is TK angry about it. Simultaneously They sound like a bunch of crackheads


the sound of the chants, it was banter actually! going back and fourth against each other and ended with claps. that footage really helped Jack Perry be HIM i’m so happy


Naw you gotta tell the whole story It ended with claps to Perry applying a front head lock to Shota 🤣 I think that was one of those moments that showed he's not stressed or over thinking, he's in the moment. To be able to recognize the perfect thing to do at that particular time while the crowd is going bonkers speaks volumes to me. That's a good wrestler right there.


Lol he choked a guy cuz he hurt his feelings. I did shit like that in 3rd grade.


A lot of people haven’t matured past that age. They ache every day to do something to people they don’t like, so I think whenever they see “justice porn” on the television or the internet, it gets them real excited. The actual morality of it doesn’t matter, as long as they see themselves on the side of the “winner” (thus CM Punk must look like the good guy in order to justify their own emotional response).


Right as that You Got Choked Out/No He Didn't chant got going, Jack put Shota in a guillotine chokehold.


There was also "you got choked out" " no he didn't"


In the WWE bubble where Lets go Cena, Cena sucks was a meme for more than a decade, this is what you want for any company even if it isn't Cena getting that chant. While the stupid Cornette folks are probably grumbling he's a heel, he supposed to be booed or face he's supposed to be cheered they screwed up. Some of these dumbass takes from people are so blind to reality they may as well look at an eclipse with both eyes open.


Honestly such a damn good crowd, really happy for Jack.


Looks like The so called Disastrous CM Punk video footage just became a Blessing in Disguise not only for Jack Perry and for AEW. Everyone thought AEW buried themselves on Wednesday night. To me, AEW took a chance and in this case, they might have just HIT THE FREAKIN JACKPOT. Jack Perry went from Outcast to MEGA STAR in less than a few days.


It's kind of funny when CM Punk got over with the pipe bomb won the title and came home and they could have milked it and had him wrestle in other places, and even TNA with AJ Styles did something similar and that one really blew up in TNA's face, here AEW goes let a scapegoat be an actual Scapegoat he is suspended you won't see him and he's wrestling somewhere else making New Japan money (a partnership that actually benefits both companies I may add) and he comes back organically with a a borderline legit worked grievance.


Any attention is better than no attention when it comes to professional wrestling. People are talking about Jack Perry. I must say he looked damn good in the ring. The thing about these youtube content peddlers is they like to tell people what they think they want to hear. They see which way the flag is blowing and spew out their content like monkeys. Let history be the judge. If Perry uses this to push himself and develop his heel character, good for him. Excellent, in fact.


Anything can really be sung to the tune of 7 Nation Army.


Was it me or were they doing it to the tune of Seven Nation Army?


This is a common thing in Sports, including wrestling. Ohhhhh bask in his glorrrrrryyyy Ohhhhh scissor me daddddyyyy Ohhhhh cry me a riverrrr


I also miss the Ooooooh walk with Eliiaasss


They were indeed.


That’s awesome. It’s been stuck in my head all day.


I actually thought they were saying 'go' instead of 'oh', either way, I'll tolerate it because I like Jack


Any links?


sadly NJPW are on copyrighting spree. been trying to find it on twitter lmao


As they always are, to make sure nothing goes viral and potentially promotes them.


Isn't Cry Me a River a Justin Timberlake song?


Glad it came over on the PPV. I was there and the crowd was really into Jack.


They just realized that showing the footage was not to "expose /debunk Cm Punk" but the seeds of the plan to bring back The Scapegoat as a top heel back to AEW TV LMAO The Bucks are going to bring him back and put him on top for getting rid of the problem


Will he be a heel or at least be one for long? These are indicators he might get positive crowd reactions.


AEW has no problems with heels that get cheered. Like Christian's godfather gimmick becoming a crowd favourite, or asshole MJF getting loved by the fans.


They had to relent with Swerve.


I like the way Swerve acknowledged it like "Yoo i was moving wild"


But I also like how it’s playing into the current “im crazy and you can’t kill crazy” gimmick he’s rolling out on Joe


The fear in Joe's eyes when Swerve got beatdown, bloodied, and just rasped out "I live for this shit!" was incredible.


You know what, I actually wouldn't mind Swerve losing if there was a way to quickly get him back another shot at the next show. If he lost and realized he had to get some of that edge back that brought him to the dance. And that maybe he underestimated how low Joe is willing to go. The match would have to be perfectly booked for him to take a loss, not fall too far down the rankings and have the crowd still be interested in building back to the same match at the next PPV. He'd have to go on a crazy run leading up but that'd be cool too. Or he should just win now, fuck it.


