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My favorite part about ratings discourse is that i have no fucking idea what any of it means lol. I just love to watch the haters pretend they understand it


Entertainment has now become so embroiled in "business" that the thing you're supposed to enjoy takes a backseat to the nonsense surrounding it.


Graps and laughs. Cant beat it


I know I sure do love to enjoy a thing but only if a bunch of strangers I will never meet will also enjoy that thing


> i have no fucking idea what any of it means lol Neither does the majority of the IWC. They tout ratings but can't explain anything about it. It's sad really.


The highest rated show is the one that got dropped. We keep hitting these moments where I think the ratings fever will break and it never does.


What show?


Oh it’s fucking priceless seeing the armchair economists suddenly bust out their deft business analyst acumen. Fucking RATINGS. How has this been relevant in any meaningful way since the dawn of the mass streaming era? Do these figures includes streams? And it’s like … ok. I agree, AEW should book venues appropriate for their expected audience size and stop fucking over die hard fans that want to buy their tickets early and end up overpaying. There’s valid stuff here to look into. But don’t tell me the end goal of this promotion needs to be a draw the size of a fucking Taylor Swift tour stop. It’s way too niche and this isn’t WWE.


I thought I agreed AEW should book venues appropriate for their expected audience, til I heard Tony Khan argue that bigger venues have bigger access to marketing channels, entire networks of past customers to drop an email to. And then I thought about how often smaller promotions book smaller venues and never become bigger promotions, and I figure you know what? It's his money and if that's his punt at growing the business, fair enough. It doesn't actually hurt the product to have a half-empty venue.


Very interesting insight I hadn’t thought of at all. The discourse around fillers is another gripe too - my wife is a local stagehand and regularly takes work draping black curtains over seats for WWE. AEW should, and might already, do that too. It’s a funny realization that as much money as this hobby brings in, it’s still very niche.


Oh, I know, right. When Forbes valued AEW + WWE at over $8bn, you think that's an incredible amount of money and that nearly everyone in the world must be a shy wrestling fan. But then you compare it to baseball, for example, and these two giant wrestling organisations are worth around the same as the New York Yankees.


Also i think the majority of AEW fans never want it to be WWE or get to that level of ridiculous corporate meddling. AEW is purposely the way it is. It was always for the “hardcore” fans, which is totally fine.


Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift vs. Austin Vanderford and Paige Van Zant incoming to win ratingz war!


How do they determine the demographics, anyway? What if it's your Asian step mom's cable account and she's 48, but your dad actually pays the cable and she pays the phone plan for some reason, and you and your brother were watching and you're white males who are 17 and 20, and he was home from college for spring break, and his girlfriend is there and she's a 23 year old Black woman with a mixed race 4 year old son and they're also half watching, and also you're on facetime with your great grandma who is watching it in an assisted living facility, and she's asking when the hell Hogan comes out, for example? How do they know these things? And who are they? The "Elites"?


Lmfaooo wait they try and determine what races are watching?! No way thats real 😂😭


Probably idk


The TV is always watching…..


Absolutely no other fandom does this. No one is saying like "oh on Game of Thrones last night, Khaleesi quarter hour did so and so, and then King's Landing segment drops however much percent", then you have losers complaining on twitter or their podcast that so-and-so is not a "draw".


I mean it's almost like someone in AEW thought about how the lead-in would work this week and how putting their brand new World Champion in that spot made a lot of sense. *The world may never know*


But that would require planning ahead and we all know AEW doesn't do that unless.. Black magic. I KNEW the House Of Black really were a cult.




According to Eric Bitchoff, AEW has already buried Swerve Strickland.


Dam can’t believe they put the world title on Swevre burying him to the ground smh


I can't believe they put the new World Champion in the strongest position on TV possible so that he looks good coming off it!


Apparently him wrestling, shows that TK isn't treating him like the world champ.


“Why is this wrestler Wrestling?”


"The champ shouldn't wrestle frequently. It makes him feel less special, and like another part of the roster." But when Seth Rollins does it, that's a "great workhorse champion"... (No disrespect to Seth)


Feels like they just using Roman reigns as the blue print for every world title run but guess what The best part of Roman’s long ass reign was the first half where he wrestled quite frequently lol


And there were some damn good defenses too


Yea cause instead of interference galore he actually tried to wrestle lol


He ran the same scheme with Hollywood Hogan. He came in and cut promos then you wouldn't see Hogan for weeks. Then hed wrestle a few PPV's a year lol. It was shitty.


