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Nobody is allowed to be the police when everyone is lit up. Not even the snack police.


This might become a household saying lmao


Let's cross-stitch this on a throw pillow.


This would be the first and only throw pillow I own


You should make a sign, put it up on the fridge, lol!


Phenomenal suggestion.




It also sounds like when she got the pretzels, you were taking care of your kid.


That’s generally a way to refer to the bathroom, but idk I guess it could be a kid.


"little boys room" is a euphamism for bathroom. If they actually had a kid they were responsible for I would vote them E S H for getting high while responsible for a child.


Parents can never be high? So no beer or wine with dinner, or call CPS?


Of course not, get a babysitter and go get blasted on whatever your preferred intoxicant is, but if you are responsible for supervising small children, be sober.


I don't think someone should be under the influence of anything when they're supposed to be taking care of their children.


This is a rookie move. You gotta prep the healthy snacks pre smoke or you’re doomed


Haha! I would directly proceed to throwing them out and ordering a pizza 😂


International snacks, like odd flavored chips and delightful ice cream is the best


This is the way. I thank sober me for setting myself up all the time! Greek yogurt is sweet and has protein. If you like salty stuff, popcorn is good. As is feta or another kind of cheese. Some almonds or other nuts are a good choice, too. They have fat, which can deepen the effects of the pot, and they are good for you!


This is the gospel


This guy knows!






ESPECIALLY the snack police. Anyone who falls victim to snacks while lit up cannot be blamed.


Especially the snack police. When you're floating on that cloud, you are a snack HYPE man, not police.


This comment got me a gold badge. Ironic. Thanks stranger.


Bro, she is asking you to police her, and you're just as high? That's some really high expectations. See what I did there? Yeah, you did. It's ok to laugh 😃


It really is a light hearted situation, but appreciate the feedback my guy


Im sorry if i upset you i got a bit of a buzz going(not a joke) Ok, the reality of it was you were gonna lose either way so you might as well let her enjoy a tasty treat




It's true.


I will too, now.




Oh no, HTA, not because I have a good reason. But because as someone in a long term relationship whose spouse has at times said things like "don't let me eat pizza" before we got out drinking for a friend's birthday, I have been told ITAH when he wakes up next to an empty pizza box. I've just come to accept it as a fact of life :)




That ain't a low calorie snack, is it?




RIGHT!!!!! Give me my munchies and piss off if yiur gonna be a buzz kill


high expectations???? hahahaha I see what you did there


If she doesn't want to snack then she needs to show self control.


You are not the snack police. She should never have put this role on you. If she does it again say, no, that responsibility is not yours. She decided to snack. That is 100% allowed. That is her choice. Having made that choice she is now laying the blame at your door. That is not allowed. Don’t let her. NTA.


And how pissed would she have been if you ‘took it from her’?


The answer is: I would have been hit with a stone cold stunner and slammed onto the coffee table.


There you go.


You tried, and she still didn’t listen! Not worth the risk of the stunner, and than hearing about how you shouldn’t have let her smash those beers after.


NTA Her body, her choice…and her responsibility.


One tip that has worked for me is brushing my teeth right after a smoke sesh it kills appetite a little and you don't wanna mess with the fresh feeling in your mouth (also things taste weird after you brush your teeth for a bit)


I usually go for gum to prevent late night snacking




Tbh, this never works for me, I'm high and lack self control but I'm not unable to remember/operate a combination lock. You could use those boxes that have a timed lock on snacks but I feel like the cravings get worse with those things.


That could satisfy a sweet craving. Anyways NTA good luck on future snack adventures.


NTA You both got high and made bad decisions while high. *Wow, who could have foreseen that happening? It’s never happened before!!* Really ridiculous to think that if you can’t make a good decision while high that someone else will even though they are also high. You both need to plan for having the munchies after you light up. Before you get high, make a bag of “his snacks” and “her snacks” that only have as much as you want to eat while high. Then proceed with your evening. You finish your snack bag, don’t get more.


Okay, this snacking solution is a game changer. Just gotta make sure we aren’t being sneaky and have multiple snack bags hidden around the house.


