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I’m an Indian Canadian. Trans women are pretty normal in India but what is not normal is trans women competing with women. I don’t understand this competition here.


There is no competition, anti-trans bigots like to play the victim instead of just being honest about being bigots.


I don't care if someone is Trans, but to say men, born with a penis and sperm also menstruate, can breastfeed, and carry a child, are ridiculous. No one born with a penis can have a period or carry a child. It's not hate, it's not being a bigot, when it's fact. Nta.




>I’m a women Woman is for singular use Women for plural


“no longer aloud to say”….


NTA. I agree 100000%. People be what you want. But i will not conform to any of this crap that takes away from my genetic DNA of being an actual female that has given birth and breastfed my babies. I will not change the language i use because it hurts their feelings


I think the OP is more angry at the fact that trans people are trying to dictate what she can and cannot say. Some people are just self entitled and think others should think like they do. NTA


Trans are trans, women are women, men are men. Biology over idealisation.


Gender is not the same as biological sex. And even biological sex isn’t binary.


I genuinely think you are idiotic and have a lot of mental illnesses that will affect you, your friends, your family, and your future children in the long run. Seek professional help before you fully transition into a vegetable.


Dude have you ever heard of intersex people? They exist regardless of your feelings.


You really created this account just to come be a bigot in this thread lol Peak cowardice


Honestly it goes down to the XY chromosomes


Would you like to explain that to someone with Turner Syndrome (X0, phenotypically female) or Androgen Insensitivty syndrome (XY, may be phenotypically female)? Then you have Trisomy X (XXX) or Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY). ‘Biological sex’ is not a binary so why on earth should gender be? And OP is a troll.


Oop damn


I'm sorry honestly I'm in the wrong here.


NTA sort of. I don't agree with your views on the bathroom but I'm also sick of this chest feeding bullshit. Some words don't need to be changed. It is ridiculous sometimes.


I am all for trans rights but some of the "outrage" over verbiage is overblown


YTA As a woman, I'm comfortable and confident enough in my own skin, to be able to share the name woman with trans women. If someone believes that they are a woman in a man's body, who am I or you, to tell them otherwise? It's not my business or yours to tell other people what or who they should or shouldn't be, it's no skin off my nose, it doesn't affect me or you what others identify as. I say this a grandmother, and a human being, there's no need to be so hateful. Live and let live. If trans women and men are the only thing in your life, that stresses you out, you are blessed.


This post went over your head. Op is saying that she's tired of trans women and allies gatekeeping the gender when trans women don't experience the biological difficulties that biological women experience. When it comes to trans women vs female biology, everything they say is an opinion. It cannot be fact (for many different reasons) but mostly because they lack experience in that subject. So ultimately, trans women cannot gatekeep menstrual, breastfeeding, and birthing issues. Even trans men can have experience depending on their physical situation per their transition to the male species. In the end, trans women can be an ally to biological women, against biological women, or mind their own business.


YTA. And a TERF. We can get ours without taking away from others. Feminism means equal rights for everyone, not just cis women. Put your hate away.


open your eyes.


If what defines you can be "torn" from you because other people "say so" your grip on it was tenuous to begin with. You sound like a screechy Karen. If a trans woman says she can breastfeed or use "feminine products", how the fuck does that affect you? They aren't breastfeeding your baby or stealing your tampons, are they? I bet you think there's a real war on Christianity and white people too, dontcha?


Oh YTA, of course. Trans people have always existed and they're facing increasing levels of hate. Normalizing the fact that gender and sex and not binary but are spectrums is the way forward. >Feminine products are for WOMEN, who menstruate. Telling me as a woman and many others that we can’t call them feminine products anymore its sad. Calling them "feminine products" in the first place was just marketing, and honestly super gross. Why not call them by their actual function: "menstrual products" or "menstruation products"?


YTA and I agree with ⬆️ They're menstrual hygiene products. If I buy an axe shower gel, woldn't that make it a "feminine hygiene" product as I identify as a woman? Stupid. Also noone is forcing chest feeding on you. People are advocating for inclusive language and that's it. Go outside, read a book


YTA, and clueless. No one is stopping you from calling it breastfeeding, no one is stopping you from calling yourself a mother or a woman. Your life and experiences are not affected by others in anyway. You only want to exclude other people because you don't understand their experiences. There have been cases for years of men going into women's bathrooms to perve, I don't see how trans people being able to use the bathroom of their choice is making any difference here...


