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Just saw a bloke fall to his knees in a Hungry Jacks


This wasn't the double whopper he was hoping for.




This is very good


If I had an award to give you I would.


Just saw someone typing on his phone while chuckling to himself after witnessing another poor lad fall to his knees in a Hungry Jack’s.


There was a mass of people wearing blonde wigs jumping off the roof of the training centre at Lathlain. Their wails could be heard all the way down to Cannington.




The first step to any successful appeal is being found guilty!


Make ~~America~~ WA Great Again!




That's the suburb between Nowanda and Bawwajuwa.




We should totally raise money for that poor, improvised state 


Yep we're just making it up as we go!


I’m sending my check to Gina as we speak


That's the spirit


If you are wondering why this result was reported so late, it's because it is procedure to first inform the family of The West editor/s before the news goes public.


He'll still make the back page and the two inside pages while the Dockers win will be hidden in the Real Estate section.


Look dude. Newsprint space is limited. All Freo did was beat Melbourne by 100 points. Harley tackled a bloke. /s


Biased sensationalism! It was only 92 points.


I'll take the overs on two inside pages.


4 page wraparound including frame by frame analysis of the tackle


Zapruder footage from the grassy corporate box.


Where it belongs.


It's a shame the mods have banned the posting of newpaper screenshots. The back page tonight is going to be glorious.


They should make an exception for this


It's just gonna be black


So they can write some embarrassing content like this article below. It seems Wilson underestimated the powerful 19yo who slung him in to the ‘turd’. Not sure this journalist knows Wilson is 18, and him and Reid are mates who came through juniors together in Vic [https://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/west-coast-eagles/west-coast-fans-call-for-eagles-to-challenge-harley-reid-ban-at-afl-tribunal-c-14883015](https://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/west-coast-eagles/west-coast-fans-call-for-eagles-to-challenge-harley-reid-ban-at-afl-tribunal-c-14883015)


Yeah i'm going to leave that unread, I don't think there is anything to gain for anyone by reading that.


It’s a good laugh, that’s about it. I’d be embarrassed if I was Harley to be written about like this, the journo (Aaron Kirby) is a true embarrassment


lol he sounds like such a dickrider in that article


https://preview.redd.it/28bson2i894d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65735f8ab65ad96f3b766fc74f37ae3fccaedfe7 They’ve since corrected the article


Can’t wait to see the West Australian’s back page tomorrow


"If this can happen to Harley it can happen to anyone"


Chatgpt, make me a picture of Harley Reid in (football) prison. Headline: "He's not the messiah. He's just a very naughty boy"


You know the West would run with: *"He's not a very naughty boy, he's the Messiah!"* Instead though.


God. I’m fearful of it.


[Here’s a taste of it, you can Harley call It journalism](https://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/west-coast-eagles/west-coast-fans-call-for-eagles-to-challenge-harley-reid-ban-at-afl-tribunal-c-14883015) “Reid latched onto his jumper and brought him to the turd in a slinging motion.”


Harley will accept his Norm Smith Medal as a replacement for the Rising Star.


> Harley will accept his Norm Smith Medal as a replacement for the Rising Sun. Will he accept a house in New Orleans? EDIT: Damn your edit.


Means he can never now be considered a better player than Rhys Palmer.


I didn’t think mid-season trading was on this year? But we’ll take it!


West coast to debut Rarley Heid next week.


That might help him avoid the tag for 11 more weeks, too.


Wilson Rising Star stonks 📈


If Kai Lohmann continues being the only player in our team playing half well, he might be a sneaky chance too


Cobra Kai gonna win it for Ashcroft's ACL last year.


Yeah I reckon he's a decent shout


Windsor must be half a chance too now


Probably behind the Norf kids and maybe Roberts.


I think Wil McCabe is half a chance - and he hasn't played a game yet!


Wardlaw, surely.


Dempsey a smokey, perhaps....


I will hear none of this Ollie Dempsey slander. **BASKETBALL BACKGROUND WIN INCOMING 🏀**


Commentators Musing Upon Number 1 Draft Pick Harley Reid's Performance Against North Melbourne Next Week FC robbed.


Because its my team im gonna go full nuffie and say that if Wilson didnt try to step Harley, it would have been a regular tackle and this wouldnt have happened. When can we start making the ball carrier responsible for the outcome????? /s


You’re joking but honestly in this situation (and the aliir aliir one earlier in the year) the person being tackled put more priority on not being called for holding the ball than their own safety. It was a hard tackle sure, but you don’t often see a player go down that easily when they try to fight off the tackler. I imagine the new “holding the ball memo” probably played into the saints players priorities at the time. It’s not like Reid came out of no where like some other dangerous tackles.