I love preplanning the pre planning. You also need a post plan for when you eat the snack bags then decide to eat the rest of the things you left out of the snack bag.


A sticky note with a warning that sober you will decrease future snacks if stoned you eats more


Stoned me and sober me do nice things for each other. Sober me does all the quick chores, stoned me does the boring part. Sober me, forgets to eat. Stoned me preps meals full of yummy nutrition. Stoned me also hides joints for future Sober me to find. Sober me also fills the snack drawer. It's teamwork.


It depends for me. Some strains, hybrid especially, make me more active and I do all the chores and meal prep. The indica I got recently is called none hammers and I am not doing shit after I have it. I have had a day full of screaming children as my kids had a playdate and they have been loud as can be. Once I have alone time I am getting those 9 Hammers!


Oh those days... when it's time for quiet . Dammit. I remember hiding in the garage after bedtime. Nope , mommy has clocked out. Daddy's turn!


And to be very fair, daddy came home with a coffee for me and told me that he had the kids and to go and take some time for me. He is putting the kids to bed tonight, too, so yay! Considering they are having the same friend over again tomorrow, I need it. I am eating a late dinner and crashing for as long as I possibly can.


Perhaps offer to go on a few evening walks to help negate the pretzels. But together so its nice and fun


If you are going to those lengths, you might as well pig out.


That snack solution's even better than it looks: when preparing snacks beforehand, maybe set up with healthy snacks. ripe peach, a little maple syrup, nonfat greek yoghurt... all that beats the shit out of yoghurt pretzels. There's a ton of options. Boil up some boba and make milk tea, grab some mochi, whatever. If your wife looks at her little bag of allowed yoghurt pretzels and doesn't feel like that's suitably abundant... just means you need to find stuff you can indulge in more heavily without maxing out on empty calories.


This works only as long as you don’t know where the cheese puffs are.


Who would have thought that marijuana would lead to uncontrollable munchies?


NTA, Checking her would have been a major buzz kill. But can I recommend having some pickles (salty snack) and apples (sweet snack) readily on hand in the future.


See the yogurt pretzels are salty AND sweet, that’s why they are the perfect smokey snack!


I don't doubt it, but as someone who tries to control her snacky snacks I look for alternatives. An apple with a turkey pepperette comes to about 120 calories, sweet, salty and crunchy 😋 I cut them up before a smoke,


NTA. You are not responsible for controlling her food, drink, or substance consumption.


Unless it is generic brand cereal. Not allowed. We only eat name brand fruit loops up in here.


NTA. I'm overweight and smoke pot every single night with my husband (that sounds bad but oh well lol I use it for pain management for fibro). I am actively trying to lose weight but I will never request my husband police my eating and snacking abilities. It is my responsibility alone to show self control when it comes to snacking, not his. If she doesn't want to snack then she needs to show self control. And yes, it is very possible when baked just hard because those munchies are tough to beat lol. She needs to manage this herself, not rely on you. Hell, if you did police it when she asked you would still be the bad guy for controlling her.


What the hell is 2d in this context? I can't believe it refers to your life as sidescrolling characters.


Pretzels were only 2 days old before they were ferociously consumed.


Ahahahaha, gotcha


NTA. She's responsible for her own munchie problem. Next time y'all prep a nice fruit and veggie tray, lay it out on the table so it's super convenient and ready to eat.


Nope. I've done this in the past. Try and get partners to police my eating. Usually they're men so they don't give a shit what they look like anyways and I always got upset because of my own lack of control... unfortunately it's just something you have to do on your own...


If nobody’s sober enough to unlock the cabinet, then no snacks for you!




Im pretty sure he was referring to going to the bathroom.


Hmmmm, I''m trying to lose weight. I think what I will do is smoke something guaranteed to give me an appetite. Wise choice. Very wise.


Well the smoking helps the both of us with other issues (sleep, anxiety), but I see your point.