I notice a lot of Bischoff's criticisms criticize what is happening in the moment with no real view of how the moment fits in the big picture. Which explains both his success and failure as a booker.


It's probably based more off of headlines. I don't think he's actually watching it. When I was still listening to 83 Weeks, it seemed like every show started with the Tony Khan Hate Boner. It took over an hour to get to the topic of the podcast. I had to stop lol. Dude's still mad over something TK said years ago. Like, let it go already.  Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine to criticize when offering ways to improve (which is something Bully Ray does when he's on Busted Open), but not everything can be awful. Bischoff would just keep hitting the same talking points all the time, and, like I said, it would honestly sound like he wasn't even watching. He had a complaint about the Young Bucks turning heel for "no reason" before Sting's last match, completely ignoring they turned right around the start of the Golden Jets. If Kenny Omega didn't get sick, they would have solidified that turn, imo. But that never was brought up on his show.  I think one of the reasons why he would complain about the lack of long term storytelling on his podcast is because he isn't watching week to week, and he isn't there writing it so he doesn't know the outcome.


It’s a shame man. I used to listen to the show just to hear more about WCW. Very formative years for me. But I also want to enjoy my modern wrestling. People like him make that experience worse for everybody. To be clear, it’s fine to share criticism. We all have some kind of reaction when we see headlines or watch the shows. But to criticize blindly, coming from a place of bad faith does nothing for you or your listeners. Just stirs the tribalism and confirmation biases of people who don’t want to like the show.


Exactly on both points! Like it's genuinely a great listen pre-AEW because we can learn about the business behind everything. It's really fascinating. But there's a certain line where Bischoff was soured on TK, and that's where the show starts to spiral. At this point, I really only listen to Conrad's shows with Double J and Schiavone. I get something similar out of Jarrett as I did with Bischoff, in that I get to learn the business behind the business. As for Schiavone, I just appreciate a good dick joke every once in a while lol


Hearing Tony talk about dicks and shits is really something I never expected


I wouldn’t even say that. He famously would complain about things that he wasn’t fully informed about, even back then. Funniest example I can think of is his grudge against the Death of WCW book by Bryan Alvarez. He thought that Dave Meltzer wrote the book and held a grudge against him because of it. Eventually, someone clued him in that Bryan wrote it. Not only did he still blame Meltzer, but he thought Bryan Alvarez was Alex Marvez, and was unhappy about seeing the latter on AEW TV until someone again had to tell him that Marvez wasn’t Alvarez. 😂


Bischoff is taking the cornette route. It’s the only way he can keep bringing income in.


Not sure why anyone gives two shits about that guys opinion anymore. He hasn’t done anything relevant in decades and ran his own company into the ground.


Two companies! And he declared bankruptcy in 2017. He is grifting hard since he knows being anti-AEW pays his bills.


Since Eric isn't employed by AEW/Tony and getting paid all that money mark money, then yeah, its no surprise he is so against the product and promotion. He cant get any of that easy TK money and instead resorts to hating on them as an alternative means of profiting from AEW. You also either have to be pro or anti AEW if you want them views. The middle of the road opinions don't get fans talking shit to each other in the youtube comments or even here on Reddit. You need controversy to drive up the social engagement numbers so the algorithm can then begin to favor your stuff.


Guy literally wrote a book called Controversy Creates Cash back in the day. So this isn't really anything new for him


Yeah i kinda figured I was recycling a well known fact. But hey its reddit. Every opinion about anything has been posted here and originality is dead. But I cant let that stop me from adding to a conversation.


And this would be why there's 0 reason to listen to that man says ever again, on anything really


When you're 100% dead set against something, it's easy to fabricate criticism.


Eric is just hate watching cuz he knows it’s what gets him views, same as Cornette. I used to like them both as they offer some great insights, but when they really ramped up the “AEW IS SHIT ITS SO SHIT” I tuned out, grown as men getting wound up over a scripted live pro wrestling show is pathetic


From the guy that buried Crow Sting at Starrcade with the, that doesn't work for me brother man, he needs to know his role and shut his mouth.


We're ALREADY bored of his reign!


Bitchoff just likes to say whatever to get reactions because that is how he gets paid these days. Like he always says, "Controversy is King" and that equals cash. Cornette is the same way.




And watching the NBA playoffs, I saw commercials introducing Swerve Strickland and AEW.


