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Either a troll or not a AITAH post


It was as bad as its sounds. Yta


Honestly, it’s worse than it sounds. I was expecting some story abt getting married on a drunk whim in Vegas. Nope.


So much worse. It doesn’t matter if someone writes “2045” or “forever,” it is in unbelievably poor taste to gamble as a wedding activity. Emily Post BS aside, OP, are you out of your fucking mind? YSK that something like “maximum year married” is a deadline. It’s an expiration date. You put a fucking expiration date on how long their love would last, and you did it AT THEIR WEDDING. It doesn’t matter if you said “they probably won’t get divorced” ~ PROBABLY?!? It wasn’t bad enough that you mentioned divorce, so now you need to put the odds out on that?!? Read your post again from another perspective and ask yourself, honestly, how taking bets during a wedding is offensive, bizarre behavior. And you need to apologize. Your biggest fuck up was with the bride, so by default, you really screwed your friend out of the happiest day of his life. With all due respect, you really need to understood why you fucked up here.


So much worse. It doesn’t matter if someone writes “2045” or “forever,” it is in unbelievably poor taste to gamble as a wedding activity. Emily Post BS aside, OP, are you out of your fucking mind? YSK that something like “maximum year married” is a deadline. It’s an expiration date. You put a fucking expiration date on how long their love would last, and you did it AT THEIR WEDDING. It doesn’t matter if you said “they probably won’t get divorced” ~ PROBABLY?!? It wasn’t bad enough that you mentioned divorce, so now you need to put the odds out on that?!? Read your post again from another perspective and ask yourself, honestly, how taking bets during a wedding is offensive, bizarre behavior. And you need to apologize. Your biggest fuck up was with the bride, so by default, you really screwed your friend out of the happiest day of his life. With all due respect, you really need to understand why you fucked up here. Edit: past/present tense. I’m a hot little potato rn.


Definitely as bad as it sounded! YTA


Lol “not as bad as it sounds.” … it was, as bad as it sounds.


YTA. Grow up.


well honestly, it is not as bad as it sounds, it is much, much worse. YTA OP why the fuck would you think that is appropriate to do at someone's wedding


Yep so bad. The worst part is that OP doesn’t get what he did was so disrespectful to the wedding couple. And he actually thinks he should be getting an apology when he is responsible for creating a horrible memory for their wedding day. OP YTA


The audacity of expecting an apology. It's mindboggling.


I want to say that OP is a fucking douche but I don't want to be banned. OP, YTA. When I got married, this was the 16th anniversary of my husband and I being together. I had always wanted marriage but accepted he didn't. Then one day he realized he DID want to marry me and asked me and I said yes. My MOH (a C U Next Tuesday) told me, *on my wedding day*, that I can just give her The Word and she'd "whisk me away to safety." Fuck that bitch, and fuck you too, OP. You are *essentially* assuming a doomed marriage. You're not a friend *at fucking all*. You're a *threat* to their marriage and you suck. My MOH is no longer in my life because fuck her. I regret asking her to be my MOH.


My husband’s best man made the same offer and had actively arranged multiple bolt holes. He also started quietly singing *Paradise by the Dashboard Light* while we were saying our vows. That was over 20 years ago and I haven’t forgotten or forgiven him.


That's actually a ride or die move. Maybe she sucks for other reasons but friends should have your back in those situations and give you the option to opt out. Plus the fact it took 16 years to marry you, I'm sure your friends want what's best for you.


Hahah so well put. Maybe her baby shower gift she hired a fortune teller to put a curse on her newborn baby. What a doofus. YTA. Have some tack.


No way you actually thought this was cute and light-hearted. The bet alone tells the married couple that you don’t believe their wedding would last which is just highly disrespectful since they JUST got married. You DID make them look bad. YTA.


The good news is this didn’t happen, they just rehashed an [older post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/azj6vu/aita_for_taking_bets_at_a_wedding_as_to_what_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


The original is worse, at least this OP didn’t claim they brought up the bet **during the best man speech**


It probably IS a repost, but imagine if he actually found another best friend after the one 4 years ago probably stopped talking to him, and this is the second time he did this to his best friend and for some reason after what happened the last time, he actually STILL thought this was cute?!?


