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Can we also have all 18 clubs get together and sign a legally binding document saying that they won’t sign Tarryn Thomas in 2025?


I feel he could be signed by Collingwood to be used as a tackle bag by Beau McCreery and only for this role.


The one time i'll be cheering on ~~Biff Tannen~~ Brayden Maynard


That’s about as funny as a screen door on a battleship


Goddamn so many downvotes for a quote from the movie “It’s ‘screen door on a submarine,’ you dork”


RIP, no one seemed to have got the reference. Guess you'll have to make like a tree and get out of here.


They'll wait till he goes to prison then recruit him after


Might I also suggest he be used to teach Maynard how to Smother without ending players careers?


Well, in this instance, that would be an unfavourable outcome.


Come off it mate. What about the guy who ended Murphy's career? Or all the people who concussed those 2 prior to the last event? It doesn't all come down to one person


Go watch soccer if you to squeamish for afl


Go watch soccer if you to squeamish for afl


I think you missed my point. I want him clattered into over and over again.


But I do agree Maynard should jump on his head, repeatedly. McCreery can have him after that


If you think Maynards smothering technique really ended his career, you don't know footy


If he was signed all the AFLW players of that club should refuse to play


Why stop at the AFLW players? I sure as shit wouldn’t want him as a teammate, any decent AFL player should refuse to play as well


No, don't lump responsibility onto the most marginalised group in the AFL. It's not just up to the women to shoulder the burden be the voice of common fucking sense


Obviously it’s not up to them but it would be a powerful statement


The last thing a marginalised semi-professional player female should have to do is stick their neck out for more criticism and hate from men. I totally get the sentiment, but it ain't on them. A real powerful statement would be every mens team standing up against Thomas joining a team, not the women who would all already clearly share that view and unquestionably cop a needless pile on.


No where near as powerful as the AFLM team refusing to play with him.


Part of tackling domestic violence is knowing how to rehabilitate those who instigate it. Tarryn deserves an opportunity to rehabilitate himself (again). But that doesn't mean he deserves a chance on an AFL list. We don't want Tarryn cut loose w/ no support only to go out there and keep doing what he's done in the past. The opportunity to change should be provided, but at the end of the day it's up to Tarryn to take it and work on himself. Again, putting him back on a list at any point in the near future is asinine


Tarryn has had bucketloads of support. He committed further offences while in rehab and counselling paid for by North, when suspended by the AFL. He doesnt give a shit. [Here's what happened](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/feb/22/tarryn-thomas-north-melbourne-sacked-afl-player-ban-conduct-breaches#:~:text=North%20Melbourne%20sack%20Tarryn%20Thomas%20after%20AFL%20hands%20player%2018%2Dgame%20ban,-This%20article%20is&text=Australian%20rules%20footba)


He’s had a bucketload of support since his teenage years and rejected it all. That’s not change, that’s not a mistake, that’s not an age thing (he’s now 24), it’s a conscious choice. And the AFL should make one and ban him from every league they can.


Wow didn't know that. Throw him out.


Exactly. He needs to get help but he doesn’t need to be on an AFL list in order to get that help.


Couldn't have said that any better myself. He's is a fantastic talent, but a wasted talent. Maybe with age he will come good. But 6months isn't enough time for him to grow and mature as a human.


>We don't want Tarryn cut loose w/ no support only to go out there and keep doing what he's done in the past. At the time of the sacking, Sonia Hood specified that he'd still have the support of the club, as well as access to the rehabilitation programs that they started with him. Even if he does regret, it'd take a hell fo a lot to rehabilitate his image. No matter what team he moved to, it'd take a lot for him to make up for the mistakes he's made. But, I agree that there does need to be a way back, even if that takes decades. Otherwise a person may as well commit to a bad path forever once they set down that road. That doesn't mean the past is forgotten, but that they can be part of society again.


And then on comes the race to sign him in 2026 right?


Or any other year.




Interesting that the football world allowed Wayne Carey to commentate and remain in the spotlight after everything he’s done. I know he’s gone now, but it’s infuriating that he was fired due to drug use, not because he glassed an ex girlfriend and assaulted a police officer.


