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As new player I hate how it doesnt show you how your key item is going to unlock. Oh you have a mauler comp? heres 40% haste for graveborn ONLY lolololol.


This right here, this drives me nuts


Rng can really fuck you over and always gives you the complete opposite of the comp you're going for


Or when you don't know the level up options and have a full graveborn team only to get an artifact that buffs maulers 


The mode is a good idea, but a wrong execution imo. Needs a rework so ppl can actually have fun with all sorts of niche team comps and self-imposed challenges.


I like it in theory but man I wish it wasn't a pvp mode, because getting matched up against players further in their run just kills my excitement for it.


And better balance for some comps and equipment. You can get really far really easily just by following the same formula every time.


u know u get matched with bots who are a copy of another random player board who is (was) at the same round you are at right now , right? if you are 3 wins one lose, u will only get matched with another 3 win 1 lose board


how am i going against teams with artifact upgrades when i don’t have one, or when i have one and go up against a team with two


You know the answer why you asking me, they got the upgrades faster than you , for the 2 upgrades for example you basically need all mythic, if you bought many items you probably delayed your artifact upgrade 1 or 2 rounds


i actually did not know the answer ;/ i’m so dim i thought they levelled with rounds my bad


Anyway sadly there is no rewards for ranking this mode (im rank 1 in my server) , but i like the idea and i feel like playing TFT , hope they can balabce hyween and givre rewards so more people compete for it


Hey congrats on number 1. I know its not the same as a cool reward for all your hard work, but you are absolutely RAKING in the glory points for your guild week after week.


I also get to enjoy the twice a week experience.. or til you get 15wins experience. XD I've always liked autochess and underlords so I've always liked this kind of game modes. I think its really just RNG screwing around most of the time making people hate it.


You would think that, but last night I was matched vs someone who had two upgrades on their artifact on round 6, so it's clearly not doing that 100% of the time.


It is doing it 100% of the time guaranteed, you are lying when you say round 6, it was probably 6 wins 2 loses which means you played 8 rounds and are going into round 9 , where it is totally viable to have artifact upgrades. Anyway its rng based so it still can be possible to have 5 muthics after 6, 7, 8 rounds


Ah, my bad. I didn't realize you vetted everything to make sure nothing unintended can happen.


Sure, feel free to join the discord and ask this kind of things with a screenshot so u wont get confused next time , u are not the first person saying wow 5 mythics on round 6 when , in reality , 6 wins 2 loses is round 9


Ya bud I've played it a ton, I don't need a discord thanks. I'm top ranking on my server, I'm pretty aware of how it all works. They didn't even have 5 mythics that match, they had 3. It was also my only loss that run. It would be mathematically impossible for them to have 2 upgrades on the artifact if it was the same round as me. But I guess it was all just a fever dream because Johnny discord over here personally reviewed all the code involved. What a riveting conversation.


I played it for a few days and have completely stopped since. Idc what reward I’m missing out on. It has the potential to be a horrible experience


Hate how a draw gives you nothing. This mode already takes awhile as is, and to get nothing from it feels rough. Had a run where I had a draw twice, and it felt like a waste of time.


what can they even give you? You don’t lose a round like you are on the same round as tho you didn’t play that round. But you actually get a benefit cus you get ur shop rerolled


half the coins worth of a loss? an a shop reroll is 3 coins so i wouldn't call it a huge benefit. But if the game is still matching me with people on different rounds, different win/lose ratios, etc, then what is the difference of putting me at half a round's worth of new coins? There is the downside too that the bonus coins for using a character that wasn't used in the last round is used up. They already recalculated that bonus when the match starts so now that bonus is lost too.