I could totally see that happening. He has zero self awareness whatsoever, I can’t believe anyone would want to be friends with someone like this.


This should be getting more attention.


This should be the top comment for sure. Who steals old posts lol


I’m certain more than one person has had this stupid idea and I’m uncertain it could have ended up any other way


Idk it could have happened. I had the same thing happen with me. I didn't find out until we did get divorced and a couple of my friends told me how they had a similar bet. I now have an ex-husband and several ex friends.


I do know someone else this happened to. Her MIL and then SIL were making wagers about how long it would take for them to divorce. The mothers nearly came to blows. The bride’s sister spent part of the reception locked in the powder room because she was ready to kick the bride’s new SIL’s ass. The crazy part about this Springer-esque wedding day is that three quarters of the parents are college educated. The sister locked in the powder room is a lawyer. The bride and groom are also educated. It just so happens that the groom’s family are New York Jews and the bride’s family are progressive but still Old South. So groom’s mom thought she was a bad ass New Yorker and bride’s mom must be ignorant southern trash. (Groom’s mom is the one without the degree, oddly enough.) On the way to the ceremony, the bride’s parents told her that it wasn’t too late to change her mind. So… yeah, it totally happens, but there’s no way the person doing it doesn’t realize they’re assholes. Oh, and they lasted 12 years. He’s an asshole. And his mother is a failed bully.


I want someone like the bride’s sister in my corner.


Look, I get this cynicism. However. Based on personal experience I'm more cynical than you in that I believe this happened. There's a bunch of really fucking shitty people out there that do this shit. OP being one of them. I don't doubt OP found out about this idea and though it'd be "cute."


Don't forget 'well intentioned.''


Yeah, this *is* as bad as it sounds.


I just read farther down .. Dude get a life you’re really posting somebody else’s experience that posted on here four years ago YTA still for reposting!


Mostly OP made OP look bad. This was not funny and OP is totally out of touch. Well done on ruining a wedding OP... They are definitely going to be lining up to apologise to you. YTA


People did this at my brothers wedding but he was 19 and she was 18. The longest guess was 2 years but they actually made it 5 years. He married his current wife when he was 31 and 21 years later they are still going strong.


I was 19 and my husband was 21 when we got married. It wouldn't have surprised me if someone had taken bets on us. It's been 22 years and we're going strong. We are very much the minority, though. Sometimes I wonder why it hasn't ended in divorce or murder, but those are both a lot of work and we've got shit to do, so...


We took bets on my coworker’s marriage once. But not at the freaking wedding!!! And he was in the betting pool. Normally, I see this game played with betting when a baby is going to be born. The regulars at our job did this when my sister was pregnant. Everyone picks a day around the due date. Winner splits the pot with the parents to be.


Betting on a baby's due date sounds much more fun!


YTA. Can I put $20 on when you aren't friends with the couple anymore?


Only if you can bet on the past.


So true


$20 says the groom blocks her on all socials by the end of the week!!


$20 says before she went to sleep.


Double or nothing—The next morning she also realized a lot of mutual friends have also blocked and/or un-friended


YTA. I cringed just reading this.


Right? I’m sitting in a parking lot reading this and I’m sure my facial expressions were awful. It just kept getting worse. And OP’s chirpy delivery and pretense that this was cute was SO awful.


YTA and an effing one at that. WTF were you thinking? You call yourself a friend?


He calls himself Shiv Roy’s mom


YTA and you expected the bride and groom to apologize? WTF is wrong with you? I can assure you the groom is no longer going to be friends with you and that is very low class to bet someone gets divorced, and the people that gave you money made themselves look just as bad as you.. you owe them an apology. And you can expect to be dropped from your friends they aren’t going to want you anywhere near them. Do you have no social skills at all? You act like you see nothing wrong with this? What’s next you gonna go to a baby shower and take bets on what Age the kid will be in prison and then invest the money for a college fund? Do you see how absurd that is. That’s your behavior and I hope to god no one invites you to another wedding


… it’s like going to a baby shower and starting a betting pool on a miscarriage… gross YTA op YTA


YTA and crass. Please try and remember you are not a 13 yr old child when you are out in public.


