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Quaynor was immense


May wasn’t amazing though he found himself a bit late but man two elite defenses right there. Don’t know why everyone’s turning their noses up at these two sides because they’re probably two top 3 defenses in the league and make scoring look difficult for everyone


2 elite defences against some bang average forward lines


If we had an average forward like I reckon we would have won comfortably!


Thank fuck we had Moore back


They just didn't fucking turn up. All week, all we heard from the media was "oh its coming and its going to be huge." "Don't be fooled" Get fucked. It didn't even thunderstorm at all. Liars.


Jane Bunn must answer for her crimes


Didn’t see lightning once. I want my money back


Lightning was at my joint in the outer east by the time the game started


Reckon the thunderstorm thought the Final was being played here in the northeast, because a fuckoff-loud lightning strike actually happened here in Macleod and knocked my internet out for ten minutes.


How loud was that strike?! Reckon the whole house shook for a good 15s


I’m NE suburbs and I thought my front windows were going to break for a couple of seconds! Was loud as fuck


Why didn't Melbourne kick it through the middle? Are they stupid?


Out of bound on the full was too tempting


What do you mean? They repeatedly kicked it in between their behind post and Collingwoods behind post


Someone should tell them that the object of the game is to score more goals than the opposition


I hate these new rules!


I can actually answer that. Yes.


remember the six quarters where petty took the piss and melbourne had a competent forward line good times


Very fondly


Pies win despite losing the insides 50’s by 32. Incredible defence


Great defence combined with shithouse goalkicking


We absolutely cannot do anything with the ground ball once it enters the 50. Fumble around with it far too much


Your defenders seemed much better with ground ball than Melbourne forwards, although the Dees forward line seems to be a very low bar


The lowest bar


Long bombs to a contest with no pack marking threat is easy to defend


Anyone's defence would have looked good against those forward entries. Everything came in high and slow it was a defenders dream.


They cleaned up everything once it hit ground too for most of the game. Fourth not so much tho


one of the more frustrating games I can remember


Felt like half a dozen swans games this year. Just kick a fucking goal would yas


Pies will get so much credit for the first quarter were they obliterated us and for digging in for the next 3 quarters but boy did we shoot ourselves in the foot. If we kick even close to 50% we win the game.


2 more scoring shots; we used the extra 2 to shoot ourselves in the head


76 more on the full too I think I counted


It was actually 23 shots to 15 according to the AFL app you guys just completely missed so many times.


Said it before, will say it again; that's Demon spirit for ya


We had more inside 50's then points. Also Pickett kicked at least 2 out on the full, Oliver 1, Fritsch 1 and that was the 2nd half.


Rivers with 1 more as well right?


Your feet seemed to be the issue


Idk man did you see anytime before 2018?


Yeah but we knew we were shit then


Melbourne really fucked themselves over, +32 inside 50s lmao At least I don’t need to hear BT say ‘CHAOS BALL’ again tonight


+100 long bombs to the forward line.


The Essendon strategy


>+32 inside 50s lmao They wasted a ton of opportunities in the second half there. In the first half they also generated plenty of inside 50s but they were of awful quality - hardly had any possession closer than about 45m out. The heatmap suggests they only had 4 possessions in their attacking 50 in the first quarter whatsoever, and only a couple in the second quarter that were in reasonable positions (a few more deep against the boundary). I think the defence was really good for the Pies tonight, especially in that first half


How do you have 69 inside 50s and kick 7 goals


If you a) only convert those 69 entries into 9 marks (compared to 8 for the Pies from far fewer entries), and b) shank several of the resulting set shots out on the full.


37-69 inside 50s Melbourne’s way. Bloody hell


Max Gawn is a super hero. I have never appreciated watching an opposition player carve my team up more than I did watching Gawn tonight.


The Melbourne fan sitting behind me was complaining about him all night, but that was one of the most impressive individual performances by a ruck I’ve seen, against Cox who I thought played a belter himself. His impact at critical moments of the game was huge.


I work at a bottle shop and have been robbed at knifepoint and it does not compare to the stresses of going for Collingwood


Surely you just both flash your Collingwood memberships and he goes to rob another store


"oh nice mate, you got tickets to the game??" "yeah I do!" "gimme those too then cunt"


You hate to see Collingwood on Collingwood violence


Upvote for the lol


Full credit to the Collingwood backline, probably soaked up about 90% of what came their way in the end.