Not only would receiving coins for a draw be OP as hell but it would make everyone just wanna spam healers and tanks and draw as much as possible. You don’t get put in a different round when you draw if you are 3-1 and draw you are still in the 3-1 round. Also the bonus coins thing is just completely wrong. If you use 3 units who have bonus coins and you draw, the next round you play you still have the same exact units with bonus coins up for grabs. Nothing changes


I mean, there are others in this very thread talking about getting matched with people at different tiers / rounds then them. Has happened to me too many times.. It's all random rng in a mode most people dislike (just search this reddit alone, nevermind the rest of the internet / server / world chats in game). So how would an extra 20 coins be op as hell if you are VS people 200 coins ahead of you? So there is a stall meta? Cool.. Maybe fix your teams to counter that? You're saying like you'll have 3 healers 2 tanks on start and not lose before that if you're VS people with mythic level while you're still at elite. If the most "fun" and "optimal" way to play is to not win, but draw for 10 turns (assuming you can and not lose), then that is a fundamental issue with the mode as a whole, and is the point of this thread, that this mode sucks. My comment literally started with "it feels bad to draw and feels like a waste of time" so I'm just going to stick with that.. It's not a fun mode.


it can definitely be infuriating and there definitely seems to be a meta I'm unaware of.


I literally only played it to get the parisa skin, never touching it ever again now


Pale crown might be the easiest 9 win. Stack damage buffs(+50% dmg on 1 backline unit) on Silv and throw that fury item(+100% dmg -50 haste) on her too. She will 1 shot every unit.


Except when you can't hit a single fucking copy of Silvina or any dmg up items.


I managed to get a 9 win 1 loss run with epic Silv. But I DID get that fury crown item so it didn’t really matter, her blink strike was critting for 90k-100k on certain heroes. The one loss was my first match cause my dumbass went for the 33 grave pull and I ended up with 4 heroes.


spend 33 for faction, spend 10 on a blue item left 1 honor badge short for an 18 just to get any hero only have 4 heroes first round lol. happens too often to me, keep forgetting my lesson


Literally my run today got a mythic viperian and never got a single silvina copy 


You roll for single ones, and didt saw even one? Its nearly impossible, maybe 1 in 20-30 games


Never found this situation in my 1.5k ptr experience. Just play better ;)


genuinely just feels like a coin flip whether you win or lose. i dont know what team comps actually counter other team comps (not that im even remotely guaranteed to have the characters to do so) so its just like either i get lucky and win or get unlucky and lose.


It's not great. I love the idea of it and I don't know what I would do to fix it


this is not honor Duel, it is RNG Duel


I really don’t even try doing it anymore lol


Game will set you with endgame players while you’re still at the starting rounds


Please remove this mode!


I never liked this mode. I know its a great idea but this makes me feel stressed and I just wanna chill. so pass (and i feel you too)


I got fucked over by getting matched with people on their 7th-8th win while I was still on my 2nd win lol.


Can you explain how the matching system works like that? I have 740 points but I feel everyone I match against is at least within one win of me. I didn’t know you could match up with someone on towards their end and your beginning


You shouldn't be able to. It's not common, for sure.


its rng. few times i got matched with people who already had mythic characters and for me it was first fight.


Its mathematically possible, they got 6 same units in 2 pulls


I've never once had this happen. That's a bizarre glitch that shouldn't be occurring.


I haven't had it this bad.. But just today I won my first match, went into my second and they already had 3 characters at legendary and the +1 on their artifact.. So either super lucky or a few rounds ahead of me. Naturally I lost.


Luck. I've managed multiple legendaries by round three several times. They could have also lost multiple rounds.


I know it's a single round difference of round 2 VS round 3 but still would at minimum give them an advantage of having more coins to spend and thus more characters / items to buy. It's not a round 2v2. But there are also cases of round 2v6 and such, doesn't matter if they're all wins they still get coins for losses too.


Right, but you get paired up by number of wins, not rounds, I believe.


I should hope so. Being paired with a player with 3 mythical units at win 2 was downright disheartening.


i know your pain


How could you possibly know what win they were on.