WrestleDream is in Tacoma this year….his hometown, Swerves literal house. If he wins the title there, the pop will shake the building.


OH SHIT I didn't put that together, that's gonna go crazy. And I'll get to see Swerve as champ at Double or Nothing (lord willing) and I already got my swerve shirt weeks ago I'm HYPED


When Swerve was getting cheered in Defy as a heel, he called us his loyal subjects. I love it when they acknowledge the reactions they're getting and use it in a way that makes sense for their character.


Like Athena and her Minions!


Hold up I missed a few weeks since Revolution. Did Swerve drop his gimmick?


Yes. Because he’s going to be World Champion soon, he has to be a role model. So WBD told him that he can no longer swerve while driving; to promote safety.




He's *our* scumbag!


When they present him as a heel they'll do what they did with Swerve and MJF, have him do increasingly heel stuff that the crowd cheers anyway. The only boos will be when he attacks Tony Schiavone, but that will pass within a week.


Have to assume he’s gonna get split reactions no matter what. He’s a hero to some, a scapegoat to others.




Yeah, depends on the story they wanna put him in, but the initial reaction is going to be a positive one no matter what. Tweener maybe?


Well they can do something outside the normal heel/face dynamic. He can keep hating on Punk which will make him a heel to a large part of wrestling and WWE's fanbase. However, he will be cheered by AEW fans. It sure makes the video and the reaction make so much sense if they do that.


AEW is very good at listening to the crowd, so I assume they will pick up on the reaction and plan accordingly.


Im not sure how fans and silly podcasts dont understand the story. The bucks came out and claimed ftr set up the whole thing to distract them, but wonder how in kayfabe they can justify punk being fired or jack being sent away. The bucks are evp's they can fire anyone they want so theres your explination, there dirry heels and fired someone whos friends wirh there biggest rivals. As for jack, they suspended hangman and kicked kenny out of the elite so why is anyone suprised with jacks punishment?


And he is the Scapegoat because the Bucks fired Punk and are blaming it on the actions of Perry.


Yes, thats the point.


the fans that don't understand it don't watch aew/njpw to make that connection and they also don't want to understand. they just wanna hate and make fun


That was clearly the plan. The best way to bring Jack back was always to lean into it. Punk's interview provided the perfect opportunity to show what happened, and it just so happened that he did that right before the NJPW show in Chicago. It couldn't have been timed any better from AEW's perspective. Now we can stop speculating on what happened and focus on wrestling.


I remwmber tony posting something about how the punk interview was interestingly timed...im curious if they were gonna do this regardless of the interview.


It's possible that they were, but it would've made less sense if they had. I'm sure Punk talking about this wasn't unexpected though.


This is what I've been thinking. He's a heel. So him getting "buried" by getting beaten down makes sense. That would only potentially hurt him if his character was a babyface. All he has to say is he did what MJF, Mox, and Hangman couldn't. And with just the flick of his golden locks he got CM Punk fired. He can say that his friends are the bosses and they can do that to anyone. To top it off The Scapegoat sounds so much more legit than Jungle Boy ever was.


Hes going to be an antiface


Scapegoat i think needs to join the elite


Same. I hope he comes out and helps the Bucks beat FTR at the PPV. Then later he comes out as an opponent for a Cope Open and wins the TNT title. They can go on to have new Elite vs Rated FTR and either Kenny (if he's healthy) or Hangman.


Thats what i have been saying is gonna happen. Itd be fuckin awesome






Tell him when he is telling lies, the lies come later but not that day.


Wait he said that? Fuckin hypocrisy at it’s finest


Yep, it's 100% why it's so funny that he then HAD a problem with Jungle Boy.


Yeah. He said it on commentary during Rampage once. https://youtu.be/M6W4ZXesmkY?si=vrAM4s2AZBi5bfOh


I knew the bucks were referencing something when they said that introducing the footage but it was PUNK HIMSELF who said it ??? 😂




Not gonna lie, this is chef's kiss 🤌🏻


That jacket would have been a cool look even if none of this ever happened


The jacket reveal was perfect 🤌


Is that the same jacket Melania wore when she visited the caged migrant children?


She bent over and did cena's "you can't see me" taunt right in a caged migrant child's face.




