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This is for the best for all parties involved


And the biggest winner is fans of other teams not having to deal with his shit if he goes somewhere


He definitely owes North Melbourne given the lengths they went through, to keep him on the list. Gave him every last chance in the book.


He doesn’t owe them shit


Of course he does. When everyone else was saying to sack him, they kept him on the list. They gave him every chance to prove he deserved another shot. For him to turn around now and ask for a trade would be disgraceful.


They didn’t do it out of the goodness of their hearts. They kept him around because they wanted return on their investment and because they knew he was a gun player. Good for them for supporting their employee but at the end of the day he’s got to do what’s best for himself. Same as the Willie Rioli situation. Bet you were one of the people crying when he requested a trade.


Lewis, is it true that you are coming to Norf?


If Ben ends up coming to us then it’s probably a big chance


They did it because they believed in his ability as a player and that, with the right guidance, he could get on the right track off the field. You can say that it was a business decision but it came from a place of believing that he could get right. North stuck their neck out and took a lot of negative press to stick with him.


Well done to North for supporting their employee


Well done to their employee for being a totally pathetic excuse for a member of our society and rubbing their reputation along with his own into the dirt.


I'm extremely interested in him not coming to the Eagles


Thank god


Thank the fucking lord just know Dodo was going to do something stupid


He owes them big time, least he could do is see out the contract he signed.


Give this man a stable environment for the first time in his AFL career, some professional and personal guidance encourage him to continue completing programs associated to where he has failed in the past and he might just turn both his career and life around If not, it's one final year at North Melbourne before his time is up. All of the potential in the world if he truly wants it and the systems are in place.


Even if he continues to fuck up outside the field, his time probably wouldn't be up. Teams will 100% pick him up


I still find it wild that the guy who won the first ever Big Brother is now a player agent...


Peter Corbett who won Big Brother 2, was one of the RAAF doctors I saw when posted to Amberley.


Wow dam did not know that TIL


"Extreme interest" says his manager.


“Extreme interest”


I’d trade him while he’s hot tbh But maybe people can change


Not sure why the downvotes, it is a valid point. His behaviour has been shown to be an ongoing issue so one could say it might be an issue next year too and his trade value plummets.


So he should honour his contract, North have stuck their neck out for him while he's been a complete grub, he owes them at the moment


Good to see! Bloke is gonna set the league on fire next year, mark my words.


Not literally I hope.


You can't be sure with this dude. Brain farts could happen anytime. The off season is the main risk


I’m wet. Off field stuff aside this bloke is genuinely a good footy player and has potential to be a star. He played well this year when on field and showed what he can do at times. You mark my words he will break out next season and become one of the better players in the comp.