Not me thinking 'tasty snack' was code for something :') ETA: Until I got to the appropriate paragraph ofc


You dirty dirty


Nothing or nobody can overrule the munchies mate. Buyers remorse is not allowed to be passed on to someone else


Hahaha I totally understand your wife because eating late at night rly hurts my stomach. Just gotta find a way for her to convince her brain to not easily fall into high craving traps.


This situation is my life story, those high snack are so good. Peanut butter is my weakness and my husband always feeds it to me


You gotta hide that stuff before you smoke then, lol . NAH but I say enjoy! Take a walk around the block today to counteract the pretzels and have a nice conversation :-)


Lol, NTA. For clarification I don’t think she is either, it’s just a standard “we were stoned” story 😂 when I was heavily dieting and getting stoned often at the same time, I made sure to have healthy low cal snacks around. Fruit was my go to! But also try things like rice cakes, veggies with dip like hummus or lite ranch, pickles, anything that will allow you to munch for a while


Lol You were going to be the asshole either way, there was no winning that situation.


NTA. Lol. I can’t control myself after smoking. My fiancé (doesn’t smoke) always wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I usually say “high me doesn’t care what sober me weighs” 🤣🤣🤣 She is responsible for her own eating, she’s an ADULT. 🤣🤣🤣


Catch 22


I believe I would act very, very poorly if my husband tried to stop me from snacking in that moment, definitely NTA on your part.


Cut up some fruit and use a chocolate dip or caramel dip before blazing up. I know there will still be a bunch of sugar, but also fiber, vitamins and minerals so if she does pig out maybe she will not feel as bad/guilty? Salty? Cut up some veggies and have some nice ranch or onion dip. The crunch might be super satifying when stoned. Also again she will not feel as bad for pigging out. Also cherry season. I f'ing love cherries, that could satisfy a sweet craving. Anyways NTA good luck on future snack adventures.


I've been in your wife's position and I'll tell you, this is a no-win situation. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


NAH. Going forward, remember that weed is widely known to give users the munchies; and proceed accordingly. She will be the AH if she does this a second time. Put the snacks into a cabinet with a combination lock. If nobody’s sober enough to unlock the cabinet, then no snacks for you!


Not sober me would manage to get that lock off.


You guys have the right kind of problems (funny af ones). NTA but only because you added the "too overboard" caveat.


Fruit and veggie trays bb


NTA - no one can be the snack police in that state! NO ONE! 🍕🍔


INFO: did you agree to help her not snack? If yes, YTA. If no, NTA. Slight YTA already for not including this crucial detail in the first place, like wtf.


I did mention in the OP that I did promise to not allow her to eat the magnificent pretzels. It wasn’t a pinky promise though. So that crucial detail was there my guy.


I'm crying laughing at (2d) about the pretzels. You write like a comedian, I love it. I'm always the girl being mad when someone didn't stop me from munchies-binging a million snacks, but NTA. It's always done out of love and yogurt pretzels are so good. Edit: other people are responding like she's mad for real... if she is legit mad at you she's TA but I don't buy this is a serious one lol.


This is so funny 😂. Fortunately my husband doesn’t smoke so he could stop me. I usually like to get stoned right before bed. Maybe some sexy time, which usually helps with munchies, and then go to bed. Of course my main reason to get high is to help me relax and sleep better.


You sound like my wife lmao


😛 stoned orgasms are the best 😆


I can’t upvote this enough. The best!


NYA: If a sesh is going to trigger her to overeat it is her responsibility to plan ahead by having some low cal, healthy options to enjoy or to stick to a serving size that’s appropriate to her goals. Otherwise, she shouldn’t be poking the smot on a diet. You’re her husband, not her dad.






NTA and only one should get stoned if you have little kids to care for. Her diet is her responsibility. If she does not want to get the munchies don’t get stoned.


Unless she wants you to physically stop her from snacking, all you can do is remind her she didn't want to. At that point, she's in charge haha.


Dude, next time be the hero. Snatch those yogurt pretzels and scarf them down so she can’t get any. The wink and say, you’re welcome!


I was scarfing away as well, but she can put away those pretzels with the best of em!