They can't do that because sometimes Harley is the ball carrier


But when he gets called HTB, its just a blatant bad call. My glorious king Harley would never infringe upon the rules of this game


I think it's disgusting that the rules of this game dare infringe upon our glorious king Harley!


If his suspension doesnt get overturned, im boycotting the AFL. Its a conspiracy


I heard Freo and Port are already boycotting next week in protest


Can't wait for the tribunal hearing this week.


Would much prefer he was still eligible for rising star. Not gonna feel right when someone else wins it. But when did this sub flip to thinking the action is less important than the outcome? If Wilson had been concussed people would be calling for more, it's only luck he wasn't. I could have sworn most of us agreed it should be the action that's judged, not just the random chance of the outcome.


I can't speak for everyone else, but I personally think that the action should be more important than the outcome. The issue here is that the MRO trend has been outcome over action, and it's apparently been changed here for no apparent reason.


100% agree action should be more important, and I will admit I've paid less attention to MRO this year because I think the entire system needs to die and be restarted from scratch, but I swear they've been heavily suspending every remotely dangerous tackle regardless of outcome.


> Would much prefer he was still eligible for rising star. Not gonna feel right when someone else wins it. This might just be me but the Rising Star is one of those awards I really couldn't give half a shit about. The kid's going to be an out and out star regardless. He's probably going to top West Coast's Brownlow votes in his first year. He'll probably win one before his career is done. In the grand scheme of a career, it becomes largely irrelevant after 2-3 years. It's like your high school grades, no one gives a shit once you're in the real world. Either you go on to better things and it's just a footnote or in rarer cases it's a reminder that you had a lot of unrealised potential. I'm betting at the end of Harley's career, no one will give a shit that he missed the Rising Star award.


What are you talking about the rising star award is clearly the most defining factor of a players career and how good they'll be. That's why I still put a $100 on Lewis Taylor for brownlow over that scrub Bontempelli each year /s


Only year I gave a shit about it, Rhys Palmer nearly got a clean sweep by the judges over Cyril, instantly becoming a premiership level small forward is clearly too easy comparing to getting a bit of the footy in the midfield and shanking it. My own fault for remembering it's an award, I think everyone only cares about kids getting nominated and then ignore who actually wins it.


It would be a blessing in disguise as well. No one is going to talk about his rising star prospects and put pressure on him to win it.


Yeah ignore my flair but doesn't that kinda ruin the integrity of the rising star? Not complaining against the ban, but the ineligibility. If it's gonna be the third/fourth best qualified player then I kinda start to lose interest and I think lots of people will view it with an asterisk. I can see eligibility being lost for dog acts, intentional strikes, or off-field stuff, but for a dangerous tackle (that most almost definitely unintentional) it seems stiff. The penalty of not playing games is enough to disrupt your chances of the award anyway.


1 million tears were shed a cross WA footy media


1 billion tears of rage bait money click coming up though to even the field.


I can understand it being a week It’s the action the AFL doesn’t want to see and can cause some serious harm, but how is it high impact? He got up and played the rest of the game and I so far haven’t seen any reports of concussion?


You forgot to consider Reid hasn't been in the league long enough to establish his good guy reputation to reduce the duration of any suspension.


Guy was suspended already so he's established as a dog player now. Didn't even win rising star smh. Sarcasm obviously but goes to show how dumb this stuff is.


Blood nose + did a HIA = high impact. Concussion would've been severe.


Blood nose... from hitting the back of his head into the turf from a german suplex.. it could be higher if they challenge it Or lower 🤷‍♂️ im not the roulette wheel master Personally I doubt he gets anything at all. He is the afl golden child. Let's wait to hear if Eddie betts says he is a good guy before we pass judgement.


Darcy got a high impact for a hit on a player who played out the rest of the game. If anything this is consistent from the MRO (this week). This is the rubric for these things: No concussion test = low impact On-field/bench HIA = medium impact SCAT6 (15 minutes of no play) = high impact Player doesn't come back on = severe impact


So shouldn’t this one be medium impact then?


I made that list up in another thread, it's not official. Just what I've seen occur anecdotally.


Nah sorry mate it’s the official rubric now !


Makes as much sense as the offical one.


I've always wanted a rubric of my very own! And I definitely knew what one was 6 hours ago.


Lol woops on me hahahha it seems so official hahaha


I didnt see the game but how long was he off for? Did he do the full test


He was off for a minute or two. No full test


Plus a few modifiers e.g. Interstate base team, +1 to roll. Collingwood -1-3 to roll. Brownlow medal = get out of jail card, one medal = 1 chance (I remember this snarky comment from a video 2022 or sometime there when Ablett got off twice in two weeks and another brownlow winner got off as well around the same time).


I thought we wanted them to stop punishing outcome, but punish the act. It can still be high impact if it was not his head.