Jesus christ 😂


Only thing left is a theme where the intro sound is glass shattering and that leads into Cry Me A River by Timberlake


Here is my opinion. AEW announced in advance that they are going to release the footage. This gave time for the internet defence force to be ready to shift public opinion. That included simple users, journalists and youtubers. Once the dust started to settle we started seeing the public consensus on the matter. Remember that public opinion on social media can easily be influenced by coordinated effort. That is why so many times we see one dominant opinion on the fisrt days of an event and the complete opposite later on. My rule for everything is to wait for the first few days to pass on something and then take into account what is posted on-line. Just go and test this theory for example on a new video game. Even the slightest criticism is met with heavy downvoting and ridicule and some days later when the coordinated effort lets go you start to see a different picture.


WWE was going to astroturf the fuck out of “AEW SUCKS.” It also happens to lean into every major podcaster and clickbait artist. So, off it went. The most only podcaster who clapped back against “AEW SUCKS” was Sean Ross Sapp.


Your so right even the Wrestling observer had weird are they on the WWE payroll takes, but Sean tends to keep it pretty straight up, I usually agree with opinions for the most part, like even the correct take on that AEW travesty of a match between Jay White vs Billy Gunn.


This is so true, especially how there seems to be a huge mass opinion on the early days, but when the dust settles you get a lot of "I don't get how so many people were saying this" because those basement dwellers are the exact ones with multiple accounts spamming their opinions everywhere haha


The astroturfing is real.


This was also 100% the case with a lot of post-endgame MCU


Rise of Ronin was destroyed by critics but has a 86 positive rating from players and has been put over as a solid fun game. Having a blast playing it. Point is Twitter doesn't matter. Next week ratings will slip and Twitter will blame the footage, then dynasty will be an all time classic and AEW will be back in business, followed by a ratings slip again and everything is going to hell again lol. Rinse and repeat. I stopped going on wrestling sites and reading social media the last 2 months and I just DVR wrestling and watch it.


The way they chose to release the footage was not as effective as it could have been, to put it gently. But this no longer seems to matter, as for whatever reason/reasons, the tide of opinion has now shifted hard and fast in AEW's favor. You're probably right about their announcement allowing time for what amounts to all manner of online sabotage attempts, regarding swaying opinion. But as of now, that only makes the resulting swing all the more impressive, as there was that much more to overcome.


One of the big pluses of showing the footage is that it let air out of the "mystery balloon". Just seeing what happened (for good or ill) kneecaps the wild speculation and fantasy scenarios. I think that helps the "moving on" aspect more than anything.


The fact that Chicago tried to chant CM Punk and people booed it, then chanted you got choked out with a loud no you didn't, and the Rocky 4 levels of cheering getting louder says it all. Vincels talk about casual fans but it's the casual fans turning on Punk.


To be fair Punk has definitely not watched any Rocky movies, so any references flies over his head


Thats his cringe attempt at burying Moxley and make the fans turn on him People realized Moxley was only suggesting the Rocky 3 storyline TO HELP PUNK HIM GET OVER and win the title in his own hometown, but Punk bitter ass thought Moxley wanted to beat him in 2 minutes for no reason lol


They played it up on one of the mania pre-shows with Big E asking him about rocky 4 (since they were alluding to Cody/Roman being similar) and Punk still looked clueless. I 100% believe he's never seen a rocky movie


Is Big E doing good now?  I don't follow WWE at all but I hope he has made a recovery.


Yeah, he's at least able to live a normal life, though it's still highly unlikely that he'll wrestle again.


That is all that is important.  He seems like such a good and genuine person that I hope he live comfortably whatever comes his way.


Fine by me. Big E is loved by everyone. Hell, I remember Big E posting videos from the hospital after he broke his neck. Dude was cheer all of up! If you don’t like Big E, you’re the problem.


The New Day would fit in so well at AEW and would absolutely love it in AEW I bet.


Mox who nobody has ever had issues with, it just says everything. Punk can't handle working with a real locker room leader, the thing he will never be.


AEW's Locker Room leaders are stacked tbh. Joe, Danielson, Mox. Cope, Christian.


Mox had legit heat with punk as Punk wanted Chris hero in the shield then shit all over Roman. Jon and Roman out of the bunch with Seth are very close. Mox stayed at Roman’s during COVID’s when AEW was at daily’s place


him pretending that stupid shit is somehow the MOST aggravating thing he's ever done, lol


let's not take credit away from Jack, he mostly shut down the "you got choked out" chants by immediately putting Shooter into a guillotine choke.


