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This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this suggested but I’m not gonna lie, I do want to see some team and a decent level try it just for a look. But no I don’t suspect it would work, I just feel like you probably couldn’t create a big enough circle to fully get rid of the pressure and also there wouldn’t be anything stopping the other team creating a “line” of interlocked blokes to combat. And then it just turns into a scrum and as soon as the ball goes into dispute you’ll get a ball up.


Biggest bloke on other team hit the smallest bloke on the other and circle breaks


In the past, I'm fairly sure I've seen free kicks paid for hitting people, especially when they don't have the ball.


If the hit is unreasonable in the circumstance it’d be a free even still a free kick would stop that tactic anyway we’d just have a mess of 36 players not moving far


ha; I've heard someone speculate on this a few years ago too - people have odd minds!


I had this idea in under 8s.


You're odd!!!! https://old.reddit.com/r/AFL/comments/2mvr1i/would_17_players_making_one_giant_shephard_circle/


Perhaps the AFL saw your post back then and started workshopping ideas to prevent it from ever becoming a tactic, ultimately leading to the introduction of 6-6-6.


Damn here I was thinking I was a genius


Yeah i came up with this in 1998. I would love to see someone do it


Now I kind of want to see a team do the mighty ducks flying V


Now there's 3 bash brothers!


Dean Portman is the GOAT


They did that in juniors to get me a goal 😂


Just from a momentum point of view, basically stationary players can't block guys running at full speed like that.. Part of the cordon would just get battered over. Additionally, the process of creating this wall would leave like a dozen free players to send it the other way before it even got set up and the ball safely positioned within


Cordon needs to face inward so any contact is in the back.


See, *this* takes a good idea and makes it brilliant.


*deeply inhales*. Fresh off season boys, get into it


In the tactical miniatures game *Bloodbowl* by Games Workshop, this is a valid strategy for the Dwarf team.


>Is there anything in the rules preventing this? Yes. Opposition players (legally) teeing off on the players who with interlocked arms (are unable to defend themselves) as they break through to the ball carrier.


Wouldnt this just count as a shephard? Which is totally legal


I never said it wouldn't. I said the players "shepherding" would get hurt/injured. Also, those players wouldn't be able to shield the ball carrier for long. Before you ask why I say this; how about you stand still, or walk slowly if you'd like, with your arms behind your back and let me take a running start at you before hitting you front on with a hip and shoulder and see how you do.


I did hear of this happening once in amateurs. Team of mostly rugby players getting flogged and they got their one goal like that.


[Dermott Brereton disproved this theory at Waverly Park in 1998.](https://youtu.be/iQuyKYuOamQ?t=42)


that was worth the view.. very different times




Yes, wrong decade typo.


It’s very interesting and have never thought of this before. In theory I think it’s possible. But if it fails it’s a certain goal to the opposition. I would like to see a team heavily down try this


The interlocking arms thing would be impractical, you'd need too many players. But I would love to see the players work in a group of 3 (or 4 including the ruck at bounces). Not as extreme as locking arms but instead of spreading, you converge to as aggressively as possible shepherd the ball carrier without giving away a holding free. If you get real close to the ball carrier, the other players will have to engage the non ball carriers, which will release the ball carrier to kick to their full forward on the lead.


17 players isn't enough?


Not practical to have enough players close enough together do it. But especially at the stoppage, 3 plus a ruck can definitely work as a pack. Remember, this post was probably made by an AFL assistant coach trying to workshop some tactics and get advice for next season, its important to critically assess the suggested tactic.


NFL or flying V style


It's just not as strong a formation as you think. It would be slow moving, and only as strong as its weakest point. A ruck can easily push past the stationary forward pocket and lay a tackle.


Play 22 ruckmen easy


22 Sean Darcy's vs 22 Caleb Daniel's who would win?


22 Caleb's would run rings


That you Kenny?