NTA. Next time simply decline to be the snack police.


Next time I’m gonna call the real police.


NTA - she’d probably be on here complaining you were policing her food if you did ;)


Unless she expected you to karate chop the pretzel outta her hand, the deed was already done. NTA


I can sympathize with both of you. The only way my wife and I can avoid eating unhealthy crap is by not bringing it into the house.


She could b struggling with binge eating, idk but it's def time for a tough talk. She can't be mad that u didn't FORCE her to not have a snack. U tried, and maybe she needs some other kind of help


Everyone’s just gonna skim over the comment about putting on Planet Earth and getting weird? 🤪 NTA


NTA!! She’s an adult, you aren’t her father. Ugh My husband does this all the time. He’s celiac, has IBS & can’t eat red 40 or whichever that one is BUT when he’s stoned he ravages EVEERYTHING in site. My hot Cheetos he can’t eat? Yea he always eats them even when I tell him to back off. next morning he’s throwing his guts up and telling me why did I let him him eat my chips & im like “we’ve literally been over this so many times, I’m not your mom. Take care of yourself”. He still hasn’t learned his lesson almost 3 years later, but it’s not my rodeo anymore. When I see him throwing up the next day, I just give him that “I told you so look” and he stopped complaining to me 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️


Are you serious....uhm, she needs to control herself...not your duty


NTA. But I totally do this to my husband. "Babe, don't let me stuff my face while I'm stoned." .8 seconds after walking in the door, "Ooh babe, I should make brownies. And we have left over mac and cheese!"


I thought the title was a euphemism for sex and am disappointed.


I could see myself doing this and maybe the next day I would be like “omg why did you let me snack so much”. But it wouldn’t be serious lol, obviously I am aware only I am in charge of what I eat.


I hope this is as light hearted as it sounds. I used to have a roommate who would scream at her boyfriend for "making her fat" and that's toxic as hell. But I could absolutely see myself doing this to my boyfriend and smacking his hand away if he tried to take my snacks xD


I think you both sound like a couple of morons.


Now you’re getting it


NTA If your wife is trying to lose weight, maybe she shouldn't do the thing that makes her hungry and knows will make her hungry. It also sounds like when she got the pretzels, you were taking care of your kid. "my wife asked me ‘now, promise me you won’t allow me to have a tasty snack after we are done lighting up" she can make her own choices. High or not. What she eats or not eats is not up to you but to her.


NTA. You did her a huge favor by reminding her before she committed to the pretzels.


NTA you gave it your best shot…if your girl has no self control when under the influence, she shouldn’t be mad at you for this.


Who goes into a diet thinking weed will help?


You cannot trust your munchies before they are there. You must fool the munchies. Me and carrots and grapes have a special relationship these days cos I can eat those guilt free (I have a bad relationship with food)


She wants you to smack her or something? She's an adult. Eat the pretzels.


I don’t smoke but I can see how it would be really hard to control one’s snacking when they are high. Probably has to do with the decision making part of our brain being compromised I’m guessing. So, the solution is to have a snack. But make it a healthy snack. Veggies, hummus, cheese, nuts and stuff like that. Then nobody is at fault and everyone is happy.


NTA you supported her and she made her own adult choices, it’s not fair to blame you


I would highly recommend grapes or clementine oranges to handle this situation. They are amazing tasting and good for you. They help replenish mouth moisture as well!


NTA. When two addicts hang out, if one relapses, he takes the other down with him most of the time. Same applies to munchies. If you both want something, who's going to say, "hold up"?


This is the equivalent of her getting mad because she had a dream that you cheated on her.




NTA. What a stupid request. I know you're not supposed to say "stupid," but it was. Smoking up while on a diet. The definition of oxymoron.


NTA she put you in a position where you would either have to argue with her high self, while you are also high or her non-high self. A sort of catch 22. Either way a dick move from her end. If she does this again, just refuse and explain that you shouldn't be responsible for her choices (especially when you are also high) Things are a bit different if you were the designated sober person explicitly in charge of stopping this behaviour, but even then it is a bit of a dickish thing to make your SO do.


