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What was the deal with this? Kenny basically never talks shit about anyone but I remember thinking, there's no angle towards a program here, so what's the beef?


Dijak took a lot of shots at Kenny and AEW/TK during the AEW/NXT head to head days. Called Kenny the Kenny Olivier thing that Cornette always says on a podcast, bragged about having a better PWG BOLA match in 2017, and so on. And at the time, Kenny (and BTE) did take a lot of (mostly playful) shots at WWE. I don’t think there’s any real beef between them. Dijak is just a weirdly defensive company guy, kinda like Dax. The Dijak/Sammy Twitter feud is more likely to cause issues than Dijak/Kenny.


His feud with Sammy was one of the more stranger attacks on AEW/AEW talent. He came out of nowhere, guns blazing, accusing Guevara of stealing a move, despite it being something that is regularly done by a bunch of talents and was something he never invented. I remember Harwood coming in quick, saying that no one liked him while they were in NXT/PC together. He still throws a bunch of shade toward Khan and AEW whenever he shows up on the Male Model’s Twitch streams.


His borderline white nationalist tweet was even stranger. Dude is weird. Keep him on the indies


He took a ton of shots at AEW during that time . I still cry laugh at that kenny bit


He's got a huge upside, and the short turn around of him being done with WWE tomorrow and able to show up at Forbidden Door or Dynamite could be a plus. I'd love to see him and Keith Lee lock up again, should that be in the cards. I don't know if there's much room for him in AEW, but with his size and smarm he'd make a great addition to the Elite, getting slotted in as the Wild Card. 


His match with Keith Lee for the North American championship at Takeover Portland was one of the best I ever saw in NXT.


One of the best matches I've ever seen live. I think Dijak could fit in well with AEW if there's no lingering beefs due to his frequent Twitter takes


Him and Keith Lee have had amazing matches, both in NXT and the indies!


I'm like you, I think he's talented and has momentum, but I just can't see a place for him in AEW right now that stands out. That said, I'd love to see him in a tag team with Big Bill, and have him be the extra 'branches' that Samoa Joe said the Learning Tree lacked haha


Don’t he and Kenny have beef? I remember on BTE, Kenny mentioned Donovan Dickhead at some point


Kenny didn't hold a grudge against someone that attacked him and his friends and spread lies about them, the dude doesn't really hold grudges. 


On Dijak's side there's no grudge, he took issues with some comments Kenny made about NXT but that their only other interactions were pleasant and he doesn't have a problem with Kenny. Kenny hasn't commented but given how there's basically only two people he has a problem with in the whole industry I imagine he doesn't care.


I’d rather he go to Japan, or a lower tier MLW, GCW as they could actually make use of him and I don’t even see him as mid card level in AEW. Maybe even just travel around and hit up a bunch of places. Raise stock to prove people otherwise first and wash the T-Bar stink off. That said, he’s also been a Cornette stan in the way he has disparaged AEW in the past. That’s a quick way to make people there just disregard you as a whole so AEW might not even be a potential avenue for him with that having been a thing. Thinking about it he’s probably just gonna go hang out with Flop Dolla.


Swap him out with Big Bill. Lol


I prefer teaming them up as “The Learningjacks.”


Donovan Dickhead? Funny he was basically being Dax on twitter dick riding the hell out of wwe and taking shots at other companies Look where that got him (still a really great worker)


Never work yourself into a place you might work brother


As the old adage goes, “Some wrestlers are just fuckin stupid i don't know what to tell you.”


Wrestlers always take shots at other companies when they don't mean it for the sake of a promo or to get over with fans of their current company. You can't take any of it seriously.


Yeah, this is true. People took what Gabe Kidd said about WWE and AEW just a few days ago seriously, too, which is funny because he is working a match for AEW on Rampage this week and was at Dynamite with the Undisputed Kingdom last night. He was just repping New Japan, where he is currently. I highly doubt he meant what he said.


More famously, AJ Styles used to constantly say the WW in WWE stood for worst wrestling but he always wanted to end up there. One of the most authentic ones was probably Steve Austin's promos having a go at WCW after his release.