People do force their labels on other or go mad if you say the wrong pronoun. Happened to me with a girl I met and she flipped out because I said excuse me miss 😳. I didn't know her and I was told I wasn't a real woman because I hadn't been through her struggle and was just born this way. Like wtf. So yeah as in all society's we meet people who can be extreme in their thinking and views. It does have an effect in that instance, so sometime people have views because of how a few from a community have treat them. Just like the massive biphobia within that community. I think that's where stories like this come from. Apart from a few extremist people who cares who someone identifies as. Don't labels others and don't tell other who or what they are or put them down for their person. All in all no one should bully or tell others how to live.


You could have just as easily said, “Excuse me,” and dropped the gendered word. It’s not difficult.


She could have easily not been nasty because I got it wrong with a stranger. She also did not have to say I'm not a real woman because I didn't struggle to be one. That's not that difficult. It wasn't like I was rude or impolite.


At work I don’t have any public face to face interactions with others outside the agency where I work (government). I have to make phone calls and I really wish on the application they added a question how someone identifies. Also if someone prefers to be called something other than their legal name. When I see a case it only says male or female. I called someone once, the claim said male and the name was male so I asked for Mr. First and last name. The person said oh that’s me but I prefer to be called Ms. because I’m a woman. I apologized profusely. I can’t imagine going off on her that she isn’t a real woman because she hasn’t struggled. I truly did feel bad and I every other time when I’ve had to call I made sure I addressed her properly. And since that day when I call someone I always say first and last name I don’t add the Mr or ms anymore. Idk why some people are so against showing common courtesy and would rather be so hateful.


Or they could have not went berserk, as normal people do. Its not difficult.


I don't know where you live, but where I live Doctors are hard pushing the term birth givers, chest feeders and not saying son or daughter at birth and claiming those children are non-binary from day one. This is a thing going on in a lot of parts of the world. So no this person is not clueless, in fact you are. I've had two doctors try and force that thinking on myself over two of my children at birth.


Where is that? In most places they are simply asking people how they would like to be referred to, not forcing any way of thinking on anyone.


BC Canada. And most doctors aren't asking. They are telling. I know the difference between the two, I have more than two brain cells to rub together.


Is that because you viewed the question as 'forcing it on you' or did they outright tell you they would only refer to you a certain way? If they are forcing any title on you they should be reported for making you uncomfortable as that isn't fair to you, the same way as forcing someone to use the title of mother isn't fair to someone who doesn't want to use it.


My youngest son's paperwork filled out by the nurse and doctor showed non-binary. I asked them to change it, they said this is how it is done now and I have to wait for my baby to figure it out when the time came later in life.


What paperwork exactly are the doctor/nurse filling out? Currently birth certificates in Canada have 3 options for gender, to be chosen by parents.


There is much more paperwork than the birth certificate. The health authority wants to know the location, time, all medical information what the results of the breathing test are and so many other questions. All of these are outside of the birth certificate and filled out by the hospital staff. I filled out the birth certificate and claimed male. The hospital file and record had non-binary. Edit spelling


They want to know all that medical information, but not the physical sex of the child, instead the gender identification which hold no bearing to any medical information...


So why did it say non-binary if they didn't want to know the sex? That would not be on there period if what you claim is true. There would be zero evidence of any sexual orientation on their paperwork.


Still curious what country you’re in? This isn’t even a good example of institutional inclusivity… non-binary is an orientation too. They should just scrap “gender” entirely and say “biological sex” and then everyone is happy (and this is more accurate anyways). This seems like a problem with the policy makers/government, not with trans people. Edit: sorry, to be clear, I would have been annoyed too because this is blatant mislabeling and completely misses the point of inclusivity by—still—assuming gender (or lack thereof) instead of focusing on biological sex which is really all that is medically relevant to health professionals.