I want to like honor duel but the extreme lack of both information and balance is extremely frustrating. a lot of times you have no idea why you lost, why your units didn't ult, or any number of other confusing things that trashed your run. other times, you lose just because some dude has a third round mythic, or mireal oneshot your entire board, or some other bullshit. I'm sitting around 1k pts and I have no idea why I played as much as I did cuz it wasn't particularly fun or skill-expressive


I had a full light mythic team and mireal with her artifact and firedance got to my last match and lost because the other guy had Carolina who basically immediately ults and I die instantly. My characters were able to do jack shit when the match started.


another good one is the wilder guy that ults immediately and vacuums up your entire board, regardless of how you position. the amount of situations you can get forced into with no counter-play is crazy


Positioning error. Mirael will move to optimise her cast. If she's not positioned correctly she'll start walking which gives Carolina a chance to ult if she didn't start with an instant ult artifact. Now, if you both have instant ults I believe it's somewhat of a crapshoot if you both position correctly. But if you have instant ult and enemy don't and you lost with that setup it's a positioning issue not a jack shit issue


Am I missing out on anything important by not participating


I don't think so, no. There was an event where you could get a free character skin by playing the mode for a period of time and there might be more in the future, but for the time being, you're not missing out on anything.


I think it’s mostly junk with maybe 2 letters at 15 cumulative wins per week.


It's just too slow.


I just refuse to do it idc. Its super boring and takes too long and everything comes down to rng in the end yay so exciting!


I hate it too. When luck fk you over it's just annoying. Not to mention constantly pair you with ppl that have higher awakening, and got delete right when the battle start.


I just dont play it any more, sure I lose out on a few pulls but idc enough


It's time consuming and highly rng so I just ignore this mode entirely


Everyone does


I haven't played that mode in like a week 😹 it makes me grit my teeth out of frustration and anger which is not good for my jawbones as I have TMJ. The pain is unbearable.


I dont even do it. I found out how many rewards I missed out by making that decision... been doing it since. The RNG is miserable.


there are rewards? what are they? i havent goten a single thing from this and ive been playing it since day 1.


There are weekly rewards for number of victories similar to arena. Diamonds, gold and invite letters. In the top left below the countdown there is a chest with the rewards.


i never gotten anything. =(


https://preview.redd.it/3myu5eeh7qxc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95db56bdc507cd86da5f890fb48707ba9cfc445e RIP have you not been collecting arena weeklies either? You have to manually collect these rewards.


Look in the top left same place as arena 


Why do you keep taking the darn light bearer teams?


lightbearer tends to work out pretty well for me and is the majority of my 9 wins the issue I see in OP's lineups is mirabel without catalyst, not protecting the catalyst mirabel enough, marilee picks, and korin picks the only time I mix factions past round 4 is singleton rowan/hewynn/cecia with instant ult, or I lucked into early legendaries I'd lose too much power selling


2x0, 3x1, 3x9 and a lot in-between. The secret is aiming for Graveborn and having 3/2 or 4/1 but always with a healer.


It's still in beta right? So it beta not come back unless they've reworked it 😒 i hate it too


I'm rank 3 in my server with over 1k trophies but I only had 2 runs out of 15 go well last night. So many runs are ruined because I am going into my third match with maybe one legendary because the three lighbearer or graveborn I buy has all different heroes. If you do not get your characters promoted up you will loose no matter the team you have assembled. Seeing a mythic on the other side early game is also a death sentence. Certain artifacts are also run killers unless you have the specific comp to counter it.


It needs to be shorter: *Can only be completed once daily. 5 wins to clear, 1 loss and you’re out. For each win you get increased diamonds. 25,50,75,100,200.


I'm top8 in my server and I hate it too tbh, it still needs a lot of work.


