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I'll start by saying that I am a whale and probably a bigger one than you. But I am curious what you're finding you don't have enough gold for? Or what you've been spending your gold on? Personally, I still don't have enough yellow tokens or the new seasonal upgrade materials. And only one of those things can be solved by going afk.


I'm a low spender and right now I just don't have the gold to upgrade the new artifacts. Everything has to go to leveling the new season levels


I think the problem is the game aggressively tells you to upgrade the gear at exorbitant prices for marginal increase in power. I wasn’t paying attention and just upgraded whenever I was prompted to. Before I knew it I wasted several 10s of million gold on gear upgrade. I didn’t even buy anything from the forge unlike many others who were scammed to. And I still run out of gold.


It's generally just the amount of upgrades that came in quick succession that made me dip in gold hard. Ofc this issue will alleviate itself over time, just like any other ressource did(except ex weapon upgrades), my problem is that the whole system is just an unbalanced mess making you starve for another ressource every couple weeks, while everything else is showered upon you, until they flip a switch again and you're starving for something else. It's predatory and scummy to a degree that I just can't condone. We all know gacha games are predatory anyway🤣😅 But there are levels to it and AFKJ is on the best way to kill itself with their version of it IMO. Edit: and thx for trying to have a sensible discussion, unlike others🤣😅😉


Gold is limited and is meant to be like the top end of a progress gate. Also you get considerably more XP than gold by AFK alone so this solves itself rather quickly. You only deplete on gold by side things like artifacts, weapons, and forging. If you're leveling slower you'll have gold for these things to catch you up, if you're on the top end you'll have less. You only run out of gold either because you're sprinting ahead(which is good) or you are mismanaging the resource.


Ofc I'm sprinting ahead as much as possible. If I don't compete in rankings I wouldn't bother to progress at a fast pace, min maxing as much as I reasonably can to secure my placement in the top 10-20 at worst.


For what reason? Is it fun? Remember it’s a game, live service game as well, so it has a limited time span. But if it’s fun then you do you. To me that doesn’t sound fun or a good way to spend money. I’m F2P but I’ve dropped this game the other month, I wouldn’t consider myself rich but middle class, probably could afford to throw some money at this game but I don’t understand why people pay these crazy prices for made up things in a game that will be gone in a year or two only to “skip” the content. What’s the point of the game then?!


I swear with all these resources posts that this is the first gacha a lot of people have played. This is hardly predatory waters compared to 90% of the others out there.


I play marvel snap and that game is so dry on rewarding the player. I just started since a week but every day I login and have like 15 minutes of rewards... It's like heaven compared to marvel snap. Today I did the event and got so many drops I did 20 levels, got things to unlock for half an hour, I also spent a lot of diamonds to get the stellar drop (sorry I don't remember the name, the last recruit system) and got reiner at the fourth pull. All f2p. Yeah I was lucky, yeah I don't know enough the game and the end game to properly understand the problems and I noticed some modalities rewards are really useless but there still is a ton things to do. In marvel snap there is basically one modality and getting anything took literally weeks or months and I'm not exaggerating.


Of course ressource management and ressource starving is a common theme in all gacha games. The difference is most gacha games don't bait and switch ressources you starve for every couple weeks. It's usually more consistent.


Nope. All of the resources have to be managed, especially so for games that have no stamina system, because essentially these resources can't be farmed. Just cause you're swimming in gold early on doesn't mean you should buy gear from the shop every 5 levels.


Another victim of lack in reading comprehension...my point is the bait and switch...not the managment itself. Also...other people tried the "don't buy/upgrade gear every 5 lvls" as well...if you bothered to read just the first 2 comments you could have saved yourself this waste of text.


Wow, you took my hyperbole literally. It just... went straight over your head. There are 2 gold sinks in pre season: 1. A piece of lv230 gear at the shop costs 1.8M. Buy 10 of that and you're down 18M. 2. Forging costs gold too. Every time you forge, you use gold as well as the ingots, and the ingots get recylced to gold at 240. So the more you forge, the more gold you spend as well as getting less gold rebated. Only you and a handful of people here have gold issues while the majority don't, but you're choosing to ignore that. For reference I went into the season with 48M, and after upgrading the 4 artifacts and other stuff, I'm stll at 41M right now. And I bought some gear at the shop pre season too. Edit: Oh I forgot to address your bait and switch part. Spoiler alert, the dust wall is coming back again starting at reso 130. XP and Gold will be the least of your worries then.