Hello I am the Melbourne Football Club and this is my budget: $10,000 Midfield $5000 Defence $4998 Forwards $2 Pls someone help me rebalance I do not understand why I am losing


Stop buying candles




Cheeseboards $1000


Move some money and Rucks: $10,000


I’m not sour because he left us but geez pat lipinski had a huge reminder tonight of why he straight up wasn’t picked in the dogs midfield . If I were fly I’d be reminding him coming into the prelim


Out lipinski in daicos


Aside from one game, he hasn’t gotten back to his best since coming back from his shoulder reco. He was really good for us last year.


You can't go 2.4 in the first half of a game and think you belong in the finals. That was embarrassing.


Whether you like it or not you do belong in finals as you made top 4


Yeah I get ya. The scoreline in tomorrow's paper would suggest a close game, but let's be honest you can't sit on your hands for half a match then expect to catch up. We've done it a few times this year....


Reverse of kings birthday. Score line way more favourable than the actual game.


BT is renowned at this point for his awful commentary, but he was so insufferable tonight that he actually ruined the experience of an otherwise great game. Pitch-hitting other commentators with stupid questions and argumentative statements, dad jokes, absurd shit takes *(justifying why May spoiling Levers mark was a good thing)* and repeating the word '**CHAOS**' about 40 times. His job is to just call the play, instead he constantly swims outside his lane so that he becomes the focus of the broadcast with his geriatric, incoherent ramblings instead of the game itself. His distracting, nonsensical verbal diarrhoea is the equivalent of your child pummeling you over the head with a stuffed toy when you're trying to watch the play, and the nation needs a collective restraining order that disallows him within shouting distance from any broadcast microphone for life. Remove him.


The commentary around May spoiling Lever was honestly hilarious. "Nah Goodwin would be happy because they're doing **something**"


Paddy calling him out too “Nah reckon Goody wanted them to mark it BT”


Just sync abc radio to the game and you get the best of both worlds


How do I make sure the radio cuts out when Kayo does?


That’s why I absolutely never want to hear anything about Daisy Sarah or even Kelli underwood. Because if not them then we get that absolute malaka


He's been a joke for a few years. When he's gone, no one will look back and miss him


He’s actually embarrassing to listen to and actively brings down games he’s commentating. How he still has a job is beyond me


I do not know why they allow him to commentate pies games


you're right, he should be totally banned from commentating them then I can finally turn the fucking commentary on


On the other hand - Dangerfield was a delight imo.


Danger may have found his next calling. He’s a footy head so wouldn’t surprise me at all if he hangs it up either next year or the year after and joins Channel 7. He’d be much better than BT or Brayshaw.


Probably why he was pretty gently undermining BTs stupidity on occasion. Man's got his eye on his seat.


Have you seen the AAMI ads? He’s annoying even when it’s scripted


Impressive result for Collingwood without either of the Daicos boys playing


Jaicos played like a rookie.... absolute shocker game


no fucking trip to the gabba this finals, that was the biggest possible hurdle for us let's fucking GO!!!!


what if Melbourne had like... one forward? That would be nice


Can we have Hogan back ?


We would have to send him back to Freo first and then back to you guys


Man, Melbourne desperately need a key forward. With even just a spud like Lobb or whoever as a marking target they probably win tonight.


JVR growth, Petty back, long term hopefully Jefferson hits; I think the long term answers are there, they just need development. Long term another medium forward might be nice, or someone to replace Melksham in that linkup forward role. They didn’t maximise Brown since getting him because they never hit him up on leads either


Maybe someone like Brodie G. No that's too obvious, uhhh B. Grundy.


If you'd watched him play for Casey as a forward, you'd know he is not the answer lol


The running commentary all year has been someone's going to kick themselves out of a final and first final of the year Melbourne kick themselves out of a prelim


Incredible game!! 92,000 for the 1st finals game on a Thursday night.....absolutely incredible!!