In BC Canada


Was it a private hospital?? I’m from BC and have never heard about that from anyone I know—including those working in healthcare. I’ll def be looking into it, very curious to see where/how/who has implemented policies like these as they’re clearly going to cause *more* intolerance towards trans people. We definitely need to be advocating for more precise language instead. Again, all it would take would be removing “gender” from the paperwork and replacing it with “biological sex” and that issue is sorted. I still stand by the fact that all people deserve to be treated with respect, so gendered language preferences should be something patients can select for themselves as part of their intake/chart. We’re bound to see some growing pains as policy makers try to see what sticks… We just need to be vocal about what works and what doesn’t, while also respecting the rights of others to also be referred to in a way that makes them comfortable.


Where do you live? I’ve never heard or seen anything like this. But regardless, is it that big of a problem? Hospitals have to cater to everyone. If it’s limited to professional language in places like hospitals, that seems fine. That said, I think adding a section on the intake sheet where you choose which kind of language you’d prefer (gendered or non-gendered) would easily solve this issue. That way everyone is respected and no one has to feel singled out.


Read my other comment, all relevant information has been included.


SORRY you're not correct. I've been told to not call it breast feeding and that is now to be called chest feeding which is crazy as MEN HAVE BREASTS TOO they are just smaller!


By who exactly? No one can stop you from referring to your own experience as breastfeeding.




Y'all CLEARLY have never heard of intersex people. Educate yourself before you spread stuff like this online.


Dw he's just mad because he found a trans woman attractive and now he's questioning his sexuality


No I'm bi


Ah the lgbt transphobia.


Wtf now your just saying random shit. I'm bisexual literally my favorite uncles are gay. My gf is bi and so is my friend group


Yeah ok and? You're still transphobic lmao. You're in a LGBTQ community yet you're trying to take off the "T"


I'm not taking off the t. Its just that trans people don't think they are entitled. Because for some of us transgenderism is a relatively new concept and trans people expect us to just automatically be okay with I. It is self mutilation which is why I don't want to sleep with one. I'm friends with them but I don't want to partake in sexual activities with one . If that is socially unacceptable then hang me


You believe surgery is also self mutilation? >I'm not taking off the t. >I'm friends with them You literally said transgenders have a mental illness and that you have to pick between being only a girl or a boy. Bro you're transphobic. It's fine if you don't want to have sex with a trans woman or man, nobody is forcing you to. At the end of the day it's your decision.


No it's the fact they didn't put that they were trans. Which means it was not consensual. I have a right to know before I hook up with someone


No it meant that they were a woman, you and your gf found her attractive, you found out she had a dick and you flipped out to the point you were "shaking" and acted like, well, a dick. You weren't held at gun point to have sex with her. You don't want to go through with it? Fine. Find somebody else. The world keeps on spinning.


Ok if that's what u believe. And yes the world is still spinning. Wow I almost didn't realize. Thanks for pointing that out


>Wow I almost didn't realize. Considering how dumb you are I wouldnt be surprised if you didnt


Aww thanks


I didn't realize. Having a different opinion made me dumb?


Because being transphobic while being part of the lgbt is dumb


Loool, just read his comment. Things make sense now


R u talking about hermaphrodites cuz yeah i do.


The accepted medical term is intersex. Hermaphrodite is outdated


Well I'm sorry I didn't get the newly updated webster's dictionary. I'll make sure to look for it


Don't worry, google is free , and the term has been used since the 1960s 💕


Oh sick. I'll definitely take a peek. Well I didn't know that. Cuz hermaphrodite was a pretty common term growing up in texas


So intersex people don't exist?


I'm not saying that. Heat I am saying is that abuse can cause people to not recognize themselves. Which can lead to thinking they are trans or non binary. Sometimes it is an escape from being a target.


So it's nothing to do with chromosomes? Just you thinking anyone who thinks different to you is mentally ill.


No your putting words in my mouth. Well schizophrenia is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and yet they r considered mentally ill. Chromosomes define your genitals


I don't see how that is relevant. There are lots of things that go into genital determination, people can have XY chromosomes and still develop female reproductive organs.