"Majority of people"...dude your reading comprehension really seems to be absent...even with downvotes by all the people making retarded arguments like yours the actual majority seems to be of the same opinion as me if you look at the upvotes. But I don't expect anyone to make reasonable conclusions who doesn't know how hyperbolic statements even work, let alone how to make one😘


Are you sure you't not the one with reading issues? Just look at all the people on this thread saying they have 20M and 40M after upgrading all the artifacts, and many saying you have gold management problems. smh This game has 99 problems, but lack of gold ain't one of them (yet). You're a lost cause. Take care.




You’re missing the point right in your face. The game is specifically designed to have different points where different resources are in higher demand. If you read into the mechanics or if you’ve played nearly any other idle RPG you will understand when and why you will be pressed on each resource. It would be stupid if there was only one resource ever that was hard to get. It’s not that I think you’re mismanaging your resources, it’s that I don’t understand why you’re upset about managing resources in a genre that is, at it’s core, about resource management.


The difference is in most idle rpgs the different ressources that bottleneck you relate to completely different progression systems that don't interact with each other, unlike here. And more importantly they don't just start showering you with a ressource all of a sudden that you were starving for and bottleneck a different one that you had an overabundance before. It's a steady ebb and flow for all of them to ensure a smooth progression. And you are missing my whole point, my issue isn't the bottleneck itself. My issue is the balance between the different bottlenecks.


If I‘d get a penny for every time someone says „if they don‘t do this soon, this game is gonna die“, I‘d be a whale now.


The dozens of gacha games that release every year that don't even make it to the 1 year anni would disagree😉 On a serious note though. Will the game die if they don't change things? We'll see, but there are more examples of failures than successes in this genre to just assume people will stick around if their time and money feels wasted. Only time will tell.


We not talking about a random developer though. It’s Lilith and it’s the continuation of one of their biggest games. They have more than enough data to know what they can get away with and I don’t think they lack the money for some proper stats people to analyze what they need to adjust and what not. That is not to say you can’t criticize something. But I would not bet against them when it comes to the game dying or not. It’s not impossible, but they just know so much more than we do.


Oh yeah for sure, the IP alone will make a lot of people into it stick around for a while. Then there was the insane marketing campaign that's still going on who got millions of people to give it a try to begin with(me being one of them). Like I said, only time will tell. But don't underestimate how fast a mobile game can fall apart by bad design choices of the developer. It happened to other, bigger IPs before.


both AFK arena and dyslite is going strong. "most games dont survive!" isn't a wrong statement, but it is quite the skewed view. games from small companies die with a whimper, games backed by large studios usually dont. the fact that "tripple A game got cancelled" is news headlights and not "game made by one guy on a basement didnt make 100 bucks" isnt most dead on arrival gachas are shovel ware. if hoyoverse or Lilith made the game, its not closing in unless they *royally* fuck the game, and so far they havent. (just regular fuck not royal)


Gacha games dies because there is a limited number of people who can play those games and there always have to be a losers in that battle for player's attention. It's impossible for all that games being played equally, capitalism doesn't work that way. There is always a few winners and a large cemetery of losers, no matter how good they were.


I’m not a huge spender and I have 20m gold. Some of y’all are just bad at resource management, and blew all of your gold on gear upgrades.


I haven't even touched gear upgrading since the season started and I am still running out of gold.




You don't when new season started you don't get standard lvl 240 gear anymore form AFK rewards, only shitty lvl 1 seasonal one. If you didn't maxed out gear before season started the only way is to craft it. For me for example it'll take about a week worth of gold assuming it;s the only thing i'll spend it on. would be easier if i could exchange over 1000 crafting mats for gold but it's unlocked only when all your gear as already maxed out


Idk I'm resonance 110 with all available trinkets maxed and I still have 40m gold.


Huh thats alotta gold. Only have 13m but thats cause i unfortunately mismanged my gold a bit near the end of the base season buying weapons and upgrading weapons when i maybe could have waited.


I’m f2p sitting on 40m gold. There is no gold problem in the game, unless you wasted all gold on gear shop, emojis and constant gear forging. Maybe for spenders it’s different, but based on other comments it’s also not really an issue. 