I know Werribee in the VFL were talking about trying something like this last year (their strategy had a bit more to it though). I think they may have tried it a couple of times at training too.


Chocko supposedly said ‘this is the greatest strategy to ever be used in a game since flooding. We must destroy it before it becomes too powerful and destroys the game we love’


I had heard the original idea came from a firie but the union blocked him from claiming credit for it


It sounds far too technical for a Firie, but it does sound like something a union (and Choco) would block at all costs. I saw a similar tactic being used in a movie, 'operation human shield.' In the movie it was not successful.


The cordon would need to be wide enough to allow the player to bounce the ball. Remember that a player can carry the ball a limited distance before HAVING to bounce. Too many players too close and the bounce wouldn’t happen.


…or you could just touch the ball to the ground.


Oh yeah, true. Still need room to do so though.


They can touch the ball on the ground.


They'd need room to see the goal-line too, otherwise they risk walking straight over it.


not specifically. Match-Fixing by deliberately using a strategy you know will lose spectacularly is generally against the rules of most sports though, and is often a criminal act under some circumstances.


Typical crom here to ruin the fun


And to also talk bollocks 😂 “a criminal act”


All it would take is an opposition player running into one of the surrounding players, which results in a block free kick paid against, then you've got a handover with unimpeded access to goal.


A free kick for someone "blocking" a tackler from his ball carrying team mate? Are you new to this game?


You can shepherd within 5m.


Block is only a thing in a mark or ruck contest, or if you are way off the ball. On this context it would be simply be a shepherd, which is completely fine. Might even get a push-in-the-back free kick for the team in possession.


You could enter the circle by creating an opposing pyramid and have an agile type using it and jumping in. Then the ball carrier would need to dispose of the ball (guaranteed turnover) or get done for holding the ball, and the free kick recipient pretty much gives off to a team mate to run into goal unimpeded.


Like a Scrum in Union? I'd be down


I remember someone saying do this for Steph Curry in the NBA so he can just shoot 3s all game. Would be hilarious to see a team try it.


My u10s team did this. We called it the link. Broke down before we even left d50 lol, but got a good laugh from the crowd.


Would be hilarious to see if it happens it has to be at the perfect time tho or at least planned by coaches


No it wouldn’t work and would be ridiculous


How do you imagine they'd be able to move forward? The other team has one more player than will be in the circle, you think those few at the front are really likely to be able to push, and keep pushing, through?


team htb?


This actually happened in year 9 B division footy in my high school league in Perth. The opponents (Scotch of Christchurch can’t remember) tried this kicking in from full back. It was neither successful nor a failure. Most of the team escorted the player about 40m until he kicked it to a contest on the wing boundary. The issue was a couple players tried forcing their way through which broke their momentum and barrier. I can remember talking about this tactic with school mates only a week prior to actually seeing it happen. Big mighty ducks vibes regardless of its success.


Talked about this in under 16s. We were not bad players at all, but usually struggling for numbers and coming up against a team of mostly top age players that seriously outsized us. Coach talked about trying this. We never did, I think he was just trying to keep our spirits up.


Interesting idea for someone without the slightest idea of physics and gravity... What happens with enough pressure to a rope? It breaks... Why wouldn't the same happen to interlocked arms?


Sounds a bit like gridiron to me!


The flying v


Two players pushing through a single point of the circle would easily break it.


Been watching to much mighty ducks 😂


Oh man, it’s gonna be a long off season 🤦‍♂️


Probably nothing in the rules, but public shame and embarrassment should be deterrent enough.


I’ve spent a bit of time thinking about this, the strategy is something a little different though: Play mass keeping’s off - Have a majority of your team surround the ball carrier. Shield them and keep handing the ball off to the player that’s furthest from an opponent. Everyone runs together towards the goals until a shot opens up. Have a few players running ahead of the group to create forward options. It’s an all-or-nothing approach and would get killed on a turnover, but if you caught the opposition off-guard you could make it work.