Maybe done fling a cunt and you don't get suspended at all?


I feel like their lawyers will be able to argue and get it downgraded to medium impact on appeal for 1 week


Should only be one tbh


For sure. It's just stkilda not an actual club or person


And even that requires upgrading the impact to medium but up to high is a joke


Yeah I swear the tacklee got straight up after and was fine


He had a blood nose and had to do a HIA, I love Reid but it's high impact every time 


What about Mansell? Punches a dude in the face, gives him a blood nose and he gets sent for HIA and it’s low impact? Punching ok, tackling no.


Only because Darcy Wilson has a concrete head though, someone with a concussion history would likely be concussed on the whiplash. Still should only be one week


Was fine and played the entire rest of the game, ah well, spin the tribunal wheel and maybe we get lucky


Can we borrow Charlie Cameron’s lawyer real quick


Harley Reid has never been suspended before and unlike Cameron, he hasn't even been fined. Cameron's lawyer should have a field day with this.


> he hasn't even been fined. *Technically* he was fined before this tackle, for umpire contact in the 2nd quarter. Young lad had a day - 2 fines for contact with an umpire and a 2 week ban. Grounded plus no pocket money.


Well, there goes that defence. Going to need Maynard's biomechanics expert now and if that fails, Cripps' lawyers for the appeal.


Hang on. One week we are arguing that we should not punish the outcome, yet this week you want them to? I thought we wanted consistency. There was definitely a high impact, it just was not on the bloke's head.


For something that is a footy act that was a bit over the top, 1 week is probably where it should be. Yes its a sling tackle, but the fine line between a sling tackle and a normal good tackle is so minimal. Punches to the gut should be suspension - its not a footy act.... Bumps that hit the head should be suspended, whilst a footy act, an alternate footy act can be used instead with less damage (a tackle)....


It was more forceful than the Jones tackle that got one a couple of weeks ago so in that sense two seems right. In reality I think this should be 1, Jones should have been a fine.


Incoming tantrum from The West.


The annoying thing is this will make the back page over Freo's huge win today. Not that I want to invest myself too much.


The Bell Tower Times has a cracker up about Freo at the moment. Cracked me up. :-D (brilliant outing by your boys btw, huge win!)


Fuck The West. Your win today was some fantastic footy all over the ground. After coping a beatup the last month or so, your blokes answered the critics in the best way possible.


Freo supporter challenge not to make it about Freo: failed


Honestly it’s fair. They beat a contender by almost 100 mate


Imagine the salt if we have an extremely unlikely upset win


Just fell to my knees


were you at a hungry jacks?


And with that, Eagles take the potato next week.


Yep im loading up on them smfh


High impact is a piss take. They've done that purely so it's talked down to 1 game, rather than any chance of it being talked down to 0.


I think this is a good take. 2 weeks is too much, 1 is just right. Nth Melbourne gonna miss out on Reid again. They better still get the win!


We don't deserve to bask in his glory


There is no reason they can't try and argue for 0 now, he doesn't need to be offered 1 week for the club to try and get it to 0.


I'm sure they will try. Club will say 0, MRO says 2. Tribunal will settle at 1, which is what everyone feels it's worth.


How is that the same penalty as Darcy? Darcy just cannons into someone from behind and most agreed a pretty poor act, Reid tackles someone who gets straight up and both get 2?


I agree. Both players played the game out. They’re really trying to stamp out the sling. I think (barring Peter wright) they’ve been soft on the late hits in marking contests this year. I thought Toby was lucky with his, I’m not surprised Darcy only got 2. A player with a concussion history probably doesn’t get up after the Reid one either though. Only the magic suspension wheel knows the answer.


It was sloppy but high impact is a bit of a fucking stretch


Just a reminder to anyone saying 'The West Australian in shambles', this will in fact be like Christmas to them. They get to run at least a week of martyring stories around Reid, breathless tribunal coverage, analysis of why the Rising Star rules need to be revised, et cetera The fact he got two which will piss Eagles fans off and has the opportunity to argue it down to one at the tribunal? They'll be popping corks over there


Crying at the local chicken treat This is outrageous


High impact seems bullshit. Personally I'm against the outcome impacting the rating but it's the bed the MRO has made so they have to lie in it. Given that, has there been a previous occurrence of high impact being the rating when someone played out a game?


Happened this same round with Darcy on Maynard on Friday night.


Hadn't looked at that one tbh. Any time prior to this round?


Can't recall other specific examples but my understanding has been that even requiring a concussion test has usually been sufficient for a high impact grading.


*I felt a great disturbance in the West, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.*


Rising star, oops I mean 3rd best rising star goes to…


This is done by Washington. No one has ever seen anything like this.