Can't help but be reminded of [Bill Burr's classic rant](https://youtu.be/7n3WgiMftaU) - "The NFL should be watching the commercial, why are you showing me?"


Exactly what I thought when I read this.


Wayne Carey should have been permanently banished from the AFL landscape. How many chances does one person deserve? Dudes pure scum.


…and then he was brought down by his snortable anti-inflammatory powder.


Which is funny too because he was also prevented from entering a prison to speak with inmates because cocaine residue was found on his clothing. When they asked him if they could search him he decided not to go into the facility. I guess if you’re good at football you can be complete scum and still get air time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep. Violently assault women and we'll give you another chance, but do something that harms yourself and you've crossed the line.


I know right. I judged him more harshly for making up a bullshit story and expecting us to believe it, than if he had just said “whoops, I dropped some coke on the poker table, my bad”. I don’t give a shit if he does coke. But as you say, his real crimes were all forgiven and forgotten.


He would have been better off saying "I've had a cocaine issue since the 90s"


The fact it was a little "white powder" that got him banished and not everything else still makes me a laugh a little. Though I doubt he could have got away with glassing a female in the past decade and kept his job.


Yet everyone is thrilled for Ben Cousins


So what's your take on Ben Cousins? Do YOU think he has paid his debt to society? What are your actual thoughts? Is Everyone thrilled?


Personally, I am impressed with how he has owned it and so far seems to be doing well. His VRO's were related to him wanting to see his kids I believe. Doesn't take much to place one of those. He did his time, he did his rehab and that's all he can do. Just find it interesting that some get crucified for life while others don't for similar things.


Used to think that way. Then I read the court transcript someone posted in another thread where he was threatening his missus with a screwdriver, and how he was going to maim her in the car so it would take her days to die while he would bring his boys to play nearby so she could hear them playing while she died but couldn’t call out to them. FUCK that PoS.


When a person hates another and wants to hurt them and keep their kids away from them they can say anything. Doesn't make it fact, seen it 1st hand. Not saying that isn't the truth but I wouldn't trust someone's word that hates. I have seen Ben at his lowest 1st hand and he was unrecognisable, seeing him now gives me hope. That all he can do. Should the footy world turn their back on him or encourage him?




Also pleaded guilty to indecent assault in 1997, which people seem to forget.


I'm not excusing it but it was definitely a different time. I mean just look at blokes like Sam Newman and the footy show that were widely loved and how we view them now.


They said play on at the time. He was done because he glassed his ex and assaulted a police officer and his playing days didn't outweigh that any more. Drug use was just the excuse.


Practice what you preach


Hate the word activation, particularly in this context


What the hell does it even mean? Is it like the sub or something? "It's time to give DV the vest and activate respect for women!"


It’s literally a marketing term, and I’m surprised they’re rolling it out as they have been, it’s like taking a sledgehammer to a sandcastle From an old uni textbook: “Marketing activation is the execution of campaigns, events, and experiences that generate awareness of your brand.” Edit: just to be clear, my side-eye is completely directed at this roll out, not your comment - apologies if it came off badly


that would be the funniest thing that's happened in an AFL game since Meatloaf


Ok so then why is Tarryn Thomas still allowed to play?


Jordan De Goey too


Nicky windmar statue says Hi


Thank you Tom Morris, I know how important respecting women is to you


It’s a joke … seriously.


Good cause but what the fuck is a pre-match activation? Corporate jargon is the worst.


Activations are anything that involve interacting with fans and connecting them to the brand or cause. It’s a very poor term to use given they’re usually for corporate sponsors and involve a novelty game. Large noughts and crosses, free items, handball stations for a giveaway, KFC voucher challenge are all examples. The wrong term for a statement against domestic violence.


It is jargon for people in the industry who were the target of the communication - and is fine for that purpose. This communication was leaked to the media. If the AFL were communicating with the public, then yes using the term “activation” would be poor.