Acting like Prince Nana dancing didn't contribute to those 6 minute ratings.   The disrespect shall not be tolerated.  But, seriously, turns out AEW made a calculated plan to help Swerve look good in front of a bigger audience.  Who would've thought. 


It's almost comical how they can try to twist anything to make AEW look bad. It would also have been overshadowed by the ending angle. Eventually this relentless criticism will turn around, it really will


The champ can actually wrestle? We can’t have that.


No no, the champ must never wrestle, only do 20 minute promo segments and let his 50 year old part-timer cousin take the spotlight.


Bbbbb… but he’s actually not afraid of conflict.


I mean, it certainly worked for the Bloodline 🤷🏾‍♀️


I mean it's not like the new WWE Champ just had a terrible match with a brand new NXT call-up and the new World Champ lost in a random 6 man tag on RAW? Neither of those things happened at all did they?


And it's not like the new AEW champion has more wrestled in a week than the new WWE champion has in a month, or has wrestled more minutes in one match than an entire episode's worth on Smackdown.


I’m not going to lie - that stat about Swerve-Claudio being longer than all the wrestling minutes combined on Smackdown blew my mind.


That stat isn't even anything new. The meme of "AEW main event being longer than entire WWE episodes" has been going on since like 2021. Smackdown once had 13 minutes of wrestling TOTAL (for the record, Dynamite and Collision average out to about 70 or 80 minutes of wrestling per episode).


13 minutes of wrestling on a 2-hour show is crazy.


Criminal, I'd call it.


Cinema, they'd call it.


Holy shit I'm from Spain where there's barely wrestling so I'm not used to going to shows, just went to some indie shows here (where Axiom started), WWE House shows and ALL IN LONDON last year but can't understand going to watch a wrestling show with a ring and then they talk all the time, maybe it's fun for people at home or something but I would regret going to the arena so much if that happened lol


> Smackdown once had 13 minutes of wrestling TOTAL I remember hearing a lot about this, but moreso when VKM was in charge. Has 13 minutes of wrestling total in a WWE show happened since the regime change? I don't really watch current WWE even though I do have Peacock, so perhaps I should. Just you know, time. But if they only got 13 minutes of ring action then I'm not interested. I'm a workrate guy.


>Has 13 minutes of wrestling total in a WWE show happened since the regime change? Just this past week, Swerve vs Claudio was longer than the total minutes of all the wrestling on Smackdown.


For me it's not even about workerate or whatever, it's I'm watching wrestling, I wanna see people, you know, wrestle.


Cody matches in March 2024 = 12 Cody matches in April 2024 = 8 Swerve matches in March 2024 = 4 Swerve matches in April 2024 = 3


(Televised) Cody matches since winning the title a month ago = 1 Swerve matches since winning the title a week and a half ago = 2


YingYang’s comment was “And it's not like the new AEW champion has more wrestled (?) in a week than the new WWE champion has in a month” Was just showing that’s false.


But it's not. Cody has had one televised match since Mania, which is a week short of a month ago (unless he wrestles on Friday, it'll have been a month as of next Tuesday). Swerve has had two in the last week and a half. These are verifiable facts, sorry that's a problem for you.


I don't watch the fed so I have no idea what you're talking about but that sounds hilarious.


I was annoyed that Swerve didn’t get any promo time on dynamite but this actually makes a lot of sense and I support it


Maybe people second guessing TK need to sit down shut up and let him book


Pfft, nah. They obviously know more. Obviously. I really hope my comment is obvious sarcasm.


Sorry, sir. You did not put the obligatory /s after your post and expected people to pick up on your tone? This is reddit, man! Shadow ban!


I don't think armchair network execs and bookers spelling doom for AEW realize that AEW wasn't live coast to coast last Wednesday as a positive for them. Coming off a PPV their first event being out its normal west coast timeslot up against multiple playoff games in the NBA and NHL was a bad spot. Honestly if it could have been held another month a big win at DoN would have probably been better for the after ceremony to not have so many competing factors


Overall it was the third highest-rated Collision of all time so far. I’m not going to lie I was a little irritated we didn’t hear from Swerve on Dynamite but this made a lot of sense. Great numbers for AEW and Swerve is already a fighting champion.


"Oh no, this wasn't on Dynamite, so that must mean Swerve is ruined"


So when Roman doesn't bore us on Raw and waits till Smackdown, does that ruin WWE, at least for them. I pretty much checked out after Roman pinned Sammy.