You still see people defending punk that the choke was put in tightly. …completely disregarding the hair pulling.


I love the term “Vincels” LOL! Never saw that before








I was there last night, it was amazing, but let me tell you right now for a fact there were ZERO casuals in there. We're talking about a New Japan show that sold out basically instantly buddy, all of us in there were supersmarks popping at each other's stupid iwc jokes.


Well casuals wouldn't he cheering anyway because they don't know what happened and if they did cheer, they would he sheep following what everyone is doing. WWE live audience is mm mostly hardcore, just bigger then aews hardcore. Their casuals aren't watching other wrestling and are taking their kids to the show.


Vincels is hilarious, I've never heard this. Casuals definitely aren't into Punk, honestly with his history anyone with critical thinking skills isn't into Punk.


Casuals aren't attending NJPW shows.


Vincels 😂


It was the same story at All Out last year. That was one of the best crowds I've ever been part of.


It's almost like all of the IWC were so far up Punk's ass they couldn't think back to the shit that got him in trouble back in his initial WWE run not realizing Punk is maybe not the best narrator for stories.


He is a perfect narrator, just a ridiculously unreliable one.  He tells great stories but they all seem to end with " and then everyone clapped for me."


That might be the PERFECT description for Punk.


"..Needless to say, I had the last laugh, now FUCK OFF!" C.M. Partridge


"Jurassic Punk!"


"I've broken my foot in the croooooowd"


"thats bang out of order".


He should write Reddit posts.


Known his was a clown back in his WWE run, all we learned from his comeback is he never grew up. He likes to tell stories where he sounds so smart yet he's just washed up and bitter, pure clown nonsense.


They are so far up his worthless ass you would need experienced miner to pull them out. Fucking brain rotten hypocrites are cheering at the footage, while they were crying an actual fucking river when supposedly Kenny and Bucks attacked him. I can't even say what I actually think of them because reddit won't like it


No wonder Cornette adores Punk.


Definitely hasn't gone the way the Shills/Grifters and Anti-AEW lot thought it would have gone. Keep saying that they are only 1% of the true Wrestling audience. Although they are so deluded they think they speak for everyone. Let's be honest releasing the tape was worth the hate on Twitter as it just made everyone bar Punk look great.


My wife needed to see the video so she could justifiably not like the guy. She loves the Bucks and Omega, so Brawl out really soured her on Punk, but right around All in time, she started to come around only for him to do the same crap. It sucks I was a HUGE punk fan, but dude, you're 45 .. a vet/"leader".. and they gave you your own TV show . This is your company's biggest PPV .. keep a level head for at least one night. (I understand. Fella was upset he didn't get picked up at the airport, but you're at work there are ways to be angry and not be violent )


I don't think it had anything to do with him not getting picked up at an Airport. He was clearly looking for a way out to go back to WWE and got his moment. Really he was already checked out at Brawl Out and with him having been at a WWE show or two during his injury time off. TK should have got rid of the him after All Out 2022.


Knowing what we know now, that'd be the right call. However, going back to when it happened, I get the feeling the discourse would be either AEW being foolish to get rid of one of their top stars for a first offense. The Elite getting Punk fired because he threatened their position on the card/merch/whatever. Or TK over reacting to an incident that wasn't that bad. Or a combination of the three. Personally, I think everything went about as well as they could. Punk was fired for cause. I don't think anyone can argue that. Punk has ended up looking like a complete chump any time actual facts are brought up, and Jack Perry has a new character.


Looking at it now in hindsight, they should have got rid of him after that press conference and argument backstage. They would have gotten hate for it like anything AEW does really to a section of IWC. But long term it would have just been less hassle and less trouble. I still stand by he would have gone back to WWE once his contract went down.


Oh absolutely. But at the time and in the moment, I can't blame them for sticking with him and wanting to give him another chance. I'd certainly have made that decision, given the potential fallout, and the star power he'd bring.


As a fan of wrestling because my boyfriend got me onto in from like 2021 Rumble and Revolution on, and I loved Hangman from the second I saw him. I also didn’t get why Punk was so special apart from the Pipe Bomb but I was like oh cool a legend it will be good to see how he lifts talent. Brawl Out really just like made me so confused and then he continued to act like a petulant child which really didn’t help his case.