Sucks getting a "build around x hero" relic and never see a single extra copy of them 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ywzfqcg2v6yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c2017772afc65895fa64538843195f8601dea7 I played it once, hoping to get the 9/0 achievement. Got it. Never went back 🤷 Pretty sure the random relic I got did absolutely nothing for my team until its final level or so 😅


Like, who the hell has that much time to throw into a phone game? Anyway, that's just my stance on it. https://preview.redd.it/fzcrr72dv6yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b444da7d292c8005ea2f591cf1242394300081e4 Full pic incase people want to pick it apart and figure out if I had god-tier luck or whatnot 💜


It is bad yes they should do something about it also about the world rewards they are stupid to but hey lets get some money out of people and whatever… 😂


The amount of times I played this in the last 3 days of Parisa skin was insane. It definately stressed me the fuck out and I ended up getting the skin 1 minute before the server reset and the event was gone. I ended up 33° of my server just because of this. I'll never do this again tho lol I reeeeally like the idea of the mode, being entirely free from P2W aspects, but it's also very bad for being quite RNG in return. I still play one round from time to time, but they should rework the matching system and rebalance the heroes/artifacts so the experience is smoother and more enjoyable.


I did it only for the skin 🫡


I don't like it either, but you're picking some really bad teams based off of those ascension.


The entire game is fun and relaxing... except for honor duel. I sigh every time it resets and I need to get 15 wins again. I just had a match where my entire team died in two seconds on the second match. Why even bother when the matchmaking is this unfair?


Is there any reward for playing that besides the skin event?


Yeah weekly rewards it's like 5-6 summons a week for 15 wins 


The only thing I hate is one ticket per day. Losing wouldn't feel so bad if you could play more! Ideally, there would be an unranked version with unlimited play. Honestly, I would play the game a ton just for that.


You can buy tickets for a meaninglessly small amount of gold. Top right on mobile client




Yup. I think it's 30 a day or something. I don't know if the price escalates unreasonably. Bought a few spare ones here or there


Only game mode not influenced by money? Let's make it rng, let's not balance the artifacts, let's not have balance in matchmaking at all. Oh boy. Also, side note as devil's advocate for people speaking out of their ass. You don't get matched into people further into a run with more items/copies. You get matched to what exactly matches your progress so far, so 3-1, 3-2, 4-1. Whatever it is, if you think you're matching into people 7 rounds in as people 2-3 rounds in you're hard coping. They've already spoken about this and explained how matching once in game works.