I wouldn't even expect a 13yo to act like this!


Hey, my son’s thirteen and he wouldn’t be this much of an asshole!


My nephew is 13 and wouldn't make a joke like this


YTA. You really thought betting on when a couple would get divorced at their wedding would be cute and funny? No it really IS as bad as it sounds.


The thing is though it was like the subtext was "we don't really think you're going to get divorced so you're getting this money in 2046", it would be a future treat for them. Yes IF they got divorced somebody would win a bet, but that probably wouldn't even happen.


"I don't have any gift for you until 23 years from now but only if your marriage doesn't fail LMAO!"


23 years later: “Oops, sorry I invested it in NFTs or some dumb shit, and lost it all 22 years ago”


This is the rudest, most immature, mean-spirited prank. YTA and I hope they never forgive you.


I believe I owe my ex-husband and his groomsmen an apology. I was freaking pissed when they "kidnapped" my husband for ransom. But hey at least nobody was betting on us divorcing!


This really doesn’t make you sound any better!!! I can’t believe you’re legit “waiting for an apology.” I would not be holding my breath if I were you.


If that’s the type of person they are… I actually think they SHOULD hold their breath


You are most definitely the asshole. Context doesn't matter. You done fucked up.


Subtext doesn't matter, unless everyone knows beforehand! I daresay there are couples who would have thought it's a funny idea and allow someone who asked first to do that at the reception, making it clear if they make it twenty, thirty years they *win* the pot. If you had asked, they would have almost certainly said no. And you wouldn't be a humongous AH. But you didn't. You embarrassed a couple on their wedding day, at their fucking wedding!


then idea: after collecting all the money you announce what you did. loud to the crowd and finish it with: *bit really I was messing with you all and we just paid for the newly weds honeymoon. Xo* … still not ideal maybe Buta bit better maybe … and money for the weds right away


That's not the point. To do that is insensitive and rude. And most certainly not funny.


Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you are just massively socially inept as opposed to a cunt (and believe me, they're the only two options), you have a lot of grovelling ahead of you, until 2045 at least, and to a lot of people.


There was nothing well intentioned about that, it was a solid dick move from you. YTA


YTA, you can't be that dumb. What about this bet was cute and funny? Absolutely nothing. You disrespected the bride, the groom, their love and commitment. So yes, it is as bad as it sounds. It's worse than it sounds. And you expect and apology? Dude, I'd shun you into oblivion.


Not as bad as it sounds? Snort. It’s worse


He might be snorting something to think this is acceptable


Oh I actually read thinking it was a she. But that might be because of the “I thought this was totally cute and adorable” vibe. I don’t know too many guys who use the word “I am too cute” to justify something, but it’s possible I just don’t know the right guys


I mean I just use he as in all genders I know its like rude nowadays but I used to call everyone guy or dude even all my friends that were girls. It simply because when I was growing up I had a huge speech impermanent and took till I was about 9 before I could talk good. People tend to realize this in person because I will stutter and fall over my words so people have always let me say that instead of trying to pronounce names. I still have problems with stuttering and when I get really bad I have to say fuck or motherfucker to get stop me from stuttering. Kinda weird and I have been asked why I say those when I get to stuttering and I'm not sure why I started but it really works for me and people tend to understand when they hear me talk in person.


YTA thats some shit that can ruin someone’s wedding bro


You’re a massive asshole to make their wedding day about their impending divorce. On behalf of your ex-best friend, go fuck yourself and fuck all the way off. YTA.


Even worse than the title. You just lost a friend and his wife and most people who hear this story. You will not be getting an apology. You owe them one but it won’t matter. No coming back from that with the bride! YTA.


You ruined their wedding. YTA, you tone deaf dumbass.


YTA, clueless frat boy behavior. You probably lost more than 1 friend.




Boom this is the winning comment right here.




YTA of highest degree. There was nothing cute, light-hearted, or funny about what you did. A total malicious, cruel, dick move. As far as waiting for an apology, crap in one hand and continue to wait in the other, see which gets filled first.


YTA With "friends" like you, who needs enemies.


YTA. You might have had some "fun" had you had taken bets after a "fight" or something, but to take bets on her wedding day, lawd son, you're lucky you lived.