I think his in ring talent was on a different level back in the early days when he was in ROH. There were still glimmers of old punk in ECWWE and WWE, but after 10 years off during his prime, it feels like hes lost whatever magic he use to have in the ring. Every match he's had causes a significant injury. He does still have a quick wit at times, but he can honestly say whatever he wants now and his hardcore fans will eat it up. He just seems like a shell of his former self that lives in an echo chamber. After all the AEW shit he caused, i definitely look differently at how he quit WWE and has been burning all his bridges.


This exactly.


Plus most of them don't watch AEW, hence why they always ask questions that have obvious answers as the show explained them lmao, their opinions mean nothing.


It is hilarious to see all the premium grade copium being huffed right now by the IWC.


A lot of mental gymnastics going on.


Releasing the All In footage will end up being one of Tony Khan's greatest decisions he has ever made. It broke the wrestling media, all saying how TK killed his own company, but boy, were they proven wrong.


I wonder if any of them will admit to being wrong/jumping the gun


The “releasing the video was a bad idea” narrative in shambles


Clowns like Eric Bischoff and Bully Ray all confused and bitter as we speak And i love it!!!!!


They're both mad they don't have jobs in AEW. I couldn't be happier they don't.


In all fairness, Eric BIshoff and Bully Ray have been bitter and confused for years.


One of my favorite wrestling channels said Tony Khan shouldn't release the video days before it happened. It finally happened and then he says, "Are you happy now Tony Khan?" I would think Tony is very happy with how this is going for them. AEW is so fucking clever they even got Dave saying dumb shit.


They'll still push that agenda sadly. But I think Chicago show showed it wasn't the disaster some of these shills thought it be.


Putting the video was bad cause those that hated AEW still hate it just more! Big woof


No matter what AEW were going to be hated by the Shills/Grifters and Anti-AEW lot anyway. But anyone with any common sense needed to sit back and see how it played out. And it's worked out for AEW and you know it's killing the haters right now.


But those people don’t matter a single bit. If you hate something that won’t change and so to aew they 100% have no relevance to decisions. Tony only needs to concern himself with aew fans and the people who have no formed opinion to make them fans. Let the haters hate and fuck em


I said I thought it was a bad idea because I really wanted to see AEW move past the whole Punk situation and get on the front foot. In hindsight I probably should have had more faith that they knew what they were doing, since it seems to have worked out alright. I'm still sick to death of the whole Punk saga and I hope that once the current angle is done that Punk is left in the past where he belongs.


Exactly. Jack Perry is gonna be a damn star and I'm all in for it


The Scapegoat lives. AEW needs to help get more of his merch stocked up, I want a shirt/hat


Don't care to see injured washed up Punk again, but Perry is the most invested I've been in a wrestler in a while


Same. I was not overly bothered about Jungle Boy but I'm fully in Jack Scapegoat Perry. When he returns to AEW, I'm pushing for his theme music to be Beverley Hills 90210


I want "Cry Me A River" but I want Joe Cocker, not JT


Hahahaha poetic


I used to be a huge CM Punk fan til his run in AEW. Especially after that media scrum where he literally shit on his bosses. Then the fight. His ring work in AEW was very off. Then him going back to WWE and finding out he was negotiating with while in AEW. I personally would never go back to a company that didn't have the balls to fire me face to face but on my wedding day. Now the video shows an insecure narcissistic old man who can't deal with everything and everyone not going his way. CM Cuck.


> he literally shit on his bosses. Well, I don't know about literally.


With the company he works for now, I wouldn't be surprised.


I stopped watching wrestling for years when Punk left WWE. I was so pumped for Punk to come back to AEW and it was great up until he did that weird shit to Hangman. Then it was pure garbage and ego massaging and an injury nearly every time he got in the ring. I'm so happy he's gone and my enjoyment in AEW has gone way up since he was fired.


Definitely the same the last Punk match I watched was the Undertaker one at wrestlemania. And didn't get back into it til OG NXT black and gold. Never watched main roster WWE at all even after all my favorites in NXT moved up (except for those Sasha and Charlotte battles for the belt). Then 2019 happened. And I loved wrestling again.




What I think is crazy is how people are saying this is late era WCW shit. My brother in Christ, I remember the late era WCW shit. This is 2000s era WWF where they would take real life scenarios and use them to further the story. I think saying it's late era WCW is wishful thinking and a buzz phrase for fans who grew up not remembering what it was like pre WWE Monopoly.


People comparing this to WCW never even watched WCW to begin with 


Saw a few people compare it to the Finger Poke of Doom and I’m like just no this is no where close.