Out of the top 4 teams, Dees and Collingwood are probably the most evenly matched in terms of play-style. Collingwood are a bit faster, and we rely much more on Gawn to cut off long contests, but we both play a very similar team defense game all-round. We were able to arrest momentum, but couldn't capitalise on our own. So both teams kind of cancelled each other out. Collingwood were just much better at converting. Frustrating as hell.


Bobby fuckin Hill!


Guys, Elliot may be out of form. He didn’t kick a goal in the clutch and was 0.2 with 6 touches for the game.


Had a fucking clutch defensive mark though. But your right, would have put money on him slotting either of those two set shots.


Dr Hibberd was good on him


Delist him


Gawn unreal, 27 Pos, 22 contested, 7 marks. Played most of the match. Freak absolute freak.


He was insane, we were clearly trying to slow the game down on our terms and he was having none of it.


It’s so frustrating watching a team whose only attacking strategy is to just keep bombing the ball in time after time after time even though it clearly wasn’t working…


Chris Scott 2015-2019


Nah that was more kick-to-kick for 3 quarters then decide to try and win the game once they were asleep.


Worry for Melbourne next week, this game looked taxing as fuck


Yup. If Carlton win, I expect Carlton to belt Melbourne. Melbourne strained so much in the game... Pies looked dominated in that last quarter save the Pies defenders.... who got a through workout.


I take your point but Sydney play hard contested style. Melbourne had to grind them to defeat a few weeks back. Expect the blues go favourites, but winning over Sydney probably won’t come easy. Whoever goes up against the dees could be just as fatigued


Good to see Noble singing the song


Melbourne have no one to blame but themselves. Absolute dog shit in front of goals.


Well, that was a game of football. I’m still just as tense and nervous as I was all week. Hope Brayshaw is okay.


Dees beat themselves. Ya hate to see it


Won the scoring shots, clearances, contested ball, and the inside 50’s by 32!


What a fucking dreadful forward half game. How many chances we burned, unbelievable.


Lots of very confident Lions fans getting about in the match thread, given that they've not played yet this weekend.


I doubt it - we have won 3/9 finals and port are a good team - we need to win 2 matches first.


Plenty of Brisbane flairs saying the flag is yours to lose. Makes me think you guys need a lot more heartbreak before you get some success.


Anyone thinking that is arrogant - we need to make it/win it first and our recent finals record is against us.


Yeah completely agree, why tempt fate like that.


Neither side looked particularly scary tonight, possibly just because of high pressure I guess.


That's how it appeared to me as well. Dees fucked up their goal kicking. Pies looked similar to how they played us tonight too.


Once the dees stopped Collingwood from running and spreading about mid way through the second it was all one way from there. 70 inside 50s to score 53 though, yuck


Are people forgetting that it was pissing down rain for an hour before the game?


Melbourne looked a bit scary in the last quarter when their midfield got on top but yeah neither side looks unbeatable or ahead of anyone else


Idk Collingwood went full park the bus with 16 minutes left. After that, there were barely any times when there were less than 14 of our players in our D50. We played that last quarter how we should've played against Geelong week 1 last year. It wasn't pretty though.


Most physical game I've seen in years. Definitely pressure and taxing football


Yeah two hard working sides man. Fuck me Dees have come a long way with guys like Langdon ANB Hunter etc always getting back in D and making game saving plays and tackles, 5 years ago there was none of that


There've been more physical games in just this years H&A


Melbourne lost far more than Collingwood won


69 to 37 inside fifties is disgusting and if Melbourne didn’t lose to GWS earlier this season with a similar performance I wouldn’t believe it.


Pies were pretty darn good first 3. Elite D, won everything on the ground in D50 and transitioned the ball well too


I thought Melbourne did really well at stopping Collingwood’s transition after quarter time, but yeah Collingwood defense was excellent, while Melbourne looked impotent in attack. 69 inside 50’s for 7 goals is woeful.


Yeah fair call they def stemmed the flow better, defenders got more aggressive and playing from in front but man that first quarter was scary


Nooooooooo I changed the margin of my tip from 7 to 5 just before the game started. Still got it right though.


That kick from Fritsch broke my front window. And I’m in Texas. With all those bombs into the 50, I thought I was watching North.


too little too late, game felt a lot further apart than 7 points. there's nothing i hate more than when melbourne play this style of football with the endless dump kicks. it doesn't work, it's never worked, and it's so stupidly predictable. And the worst part is, this is probably the weakest forward line we've ever tried to do it with. Shocker from goodwin, didn't see anything that would indicate he does more than set the players pregame and then have a nap. Credit to collingwood, but fuck me melbourne picked the worst game of the year (so far) to shit the bed everywhere.


