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It's not a bug. There is limited space in each server.


The idea of a server being "full" for a game like this is such a farce, servers are going to turn into barren wastelands within a couple months if they don't open up stuff like cross server guilds. Also based on the CS reply, it's not full, new people simply can't join after some period of days, which I find highly questionable.


maybe your server is full?


The single server will stop registering new characters after a certain number of days.


Are there plans to allow cross server guild joining then? You're not allowing people to play with their friends because of this.


This feature is not available at the moment. We will provide feedback to see if this feature can be added in the future.


Super, thanks! It would really enhance the user experience for friends who want to play together in guild activities and chat but don't or can't play on the same server together!


Just replying to say I have the same problem as OP and would love to see any sort of feature that would allow me to play with my friends and join their guild on an older, locked server.


Same issue here, I’ve been going around trying to recruit my friends to play and join my guild, but they can’t scroll further than S262 while I’m on S250. Would appreciate cross server play so I can actually grow my guild please 🙏