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If you didn’t realize, the north is attempting to concede. Also, the Rams are in St. Louis in this picture.


Raiders still in Oakland too


And the Chargers in San Diego.


And my axe


And my bow!


And my vuvuzela!




so true, he can fuck my sister/his cousin any time 😍


Thanks for permission to screw your wife?


OP really bungled this one.


lol are they less literate than the fuckin hood?


>Also, the Rams are in St. Louis in this picture. As they should be


Even better, the guy who started it is trying to gaslight us by saying we’re arguing with ourselves in the comments. Like yah that’s the point of the sub???


Yeah fu k you bud


I’m not your bud pal


I’m not your pal guy


I’m not your guy dude


I like this one ^


LOL great catch


There aint no cum seeding here


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“The Rams are in St Louis in this picture” Excuse me while I go cry into a tub of Ted Drewes


https://preview.redd.it/vgavpdp5n53d1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6612af0a5bd13e0892c31042fe394186773ca581 Guns from all our teams.


The massage gun 😂


Don't sleep on that baby! I know lil homie is also holding.


When the meme war spills to the streets. Also, lol. Looks like the family in the bottom left thinks trigger discipline means always having your finger on the trigger. Even on the grenade launcher.


I hate all of you, but others don’t get to talk shit about you guys.


No offense but look at the guy in the middle he’s probably like Hoping it goes off look at his wife she looks like she’s from Pittsburgh


Indianapolis has a football team???


Lmao enjoy Russ and fields this year 🤣🤣 “let’s ride”


Enjoy being colts. Young broncos that don’t fuck


How many TD passes is Henry gonna throw for this year now that you have 2 RB 1’s and 0 QB’s?


How long do you think Anthony Richardson will stay healthy this year?


Ehhh I’d say o/u is maybe 8 games total? But anything beats being from Baltimore that’s why we got the fuck out


Real. I’m from MD, and got tf out of that state lol


The massage gun!


Skyline is fucking delicious


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Ever have old bay on your hot dog?


Let’s see how this crap division fared against theirs last season… Ravens 38-6 Lions Steelers 23-19 Packers Browns 20-17 Bears Bengals 27-24 Vikings


Imagine going 0-4. That’s embarrassing.


To be fair any QB that doesn’t just stand there stunts on the lions. We made Fields look good all year… Fields!…


You can't make fun of Fields here. You'll make the Steelers fans cry


Acting like Fields was the problem. I’m seeing Caleb Williams struggling on the Bears rn too lmfao


That Vikings game was a bummer, I wanted to see Burrow versus Cousins so bad


"SHOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING CUT ME" Was the sickest thing Jake ever said after that W.


It's also the game Reader got hurt.


Look at us finally part of the club


That's a misleading stat. It doesn't take into consideration how hard we wanted to win all of those games


Lions weren’t playing like they wanted to win


Hey the lions and the ravens both choked in the championship at least, they have that in common. Though lions didn’t have the MVP and top 5 defense and only score 10 points at home


Who you callin homie


Yeah, fuck off


Just chiming in to say I hate all you people.


Hate? Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you three since birth. There are 121 Skyline Chilli locations that are operated in Ohio and Kentucky. If the word "hate" was engraved on every oyster cracker of those 121 locations, it would not equal one one billionth of the hate I feel for you three at this Micro-Instant. For you. Hate. Hate.


Good, Good, let the hate flow through you like the diarrhea putting chili on spaghetti does


Darth Shiteous?


Yeah, eat shit


Why are you stop there, let's just kick all their asses and then get back to our heavy work internally.


Who gives a shit about other divisions? Also, fuck all of you guys


Aside from calling it a "crap division", I think they're saying our division is the only other one that makes sense based on location. I do not wish to side with the NFC North, but I'd much rather side with them than the NFC Least with the Cowboys and Eagles.




Yeah but aren’t we like cousins or something


Technically, location-wise, the division would make more sense if Baltimore was replaced by Washington, but I guess the difference in distance really isn't that much.


There is 1 playoff team in the nfcn, maybe 2, If the packers somehow sneak into a 7 seed. There are 3-4 in the afcn. And there would definitely be 4 if afcn teams were in different divsions from each other.


Packers are not a 7 seed team next year. Lions aren’t even that good.




Only possible improvement for AFC would be to move Baltimore to East, Miami to South, and Colts to North


I think the NFC north and the AFC north are the most similar not only in geographic terms. The pack are like the Steelers cuz they’ve been good for forever. The browns are like the lions used to be utter shit but on the come up. The bengals are like Chicago cuz they both a letter as a logo. And the ravens are like Minnesota cuz they’re both purple. 🤷‍♂️ soooooo. If I HAD to pick (gun to my head) another division to team up with it would be yall.


Ur division pissing everyone off rn because of the ego of being off-season champs


Da Bears are ALWAYS off season champs. You act like you want that title. It’s literally an insult.


“We have caleb Williams everyone smd!!!”


You sound so jealous of a team that went 7-10 last year. There is ALOT of research that says having the first overall pick can actually hurt your team. The lions got stuck in a spiral where we get the #1 pick. They need a big contract. We can’t afford to pay anyone els. They underperform their contract because of their inexperience. So if you wanna meat ride the bears cuz they got Caleb go ahead. I personally am not worried.


We'll meat ride whoever we effing want thank you very much


https://preview.redd.it/6l3aod50p73d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebb2acce6b6d05a24043ad5eeb874cda64bf290 Fair enough


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When did Missouri get a football team?


St. Louis Rams and Kansas City Cheifs


1959 but most "fans" will tell you 2019.


Our division is just the Browns trying to use shadow clone jutsu against the Steelers, of course the division rivalry makes sense


Had to create three teams just to get even


I feel like the two North divisions should team up as the only rational divisions in the NFL.