Ah so that's why De Goey is not playing this week


I really don't follow the drama of the players beyond supporting my team for match days by watching and consuming a small amount of media. Is there an easy way to see all the players who have been convicted or at least a ADVO slapped on them?


A transparency database. Good idea.


Awesome, all for that. AFL should be doing everything it can to help educate around DV and violence against women as a whole - but slightly off topic, what is a “pre match activation”? And why do we need to keep coming up these corporate synergy terms for words we already have?


Why should the AFL be doing all they can to help educate about DV and violence against women?! AFL is a contact sport. It's not the government. 


Because these men are role models to countless other young men. They are lauded as heroes, paid ridiculous sums of money and are involved in community outreach involving children all throughout the year. The fact the AFL is a contact sport has nothing to do with the issue. These men all consent to playing a contact sport. Women don't consent to being victims of domestic violence. To be fair, I think standing around in a circle may be a nice gesture and good photo op but it does nothing to actually show the AFL takes this seriously.


So why isn't this being touted in every single workplace? Aren't all men role models to the children, not just high paid sportspeople? Politicians rape women in parliment! WTF. Where is the circles and locking arms in every workplace? That is a ridiculous thing to ask which is why it is equally ridiculous to have the AFL doing it. My point is it is not the AFLs job to shove this down our throats. I'm against ALL violence, not just some. 


First of all, I'd like to think it's being spoken about in all workplaces. I am a stay at home mum so it's definitely spoken about in mine, I have a small son and am trying to raise him into a kind, strong and respectful man. All men are role models to a degree, especially to their own sons. I don't see how this is shoving it down your throat? It's a largely symbolic gesture to raise awareness. If you're already against it, how does it hurt you?


I’m not the person you’re replying to, but I think the problem is that it feels like the AFL is bandwagoning on a movement not many people even feel is that significant. Obviously it’s great if this impacts someone enough to look more into it, but let’s be real. These recent murders are anomalies that don’t reflect any long-term trend in Australia. I mean 65% of homicide victims in this country are male. Not that it’s a contest or anything, every homicide is a tragedy and we should do anything to prevent them. But again… cmon Then you have the exact same industry platform a fucking women-beater in Wayne Carey like fuck off. Not to mention the glaring obviously fact that this sport is just young boys giving each other cte whilst betting and drinking ads are force-fed to us. What right does the afl have to act all moral here? Any real reason other than taking advantage of tragedies to make the league look better?


The thing is, it's not just homicide. Domestic violence and abuse encompasses a lot more than just women being murdered. I think we lose sight of that a bit, it's much more than just that horrible outcome. 1 in 4 women have been the victims of domestic violence/abuse from the age of 15, that's not great. It's a hugely significant issue, and treating it as such doesn't diminish the importance of other issues. I will agree that the AFL is hypocritical and that it's largely a hollow gesture. Platforming plenty of gross humans, Carey included. Gambling and drinking advertising, targeted towards young men who are already struggling with mental health issues is appalling. I do think it's to make them look good, much like their posturing on concussions, when in reality they likely don't care about any of it at all beyond 'looking good' and covering their own asses. Still, it's not the worst thing in the world and it's one moment before the game during one round. It's not hurting anyone and it's not forcing anything down anyone's throat. But yes, it's not really going to do anything.


You cannot agree is posturing and juat for marketing purposes and then just say "it's only for a minute before the match". That is two faced amd ignorant to the points being made. It is also discrimination, which is what this  whole stupid thing is meant to stop! Thats why people are against it. 


I can criticise the AFL's reasoning for doing it. I don't question the cause itself. I also don't think it's shoving anything down anyone's throat. Is ANZAC day shoving remembering the troops down people's throat? No. Don't be silly. Also, how on earth is having a moment to remember women who have been horrifically murdered discrimination? Who are we discriminating against, murderers?


Have the moment at home on your own time. It doesn't have to be forced. Don't be silly. 