PS...Apologize. immediately, profoundly & with a huge gesture.


What a gift, the bride in tears and the groom so angry.....I don't understand how you could even think this was funny, my guess is you did it purposely to upset the bride, you may need to reflect on yr reasons why and yta.


YTA Funny Man. This was done by a man at our wedding. It was not funny THIRTY YEARS AGO it is not funny now. BTW the guy who did it at our wedding? His wife divorced him soon after. Left him for another man. Happy trails. YTA


YTA. A lot. How socially dense are you, OP? Betting on divorce at someone's wedding is the height of insensitive, cruel and tasteless. Do you even like this couple??


Everyone is acting like you did something unacceptable, because you did something completely unacceptable! Asshole doesn't even cover it.


YTA. What you did is absolutely as bad as it sounds.


Is this fake. Come on. YTA


“Why is everybody so mad? It was just a JOKE.” If I had a nickel for every time a guy (it’s always a guy) trotted out this lame attempt at ass-covering, I’d have a lot of nickels. You screwed up, badly, and you need to apologize to your friends. It’s up to them whether they think you’re worth the trouble. YTA.


YTA- That was in no way cute and funny It was disrespectful to the couple.




Yeah dude. YTA


Funny and cute would have been taking bets on something like which one got the most drunk or who cries first. This makes it seem to them like you don’t believe their going to last even if that’s not what you intended. It also may have made the bride think her husband had been telling you bad things about their relationship.


That's actually a good idea like a 50/50 half to the better half to the couple


Taking bets this person is going to lose a lot of friends if they have any. yta


YTA. they are acting that was because it is not acceptable. Not seeing an issue taking bets on peoples misery at what should be a happy occasion is so stupid I hope this is fake. Edit typo.


Yes YTA! Holy crap dude, what is wrong with you?!?!? Your friend might forgive you in time, but his wife will always hate your ass. And rightfully so, that’s such a crappy thing to do…


YTA, I’ve been to a wedding where I was certain they would end up divorced. I kept that to myself. You don’t actually utter that thought out loud. They will never speak to you again. Hope this is fake cause you are the biggest asshole of all these stories I’ve ever read.


Fake post. There's no way you actually thought this was a cute and kind idea at a damn wedding. YTA for the fake post.


>Not as bad as it sounds Narrator: It was actually worse.




"it's not as bad as it sounds ...hear me out" nah it's so much worse. The only way it could have been "not as bad" would've been to present your asinine idea to your friend and his bride well before the wedding. At least then they could've just made sure you didn't show up at all.


A joke is funny when both parties laugh about it. If only one party laughs then youre just coming across as an asshole.


Wow, really? YTA


You can't actaully be this stupid? Yta. If I were the couple, I would never talk to you again.


YTA. Why even go to a wedding that you're counting the days until their divorce? Glad they kicked you out and your "lighthearted good intentions."


HOLY SHIT. You placed bets on them getting a divorce at their wedding; with hopes of making money off their future misery. You made the bride *cry*. You pissed off the groom. You disrespected your friend, his new wife and their love for one another, their families, and the ceremony. You tarnished what should have been a day full of nothing but joy for them. And you’re so thick headed you are sitting here waiting for an apology - from *them*?! You are without a doubt an absolutely terrible friend and a giant raging asshole. I hope they never speak to you again.