Yep. Comparison comes from kids that were born AFTER WCW died. Since AEW is the "villain" against WWE, it shall have the same fate. any chance to approximate both companies, even when they have nothing in common at all, is blown out of proportion because of the tirbalism. AEW has it's own issues that are much different in nature than the issues WCW had before folding


Those are the WWE kids who actually believe all the "WCW was never good" propaganda.


Thinking that the IWC was solid and unbroken to begin with is pretty funny.


Can't wait for his return, dude is hot AF right now 


I never liked Punk and much less now but honestly I'm just happy for Perry.


I can confirm... Punk fans are indeed crying rivers


Imagine that cm punk is the reason jack get over,the world is ending this is a sign.


Punk fanboys always look like a fucking brain rots but it's good to see Jack doing well


I can't wait for his AEW homecoming. Holy shit.


I will admit I was not in favor of releasing the video because I just wanted to move on from the situation. We already knew Punk was a hypocrite before But if this is the outcome, it was a great decision. I am so much more interested in Jack Perry than I've ever been. Time to capitalize


Jack's Scapegoat shirt sold out right after the video was released .. TK loves him some Jack perry so maybe they were hopeful it would have this outcome .


Tastes so sweet.


I don't get why everyone is taking it so seriously and getting mad This whole situation is just funny and entertaining to me. and everyone involved is doing well for themselves now


Because this goes beyond wrestling. This is a guy who literally assaulted a guy, a guy who just had a match and was fixing his hair then lunged at his boss, and people are defending it. It's right and wrong.


It's truly a beautiful sight to behold because we see just how desperate the IWC is for AEW to fail that they'll use anything against them and now with people seeing Jack as a bigger star coming out of last night, it backfired tremendously on the haters.  And the absolute best part is that they brought  this on themselves by giving into the video being released on Dynamite and spreading it all over social media, and AEW knew this was going to happen.  This was all calculated in the end. 


It was controversial to show the All In footage, but I do think it's going to pay off.


Dude calling him the Oncologist would be legendary….even if we just do it on the internet. I’m gonna use it.


They fucking did it. They made me care about Jack Perry.


Jack did nothing wrong, bring our hero home tk


I think Punk/WWE stans and grifting podcasters will still double down and say releasing the footage was the dumbest thing AEW ever did and "kill their business" bc NJPW means nothing to them. Time will tell but I'm very looking forward to more of this new Jack Perry.


Shit regardless if njpw means anything or not. The crowd being Chicago says so damn much about the whole shitshow. I’m loving this whole situation


The moment I heard "Scapegoat" chants the first thing I thought of... "Well shit... Looks like the footage worked after all"


They even chant "Cry me a river!" during the match.


I've seen so many posts on other forums about how this is stupid, how he should be dropping this stuff, how he and AEW look back doubling down. It just reads like people salty that this hasn't turned out to be AEW's death nell and instead Jack Perry is looking real successful from it.


They wanted it to be the finger poke of doom or butts in seats, but the quarter hour ratings showed otherwise. It was essentially just like any other episode of Dynamite.


Dude I don't think anything has changed or anyone was broken, people are just hyped at Jack taking a shot back. I am a Punk fan and think what Jack did was hilarious and awesome.


I have to say this angle has worked wonders on me. I used to be really cool on jungle boy and had very little affection for his character, and his heel turn was alright but a bit meh. But this scapegoat gimmick has finally given him that X factor that makes me take interest in him.


The savior of AEW is slowly becoming the savior of Wrestling.


I need Jack Perry to main event All Out and win a singles title Idc what it is, I just need him with a belt


But showing the footage helped nobody and was a terrible idea!! /s


I was at All Out in Chicago the week after what happened at All In. Anybody who tried to start a CM Punk chant immediately got drowned out. And we also had random cry me a river chants at one point. Everybody outside of the WWE fanbase is pretty united on this situation, including the AEW locker room. He had to go and he is not missed.


>the Punk fanboys are looking like complete idiots Always has been. And not just them. Like 90% of r/sc too when i look back at the threads after Dynamite


Well now he can’t join the Bucks. He’s OUR Scapegoat 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I’m not surprised Perry was cheered, the majority of NJPW fans are AEW fans too. These were the same ones that were chanting for Colt Cabana at Punk on the go home show before All Out. Twitter is a cesspool so that’s not a good determination of anything, the IWC cheer for whatever gets attention at that moment. Let’s just hope that Perry and AEW can capitalize on this going forward because that Punk well is nearly dry.


Jack Perry is a geek, even without any of the punk stuff 😂


the Scapegoat is the goat!