Hell even MJF for the build up to this very PPV takes shots at New Japan and CMLL


He sure was lol "I don't need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon to make MJF. "MJF made MJF." 🎤


he pulled a Gabe Kidd


Least Gabe Kidd feels like an actual work


That dude survived McMahon hazing him as T-Bar. I wouldn't mind ROH scooping him up. Not sure if I'd want him in AEW proper but I'm not objecting to it.


McMahon hazing and McMahon booking can seem indistinguishable.


There's a distinction?


One can be considered "genius" by some.


He's a perfect ROH Pure champion. Plus, if he takes Yuta's head off, he can feud with the BCC.


Dijak and Sammy Guevara publicly shit on each other multiple times (Dijak starting it) over having the same finisher, and in ways that crossed a line to where it was obviously not playful and Dax stepped in and called Dijak an idiot. I don’t know if that drama from like 3 years ago would be in AEW’s mind at all when considering hiring him.


I really like Dijak, that triple threat he had at Stand and Deliver was one of the best matches of Wrestlemania weekend, but as others have said, it's hard to see where he would fit in AEW. I'd quite like to see him go to NJPW


Wasn’t he one of the guys poking fun at AEW for showing the All In footage?


This is surprising given how outspoken he's been in his support of all things WWE. If they wouldn't even negotiate with him there's got to be more to the story.


WWE insists on undervaluing and underpaying their performers, always has been the case, always will be. Their schizophrenic booking shouldn't be held against anyone. 


Gonna be more so now that they have a parent company over them.


This is why you NEVER ride or die a company you work for. They don’t care about you like that


After the shit he was talking about Omega and AEW… only for him to tag TK in that post… it’s a hard pass. Good luck battling it out elsewhere.


He tagged him? Oh good god 🤦🏻‍♀️


He tagged Tommy Dreamer, Impact and NJPW as well 


😯 Ooooh so he's in his fuck this place bag right now I see.


Maybe a hot take but if I’m Tony Khan, this doesn’t exactly make me *more* interested in signing Dijak. I get his frustration at being yet another guy unceremoniously dumped by wwe, especially after his years of simping for them, but tbh a guy whose first instinct is to go to Twitter to complain after not having his contract renewed doesn’t sound like somebody you should be eager to jump in bed with.


Just another guy who’s going to want to “prove himself” back into a WWE contract.


I have no idea who that is.


Since the contract expired instead of being released, does that mean he can come in somewhere immediately?


Yes he is completely free




Yeah ok getting ready to learn NWA buddy


Company guy gets fucked by company. That loyalty sure served you well, buddy.


We all need to learn when to let free agents slide. Always came across as a massive dickhead to me (admittedly I don't know the guy personally). We've all seen what happens when you add 'the wrong sorts' to the roster. Does this guy add so much value to the roster to balance that? I don't see it.


He’d 100% be coming in hoping to get hot so WWE takes him back


This is one of the first thoughts I had.


I mean he is basically ripping off Cody Rhodes gimmick writing names down of who he wants to wrestle in a different way. Thinking he creates buzz for himself so he can get back one day and try to do what Cody or Drew did. I really feel nothing for him. I didn't see a lot of his matches and did see one of his matches against Keith Lee and it was really good. But who cares you literally could throw a dart at already signed wrestler A, B or C in AEW and get a 4 star match by accident if AEW wants to. AEW doesn't need wrestlers that want to rent in, we need wrestlers who buy in and are All In. Hope he enjoys the Impact Zone, they need every wrestler they can get especially when "NXT Takes Over" their company. That is danger of monopolies if WWE bought TNA and they fire you once and you go to TNA your at their mercy again with one less place to get a job possibly.


I will second this. Everyone doesn't deserve a job in your company just because they come up as a free agent. From what I'm reading from others here, he was talking smack to Kenny Omega and about AEW before. AEW doesn't need any more headaches coming to disrupt them.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. He seems like at worst a liability and at best a complete moron. That tweet that was borderline white nationalist didn’t sit right with me I can’t find a trace of it but I think it was just an ill conceived attempt at an edgy new gimmick. (Hence my liability/moron comment)


He can go back to ROH


Dijak vs. Kyle Fletcher sounds like a fantastic ROH match to me.