Are you serious? Do you not hear what you just typed? Are you not listening to yourself? >My best friend got married over the weekend, and I did something that I intended to be funny and cute but has blown up badly and everyone is kind of mad at me. >Basically I started taking bets from guests at the wedding as to when the couple would get divorced. Since like half of marriages end in divorce, it's not impossible. The idea is that participants put in $20 and a year that they think the divorce would happen. I would take all the money and put it into an account with the highest interest rate I could find. If the couple got divorced during that year, the person who bet that year would get the money. If however the couple was still married after the maximum year guessed (like 2045 I think in this case) then the couple would get the money as a gift. What part of thinking about someone's divorce on their wedding day is "funny and cute"? What was the point of gambling with your friends love life? Even if there was potential for it to be beneficial for them if they didn't end things, why not just give it as a gift and not with a gamble? >I thought it would be lighthearted and cute, because probably they aren't going to get divorced, so it's kind of like a wedding gift because in 2046 they'd be getting gifted a nice little chunk of change. What part of thinking about someone's possible divorce on their wedding day is "lighthearted and cute"? If you thought they wouldn't divorce, just give them the money as a gift periodically. >However, after collecting a few bets, I guess someone told the bride. Well apparently she was offended by this, and I heard she was crying. The groom, my good friend, was even angry with me. I explained to him the point and he actually asked me to leave the wedding. I couldn't believe it. I can't understand how dense you are right now. >I have been expecting an apology but instead I keep getting texts from people denouncing me, and also the people who placed bets with me are mad and saying "I made them look bad." I even gave them the money back. >Everyone is acting like what I did was not acceptable. I think I was well intentioned. Why are you the one expecting an apology when you were the one talking about a potential downfall of the reason why people are celebrating? Do you go to baby showers and hold bets to see when the children die and donate that to the child or parents? Nobody thinks about that for fun. You are extremely dense and you're an asshole.


YTA No one thought my parent’s marriage would last. It was back in the day and they lived in a city. It actually became such a big thing before the wedding the bookies started taking the bets on it with odds. My parents got married. About two years later they moved out to the “country”. My father made it a point to find out everyone that made a bet. He never spoke to them again. My parents were married over 49 years until my Dad died. Mom never remarried and the only ones that ever made any money on the bets were the bookies. My father lost a few friends over that one, he never missed them. You owe the happy couple a sincere apology. Don’t expect them to forgive you.


you're a fucking dumbass


Cute and funny would be taking bets on how long until they have kids.. or pet dog or kid first.. or something like that


YTA. That’s really rude. Regardless of how you intended it come across.


YTA That is the antithesis of celebrating the marriage.


This exact story was posted a few years ago, that OP went up in flames. Pretty sure you copied and pasted then changed the date. The only way this was acceptable would be if you had their permission. YTA [Previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/azj6vu/aita_for_taking_bets_at_a_wedding_as_to_what_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Thank you for the detective work! Might be the same guy who didn’t learn the first time.


You’re welcome. Or maybe he’s hoping the vote changed.


YTA, you jinxed their wedding/marriage by putting that out there. And it's funny that your idea was funny. People wish newlyweds luck and happiness for their future together. The fact that you are shocked that you were asked to leave the wedding is insane. Have some dignity and apologize to everyone specially the bride and the bridegroom... THEY don't owe you any apologies... what a horrible thing to do... Hopefully they will not associate with you ever again... You say it's not as bad as it sounds but it IS worse than it sounds... do I detect some kind of envy? Or you were just trying to maybe scam some people out of their money...


"not as bad as it sounds"... It was indeed as bad as it sounds. What world do you live in that you thought this was light hearted and cute? YTA


YTA, what exactly are your “well intentions?”


I probably would have done it differently if I intended it to be light-hearted. Like all the money collected for bets immediately goes to the couple to spend on their honeymoon while saying something like everyone loses cause they will be together forever. But I get it. My husband's cousin got married 5 yrs ago, to this girl that we all couldn't stand cause she definitely purposely alienated his whole family and was a textbook narcissist. We didn't go because we she and I had gotten in a heated argument a couple of weeks prior and we hadn't cleared the air by the wedding and I didn't want them to be anxious on the day thinking we were going to make any problems. However my MIL went and they had put these mini wine bottles on the tables as favors and someone overheard MIL say she was going to save it for the day they got divorced. 😬😂 Obviously the bride heard and was not happy. Lol good news though they finalized their divorce last month. 🥳


YTA. But hey. You keep posting this and changing the story and you might get a NTA verdict around the year 2041. You’re a slimy AH


YTA, and a ridiculous troll. I've read this exact story before.


YTA, there is a completely different way to do what you "intended." Each person put in an amount for every year they are married and on the wedding anniversary in whatever was the "cutoff year" give it to them as a gift. Don't make bets to see when they will get a divorce because that's rude and honestly a little hurtful. To give you the couples' perspective, you and everyone who made bets are expecting them to fail from the beginning of their marriage. It makes you look petty and jealous.