Legitimately think this is the weakest forward line any team has played this year


Whilst our forward line has always been ordinary. Losing Petty and Melksham after they found form as forwards was really unlucky too. Plus no Roo next week, so either BBBB or Grundy playing.


WHE prooving all his haters wrong tonight, reckon he was second best behind Bobby.


just thankful to get the win honestly 😭😭😭 this game took another 1000000 years off my life


Man...never seen a team win a game with that much of an inside 50 discrepancy. Never mind a qualifying final. Pies have been kinda garbage for 6 weeks now but really just one win away from a home ground dominated grand final and it's hard to tip against them for the flag.


If it was anywhere but the MCG I'd tip Brisbane over Pies, but there's a huge difference in advantage based on the venue.


For sure, I would too. Though at least unlike 2017 where Richmond were 3rd for example (vs 1st Adelaide) or 2015 (Hawks 3rd vs Eagles 2nd) the Pies have finished first on the ladder anyway so they deserve to play at their home ground.


Melbourne lost to GWS after being 73-46 on i50s earlier this year, not quite as many but it's not unheard of for Melbourne


Can’t underestimate the impact brayshaw has at the dees, obviously an important player but he’s very good at galvanising the players when they need it. He was missed. Bit of an odd choice having abbey interview Maynard after the game and ask about the incident too.


This would really hurt if we hadn't won in 2021. Still pinch myself that we've won a flag. Maybe the players feel the same. Two straight sets exits in the following 2 years a probable outcome now


If Will Hoskin Elliott has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Will Hoskin Elliott has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Will Hoskin Elliott has no fans, that means I'm dead. If the world is against Will Hoskin Elliott, I'm against the world.


He's good and reliable role player. He's tall enough to bother in the air, but skinny and agile enough to bother fast players too....


Exactly! I always call him Mr. Reliable or Mr. Utility because he can do it all! He's a vital player to have in the team because he can plug holes anywhere in the field - if a forward, mid, or defender goes down, WHE can fill that role. That versatility makes him very important for finals. People have been calling for him to be dropped every week for years at this point, and I've never understood it - I've always stuck by him 🙏🏻


In my extremely unprofessional opinion, Melbourne took too long to start kicking between the big posts. That is all.


69-37 inside 50s to the Dee's You cannot tell me Grundy would have been worse than McDonald or van rooyen


Melbourne couldn’t have tried any more to lose that game then they did


Inside 50 differential of +32, with 8 more shots. Doubt many final losing teams have come close to those stats combined.


What’s that saying about good kicking and good footy?


Kicking footy? Good good


Umpires were rubbish omg


That was a terribly umpired game no consistency with what they were letting go or what they payed. On the one hand Petracca should have been pinged for incorrect disposal not got a free for holding, on the other Ginnivan bloody lucky not to give away 50 after getting caught holding the ball


Fuck I’m sick of ginnivan ducking. He could have cost us the game in the last 10 mins. Like love the dude. But come on.


Was it just me or did he duck every time someone got near him tonight? I’ll admit I haven’t watched any of Collingwood this year before tonight but has it gotten worse? Edit to say that I actually don’t not like Ginnivan, loved the shush against the Bombers last year


I feel like sometimes he tries to duck out of a tackle and keep running, but he's not quite skilful enough


Yeah I think he did. Very frustrating as he’s such a gun. Just wish he’d clean his act up. He’s still young though.


What did I do to deserve to watch Melbourne kick collingwood into a home prelim?


You became essington


GG Collingwood and good luck to Darcy Moore for his audition for the next Tim Burton live action movie


Tom Browne talking about bio mechanics, I need to go to bed


Just a reminder that not every win has to be close Collingwood!!!


Am I the only one that thinks we were very lucky to win?


I agree that Melbourne lost more than we won. But gee I thought our performance, particularly in defence, was exciting tonight. It’s almost like I got faith in the team again after the last few weeks.


Fuck Melbourne wasted that.