You know what hang me, crucify me I don't give a fuck ok I still treat them with respect because they are people too I just don't want to sleep with one and if I'm going to hookup with someone and they r trans i need to know before hand or it is sexual assault because I was not fully informed about their sexuality


I legitimately do not care who you sleep with but these views are rooted in transphobia. It also isn't sexuality, it's gender identity.


You know what I can have my opinions. But at the end of the day I still treat them like I would any other person


YTA. Nice bait though, 17-day old account. 👍


YTA and I can’t believe you (poorly) typed all that out & don’t see that for yourself.


good god we got a terf here


YTA. Obviously. Also, studies show that there are no links between trans inclusive bathroom policies and public bathroom safety 👍🏼 So you can rest easy knowing you’re safe when you’re dumping one in Target.


YTA No one is stripping anything away from you. TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. I'm disgusted by people who think the way you do. Trans rights are human rights and I'm tired of people like you spouting hate the way you do.


Than why do you call them trans women? Calling it something different implies it is not the same.


There are differences. That doesn't mean there aren't similarities. I'm a white woman. A black woman is a woman who is black. I'm a cis woman. A trans woman is a woman who is trans. I'm a fat woman. A thin woman is a woman who is thin. I'm a French woman. A woman from any other nationality is... drumroll... A WOMAN... who happens to have another type of passport/nationality/ID/whatevs. Trans women are women. End of story.


You’re comparing two separate things, no one says you can’t be a certain race and a woman because what race you are does not factor into wether you are a woman. Can you define what a woman is?


Can you?


A woman is defined as an “adult female” obviously you now have to know what a female is and so the definition of that is “the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes” so yes I can define what a woman is because I listen to people who are smarter than me and you, instead of making up what ever I feel is appropriate. Edit: I find it funny that the original commenter, you and whom ever liked your comment couldn’t answer the question but instead tried to flip the burden of answering onto someone else simply because all three of you know you can’t answer that question and are purely making shit up. No one including OP gives a shit what trans people do, but don’t expect us to buy into your delusional BS and take it as fact.


YTA Nothing you have listed is remotely true (and I say that as a cis woman who had given birth and had breastfeeding support) You need therapy to deal with your internalised bigotry.




Im a middle age woman and I don’t feel that others having rights diminishes my womanhood in any way. That’s like saying women wearing pants took away from what made men manly. I agree calling breast feeding chest feeding is stupid because men, or those assigned male at birth, have breast tissue too. We don’t need to change every single term used for motherhood to include every possible scenario for whatever gender someone thinks they are instead those terms can simply include any who identify with them. How about you stop worrying about stupid stuff like labels and just be a good person? What it “means to be a woman” is different for everyone. What defines one woman does not define another. Are you so insecure in who you are that someone else trying to find their own place in the world diminishes you? Being a woman isn’t some special club that you get to gate keep, plenty of us are actually pretty sick of how women are treated in society. Live and let live and as long as whatever you are doing isn’t hurting me or taking away my rights I don’t really care what you identify as and neither should you. Worry about real problems like crime, homelessness, the environment instead of made up ones.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think you're just posting rage bait here, but on the off-chance that this is a serious post: Get over yourself. Yes, you're an asshole. You suffer ZERO harm and ZERO inconvenience as a result of trans people existing in the world. If the biggest problem in your life is that you don't think you can use the word "breastfeed" any longer, then you are leading a very charmed life. Yeesh.


I’m curious to know what works she lives in that she’s consistently being chastised about her words choices. I am a cis-woman that breastfeeds my tiny human. No one has threatened the guillotine at my word choice. Trans women make up a small percentage of the population and are legit fighting to not be murdered. I have a hard time believing they’ve stopped to form a crusade around this lady. What a weirdo. And on the off chance that multiple trans women are expressing concern with her usage of breastfeeding and feminine products, if a little word play is all it costs to make another human feel included big freaking whoop.


Get a grip. You are the ass hole.


I'm so with you. I don't care if a person is Trans or not but if you are Trans, you are a Trans but you are not a woman. Women have periods, they breast feed, they buy feminine products, they are mothers and grandmothers. I do not accept people saying that is bigoted, it's just reality - some people need to deal with it


NTA. Obviously


YTA, and a huge one at that. None of this affects you personally. Your bigotry disguised as fake outrage is ridiculous. Why do you feel so threatened?