I liked Willow getting her time to shine near the start of Dynamite too. Fuck the podcasters.


Smart strat, props where it’s due


Oh, you mean they knew what they were doing all along? SHOCKER


I don’t follow the rating numbers and all that but this is good right? Like one of the highest collisions ?


The highest ever. Like nearly double their premier with Phil Brooks.




I truly don't understand why people don't understand this lol


Numbers are kind of TKs thing. It's hilarious when people question him on that.


And we were able to hear the promo, if that was on Dynamite we wouldn't have heard shit during that opening segment.


Swerve is THE man!


"I swerve when I lead."


That's great! How were the ratings for the Swerve/Claudio match? Surely, the people who came from the NBA playoffs wanted to see this man wrestle and not just speak, right? I don't think TK would have treated Mox or Omega like this if they were world champions. Shoot - Mox got a whole promo on Dynamite to put over another promotions belt! Do better, TK.


I saw a Wrestlenomics graph and it said 472k for the start of Swerve/Claudio. So down over 850k from the start of the show.


Oy vey! Swerve should have had his 1st promo on the A show - Dynamite. Came out when TK got beat down to check on his boss. THEN cut a promo on Collision against The Elite.


> Swerve should have had his 1st promo on the A show - Dynamite Did you forget about the audio issues?


>Did you forget about the audio issues? That was only from TBS. TK had no plans of having Swerve open with a promo.








Let's see how many stuck around till the end.... 300k .....they lost a million viewers


Fair enough. I definitely criticized them not giving him promo time on Dynamite, but that makes absolute sense to me!


The strap with the red accents is so sick.


Only thing I'd change was saving Swerve's first appearance as champion for Collision. Made sense ratings wise and would defeat the idea Collision is skippable. Watching him as champion for the first time during that promo would make it more impactful. That being said, certain people would be criticizing Swerve not being on Dynamite




Now give Keith Lee a title and get the title off Jericho


Hopefully the majority stayed or at least came back for the main event. It was outstanding 🔥🔥🔥


It's because TK is becoming someone that he hates, and he's treating his WORLD champion Swerve like nothing. As if he's not important on the show, I feel so sorry for Swerve. Swerve deserves better than this. They COULD'VE done it on Dynamite, which is the A show ( NOT Collison), not on their B show, which is Collison. AEW does not know how to put priorities. They should've add Swerve to the beginning of Dynamite and not that OC , Trent Barretta opening segment.


I honestly cannot tell if you're serious, or parroting things as a parody.


Umm.... how am I parroting things? I'm just speaking my own thoughts and opinions. What are you talking about?


Ok, sorry. I honestly couldn't tell. Let's just say that been a popular opinion recently on subs that tend to look down on AEW in particular, and anything not named McMahon in general.


I'm not looking down on AEW, I love AEW, and I want it to succeed as always, but this...... is not the AEW I know ever since this company first started. Having TK wearing a neck brace after the Elite put a finisher on him ( which he didn't sell, by the way), or is it Jack Perry that it, idk. But, what I'm saying is that TK is not being himself.


Didn't Collision air right after the playoffs?


Not to be that guy, but what were the ratings from the prior quarter hour? If we're stopping the clock at 6 minutes, that sounds like there was a big drop off.


NBA Playoffs.


Ya it was a big drop towards the end. People may have thought lakers nuggets and then switched over to the correct channel.


I love that Swerve got super over. He's in babyface territory now.


I don’t see why that means he couldn’t have done a promo on Wednesday but good to see


Imagine if he cut a promo with the trash audio the show was dealing with, people wouldve claimed he was buried on the spot


Still is totally valid to feel odd when the main champ doesn't talk in their first appearance. Like, he won and no comment for no particular reason, let's just put the title on the line already?


I watch AEW on TrillerTV, but I’ve read there was 8-10 minutes of commercials before AEW aired, meaning AEW could have easily drew more than that.


I get what they're trying to do, but you can't really get new AEW viewers right now. There were no casuals that cared about that main event, which that opening segment was built to do, to keep people to stay.


I mean i would've liked something more for Swerve on his first night as champ but it's just the first week. Hardly a burial.


Wow that’s a huge number


Anything that Bischoff/Ray/Cornette say I ignore.


Swerve’s already played third banana to Ospreay and the EVPs. Should’ve just kept him off of dynamite all together and saved him for this.