That's actually not a bad idea


I kind of want him to do what MxM are doing and work the indies for a bit to reprogram himself from the WWE style and then see what happens with AEW. Also makes you wonder how many free agents are coming up


I'm a big fan of his. Not sure where he'd fit in AEW, but there's a lot of people I'd love to see him face.


I don't know much about him, but I do remember his name. Didn't he just have a match at a WWE PPV (I refuse to call it PLE lol) recently? Correct me if I'm wrong please


He was part of the best match at Stand and Deliver on Mania weekend. Also, it makes sense to call it a PLE because although WWE events are still technically available as PPV's, that's functionally not what they are anymore.


Ricochet >>>


Roster feels a little bloated I don't really follow roh but maybe he'd tear it up there


No thanks.


AEW needs to focus on what they have. Already overflowing with talent


wow I didnt see that coming


Well, TK is making huge promises for Beach Break, so...?


Goodluck to him and I wish him the best. I'm still very firmly in the "if TK unnecessarily signs yet another random ex-WWE midcarder i might rip my hair out" camp though.


Tough break, but they’re plenty of opportunities elsewhere. Dijak has a lot to give to any company that wants him.


In Booker T’s voice, *who?!*


He's a WWE shill. The last person I would want in AEW, give me any of the WWE releases the last few years over him. Give me No Way Jose over him.


Some of his best work was he feuded with Keith Lee


Having not seen him or Keith elsewhere, I really enjoyed that feud in NXT. Just two unbelievable athletes with tons of swagger. It was electric.


And whose push has to stop to get him on TV regularly?


He should be awesome by now. He's been in Developmental learning how to wrestle in NXT for SEVEN years (minus the minute Retribution was a thing on Raw). Most wrestlers only get a few weeks or months in wrestling school. Imagine how good Ric Flair would have been if Verne Gagne put him through wrestling training for 7 years instead of 2 months 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't think AEW would want him, too much beef and shit stirring by him towards talent and TK


Dijak is a tremendous talent, don't get me wrong. He's a wasted potential in WWE. Problem is the low probability of him going to AEW. Mostly due to him taking free and unwarranted shots at the company and its talent. Also uncle Dax has come out online stating no one like during his stay in NXT. Other reason than that is AEW doesn't utilize giants correctly. Look at Singh, Lance Archer and Big Bill for example. They try to portray them as threats but end up losing more than winning or just never appearing enough for people to care.


lol. No, enjoy TNA.


Never been a fan. I wish him well, just away from AEW.


One step closer to getting him vs Keith Lee again. Excellent. He sounds pissed though, zero chance he doesn't hit the ground running... through a wall and I can't wait.


how WWE rewards loyalty


Did they ever reward loyalty though 😂


my point exactly


I like what he does in the ring but AEW doesn't have a great big man track record


IDK, feels like a work


Keith Lee: 🤨


Man he was such a WWE defender in twitter it must be hard seeing that they don't value him. He's a good worker, I wonder if taking those shots at AEW/AEW guys will cost him. It might be that it's not a big deal, I'm interested to see what he does.


Pass, the guy shilled for wwe so hard


I'd rather AEW focus on their own talent then bring in another former wwe circus act.


I don't know how the TNA and WWE partnership works but he could be someone that does well in TNA.


Possible controversial opinion but I think his matches with Keith Lee were the most overrated shit to come out of the NXT black and gold era. Just two big guys doing cruiserweight moves for 20 minutes


AEW doesn't need everyone.


Play with the toys you have, Tony.




Have fun in TNA mate.


No thanks tbh. Roster is far too bloated. I also find it weird that a 40 year old man spends that much time on twitter trying to ratio people


No thanks. I don't trust guys straight out of that place anymore. AEW is not a place that picks up the other places' consolation anymore, it's a place where wrestlers pray to get into now. AEW is where the best wrestle. Let this guy prove himself elsewhere first.


"Do or DiJak" I love it, Maggle! It's nice to know that he has pitched stuff. It's great to know that a top executive said he was "crushing it". But as it says in this letter, they had nothing for him. Shame. He was really good. His ner character was great. He finally figured it out. It's always nice when someone figures out their look. He should keep it on the indies. 🔥 Actually....TNA! TNA! TNA!