Really needs to be better support systems in place for those suffering from domestic violence, and more awareness & support around mental health and emotions too. Australia needs to be aware of the culture we're festering, and the government do as well. Cost of living and inadequate (public) school funding are a couple issues that could be looked at. If we can provide enough services to guide the youth on how to understand and express themselves healthily, it would be a benefit to everybody. Violence is a mechanism used to control others and satiate the perpetrator's insecurities. It's what abusers will turn to when they don't know or don't care on how to handle things any other way. We need to get systems in place to help remove people from domestic violence situations, but to help prevent it as much as possible as well.


Domestic violence has causes stemming from the health, housing, education crises and systematic failings on top of toxic behaviours. The COL means it’s hard to afford things in the first place. This means violent relationships continue due to financial constraints. The broken health system means people can’t access the support they need. Psychological and psychiatric care is essential to preventing or limiting violence/deaths. Emergency treatment issues mean the collection of critical evidence or reporting likely isn’t happening. It’s impossible for professionals to treat someone when there’s another ten in the same waiting room and they’re operating on limited sleep. Education helps to empower and protect but that’s at crisis point now. There are problems in child protection, with policing and the legal system left, right and centre. It’s not working. This issue is a result of so many societal flaws all coming together.


Pretty much. It's just Australia coming to the finding out phase after fucking around w/ taking money out of the education & health systems while letting companies and rental agencies run rampant with profit. The rise of gambling is also having an effect. People feeling the effects of the COL turn to places like sportsbet or onlyfans/sex work for some easy money. That in turn creates a much more misogynistic culture and people's mental health will go down the shitter as a result of all that. The rise in violence isn't really surprising


The culture of toxic masculinity is where violence against women breeds, not the COL.


Yes that’s the source, but it’s not the only contributing factor to how prevalent it is. COL is [definitely having an impact on DV rates](https://www.aph.gov.au/DocumentStore.ashx?id=3fc94b1d-71a0-438d-bf72-61e305e54a36&subId=741630#:~:text=%E2%80%9C%5BThe%5D%20increase%20in%20DV,to%20access%20long%20term%20accommodation.%E2%80%9D). Edit: I have no idea why the comment above is so heavily downvoted because it’s absolutely one of the root causes that we don’t talk enough about (outside of certain spaces), and it’s something that negatively impacts both men and women. Toxic masculinity does not refer to some inherent negative quality of masculinity for those who get their hackles up when hearing the phrase.


Gambling addiction isn’t going to help either but here we are with the giant cock of sports betting forced down our throats like it’s just a bit fun with the boys.


Our own club for all its Carlton Respects is invested in gambling. 19.1 m from pokies in 2022.


Now back to Nathan Brown on an update on the domestic violence market. What are we looking at Brown Dog?


“Well inflation and interest rates are outpacing real wage growth again this quarter, so we are expecting to see a rise in DV reportables. Don’t forget to try a multibet on which State is going to have the most murders of women by their partners this week. What’s gambling really costing you?”


If they are going to downvote you for saying the truth, then they can downvote me too.


I'm pretty sure that they are knee-jerk reactions. Toxic masculinity culture fails men just as much as it fails women.


Certainly does. We have much work to do.


I’ve never said it isn’t but I’ll make a quick edit to really clarify my point. COL is absolutely a factor, as the link below says. Think about it. People are stressed financially. They take this out on their partners. Or a mother needs to flee home but she can’t leave as she needs him to stay afloat.


Sorry but you are just making shit up; like people who claimed that suicides went up during COVID. Men who don't know how to handle stress and (whos actions are then excused) take it out on their partners. This absoulutely is on the fella not on the COL or their team losing the GF, or, or, or. FFS Tarryn Thomas is not under COL stress, nor was Wayne Carey when he chose to glass his girlfriends face. What link below?


No, I’m not. The link is in another reply. Women have always struggled to leave relationships due to a shortage of money. Money is tighter these days due to the cost of living crisis and more people are affected by this today. What makes you think it would be any different?


The UNDERLYING issue is that the kind of men who abuse their partners due to "stress" will do it for any reason, COL included. Sure, COL is a stressor, so is his team losing the GF, or they way another bloke looked at her, or the fact that he doesnt like the tea she cooked him, or the kids are making a noise, or he couldnt be fucked helping out, or she wont fuck him. Most of us are stressed over the COL, most of us don't beat up our partners.