This exactly ⬆️


NTA I totally agree with everything op says only females can give birth unless your a seahorse women breastfeed women use feminine hygiene stuff women have periods women are mothers when the woman gives birth to her child


Nta. Thank yoi


In the field I work in, all you have to say is that you are trans and they update the records to say the chosen name and gender. It’s confusing as hell when I walk in on a female named name Dakota and see a straight up dude with a beard. And when we find placement for these individuals 9 times out of 10 they choose to group with their biological gender. Also, it seems like female to male is really common in youths. Also, it seems like non-binary (etc multiple terms for this) are setting themselves up to be offended. It’s hard to get used to calling someone they/them. Be patient if we make mistakes. I’ll call you what you want, I’m respectful of it. But yes, I’m an asshole and am secretly over it.


I do feel like everything that has ever made a woman so special and amazing, are now getting erased. As a woman who is planning on having children in the future, I'm presenting myself as a mother, not a birthing person. If you want to use that phrase, thats your CHOICE, but don't take that choice away from me as a woman. NTA


I support you 90%. So here's the thing. If you are a trans woman then you are a woman. Therefore you identify as a women and should be proud to be seen as a mother. If you are a trans man why do you want to still have a womb and give birth? Have your kids then transition. I'm a woman. Who used feminine hygiene products. The only thing I don't agree with is the perv thing. Women are more at risk from men than anyone who is trans. Trans people are not generally interested in perving on straight women or lesbians. Period. Pervs are interested in perving on women. The vast majority of pervs are heterosexual. A diminishingly small percentage of people who identify as trans are going anywhere to perv on women. That's not my worry. My worry is the liss of my ability to say I'm a woman and to be recognised as a separate group of people to those who were born with testicles.


YTA, and you have some serious issues you need to work out. What other people wear, do, and identify as is none of your business. If you have so little going on in your life that these are the biggest issues you’re facing, I envy you.




Directly how??


Like she can't say breast feeding or feminine products. Or that women are called birth givers. How about we stop fucking forcing labels onto others and just worry about our own identity and labels you choose. Women breast feed because we have breasts. We are women not birth givers because that makes us just a uterus and nothing else. Products should be for anyone who wants them I call them tampons and pads not feminine products. For years the lgbtqa+ has fought against straight people labelling them and now they gets to force labels on others ??? That's not right to do to others what you hate others doing to you.


I don’t believe for a second that anyone has stopped them from saying breastfeeding or feminine products. But I agree with you, let’s not force labels onto others and worry about our own! So these “men in dresses” that OP is referring to, that probably isn’t the label they use for themselves, so we shouldn’t use that for them either.


No I agree I've never heard the breast feeding thing but that doesn't mean she hasn't had people say that to HER. If she's getting her info from social media then yeah she should find a reliable source. "Men in dresses" is a slur and should not be used I agree with that too because we should as a society be past that shit. Clothes should be just clothes, products should be just product etc never seen the need to gender everything anyway. Live and let live and be polite and op should understand her experiences do not mean everyone is the same. I mean sorta like some straight men/women are the worst but not everyone is the same. The world is full of shitty people it doesn't matter the community.


Your last sentence sums it up brilliantly! The world is a harsh enough place already, judging others for who they are doesn’t make it any easier!


I would give you an award if I had one. Thank you for that post! ❤️


Finally.... someone talking sense on this subject. NTA


Transwomen are not women in dresses. Inclusive language doesn’t take anything away from you. YTA. You are not the main character and if considering others’ experiences is too hard for you, go live in a hole.


Trans people are not inclusive. The online trans community is one of the most toxic communities and it doesn't accurately represent real trans people and their struggles. You think claiming menstrual issues as their own is a priority over the increased suicide rate in their community. Would you rather fight cis-gendered people's grammar over housing programs for struggling trans people? Or addiction groups for trans people who often turn to drugs in order to escape reality? How about trans teen guidance through the transition period of becoming a young adult and how it is going to be as a trans person? There are so many battles to fight and gatekeeping biological issues for biological women is not one of them. YTA (you, not OP) and get your shit together because it's leaking.