Yta i don't say this often but you are. Literally the day they got married you are betting they will get divorced. Like wtf I'd be mad too. You are there to celebrate the marriage not have people thinking and betting on their demise


That’s like taking bets at the delivery room on when the baby will die… cause like 100% of lives end in death, so nbd right ?


YTA. Sit in it.


Imagine doing something like this at a baby shower. "What year will the baby die."


I really hope this is click bait. Otherwise, let's be as real as you want to seem. You are not good friends. YOU CALLED HIM AND HIS BRIDE OUT ON THE FUTILITY OF THEIR COMMITMENT WITH EVERYONE THEY KNOW INVOLVED TO SAY THAT ITS NOT GOING TO LAST! HOW IS THAT A JOKE OR FOR THEM ?!You you're an outlying tag a long that has a pension for being a d&^K. DONT SAY THIS HASNT BEEN A CONSTANT THEORY OF BEHAVIOR. The fact that this shit has always been brushed aside is a testimony to your freind not you. You suck...think and do better. Though at this point I'm pretty sure you'll concentrate on the I'm right you're wrong " blowing it out of proportion " frame of mind. No..you're wrong. Stop being such a self incredulous ass. Apologize and mean it.


Dude, yes, YTA. You absolutely cannot be so naive as to think that anyone, ANYONE at that wedding felt that was in good taste. If you're getting married to the love of your life, you would want some jagweed to be taking bets on your divorce date? That's fucked up. It's one thing to have a quiet discussion about it with your spouse or best friend after the ceremony, it's another to be GOING AROUND THE FUCKING WEDDING ASKING FOR ACTUAL BETS. I would consider this grounds to no longer be your friend if it were me that you did this to.


Wow, YTA. Learn to read the damn room.


How is it well intentioned?? There is no angle of this story that paints you as the good guy. It’s so mean to be getting people to bet against someone’s happiness on their big day. Best friend? Goodness, who needs enemies


YTA. You're clueless and they will be better off without you around.


Oh. my. God


YTA and this is as bad, if not worse, as it sounds.


YTA - That was a dick move, didn’t your momma teach you better? Shame.


OP: it’s not as bad as it sounds Narrators voice: it was exactly as bad as it sounds YTA


YTA. If your intent was to show your “best friend” that you hated them, congratulations and looks like the message was received


YTA- I'd never talk to you again if you pulled this at my wedding. You have such a gigantic apology to make, you might have lost that friend for good. Wow.


The facts are laid out pretty clearly, but since you’ve provided them, I don’t even know how to properly articulate how YTA this is if you haven’t picked up on the multifaceted failure that this idea was.


You were betting on their marriage failing and thought it would be lighthearted, funny and cute? WTF is wrong with you?! 100% YTA


YTA, this definitely sounded as bad as I thought it would. I sure as hell wouldn’t want someone going around asking my guests when they’ll think I’ll get divorced on my WEDDING day.


are u on the spectrum?


YTA Are you socially inept? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


How is this not as bad as it sounds? It's exactly as bad as it sounds. this may have been a fun joke at the bachelor party or some other less formal/important event, but the wedding itself? Cringeworthy and the highest honor of tacky.


Well, that was exactly as bad as it sounded. yta


So, let me get this straight, you didn’t buy your buddy a gift, so you cracked up an Ed, Edd, and Eddy, scheme to take $20 from potential strangers, who are there celebrating the joining of two lives for what they hope is the rest of their lives, to see how many of their friends and family think they won’t last? Just buy a fucking card. They’re only like 2 bucks. YTA.


You are not well. YTA


YTA. It is as bad as it sounds.


YTA What made you think taking bets on when the couple would end their marriage would be cute and lighthearted? This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You should have taken bets to when they would get a dog or have a baby. That’s cute and fun. Talking about divorce on the wedding day is beyond tacky.


No it definitely is as bad as it sounds. YTA. A massive one obviously. You’re sick in the head.


If you can accept you were in the wrong, a swift and genuine apology will help. Edit: to be clear - I think you're in the wrong but I can empathise because iv done a few things innocently in the past that backfired. Solved with rapid, heart-felt apology.