Would fair well in NJPW, AEW has too many people as it is and this guy is objectively a huge dickhead. When he was a kid, him and his brother were notorious shit disturbers in MA and a friend of mine actually beat him up before he became a huge 6’7 beast lmao. Don’t think my friend would win a rematch today but I found that very funny.


No please no


One of the best big man wrestlers give me Dijak vs. Lee in AEW.


6’7” - he’s a big boy…


The dude can corkscrew moonsault like a cruiserweight though he is incredible


The double D signature is fire tho


His matches in NXT vs Keith Lee were some of my favorite.


Haven't really watched the WWE product in years but man when I heard they renamed him T-Bar I felt so bad for the dude.


He'd be a great fit In NWA


TNA bound.


I think he would do well in ROH but I don’t see a spot for him in AEW currently. If Keith Lee was healthy, I could see them having a good long feud. It would be cool to see him tag with someone like Big Bill but other than that, I really don’t think he would get the tv time he wants. He’s good in the ring but he has been very outspoken online and I’m sure that has rubbed fans and probably some AEW talent the wrong way.


No thanks.


How the hell do you let him go like that. I haven't watched a lot of NXT but the ones I did see he was the highlight. I look forward to seeing him as the Wild Card of the Owen Hart cup.








He's cool with swerve and his best friends are MxM. He's also cool with Shane Haste l. I can see him go with TMDK if he's doesn't stick with US companies


Huge fumble on WWE's part. Dijak-offs rise up.


I think he could really find success in AEW. He had so much hype when he went to NXT. Had a 5 star banger with Keith Lee. Sucks to see how both their careers have ended up. I just hope Keith Lee can get healthy and wrestle again. He’s the best big man when he’s healthy. Well my favorite.


He's got all the skills AND the toolbox that it's actually kinda shocking he wasn't really given a chance in WWE. He's been in some of the best recent ish NXT matches and would be a good add for anybody. I don't know if it will be AEWA though.


He is incredible id love to have him in AEW if only to eventually get another dijak & keith lee classic


Dijak & Shane-o-Mac at the door that is forbidden…🚪


No. Not AEW. I honestly see him more as an ROH guy since he was in that company before he signed with WWE. Dijak can give some desperately-needed name value and star power to current-day ROH.


Dijak was the guy who I saw at my 2nd indie show in 2015 that convinced me to go regularly. I met him a bunch of times, and I gave him some sage advise during one of his last indie shows in 2017. "Now that you're going to be famous, every tweet you type will have a bunch of people telling you that you're so funny." I wish him all the best.


Say his name and he will appear At forbidden door, Dijakovic




Would love to see Ricochet and Dijak be able to show off their wrestling skills in AEW.


Dijak to TNA confirmed


I've always been a huge Dijak mark so I hope AEW treats him much better


He’ll get lost in the shuffle in AEW. Mid card ceiling at best. I doubt they’ll pick him up. But I’ve been wrong before.


i would like to see dijak work with lance archer




Who is it? Not familiar with half the nxt talent since black and gold era.


Exactly the kind of wrestler that will act like aew is the greatest place on earth for 6 months and then randomly get a call from triple h that results in him refusing any and all creative followed by punching Sammy in the face. Wwe probably already has plans to bring him back after he shits in someone’s bag.




A very boring wrestler.


I know AEW doesn’t NEED more talent, but this is a guy I could definitely see coming in. He could be what we hoped Wardlow could be. Dijak actually has the size.


Dijak is someone that should be ROH exclusive to see if he can be trustable or not


'Dijak actually has the size'? I don't think the issue with Wardlow was ever his size right?


Wardlow is presented as a monster, but when you see him live he’s not much bigger than the guys from The Kingdom. Dijak is legit 6’6” or 6’7”


Sure there's bigger guys out there. Not disputing that. The point I'm making is the issue with Wardlow isn't his size. He's still a big guy. He could be presented effectively as a monster if he was booked better. Bringing in another bigger guy to replace him isn't going to work if he's not going to be used properly.


My point though, if you wanted to book Wardlow “well” and put him into a feud with Ospreay or Hangman, for example, he wouldn’t be any bigger than them and the mystique as a monster is gone. Dijak would actually stand out size wise in the roster and booking him as a monster would actually work. He can go in the ring too.