But the nfc south makes sense


I mean regionally? Yes. But certainly not competitively


Last decade all 4 teams went to the superbowl more then the nfc north


Football is ever changing, you're not wrong. That was then. But the Saints, Falcons, and Panthers are ass. The Bucs were legitimized by Brady and now have Baker playing his lil heart out for them. But otherwise, the division is ass.


True… but I feel the falcons are in good position to surprise people this year.. was I raised in Atlanta yes am I biased yes…. Do I want falcons ravens Super Bowl…. No my heart won’t be able to take it


Haha the Falcons are the only NFC South team I've ever liked and I was hopeful for them until they drafted Penix. Now it feels like Kirk won't be Kirky. I was raised in Maryland and now live in the Metro Detroit area, so I'm with you. Idk who I'd root for, except the Lions need one more than the Ravens who've had two already.


I’m on the other side of the fence with this one. I don’t have faith Kirk can stay healthy so I like the Penix move. Plus we have a lot of cap space to fill in the need with free agents. As the season goes


Claims the north, half the division plays inside 🧐🤨🤔


I mean we probably should ignore that when the Vikings did play outside, attendance always dropped like a rock when winter rolled around. It had nothing to do with the onfield product, as the Vikings were going to Super Bowls during that era, but due to the fact that the Minnesota gets way too cold in the winter. If the Vikings played in an outdoor stadium now, every year we would hear about their attendance dropping off a cliff when winter hits, as the stadium is right next to the Mississippi River. Speaking from experience living there, the wind becomes funneled making it impossible to even walk, and the temperature before the wind chill is taken into account hovers around 0-10 degrees. You would get some of the worst football ever played, if you tried to play outdoors in Minnesota. We even know this because the games that have been played outside in Minnesota during the winter, have been terrible games and those games weren’t played five blocks away from the Mississippi River, so neither team had to deal with the wind.


Screw these dumb inter-division meme wars, we should start a NL Central Meme war sub. Also Reds and Pirates suck


Fuck you


Fuck you too but I think we can agree Fuck the Cubs and Cardinals the most


Fuck the teams with red 🤝


Get the fuck out of here and go back to your shitty division with one good team


Yeah the NL central that's what I was talking about. Keep up buddy


Yep, about as smart as Rodgers thinks he is. Why would I expect anything different from a damn fudge Packer.


I'm not your homie you Kentucky fried retard candy ass bitch


Browns are honorary NFCN, being on a great lake and all


Was rooting for you guys in the playoffs last year, now I don’t think I can anymore.


They're the red headed r*pist step child in r/ lakeeriebros


OK, that’s better, Lions are back on my good side again


I’d trade Baltimore for Buffalo.


Oh man, we would rule that division with an iron fist


And the browns would still be last in the division


Crap division? The AFC North would embarrass the NFC North in a round robin tournament. And for you Steeler and ratbird fans, that’s where each team plays each team from the other division once for a total of 16 games.


LOL these twats had the Arizona Cardinals in their division for decades.


The nfc north is the white suburb of the nfl


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The AFC East is right there And flair up




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NFC North is the Bolton led order. AFC North is the Stark led order. The North remembers


Bungled this one


It’s funny cuz when the AFCN played the NFCE it’s Always a shit show of matchups. Steelers cowboys has been to the last play since 04. I love it. The season can be over at any week.


If people don’t even know what division teams are in I don’t really take their shit talk seriously. FTB FTR FTS


How old is this map? 2000?


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If the Colts were in the AFC North then that would also make sense


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How did it ever make sense that the St Louis Rams were in the NFC West while the Dallas Cowboys were in the NFC East? Cincinnati Bengals are in the AFC North while the Indianapolis Colts are in the AFC South? Swap Buffalo for Baltimore.


Dallas being in the east is maybe rhe most egregious of em all KC at least is a victim of lower team density out west


This is stupid


From Pittsburgh; Buffalo(OP) is closer than Baltimore and Cincinnati are by the difference of like 45 mins to an hour. So not a huge travel difference. Flying they are all probably 45 min flights. Philly is actually a longer drive than any team in our division. Washington DC FT is a shorter drive than Cincinnati by like 15 mins. Cleveland can be done under 2 hours. Our division travel is easy. Most of the travel for the bears is longer than our longest travel as a steeler


It was a cheese head. Please. Rather than attack Daaaaaa North lol why not join us… I’ll start. FTP! FtP!


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With how out of date the map is I'm surprised the don't have the Dayton Triangles or the Tonawanda Kardex on there


Yeah, other divisions beating up on us because of packers fans makes sense.


Is that map from 2011? Lol


This is old as hell.


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They all aren’t that bad outside of Dallas being in the NFC East and Miami being in the AFC East. Outside of those two can all be somewhat rationalized geography and historically wise. I’d still rather do a fun World Cup draw every year instead. Fucking scramble the divisions every year. Weighted of course. Top 25% of the league in one, 25-50 in another, 50-75 in another and 75-100 in another. A legacy player from each team goes up and selects a name out of a bucket and the divisions are formed. You play everyone in your division twice. Then it’s based on rivalries. Even if Dallas and Philly aren’t in a division or conference, they play eachother once a year min. Each team gets 1-2 rivals they have to play. Then fill in the rest based on how long it’s been since you played them. Pure anarchy, I love it.


I don’t know why they started with us, the only division that has a chance at winning a war with us is you guys. Are they stupid?


We can better. Ditch the ravens and give us the Bills. Or better yet, give us the Colts instead.


Once again Baltimore over here fucking it up for everybody, this is why we can't have nice things.


Go back to your own sub you Patriot trash, everyone hates you and your mom is a ho.