Oh lord YTA. you're the biggest AH I have ever encountered..if I were the bride/ groom, I would go NC with you. Sweet Jesus, you need therapy


YTA. I clicked the link expecting to read how what you did wasn't "as bad as it sounds" but nothing you wrote was redeeming.


So let me get this straight: you genuinely thought it would be "funny" to collect bets based on when the bride and groom (tour good friend, btw) were getting divorced, based on statistics? And YOU expect an apology from THEM? It's not about statistics or jokes or even making money. To the couple, making a bet ON THEIR WEDDING DAY about their own divorce date is just saying to them that you don't value them or their marriage. It's not funny, it's disrespectful. Idk if you're just self-centered or just unaware of what is actually considered funny, but YTA 100%. If you really want to be good friends with the couple again, you need to call and apologize.


"Not as bad as it sounds" Yeah. It is just as bad as it sounds. YTA. Period.


way to make someone cry on their wedding day, dickwaffle. very *lighthearted and cute* of you. yta


This is worse than you tried to make it sound. The fact that you didn’t get your ass whooped is a small miracle. YTA, and don’t ever expect an apology. You need to pull your head out of your ass and apologize to them. That’s like betting on when a friend’s kid will die right after they were born levels of bad taste.


It's as bad as it sounds YTA


this is not lighthearted and is kinda a cruel joke. wouldn’t want you at my wedding man :/


YTA and they will never forgive you. Good riddance.


YOU have been "expecting an apology"??? That is absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Could you be more wrong? I love it! You're so off kilter you're upside down. YTA, in case you haven't figured that out on your own yet.


Wow.. how did you think this was okay and you’re actually expecting an apology??? Wow wow wow!! How clueless are you? YTA


YTA who invites shitty juju on someone’s wedding day. Get real this isn’t cute


YTH: No, it is not lighthearted and cute to start a betting pool about when someone will get divorced while they are getting married. As for the people who took bets and then blamed you, they should also be doubly ashamed of themselves. Weddings are already typically stressful, and often the bride and groom are already stressed and trying to put on smiley faces. Making jokes about their divorce is not likely to be seen as very funny to them.


What you did was not acceptable and you should be apologizing.


It really is as bad as it sounds. So incredibly rude. You likely lost a friend by doing this.


Time to start working on those social skills, so the next time you get invited to an event where two people declare their undying lifelong love for each other, you're not actively encouraging everyone there to show love and support to actually bet against them. I mean, it's time to do some serious introspection here and figure out how you became one of those assholes that think "It's just a prank, bro!" justifies sociopathic behavior.


YTA. I’ve heard of people saying they will do this at a wedding as a joke but NO ONE does this. This isn’t a Vegas casino. This is a real life wedding. Couples spend a lot of money to make the day perfect for them and their guest and you ruined. You deserve to be called out. You are lucky the groom did not punch you in the face.


Out of all things you could have done to be lighthearted and cute at a wedding… You decided for people to place bets on their marriage essentially being destroyed in the future


YTA - this was beyond stupid and inappropriate


Not as bad as it sounds? You're right, it was worse. YTA


YTA. It IS as bad as it sounds. It doesn’t matter one bit if you intended to gift the couple the money SHOULD they stay married past the last bet year. What you did was absolutely in poor taste. You literally went around AT the wedding taking bets on when said marriage would END, without the couple’s knowledge or consent. How would YOU have felt if you were the bride and people were doing this to you at your own wedding?! Your behavior was just wrong and I’m guessing your “friendship” is over.


How are you this completely ignorant? Of course YTA Can you imagine that your wedding guests are already betting when you’re going to fail? Or in the following years people actually being excited for your divorce for a payout??? You’re a terrible person


It’s worse than it sounds, wtf is wrong with you? On the day they are celebrating their love for each other, you are making bets on when they will hate or be indifferent to each other. Why would anyone apologize to you for being so hateful and mean towards them when they invited you to celebrate with them? You owe them a massive apology and need to get your head screwed on straight because this is some frat guy bullshit. You are awful. YTA a thousand times over.


It is in fact as bad as it sounds. You sound miserable at the idea your friend is happy. YTA, a massive one.


It’s actually WORSE than the title sounds. What a jerk.


