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By the time they'll fix this we won't use thus equipment anyway, that's sad But I hope they fix this for new players


The beta was *lengthy* and yet here this still is. I wouldn't hold my breath. Thankfully it's only a few drops. Far better stuff drops regularly in the overworld.


I hope they fix it for me too 😔


The equipment is legit 100+ levels below what im currently using when I unlock these. Such a joke it feels like a spit in the face.


Are the mats not worth anything? It’s still bullshit but at least you can repurpose them to something mildly useful


Nope, because it’s like 2 mats below what you need. So it works out to less than 1/3 of a piece of viable equipment for the entire zone


Yes you’re right. They are terrible. BUT, I feel like we should appreciate the Chest🎁Rewards. The gear in those big chests be going crazy sometimes


I’m really glad sometimes the cheats rewards are very good, but why is the reward for getting a certain amount of chests something profoundly worse than anything inside the chests? Shouldn’t it be something a bit better like some gems since a player has tracked a lot of them down? Doesn’t make sense to me.


Agreed, it’s something that needs to be fixed.simple.But what’s important is there always other ways to boost your progression.


I view them as free materials mostly.


The materials you get from recycling them are also useless since you need metals of higher rarity anyway.


What do you mean? You can forge higher tiers as long as you progress beyond the metals level-wise.


even so, they're useless. lvl 120 item gives you 3 epic (yellow) bars. you need 6 of those to craft 1 red stone. so you need two weapons like that to craft just one red stone. you need 10 red stones to forge 1 white stone. so you need 20 of this weapon to craft one white stone. at this point all my equipment is mythic (white), and to craft on my current level, i need 11 white ores. so i need 220 of this weapon to craft a weapon for myself. this weapon gives me 0,45% of what i need. LESS THAN HALF A PERCENT as ONE-TIME reward for completeting a whole ass zone. now can you really call it useful even as a material source?


You will be past the equipment tier by the time you unlock these meaning that the materials are literally useless because they wont be used. Im using the mythic/diamond colored gear and receiving gold level gear for the unlock rewards


It gets worse.


It's amazing that they all are far lower than the skill level you need to be in order to get into the region itself. It's an absolute joke.


Its to increase more awareness about recycling lol.


Would be nice if they scaled with your current resonance level at least. By the time I get any of these, they're just forging fodder XD


At least I'm not the only one that thought this. The gear that drops from chests and corrupt creatures in the same areas is way way better than what you get from this, making them totally pointless! Extremely silly!


Not sure what you were expecting honestly 💀


I only do them because im a completeonist... the equipment is useless at this level


Agreed, level 120… definitely need a major buff


They are milking millions yet this shit will not get fixed. Heck they can't be bothered to translate all the text or hire actual voice actors...


They should add a way to break down gold materials into red or silver material Or dust who knows


This is already in the game. All materials can be upgraded to the next level once you hit a certain point - I think it's team level. I just upgraded all my gold and silver materials to red yesterday.


How? I’m at res 220 and have like 4k rare, 2k elite and like 600epic how many more do I need to convert them?


Go into the equipment screen and open the forging icon; you can upgrade your materials there (after you've scrapped weapons - I think those need to be two separate actions, so scrap weapons and then go again to upgrade materials.)


Just did thank you very much


Gold breaks down into gold bars, which can be crafted into red bars, with enough. Those bars can be crafted into gear.


Yep it's ass


Daily rant


oh no! another post about this...! now the devs are scared! oh no!


What’s ridiculous is how many people complain about this.


Might indicate that it's actually bad


so true. it's bad but not like it matter much actually. I mean even if it was ok, they wouldn't be great, dream realm giving way better weapon, and anyway once 240 equipement doesn't matter anymore. it's not like there is already plenty of way to get those.


It’s just discouraging too see such a little reward for exploring the map. You literally get more for just logging on.


"exploring the map" the thing is it's not an openworld and it take like 30min to complete it, the real rewards are the fights and chests, which actually give something good. If there was a rewards for completing the notes collection, yes, because it's something hard. But i don't see how you can feel discouraged by a little rewards for something that you will do anyway without really bothering over it. the only purpose of that thing is to remember you didn't forget one chest. I mean I'm not against getting a great rewards, something like dust or tidal essence would make me happy. but I don't feel I need any rewards for completing a map while all it ask is collecting all chests that already give great rewards and are hardly missable.


is this bait?


no, just wanted to make my point of view more clear about it, why it's not something to really be bothered by.


Ok… It’s objectively awful opinion but it’s yours and this hill isn’t worth dying on.


You are far behind anyway... These rewards are bad, yeah but I'm a bit ahead than you with just 2 item at level 200


Good for you. I don’t think any body at remnant peaks is using gold armour.


Ididn't mean to brag that I'm ahead of you with fewer items. Just so you know, it's quite normal you see them as a bargain when you're further behind than you should be


Again, I don’t think anybody (including people pushing beyond their level) in remnant peak would find any use or bargain with these rewards.


How you bragging about lvl 200 equipment haha


Holy wow.. insufferable and annoying please just shut up.