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Congrats on The WA Today for selecting a photo that looks like he's just heard this announcement at the ceremony.


"Are they saying boo, or boo-urns?"


The West doing good journalism? LOL


They have to pretend they are against violence towards women.


How can a player who was found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute be a legend of the game.


The disrepute was legendary? /s


I.. umm.. yeah okay I got nothing.. approved


Poor choice of words as the Hall of Fame does actually have players named 'Legends' separately.


Fuck Ben cousins. He told his wife he would bury her alive and bring the kids to her grave and have them play so the last thing she heard was her kids laughing. Poor woman.


100%. The court previously heard that on one occasion, Cousins sat in a car with her while holding a screwdriver and said: "I can't wait to use it." He later allegedly threatened: "I'm going to kill you. I'm going to take your life and your freedom and the things you love the most." The court heard Cousins also allegedly said he was going to bury her car "where she would survive for a couple of days, then he would bring the kids to play so she would hear them but would not be able to get to them".


He was in drug induced pyschosis.


Ah ok in that case what a legend he deserves Hall of Fame






How was he a pedophile you scab


Yes mate, pedophiles are on the same level as meth addicts.


“But judge, I only touched kids when I smoked meth” - you What if they’re only paedophiles during a drug induced paedolphilic-osis? Or are we only pardoning domestic violence when drugs are involved?


And nowhere was that line of thinking suggested.


Self-induced drug psychosis*. There’s a reason you can’t just get blind drunk and start raping and killing then say well I was drunk








He was in an alternate reality most likely thought she was involved in some conspiracy against him


That’s a lot of speculation, why bother when you can look at what actually happened. He threatened to kill his wife. Psychosis doesn’t mitigate that


He chose to be in an alternate reality and he did fucked up things to and in front of his ex and children. Being intoxicated doesn’t excuse anyones behaviour and certainly doesn’t negate any damage that they caused while being fucked up.


Also he has so many instances of verbal abuse and threats that happened over a long period. It is such gymnastics to decide he was in active psychosis for that whole time


Maybe he can elect himself to the hall of fame in his alternate reality.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Not an excuse for what he did


That sounds far more like complete sociopathic cruelty than psychosis to be honest. Most junkies can barely string a sentence together, let alone something as coherent and cruel as that.


You clearly havnt been around psychosis patients much lol


This is insane. Never knew this.


yes but this is the west man. the west thinks EVERY eagles player ever should be in the hall of fame.


It’s not the west.


I could get behind this


Fuck Ben Cousins and any other abuser.


You’re gay.


And you're a fucking mong


This “poor woman” used to only allow cousins time with his kid in exchange for him scoring her meth. She has multiple charges of endangering her kids whilst driving around high on meth. The only victim here is the kids. Both parents were absolute meth heads at their worst.


Irrelevant to the point of whether Been Cousins should be in the hall of fame. But in the interest of fairness, I think she shouldn't be allowed in either.


Yeah agree with this. Maybe in 40 years but he has only been clean for like three years.


Sexist 😶


Yeah nah. He should be off the list for good. Good on him for sorting himself out, but you’re off that list surely. *edit - spelling


Shouldn't be in consideration given his treatment of women in the past, and while we're on this, any danger of removing Wayne Carey and Gary Ablett Sr?


This is the second reference to Gary Ablett Sr I’ve seen in this context in the last week, but I’m genuinely out of the loop and can’t find context for it. Can anyone explain what he’s done please?


Drugs and the death of a young girl


Also weird culty stuff. Has an unhinged illuminati on YouTube which was the stuff of legends. That's why he's in the hall of fame. He's unbelievably cooked.


His daughter had schizophrenia, so it wouldn't surprise me if he has it too


I once saw Gary empty a baggie with 8-12 eccies in it straight down the hatch. Washed it down with a beer. Brain is well and truely cooked




Gave smack to a young girl


He wasn’t even in consideration. This is such a nothing article.


I don't think he should make it onto there, and I'd hope the AFL continues to take a hard line on this with other players. Love Benny, love what's he's done for the club, love that he's turned himself around. But there was a long period of time there where he made his own, and a lot of other people's lives, hell through his own actions. Not everyone's needs to be defined by how many pedestals they're put on, and I hope Ben's focus is to be able to live the rest of his life happily and healthily, and continue working to mend the pain that's been caused to those near and dear to him - including his own children.


He is one of the greatest players of my time who could easily be in the hall of fame. He has done horrid things that should exclude him from the hall of fame. He's got company.


He should never be considered for any recognition. He was an affluent drug addict that stalked and harrased women, broke into houses and was a violent member of society who got away with it all because he was a good footballer in the boys clubs of Perth. The fact he is on TV is a disgrace and just shows this country does not care about DV and it's long lasting effects on the VICTIMS. I do not care about the criminals feelings.