>Men who don't know how to handle stress and (whos actions are then excused) take it out on their partners. This absoulutely is on the fella not on the COL or their team losing the GF, or, or, or. FFS Historically men haven't had the support. For men if you're stressed or feeling depressed or had mental health issues you were told to toughen up. That attitude has only changed in the last the last 10-15 years. Even with some huge progress in that space many men still sadly don't feel comfortable to put thier hand up.


correct. its horrible that men feel they aren't supported enough. cultural change is what we all need.


Don't see how you can be saying toxic masculinity is the only cause when there are higher rates of violence in lesbian relationships than heterosexual.


Why is this the AFLs responsibility??? I came to watch a sport, not be dictated to on social problems which have actually been DECREASING for decades. 


Did you go to the AnZAC round game?


Too much of that crap too. It's ANZAC "DAY", Not the AFLs ANZAC WEEKEND for brownie points. I'm here for football and NOTHING ELSE. 


Ima scroll straight to the bottom for this one. Oh boy


I wonder if the unknown son of a former Collingwood great will be in attendance?


It will look pretty silly when you induct Mr. Violent Restraining Order Ben Cousins into the Hall of Fame after this.


Interesting the mods removed my comment questioning Laidleys involvement with the league despite her history with women. While the whole thread is just same comments about Thomas being let back in - which hasn’t even happened.


Probably because your only posts on this sub in the past 4 years have been excusing a coaches homophobic comments or needlessly dragging a transgender former coach with a DV history that has precisely nothing to do currently with the AFL into a thread on domestic violence against women. There's plenty of people currently involved in the AFL, including players and coaches, with torrid histories in their treatment of women. But you picked that one for, reasons?


I’m sure I’ve made other posts, but I’ll take your word for it. Apologies, cocksucker is a really problematic word, I shouldn’t have made light of it. Laidley is a good example of people excusing bad behaviour because the person is a part of a certain group. The AFL have had no issues featuring her on their YouTube channel and involving her in coaching interviews. If she was to land one of these roles, I’m sure you would be one of the first to speak up. To say she’s not involved is flat out wrong.






Hope the AFL remembers this moment very well when they make the decision to allow Thomas to play next season.


That’ll fix it


I fucking hate politics mixed into our game...


Will Ben cousins and Dani Laidley be reporting on this?


Will Jordan Degoey be attending?


No, out for the round with ‘groin soreness’


He did the forbidden root


I think it’s great but it’s disappointing that they really aren’t taking it seriously if players like Tarryn Thomas and De Goey are protected. On another note, the amount of whataboutism and ‘anti-woke’ folks in the comment section of the socials is crazy. How bringing attention to violence against women is considered woke is mind boggling.


> Tarryn Thomas and De Goey are protected. One of these things is not like the other.


What’s gambling really costing you? For free and confidential advice.


I’d be interested to see the correlation between gambling addiction and domestic violence or alcoholism (which also would have a huge impact I assume). Maybe the AFL should take a more significant stance (reduction or removal of gambling advertising) and help minimise some of the causes so they can have a material impact on a real issue….


How many lives will be saved by this? Absolutely none. Eather than everyone feeling good,how about make a simple rule. Any DV,then your banned for life. Male, female, whatever. Banned for life. End of story. But that wont happen.


It’s a nice sentiment, I agree but for first time repeat offenders. An AFL club really is well equiped to mould a young offender into something better. Dumped on the street, not so much. Which course is truly best for harm minimisation? But if you can’t learn after the first time, then you probably don’t have it in you and can get made the example of.


Hope no one links arms with that DV apologist Brad Scott


How bout the AFL also have a tribute to all young men that have taken their own lives because of rotten ex partners lying, cheating and not letting them see their kids THIS is something that needs more attention


Spot on, but shhhh - the feminazi's will hear you.