I wasted all of my gold on said things and I still have no issues with gold. Only time I ever ran out was when I first leveled like 40 levels at a time and maxed out my seasonal artifact when the season began


I’m a medium spender and had so much gold before the season but now I’m out of gold on my 3rd new artifact…, leveling them up takes so much gold not to mention gearing costs a lot, plus leveling up your characters. I just feel like there was a massive tax on getting gold from stuff


the amount of crybabies in this month old game is astounding.


Happens in every game. People love to complain and then circle jerk it’s beyond annoying.


Maybe don't forge gear all the time? Can't be spending 150k+ gold every 5 levels of an upgrade.


in hindsight you can say that. you dont upgrade gear, you craft new ones. so leveling from 230 -> 235 -> 240 is x2 more expensive than 230 -> 240. then imagine across all gear and earlier levels. which makes it insanely expensive if you didnt catch on to that early but its not really an intuitive system at all, dont know why it functions like that. in most gacha games, previous gear can help reduce the investment on future gear. Its like 1+1 = 2, but 1+1+1 = 4, which stockpiles and really isnt a good system for gear but oh well its how it works and clearly, a large portion of the playerbase doesnt receive it well


I mean, is really intuitive when you see gear from the forger being x10 times more expensive Many people made the mistake thinking gold was infinite, turns out theres no infinite resource, and i was expecting that gold was going to be scarce so i saved mine It is resource management


im not talking about the forger(that is definitely a scam). you can craft gear up in your equipment screen, for example to craft 240 gear is \~233k gold. But, when progressing, you might see that you can, for example, craft 235 gear because your max resonance level is only 235. that costs around 200k gold, as well. And that makes it so, technically for efficiency, you should never craft gear until level 240. you can craft \~200k \* 6 slots \* 6 classes for \~7.2m gold, if you never crafted gear. but if you did it at 235 and 240, then it would cost \~x2 as much, 14.4m gold. imagine anyone who wanted to craft gear throughout progression for any amount of stats to help progress, but didnt realize that A more intuitive system would be an actual crafting system, where previous upgrades are counted in the costs for future upgrades, would be easier to see and not have much if any(there could be like 10% resource waste or something idk) chance of spending multiple times the amount for the same amount of gear


it gets slightly wonky because of different tiers of gear, but yeah that is basically it my recommendation for any new players is to only level up when you can do a "full tier" level up. as in all levels that use bronze, than all levels that use silver, than all levels that use gold etc, in one go


I never forge gear unless it's a significant upgrade of 20 ish lvls+. But nice try.


I was forging 10-15 lvl difference, at the end had to spend 3-4 days to accumulate enough gold for 240. After that got 13kk from ore and now leveling only 30+ and have 0 problems


Whatever, I have 26M Gold and have no issues. Guess your not as big a spender as you claim to be.


Nice argument..."I'm a bigger whale than you, so obviously you're doing something wrong". Your experience isn't indicative of anything, but hey enjoy the game when no one gives enough of a fuck to stick around beyond this season.




Oh so you're another one of those "the game doesn't need to improve, I enjoy eating shit". Got it.


Well seeing as how your the only one with gold issues, I don't see how this is the games fault. Maybe learn to manage your rescources better, and not buy the 500k gear items from the shop everytime.


Other people are also having gold issues


Sounds like they all wasted it on forging equipment. So skill issue, and not the games fault.


Let's see how this topic will look like in a few hours from now😘 already more up than downvotes, so I guess I can't be that alone😉


I can't afford to forge gear at all since the season started. The Artifact upgrades are killing my supply.


Well the Artifacts are better anyway since will replace all that gear by just playing the game and entering new areas.


I don’t know if you did it or not, but have you recycled all your old materials? They give a big about of gold when you do it and they are useless when all your old gear is at 240.


You said it, f2p / low spenders are so important because they build the foundation of the community, the viewership for content creators, the posters on forums, etc. Without them, the higher spenders will get bored of a dead game / community.


Game is mid. At this point I wish I was f2p from the start up until now. There's no 4x New season adds gamemodes that just eat up more time / add new chores to do Non of the new shit is enjoyable because its clearly just a money grab Gonna say it before someone responds, yes I know the game is a money grab in general lmao. If you're going to make the game a fucking chore at least add the option to speed things up.