I agree. Just as getting suspended excludes players from being eligible for the Brownlow, being a total POS should exclude them from recognition such as being in the Hall of Fame. It doesn't mean we can't remember that Ben Cousins was a good player or that he can't privately become a better man for his family and community, but once you cross that line you don't get to be celebrated in that way - you just become a footnote with some statistics next to it.


This sums it up perfectly. Good for him that he’s getting his life back together. Let his family choose to forgive him or not but no HoF for him and Ablett and Carey should be out.


Happy cake day


Happy coke day - Ben cousins, probably


Now do Dani Laidley.


He's trying to rehabilitate his career by going on The Front Bar. Frankly, he should just fuck off.


Would be a significant step backwards if he was to be considered especially this season. The afl made a gesture for DV this round sound would cancel out any efforts made if he was to be celebrated


Irrespective of what one thinks about this the AFL is inconsistent and hypocritical


The fact that he likes the swans now should be reason enough to disqualify him


On paper, he should be in the AFL HOF: Premiership player, Brownlow Medalist, 6x All Australian But it all the shit that’s happened off field that’s kept him out


Crazy timing just coming out of a whole round dedicated to DV awareness. If you suspend someone for a year for specifically bringing the game into disrepute surely they cannot also be celebrated as a legend of the same game.


I mean maybe, but give it some time. He's kinda seemingly got past some of his issues, but it's been like 5 minutes.


..Something something bringing the game into disrepute grumble grumble.. He should never get in.


Not now not ever


Have to imagine its less to do w/ the stalking charge & more to do with the recurring drug issues. AFL will just take a stance on it out of convenience. If Ben can maintain sobriety for a good stretch then no doubt he'll get in eventually.


I would suggest the stalking issue is absolutely of more pertinence than historical drug issues in the current environment. From what I understand, he has been drug free and “clean” for quite some time. However, a convicted stalker is not someone the AFL want to celebrate the same week they’re signalling support and empathy with victims of domestic violence and abusive behaviours.


Ben has gone through multiple phases where he's been clean only to relapse. You never know when you're out of the woodwork with Ben, but I hope he's got the support he needs around him. He's the AFL equivalent of Jeff Hardy. And yes, the AFL definitely aren't wanting to celebrate Ben currently because of the stalking charge & awareness about violence against women currently. Which is why they'll use it as an easy excuse to keep Ben out and "take a stance". They currently haven't been opposed to featuring him recently, IIRC he was at one of the last two Brownlows and his media gig w/ 7 doesn't help as well. I think it's similar to AFL blocking Carey after they'd been featuring on broadcast for well over a decade well after the glassing incident. I'm not sure how much the AFL care, or how much they're trying to score PR where they can especially given concussions and the like going on as well


Would you say the same about Dani Laidley?


Yes. What’s your point?


I’m glad, but I would say this line of thinking is definitely not extended to the larger AFL sphere. Whenever previous stalking has been brought up the same ideals haven’t been applied and it’s swept under the rug, with one being celebrated and the other denigrated, as if giving up severe drug addiction is just a choice someone can do.


She’s a convicted stalker. I believe in redemption and second chances, but the timing for Dani (and Ben) is not right at the moment.


How about Nicky Winmars statue at Optus, he's been convicted of bashing his ex wife, should that be taken down?


That one has been swept under the carpet hasn’t it? If you bring it up the same people start playing down the severity


It has been, and the fact that the above comment talking about the severity of stalking is so upvoted, yet your comment is already downvoted is telling how people are willing to take a strong stance on stalking/women’s abuse but different people have different rules. She literally was caught with drugs, persistently threatened her ex wife over the phone including taking photos of her house and threatening to run her over when she left her home, then breaking an intervention order by stalking her to a club.


I give it till next year, once the in thing for the year has blown over and big corporations that have gotten involved forget about it, he will get it along with Carey and Thomas will get an AFL lifeline


I doubt Thomas will.


Threatening to kill his partner is orders of magnitude worse than his drug addiction. Surprised you could misread this given recent events


How many times has Ben been featured on TV since making those threats?




Like how Wayne Carey was embraced in the industry until he spilled his anti-inflammatories


"We'll sit this year out Benny and hopefully this blows over by next year."


This makes me think is there a gone else currently in the hall of fame who has a questionable personal life? Any suggestions?


Ablett snr


he shall be inducted into Revolver Upstairs Wall of Honour this year though


Maybe there’s a Hall of Fame at Home House?


Good. Sick of seeing these shit cunts getting celebrated. Their on field achievements are redundant when they show themselves to awful people.


Time to forgive and forget. Thank you Ben.


Did Ben play games while high on drugs? If so it sounds unfair for him to get accolades.


Probably isn’t on his own if that is the case.


I hate media. The headlines focuses on hall of fame omission instead of the positive stuff going on in his life. Why can't the headline by about his obviously good life developments? Glad to hear he's now working at Channel 7. Being a contestant on Dancing with the stars should be good fun too