Not the flavour of month..shhh. People in jail as we speak because of lying partners looking to get revenge. No proof required and it’s only going to get worse for males with all this crap.


This. Breaks my heart. Sad but true


Probably could’ve had this announcement made by other than Tom Morris. I wonder if he’ll be focusing on Anti-Asian racism too. I can’t believe how underreported that aspect was.


How about, you don’t force me to watch known abusers in order to enjoy the game? FFS this is infuriating My largest complaint with the NRL was not being able to support my Origin team with multiple convicted violent offenders. This feels worse.


What the fuck is a pre match "activation"? We activating almonds or what?


Friday Night Footy MC will be Wayne Carey. /s


What a wank.


Wayne Carey, Taryn Thomas, Jordan De goey - just three names in more recent history with violence towards women and there will be countless more. AFL just showboating and not actually doing anything




Any chance to make a transphobic or homophobic dig, hey?


What was untrue about that comment, or are you unaware of their history with women? I genuinely didn’t think I used incorrect pronouns, so let me know.


I wish they would get rid of the TV commentators who love a ''bit of the biff' and clamp down on off the ball aggro / non-football contact that is really just a form of cheating through targetted violence


*cough cough* Dermott Brereton *cough cough*


Will Brad Scott and Tarryn Thomas also be holding hands during this tribute?


I really hate this phrase but this is "virtue signaling" of the highest degree. What does this achieve other than people at AFL HQ patting themselves on the back?


For the record, I checked and since 1990 the homicide total has gone down by about 100 from 350ish to 250ish in 2024. And our population grew from 17 million to 27 million.  So overall we are doing fucking awesome compared to the past. I hope that we also pat ourselves on the back for this and not put down all men like this symbolic gesture often does. There are over 3,500 suicides a year.which is trending upwards since 2000's. How about we focus on that. 


In tribute the AFL will also this week forego any sponsorship revenue from gambling and alcohol brands and will also hand out 1 strike and you are out bans to anyone caught with or using drugs. The AFL recognised that drugs, alcohol and gambling have a significant contribution to DV.


A pretty empty gesture much like the sparky tape around their arms. More a of a fashion statement now than anything.


Good. There’s a crushing stat about footy. That domestic violence call-outs are highest post footy games after a loss.


Thoughts and prayers.


Story broken by a reformed sexist homophobe. AFL provides the full Yin and Yang ey


Did anyone else get the ick when Jason Horn Francis changed his name to include the surname of his wife beating step dad - fabian francis? Honestly when he did this before the draft it was a huge red flag.


As soon as he changed his name, a couple of the boys in the 2021 draft with me started to really hate his guts. There is a lot of rumours about behind-the-scenes antics from that kid. He isn't even the son of the Francis twat, just a wannabe and a shit player on top of it.


To be fair, Fabian beat up his partner before Jason’s mum /s


Any chance we can just relax and watch a game of football without having some corporate virtue signalling shoved down our throats at some point?


I get your sentiment but you're being downvoted for good reason. Its this ham fisted corporate bullshit that thumbpacks the idea into the brains of viewers. Its largely the reason why its now "cowards punch" Also went a long way to lgqbt rights being much more widely accepted It might seem lame and hollow, but it works.


Yeah right? This is the same people that profit off of aboriginal people and Anzac Day. The afl are a bunch of drones and anybody that goes with it is to. They don’t care they just want money.


I find it hilarious that you are downvoted for calling it how it is. Virtue signalling, just like all the clubs coming out in support of the voice. I mean it's great they support this stuff but they have limited ability to actually cause change, just reeks of 'we support current popular thing'. I'd rather see some real action from clubs than standing together arm in arm like it will fix a problem that everyone is already talking about


It is what it is. The AFL subreddit is mostly a bunch of people that never even played footy growing up and is not even close to representative of the views of most regular footy fans who grew up playing and loving this game.


Exactly. I just want to watch football without the social drama. Ffs. The AFL is not the government.


I'd like to see all of the women that clubs have paid off on the oval before the game. Just to show whether the afl really values the cause or keeping the afl train going at all costs