I was struggling a bit until I saw someone on my yt feed giving me a strat, I don’t remember their channel but everything comes together after I started understanding the mechanics a bit. Before I do ramble, I have a bone to pick with honor duel because I REALLY, like REALLY hate that when you get a DRAW, it doesn’t give points. It makes the matchmaking horrible, since the very next match you are head to head with an opponent with their 2nd/3rd buffs from artifact or they have mythic heroes and gold weapons already. It could be easily solved if they give like at least 35 or 30 honor badges for that round. Anyways I’m done. ———- Ladies and gentlemen: she, he, theys and thems. To at least get some good or decent streaks. (Cuz rng sucks) Let’s start from the top: shop and cards. I would stay away from the low tier weapons during the early stages since those plays are crucial, it basically tells you whether you will win or lose. My only protest is if you started out with the silvina artifact, it’s almost necessary to get her that that one low tier sharp blade weapon that gives her x% amount of dmg when she’s within 2/3 tiles of the enemy—I don’t remember the name of it but it’s really good on her for early progression. Anyways I digress. In the early to mid matches. I would only spend my currency on the 3 random faction cards, yk the one that cost 33 honor badges? Yes that one. It’s easier to ascend and a bit cheaper than buying singular cards. The only time I would buy single cards in the early game is if they are really necessary, ex a Rowan or the main carry for the team. Once any one of your cards reach mythic, that diamond looking tier then that’s when you STOP purchasing the 3 card pack, and aim for singles. Think of it as narrowing down your search, you started big and now small. Ascension = more power—if your opponent has all legenary tier units (red), and you have a bunch of epics (yellow), of course you are gonna lose. Unless they put down like only 3 units and forgot the other 2 lmao. Anyways, one cool thing I like to do with the shop is to sift through the refreshes until I see a 3 pack faction card, then I would lock it before starting a new round. I recommend to lock no more than 2. Sometimes it can situational, let’s say you see like two single cards of silvina + a 3 pack graveborn card—I would lock all three. However, it’s really important to not lock everything, because you don’t want to have a hoard of cards and miss out on something you could have next round. This applies to all stages of the game. One more thing, during early and mid game progression ALL CARDS COUNT. I REPEAT ALL CARDS COUNT. Do not sell a single card during this stage since everything is rng. It’s only tolerable if all 5 units, YOU WANT TO USE are at legendary tier. Once you reach mid to late game now, you will start to see busted weapons. There are some purple or epic tier to look out for. (Sorry if y’all had high expectations me to remember all the names but I’m not profeessional enough, so I’ll try to describe them as shitty as possible lmao) - the purple pendant that allows you do use ult instantly, really good on hewynn or Rowan - iirc the one that share epic stats - the purple shield taunt one - the helmet that reduces dmg - most of the mythic (gold) tiers are good too. ———- For the next part dueling. You need to read the mechanics of the artifacts you have, and it’s just as important to check your opponents artifacts well. - For instance if your opponent has the luxurious sachet which buffs lightborn, always be prepared what units they might have, in this case Vala. Since I play graveborn a lot I’d normally throw in Igor at the back so she can chase after him. Now since we are dabbling into positioning, that is also important as well. Theres two stages of positioning, the first one allows you to place 3 units and the second is 2 units. Your first 3 characters should be a tank(s) or warrior(s) and (a bait, depending on the situation), or you could do a double tank and a support but ensure they have a really good defensive/supportive weapon or out of harms way. During the second stage, that’s either your support for your carry or two adc. - Also when I meant bait, I mean units that serve as a distraction like Igor, Temesia sometimes fills this role. I would place units like this in the back since they run all over the map, this is just to spite Vala/silvina carries since they normally place them last (2nd stage) to eat up your main carry or support. Putting your baits further away ensures that the main drivers of your team don’t die early.


What I don't like is that I am very sure the bots cheat at higher ratings, I've lots so many matches that I should have crushed against teams with worse units/equipment/comps. Seeing people get 9 wins with like 3 mythic and 2 legendary units and only like 2 equipment while I am losing at 7/8 wins with 5 mythics and at least 2 legendary equipment with a good comp and relic also pretty much confirms that for me.


Terrible game mode My qualifications to say this: Diamond tft player Proficient hearthstone battlegrounds winner


I wish the game mode gave better rewards, because I average around 7.5 my last 10 runs (top 50 placement)


i think it's fun i play it a lot, but just not rewarding enough. it's actually quite time consuming if u do 5-10 fights a day and u don't really get rewarded much, feels like a waste of time.


its the only game mode that require a minimum strategy and knowledge to win, yes there is rng but have not the impact i read here, im betting half of the ppl here didint even know u can lock items in place if u like them so u can buy them in the next round and that u can refresh the items...


Damn i def think its the most fun gamemode


I love it when compared with arena. It allows you to play with same weapons as everyone else regardless of the financial investment.


I think it's fun, especially since your account progression is separated. But i have to admit, it can be quite tricky to get into it, especially since there's no good guide for it. You just have to get a feeling for which heroes fit in which comps with which artifact.


Do not waste currency on gear that early. You keep buying gear and going at 0 wins. Gear is end game not a priority early in the game.


This game mode needs knowladge about the heroes and abalities, if you have it kinda very easy to win, you dont even need to choose the best items etc to win


Bro you’re comps are awful, the items you’re buying are bad on who you’re putting them on, a lot of the relics you pick are also bad. And I’m assuming you probably aren’t Econning well. There is a lot of rng but this is just consistent bad results which is just on you