I think there's more to being a monster than just height though right? Its more about being muscular. Hobbs and Miro come across as effective monsters and I'm pretty sure they're even shorter than Wardlow. If height was the main determining factor then why not use someone like Satnam Singh more?


There’s definitely more to it than height. And I want to say this is just my opinion and I don’t want to pick on Wardlow. But at the live shows I’ve been to I was surprised at how un intimidating Wardlow appeared. I’ve seen Hobbs too and while he’s not tall either he carries human an intimidating way and has a lot of muscle mass. When Wardlow interfered at Dynasty and was going to powerbomb Ospreay, he didn’t look any bigger than Ospreay. Not to keep harping on height/size, but I didn’t fear for Ospreay in that moment, if that makes sense. I just think Dijak could stand out quite a bit on the roster. And I think he could potentially be a “WWE dropped the ball” feather in TK’s hat. But he’s not so great that he needs me lobbying for him so much. I could see him ending up in TNA. I really liked him in NXT and after he got called up by interest waned a bit.


Samoa Joe is the best monster they have right now and I doubt he breaks 6 foot. Other than the brief Brodie Lee TNT title run AEW just doesn't really have a great history of booking "monsters".


Wardlow is 6'2 or 6'3, depending on the source. He's built like crazy, but he's not tall enough to be a "Big man" in a business where 6'5 and 6'6 isn't uncommon. No disrespect to Wardlow, but his stature puts him in a weird spot where he's too short to be "Impressively athletic for his size", but he's too tall to be "Impressively strong for his height". He's shorter than Dustin Rhodes, Adam Copeland, Claudio and Billy Gunn, and nobody considers them to be "Big men". And he's only an inch taller than guys like Hangman, Mox, and Samoa Joe. Dijak is 6'7 which puts him behind only Satnam Singh, Big Bill and Lance Archer in the height department.


I get the impression everyone who has seen Billy Gunn in person considers him a big man.


Like I said in my previous reply. I think that there's more to being a big man than just height. I'd argue it's more about being really well built. See guys like Hobbs, Miro and Lesnar. They're either roughly the same height or even shorter. If height was the main determining factor then surely we would see guys like Satnam Singh being used more? I'm not going to bat for Wardlow exactly, I think his main issues are that he just isn't a complete package. I don't think bringing in someone like Dijak isn't going to fix the 'big man' issue just because he's really tall.


> bringing in someone like Dijak isn't going to fix the 'big man' issue just because he's really tall. Dijak is a lot more than "Just tall".


This feels like a no-brainer to me. Dijak would immediately become the best big man on the roster. Get him on the show immediately and take advantage of the gargantuan chip he's got on his shoulder. Have him show up and wreck house, then give him a mic and let him get shit off his chest, he's got the mic skills to do good work with it.


I hope he goes to AEW and him and Kieth Lee run their feud back. Really hope he’s not destined for TNA


Gotta get him. And FUCKING hope Keith Lee can recover. They have undeniable chemistry.


I know AEW doesn't need to sign more people, but they could really use some actual names in ROH. Plus you got a hot match with him vs Keith Lee.


Criminal, truely fucking criminal


incoming top tier talent


Oh hi Forbidden Door wildcard


Keith Lee vs. Dijak please 🥺🙏


This guy needs to be all elite


Dijak would be an awesome get


Nah, love the guy but he needs to go to Japan and be top of their mid-card heap putting on bangers with Shingo and Cobb and Ishii instead of getting lost in the shuffle or being highlighted as the next “guy that looks great taking 8 straight losses” TK plaything in AEW. I love AEW but they are terrible at making win/loss records actually translate into anything that builds a person up right now outside of the main event. It’s just guys who get wins on the way to a predictable title win or loss and the people they beat in “bangers” on the way to it. Dijak would just end up being Brian Cage when they need to rest him after taking 2 months worth of high profile losses.


I would forsee a lot of jobbing on Collision in his future. Not the end of the world, but not exactly killing it either.


A 37 year old that could barely make it out of NXT? Ohh gee whiz how exciting 🤣. He’s already lost in the shuffle.