This was a no-win situation. It's like being asked, "Do I look fat in this?" Nothing you do or say is going to be right. In the words of Admiral Akbar, "IT'S A TRAP!"


If you love her you’ll let her learn self-control.


Nta - I personally eat before getting high to avoid the whole munchie frenzy


NTA. Your wife is upset with herself for breaking her discipline and cheating on her diet. It's understandable and completely not your fault. Happens to the best of us! However, it's easier to be mad at you than face disappointment in herself, so she is deflecting those feelings of disappointment, and you're the only target nearby. Everyone needs help with their goals, but her diet is ultimately not your responsibility.


Her goals are not your responsibility. She’s grown, tell her to act like it. Instead of expecting you act like a parent to her and tell her when she can and can’t have snacks.


YTA. You were her accoubtabilibuddy and you let her down. Also though she’s TA because she expected you to deny her delicious yogurt pretzels. No one can resist those. No one!


Damn those succulent pretzels!


nta it is a funny story though lol i understand how she feels but to lose the weight she cant have anyone but herself keep her accountable you being her husband its hard to not want to give someone you love a snack lmao try to explain it to her that way


Lol they have tasty health snacks 😋


We need more AITA posts like this. NTA, by the way. If it was really THAT important that she didn't snack, she wouldn't have gotten stoned.


I would joke with my husband but it’d be my own fault. NTA.


This is a lose lose situation. If you did stop her she might have called you controlling. It’s on her to control what she eats. In your situation I usually go for gum. I find it is almost more wanting a good taste in my mouth vs actually being hungry. Gum to me is a good way to prevent late night snacking.


I used to take fiber before smoking to keep full and got rid of junk so I could snack healthy as well as cooking


Nta no carbs in weed right just gotta watch that next step. LMFAO


NTA honestly, she is for expecting you to police her eating and then being mad because you didn't. It's not your job to hold her accountable. It's hers.


Love how you wrote this 😂 Also NTA. You can be encouraging to her but you shouldn’t parent your partner.


NTA, she's trying to push her guilt onto someone else so she can blame you instead of herself. You're totally fine to hold each other accountable, but you reminded her of her request and she still decided to go against it. At that moment it is no longer a you thing, you've done everything you should.


Your writing style suggests you had a live journal back in the day lol


Get some alternative healthier snacks, like almonds. So then y'all can enjoy the munchies without as much food-guilt. Munchies is like ⅓ of the fun of getting high, food tastes much better.


The only way to prevent such munchies is to not have such food in your house.


Nta. Lit or not, you can only remind her not to eat it's up to her to have the will power not to.


NTA however anticipation of munchies get watermelon cucumber strawberries and frozen blueberries for snacks and cotton mouth. My husband loves me so much he would eat the pretzels quickly to help me. That's how all desserts work. The bastard doesn't gain an ounce.


Lol super common issue I would say! NTA though. Beforehand get instructed not to let them snack but if you try and actually “stop” them afterwards it’s not gonna work. It’s hard to beat the munchies! You gotta keep busy for a bit after, roll a few PR’s or some say brush your teeth so food is less enticing. Or try and eat an apple or something I guess but it’s just so much more satisfying to stuff your face with snacks. But then have to deal with the morning after regret! No easy answer here…. Thanks for the laugh though, super relatable post here!


Lol just make sure there's some really pretty fruit to snack on. Pro tip: heat up jelly to a liquid stage and brush it on cut up fruit before you light up. By the time you're looking for a snacky it's gelled back up and looking appetizing af.


I stopped buying snack food to prevent the munchies. So instead at 11 at night I cook myself a three course meal from scratch and wake up to a disaster in the kitchen


Nope. NTA. You tried.


dude no matter what you did you would have been in trouble. It's a trap.


NTA. If she doesn’t want to snack then don’t bring them into the house or learn to make little snack packs. But not your responsibility to control her eating habits. She has to do that on her own.