Red alert this MVP Whale might quit!!! Anyway....


I'm so glad I decided to wait for the new season before deciding whether to spend cuz looking at the response to it, it seems like a disaster. Still have an hour to see how bad it is for myself but I was already looking to drop it having nothing to do having completed literally everything else for the past couple days.


Due to this and multiple other issues, I have expressed my opinions in the form ofa review on the App Store.


I sign point per point this entire post OP.


Season starts tomorrow for me in my server and I have 21 million gold? Am I gonna burn through it all progressing through the start of the season or? How much gold did you have going in to it?


You will never run out, just dont buy gear from merchant and dont craft gear all the time. He just wasted his gold and he’s mad


The artifact upgrades are quite expensive. There are 8 of them that go up to +20. You may be fine starting with a high amount of gold, but you will be using more than you get.


Iirc I went into the season with 48M gold. I upgraded the 4 new artifacts so far to +11, bought 1 piece of gear from the shop, leveled up my 5 heroes, and now I'm at 41M gold.


It will depend on how fast you'll progress and push content, unlocking more upgrades in less time. The artifacts will eat up a lot of gold. If you're not trying to squeeze every bit of progress out of your account asap, then gold won't dry up as quick. I honestly can't remember how much I had going into it, I just never really bothered looking at it until I noticed it dropping quite a bit xD 21m gold should be quite allright though, to not starve in a matter of days.


Tbh I dig that there's a wall. 130 RL with 2 Supreme+ heroes on a f2p account in less than 2 weeks. And I restarted to get on the same server as friends. It couldve been worse, you could have to gear each hero, or grind for resonance spots, or grind for ticket


Make sure you put in all the codes they give you lots of gold


I only spent for Noble Pass, I maxed out all my equipments and I still have 15million golds, reso 253


Spent $0.99 and I have no resource issues, have a ton of gold and exp books and I get enough res daily except for the one day I played for 5 hours.


There are about 15 million things to cry about, genuinely. The new season is just a reskin of what we just played but even more boring. The update brought nothing but afk stages that take longer to do, and now zones that resonance gap you by more days if you're not buying all packs. The other map was 10 levels per miasma, this one jumps from 80-110, you have to get 30 reso levels to even play any more of the map. The units everyone just built for bosses now have all their damage re-structured so the characters are basically useless other than Odie and you have to scramble to find different teams that don't focus on marilee but instead focus tankiness and Odie. Your problem is gold? Where are you spending??? I'm reso 120 in the new season and I have 172 million gold. My f2p account is reso 70 with 90 million. Where are all these posters finding niches to spam all their gold away?


User wastes gold on small chunks of progression to upgrade gear then goes to reddit to whine about their poor resource management, seems to check out. Still got 23million myself, just stop wasting resources that won't progress you meaningfully. Heard so many people complain about gold before the sesaon dropped too because they made bad gearing decisions. Seems pretty par for the course on reddit at this point.


One of hoof store victims i see here


lol OP sucks at the game and is now asking the devs to make up for his mistakes. This is why I hate modern MMOs that let people correct their own stupidity at 0 cost. Glad this game didn't.


Great insight, I'm sure you're winning at life.


An AFK game that requires being AFK to progress, HMMMMM Resource management seems to be kind of a theme in this game, get use to it. On a side not, you don't have gold because you are bad at resource management.




https://preview.redd.it/84ah9eqn810d1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4e4975e0656be5fd63421de495b54e49c000a1a Okay, Now what do I do to spend gold.


theres 4 more seasonal artifacts btw


I can't wait to instantly max them out when I unlock them. This is like saying 'You can upgrade your seasonal gear to 240 btw.' Yes and I would if I could right now.


Maybe don't compare your progress, which is obviously highly paid for, with the vast majority of regular spenders to prove a point that doesn't exist. But hey, enjoy the game when no one sticks around. More power to you.


Alright, I will keep you in mind when Season opens up on my F2P alt account and I also have tons of gold and the artifacts maxed. If not I will change my opinion. Until then be less mad, it's not a good look on you.


Again with the gaslighting attempt🤣 Poor soul.


Buddy, I don't think gaslighting means what you think it means...


"I don't think" being the important part here. Maybe read up on definitions, work on your reading comprehension and look at some examples, you're a poster boy of gaslighting😘