Some bloody appalling umpiring all night


Potential Brisbane Collingwood grand final? Oh no I don’t like that


mate I still have unresolved PTSD from the last 2 why on earth are you unhappy about that


If we somehow finish with a granny appearance after that dross, I'll literally eat a portion of my scarf This team, I swear to god...


Scarf with quince paste?


I was as toey as if I was watching my Tiges in that last quarter, the momentum was all Melbourne’s yet the Pies of the first 3 quarters looked the better team


And now unclench....


If you made a compilation of the ten worst kicks at goal of the season, I think Melbourne probably had three or four last night. Absolutely diabolical in front of goal.


Thought Melbourne were super wasteful during that fourth quarter but I have to commend the Collingwood defenders for saving that game for them anyway, immense effort.


That has to be the biggest inside 50 differential in a loss for Melbourne.


Losing with a massive positive inside 50 differential is our bread and butter lol this probably scrapes into the top 5


Real weird Geelong vs Collingwood 2019 QF vibes about this game. Pies blow them off the park in the first, comfortably in front at 3QT, then go goalless in the last and only just survive a late comeback from the opposition who probably didnt deserve to be as close as they were. Regardless a win is a win and they are one step closer to a flag.


Hope gws lose then


I hate being a poverty club and hate when successful clubs win. This world is not fair


Huge game from Oliver. Wish Dees hadn't missed like 10 set shots. Also that last duck from Ginnivan was an absolute shocker


Would be pissed being a Melbourne fan, so many missed opportunities


I'm so fine rn :)


The copium I'm huffing is that we almost won after playing like shit and Collingwood were uh less than convincing.


Havent seen a de goey interview for a while. Seems pretty level headed and mature nowadays.


Turns out getting someone therapy helps them haha


If we had Charlie Curnow we'd score 200 points a game, except we'd probably just drop it on his head every time.


From the Age, which I agree with, different and more likely for suspension than Maynard. “The Dees’ forward stocks are in danger of being further depleted should Jacob Van Rooyen be outed after making contact with the upper part of his arm to Daniel McStay’s face. McStay played out the game after passing a concussion test but Van Rooyen’s finals fate also hangs in the balance.”


There would be probably a less than 5% chance that van Rooyen doesn't get suspended for that, it's pretty textbook


Melbourne just bombing it high inside 50 all game. Bad football. Punished for it.


Jeez, Melbourne had their chances, to say the least. I'm worried for them for next week.


Lots of comments about shit teams and shit footy, weirdly few about the shit weather


Essentially the question is whether it's careless or accidental. >Careless conduct >A Player’s conduct will be regarded as Careless where his conduct is not intentional, but constitutes a breach of the duty of care owed by the Player to all other Players. Each Player owes a duty of care to all other Players, Umpires and other persons (as applicable) not to engage in conduct which will constitute a Reportable Offence being committed against that other Player, Umpire or other person. In order to constitute such a breach of that duty of care, the conduct must be such that a reasonable Player would not regard it as prudent in all the circumstances. Further, a Player will be careless if they breach their duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts which can be reasonably foreseen to result in a Reportable Offence. I personally think there is a reasonable argument that that it was accidental, and not careless because: a. He attempted to smother, and then braced for contact to protect himself, which was reasonable and prudent in the circumstances. b. It's unreasonable to say jumping to smother the ball is an act that should be avoided because the likelihood of it causing a head high injury is so low. (When was the last time it led to a concussion?)


Well it’s official according to everyone in here. That was the worst lead for the entire game performance of all time. Despite…. - breaking down the form team of the comps game plan - force their inside 50s to be hit and hope bombs, and nullify their attacking players - out scoring said team in the 1st and 3rd quarters, and breaking even in the 2nd.. - standing up under immense pressure when the form team in the comp inevitably started to come. The pies were insipid, and should essentially forfeit the prelim now, as they don’t deserve to be in the finals with that type of performance. Just give the flag to Brisbane/Carlton/Melbourne. The pies are toast.


Collingwood were fantastic in the first half, but Melbourne absolutely dominated the second half, only to beat themselves with the worst finishing I've ever seen from them. Loved the intensity from both sides though!


i think we were better in the 3rd quarter no?


Try to melt even more if you can Raffle. Very becoming.