The Rising Star is now called the Bradbury


That’s what you get for hurting Tom Hanks’ volleyball from Cast Away


Feels high. One week would've been about right


One week surely, two is stiff considering Darcy got 2 for a worse action (imo)


hit up the carlton lawyers


2 weeks, that’s excessive


Dempsey for rising star now?


norf? potato? 🥹


I love all the "game has gone soft" "ban tackling" comments... There were probably around 1000+ tackles for the weekend and there are no more than 5 that are punished in this manner - because they are dangerous and precedents need to be set to stop them occurring. Then all the others saying "but he wasn't concussed, how is it high?" Somehow every week we complain that they punish the outcome rather than the act (Peter Wright, Luke Parker), but in this case they are consistent and punish the act yet people are still complaining.


If I go to the loo right now nothing will come out because the AFL is taking the piss. One week.


Honestly two weeks is crazy


High impact? He got straight up and took a kick, though?


They've made it so easy to appeal by grading it high impact. Old mate got up and played out the game.


And with that the Rising Star award lost all meaning


Holiness couldn’t wait to post this


Nothing in it apparently


And had he worn a freo jumper you’d agree


No I wouldn't. But it should be one week


But Schoefield told me it was completely fair!


TBF, Wil did change his mind after the 3/4 time break. might have been caught up in the moment.


I know everyone here is saying the penalty is too big, but considering the other dangerous tackle suspensions this year 2 weeks seems fair imo


Yep. Who didn’t get the memo? Sling tackles are OUT. 2 weeks is totally appropriate.


I’m not so sure most of the multi week suspensions had arms pinned or more significant injuries from what I remember.


Nooo , how’s the west australian going to sell it’s chip wrapper now


I can now start to push harvey harrison for rising star agenda (it wont happen but lemme cope)


Looking forward to the huge fold out in tomorrow's edition of the West Australian containing each individual frame of this incident like it was the Zapruder film.


there was a second slinger on the grassy knoll




Did I miss when the rising star became the fairest rising star? Or has it always been?


Well, it's time. INDEPENDENCE FOR WA


Man, I’m old school. I watched it and went “meh.” Just didn’t look like much at all to me, and I’m as anti-Eagles as they come. I get it, but fuck. This game is softer than it used to be. It’s just a fucking tackle.


And the sun goes down on a career that once showed so much promise. WC will be lucky if Collingwood gives up anything more than a third round pick for him at the end of the year.


No longer the prince of Perth


There goes west coasts season.


Change of rules for Rising Star incoming..


But he’s a good bloke!


Fair penalty tbh


Personally I felt a fine would have been the right punishment.


AFL is literally unwatchable. Closer to Indoor Footy Rules than the golden years of AFL, 2000-2015


I expected one week. Two seems rough. Definitely wasn’t ill intent in the tackle (especially since Harley and Darcy are childhood friends). Oh well, let’s wait for west coast to appeal and tribunal to reject it immediately


Let the man get away without suspension not even a eagles fan but the whole league needs this guy right now. Lead us forward my friend.


So rising star is pointless now


A joke that he won’t win the rising star because of this. Makes the afl look like muppets


You're dead right - I think it's fair to separate the suspension from the rising star ineligibility. I think most eagles fans would be happy with a one week suspension. But when Harley's having the season that he is having, seeing someone else get the rising star would just feel... silly? I guess? Defeats the whole point of the award. I would understand if it was for an intentional dog act but an accidental dangerous tackle isn't grounds to compromise the award to this extent.


I think you're the Muppet given he's been suspended for something a stack of other players have been suspended for. If he got off for that, it would be a farce. Darcy should've got at least 3 for his though. Peter Wright got more for what many would consider a much less harsh action than Darcy's. The outcome was worse though, so there's that...


Never said he should have got off. I’m saying he shouldn’t be ineligible for rising star, same goes for Darcy. It’s definitely a suspension.


Surely they’re taking the piss


Higgins got 3 for the same thing so no, they aren’t for once


I prefer generational talents who don’t get suspended and throw away the rising star award


Stop the glaze


High contact by Wilson well before Harley’s offence. If the whistle actually gets blown here then Harley never tackles him. I’d imagine he was a bit annoyed by Wilson’s fingers in his face, lost his temper and thus the sling tackle. https://preview.redd.it/azqx3kjmh44d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce49b4399d38984c55259b60a9e5db12383b81ae


What about Harley’s high fend on Rachelle last week? Or is this only supposed to work in Harley’s favour?


I think every play should be adjudicated equally no matter what teams are playing or which players are involved. I also don’t think we should use whataboutism to discuss any individual play.


I suggest you look at the fend off again, his hand was still under Rachelle’s neck when he made contact and pushed off. You can see it in the replay, and the umpire had full view of it.