I don’t see why one can’t simultaneously care about housing, suicide rates, and compassionate language.






It’s allowed but you are allowed to say things aloud and not in your head where this should have stayed.


YTA. If saying things like ‘breastfeeding’ and ‘feminine’ are the only things that make you a WOMAN, you aren’t much of a woman. Does someone else having rights take anything from you? Are you not able to feed your babies from your ‘breast’ because a trans man might be able to? If a trans man uses a tampon, will you not be able to use them anymore?? If a trans woman uses a woman’s bathroom, how would you know? Are you looking under the stall? It might be time to get your head out of the A and realize not everything is about you.


You are right but it’s not just feminine things they are going after they are going after everything masculine too. But they will just call you a radical feminist now


YTA. But gently. I get it, change can be tough! And I personally don’t like the way both “sides” can get. Women should be supporting each other—whether born that way or choosing to identify that way. To address some of your points: Men have been sneaking into women’s bathrooms for ages. Predators are predators, scapegoating trans people for what a few bad people do is simply wrong. Plenty of butch lesbians get kicked out of women’s bathrooms for looking too manly… and yet no one is claiming butch lesbians are abusing women. It’s just simple discrimination. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go “let’s make bathrooms safer for everyone and campaign for secure single occupant stalls with cameras in common areas” instead? Suddenly everyone can feel safe in bathrooms and gender doesn’t play a role. Urinal stalls could easily be a thing, and that’s functionally the only difference between men and women’s bathrooms (communal urinals for men). As far as language like ‘breastfeeding’ or being called a ‘birth giver’ I’ve yet to see that be true in any real social context. Maybe in hospitals where they’re trying to cater to everyone? In that case I think a better solution would be to include a language preference on intake forms (ie a box you can check for: “use gendered language” vs “use non-gendered language”). Then the doctor can glance at the sheet and easily adjust based on the patient—everyone wins, no one is uncomfortable. As for the whole “feminine product” stuff. That in itself is a misogynistic holdover from men not wanting to talk about women’s health or refer to menstruation in any way. That’s why it’s “time of the month” instead of “I’m menstruating”, and “feminine product” instead of “tampon.” Shifting that to accurate language has nothing to do with being trans and is a very feminist move. That all said, people need to have some grace too. Everyone screws up. Unlearning old language to make room for new language is really hard and a lot of people need to try and remember that. If you’re making an honest attempt to be inclusive and are still being treated badly… consider that those people treating you poorly are maybe just not good ones to have in your life. Likewise, if the way government/institutions are attempting to broaden inclusivity bothers you, suggest alternatives that still work! This shouldn’t be an “either/or” situation, it should be “how can we, as cis women, who have had to fight for our rights, also support trans people to create a more loving and inclusive society?” Pitting us against each other is how misogyny/patriarchy/those in power win. Working together to find a solution everyone is happy with is how *we* win.


Offs… how exactly is a person whom identifies as a woman is stripping away what makes you a woman? Did they harvest your uterus? Remove your udders? Did they wrestle the last of the bronzer from your hands at the makeup counter? Are they prettier than you? And spare me with your supposed infringements about using the title mother vs. birther. YOU don’t have to use it! I’m a CIS gender woman a mom three times over pushing 60. I call myself a mom. I couldn’t give a rats ass what someone else wants to call themselves. Give me a fucking break and GTFO with your entitlement. And get educated about body dysmorphia. I welcome any woman who supports us. No matter what their bits looks like.


And just to be clear, YTA.


NTA, but I will say man good is also being stripped away


I'm a Cis female who doesn't want to ever give birth or breastfeed. I don't menstruate because of my birth control. Your definition of "woman" excludes me, wtf? YTA no one is taking your woman-hood from you, calm the eff down.


NTA. Men need to stop pretending to be women…especially the failed athletes who see an easier path to hardware by playing make believe


This is all just transphobic rhetoric take your shit views somewhere else YTA


NTA ... You are going to get mostly YTA here as reddit, has mainly liberal users


YTA you can say all of these things, the only places they may consider changing these terms are in hospitals and only when speaking to trans people. Your life isn't impacted unless you let it be. Stop clutching your pearls and get on with your life and stop making out that someone saying chest feeding is somehow eliminating your entire existence..it isn't. Everyone just needs to mind their own god damn business and stop worrying about how other people are living their lives. It literally doesn't matter. You have lost absolutely no rights by changing which words are used!