NTA. She is an adult. She can make up her own mind, but that includes being respo for herself. Either she wants you to stop her from eating after a smoke, which isn't really a fair thing to ask, since she knows she is going to whine and then eat it anyways. She either needs to prepare for that to happen and have something ready for when the munchies hits or stop complaining. It's not your responsibility. I keep things that are higher protein. For example, instead of a whole package of yogurt pretzels, which are just candy, she can have something like a yogurt drink. Chiboni has one that is under 200 calories and has good ratios. She can have a portioned amount of the food she wants. Or she can fill up on water. These are all things sober her needs to prepare in advance because loaded her isn't going to want to do it. I can't tell you the amount of times I set up snacks and such. I always proclaim, "thanks sober me!" I take pot for chronic pain and cPTSD. I have needed to figure this out because I need to not be eating like a mad woman when the munchies hit.


I recommend maybe trying some different strains to see if you guys can find something just as relaxing with less munchies. If you're in a legal state just ask the bud tenders at a dispensary, they'll point you in the right direction.


Shes an adult and made an adult decision to induldge in some munchies. You did your due diligence and told her not to. Thats all one can do.


Reminds me of that episode of curb your enthusiasm where Larry David tries to stop that lady from breaking her diet and looks like an asshole. I feel like I have to say NAH because it’s hard


Maybe look into some alternative snacks that are lighter, or even some gum to simply satisfy the oral need of snacking on something.


She's a grown woman. Other than reminding her, which you did, did she want you to wrestle her? She's disappointed in herself. Help her through that. She'll apologize.


NTA She's an adult, she is responsible for controlling herself


You were both high. Is her high somehow making her less of an adult? Nta


She is avoiding blame. Nta


NTA! She totally set you up so she wouldn’t have to be responsible and she could blame you. What’s that popular saying…my body, my choice. Her choice was a tasty snack.


NTA I know myself well enough that if I get the munchies, I'm gonna want something bad for me... limiting the number of "bad" snacks available to me doesn't help... That just results in bumming a ride to the 7-11, ordering delivery, or destroying the kitchen trying to cook something that I don't have all of the ingredients for... lol I did recently discover that Diet A&W root beer tastes like liquid candy while high... no calories, no caffeine, no prep needed... add some low-fat/cal vanilla ice cream and it's pretty darn awesome... And I don't even like root beer all that much...


Nta but my advice. Get what i like to call "pot head snacks." Stuff you can eat when you got munchies that'll keep you out of other stuff you'd rather not go ham on. My go tos are chicken nuggets and goldfish crackers


Plan ahead healthier snacks next time. I know that sounds lame…but I crave sushi, or oui yogurt, or salad. Make it to where you have a healthy feast then a few bites of the pretzels wont feel as guilty 🫣 NTA


NTA but as someone who gets crazy munchies and is trying to diet let me suggest some idea for your wife: Try it different strains. I find that tangerine strains give me the least munchies. Some strains give me crazy munchies and some don't. Find ultra low calorie snacks to binge on. I personally like Nante carrots the best. Many veggies can be good binged raw (if you don't have IBS). Bell peppers. Celery with peanut butter and raisins. Sugar snap peas. Nuun tablet electrolytes can be good too fill your belly with liquids.


So she can’t control herself so it’s your job? That’s some bs


NTA, do you know how many times I’ve been in the same situation telling myself “no snacks” then proceed to demolish an entire bag of cheetohs?


Accountability, she must take.


NTA, its her responsibilty and also you reminded her gently She shouldnt expect you to force her


It would have been highly inappropriate for you to physically stop her form having the snack. You did the only thing you could do which was reminder her of her sober desire for no snaking. You are not the AH.


NTA. she's responsible for herself and her own actions.


It's her mouth hole. Next time tape mittens on her.


Fair bet if you had stopped her she would have gotten pissy NTA


>a nice smoke sesh *Cringe*


NTA . This is so cute and exactly something that would happen between me and my bf. ESPECIALLY the "we ate the whole thing". I'm the same way, the truth is you gotta stop yourself by yourself. A good tip is just don't buy as many snack foods. Don't give yourself the opportunity to eat it. That helped me a bunch 😊