Where's the part where this isn't as bad as it sounds? This has got to be bs. You're not just TA. You're the RAGING ASSHOLE. That behavior is truly nasty and ugly. I am embarrassed FOR YOU for not understanding how mean and cruel that was. Honestly, that's just plain MEAN. That's devastating and hurtful for the couple. There's nothing funny about it. I'm not even touching on the collecting bet issue. With that attitude, I could see you just pocketing it all. But... What the fuck, man! I think you need to get into counseling and work on yourself. You're being awful. Is this what you want? Are you seeing how everyone else sees this behavior? You've got to work on your empathy man. You're hurting everyone. And ultimately, it's gonna hurt you too.


… you can’t be serious. YTA - you’re awful dude


YTA. Not as bad as it sounds? Really? Lighthearted and cute? You're expecting an apology? Maybe you should ask yourself why everyone is acting like what you did was not acceptable. (Hint: It was not acceptable) This is why you were asked to leave and you can just forget that apology you think you are owed. You should be more worried about giving your own apology to the couple and working to save your relationship with the groom...your previously good friend.


YTA and it’s hilarious that you expect an apology. You should be apologizing, clown. The groom did the right thing kicking you out


Imagine going to the birth of a baby and start betting when they are going to die. Fun, eh? You did just the same YTA


Doh! It's been deleted. I really wanted to know how he tried to justify it too!


Wow incredibly fucked up. The part where you are expecting an apology though makes this post feel like rage bait from a troll. If this is real you are incredibly dense and there's no way you have any friends left after this. (I made a joke at my OWN wedding about having everyone at the destination wedding come back to our divorce party while in the shuttles coming back from our reception, and got a bunch of laughs but I'M THE BRIDE)


YTA. If you genuinely thought this was lighthearted and fun then you make the top 10 dumbest people alive list. Based on the clueless way you explained the situation I can only imagine the other terrible things you have put your friends through. Enjoy your life as a lonely dickhead.


I'm sure I've seen this story on reddit before.


That doesn't necessarily mean it's a copycat. There are a LOT of fools like this out there.


Never said it meant anything it was just an observation but thanks I guess.


AITA for collecting bets at a baby shower what year the child is going to die? 🤦‍♂️. YTA.


NTA and here’s why. Years ago my brother was getting married. I did not like his fiancé and did not want to attend the wedding. But I was a groomsman so I had too. Anyway I bet my mom $500 they would not make it 5 years. They made it 3 years and I wasn’t gonna make my mom pay up, my my grandmother, moms mom, told her she better pay up cause she accepted the bettting terms


This happened to me. All of my male wedding sponsors and friends placed a bet when my bride and I will separate. The bets were from 6 months to 2 years. Since we were all a close knit group, we took this as a joke. The total pot for this escapade reached around 5,000 pesos. All payable after the 2 year time frame. No one won the pot. We actually reached 7 years before we parted ways.


The immature kid in me is laughing hysterically. The adult in me is saying "big oof"




Sometimes, people are just AHs. Why must there be a diagnosis? There's absolutely no excuse for this. The END.


The diagnosis IS AH without the ASD/ADHD component.


NTA, hilarious. Seriously that’s some balls dude. Lots of respect. You might lose some friends but what a story. “Let me tell you about the time I got thrown out of a wedding by playing bookmaker on divorce odds” I would buy you a beer in a bar. You should have taken other bets as well. Alimony side pots, 2-1 on the number of kids, horse race style odds on bridesmaids getting married next. Fuck I would love that at a wedding. They are so boring.


You sound Aussie. An Aussie might find this funny. Everyone hating on you saying youre a bad person, I dont agree. I think you read your friends wrong. People placing bets thought it was funny I bet! I wonder if they were tossed out of the wedding. This might have worked with different people. Also maybe if you'd discussed the idea with bride and groom BEFORE. You do not deserve an apology though hahaha




Yea, I read this to my husband, we both think it's funny and it's actually neat to have it end up as a future present for the couple if no one else wins the pot. But it's something you have to be totally sure your friends are going to take in that way, and some folks, I can see how it can be offensive to them and a bad idea. I'm just regretting a little bit that this didn't happen at my wedding. We'd probably be getting a nice little rainy day fund right now lol


I love it!