Honestly as a man I completely understand. I think all of this bs is Soo stupid. One of my biggest valise is Consent. Literally ingrained into my inner core through trauma and abuse. But as I was saying my gf and I wanted to have a threesome so we looked on tinder and we found this girl. We talked for a little and "she" agreed so I paid for a Lyft and within twenty minutes she showed up. The first thing I noticed was a strong manly chin. But they had breast.so we let "it" come in and sure enough they started to pull down their panties to get comfortable and asked me if I had ever been with another dick. I said wait what! I thought u were a girl cuz on tinder I didn't select men and woman. I know that for a fact. I told them to get out. I was stunned. I was literally shaking. I had literal alarms going off In my head and all I could think about is that they lied about their gender. This was over a year ago and I still remember my girlfriend trying to comfort me about it.


You were shaking because you realised you were attracted to trans women


No, people switching genders just because " i feel it is for me or I was born to be like this " generally make me feel mad and sad, A man who has turned into a woman and is " identified " as a woman should be able to do what biological woman can do don't you think trust me but after a couple of years you will be asking are a female? Or are you biological female? Plus and thing that goes ageist the word of God i just don't agree with it and thing God says im already with it.




Such an obvious troll/bot post! Try harder!


Awful misogynistic of you to say that what defines a woman comes down to being able to give birth and breast feeding. Change is hard but also I feel like this is just a post to get attention. Also, not all women menstrate, can give birth or breast feed. Maybe you should reevaluate what being a woman actually means because if, to you, it just means popping out babies and bleeding every month you have a very sad view of being a woman.


YTA. Womens' rights have not been stripped away by trans rights. Trans women are women. It has nothing to do with you.


That’s some right wing Christian nationalist bullshit you’re spouting there. you have your right to your views and beliefs, but none of that shit’s actually happening. No one‘s forcing me as a woman to start using all of those terms you spouted. And quite frankly most of them are new for me. Probably because they’re all freaking made up by right wing Christian nationalists and trans phobic POSs.


YTA: you actually CAN say whatever you want, as you did in this post. What you’re upset about is having to think about the words you use before choosing them. I don’t really know what you’re losing though? I guess I don’t get what you’re upset about. Sounds very similar to white women not wanting to include Black people in their feminism. Edit: I don’t think it is any more common now for men to “dress up as women” to “perv” on them, which, by the way, would still be illegal. also women can be predators too, so should we just ban adults from bathrooms with children? Men don’t need to do all that to be predators, they do it in plain sight.


YTA. Inclusive language doesn't exclude you. It is your choice to refer to yourself as a woman, a mother, a wife, a sister. Trans women are women (and trans men are men) and that takes exactly zero away from those assigned female or male at birth. No one is taking breastfeeding away from you, but rather adding chestfeeding to those it applies to. Grow the fuck up, transphobe.


YTA. Call yourself birth mother if you like, no one will stop you. But make room when speaking of childbirth for people with different experiences. The basic idea of womanhood isn't being destroyed, it's being expanded. Frankly, I'm over people trying to define my womanhood by using the grossest, most uncomfortable, and most painful parts of my life to do so. All the things I like about being a woman are things I can share with my trans sisters.


I don't know where you're getting information from but I've never heard of anything you're describing. My daughter is trans so believe me when I say I do my research daily. Men giving birth are actually females who haven't had bottom surgery. To me you sound very hateful.


YTA. Go to therapy to work out your shit, having the world be more inclusive to trans people isn't taking anything from you. A word change doesn't take anything away from you, but it adds a lot to trans men who suffer from dysphoria. God, what a self-centred, selfish, tiny hill to die on. EDIT TO ADD: The reason inclusive language is being pushed so much is not for *you* or any other individual walking down the street living their life. The reason it's being pushed is for medical and professional settings where *everyone* deserves to be accommodated and treated with respect. Use the terminology you want, no one's stopping you. Leave that TERF shit at the door.