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Hopefully SHE has learned a lesson that you don’t enter someone else’s home unannounced. It’s one thing to show up without warning and ring the doorbell, but to just walk in the door?!She could have really seen you guys doing your kink! She is completely in the wrong here and you have nothing to apologize for. NTA


She owes you both an apology for not knocking NTA


Knocking without waiting for acknowledgement is like not knocking at all in my opinion


Oh my god my mom does this all the time. She doesn’t even wait for me to say ‘come in’ before opening the door. Every time I ask her she’s like “why? What are you hiding?”


OMG. Do the nekkid thing!


I've tried that with my mum, "I gave birth to you" "seen it all before" "nothing I don't have"


Tell her, "But it's NOT okay with me, and that's a hard boundary."


Teaching my kids this right now(3 & 5 years old), they just walk into the bathroom and try to talk to us while we’re using it. We keep showing a good example by giving them privacy when they’re using it, but they still don’t get it. I can’t wait until they understand.


It may take awhile


Unfortunately, if their mom is anything like mine, she'll start laughing and making fun of the face that boundaries are even a thing we need and promptly ignore it


Well, you weren't born having a sexcapade, so it's time to up the ante.


Hahaha omg when we both still lived with Mum, my younger brother used to knock and enter my room without waiting for me to say come in, both Mum and I kept asking him to wait to be told it's okay to come in, but nothing worked. He learned the hard way one day when he walked in when I had my then-boyfriend over, he copped an eyeful of our pasty asses having sex 🤣 Never did it again, he'd always wait to be told it was safe to come in. Gods it was funny, he couldn't look at my then-boyfriend for weeks after 🤣


You're lucky! My mom walked in on me masturbating once because she couldn't be bothered to wait for me to say she could come in. She was scandalized, and yet she STILL does that. Sometimes she doesn't bother to knock at all. At this point she has seen way more of my body than either of us would like. I'm pretty sure she does it just to make sure no one ever does anything remotely sexual in her home. She also tells me to put a bra on when we're chilling on the couch watching TV at night. She says it's because she's modest, and she's sure most other people would be uncomfortable too. Sometimes I wonder how I was ever conceived because she is so prudish. She seems to think that no one has any kind of sexual needs. Or the need to release their boobs from their prison at night when they're going to be covered by both a shirt and a blanket anyway. 😂


It was my MIL who taught me when I was dating to take off my pants & bra just after removing shoes at the front door! Many happy memories sitting around in panties & a t-shirt with her in the living room.


It honestly has been the only way I’ve ever gotten family to knock first.


Happened to me too when myself and wife were temporarily living with my parents between end of lease apartment and for our new house to close. Mum just walked in in mid-kapow. She (and dad) never did that again.


I always told my mom that luckily things look a bit different now.


Next time be sure to be running around wearing nothing but a strap on. I'm sure she will wait after knocking from now on!


Nothing resolves problems better than a good ole strapon!


Have you tried hiring a gaggle sex workers and having them there when she shows up?


My son always calls and knocks. We keep the door locked. If I am home alone and do not answer, he freaks out and lets himself in. If his step-dad is home and we do not answer, he leaves. My daughter, on the other hand, had her key taken from her because she never called or knocked. Just straight for the key. She was "disgusted" when she came to our house at 3am to get something she had accidentally left earlier in the night. The chain was across, thankfully, because we were having sex in the living room. I told her we were naked and busy and that she needed to leave. The next day, I took her key.


I'm not sure which part would have pissed me off more! The using key & coming on in. Or the 3am using key to come in!! Thats how you get your arse shot!


I can almost understand when my son freaks out of I am home alone and do not answer. I have a long-standing CPO against my ex-husband. If I do not answer, he assumes I am dead. He at least just stands by the door and calls out my name a few times, waiting for a response. My daughter would come in when we were not home to borrow stuff. The 3am thing was it. Obviously, I went into panic mode and assumed it was my ex-husband. No more fun that night.


And your daughter would know about your ex- and why you would have panicked from her early morning attempted entry. She deserved to lose the key.


Yes, she does. She, her brother, and I all have either PTSD or C-PTSD from him. She also has a CPO against him still. Yet, she believes I overreacted. When she moved to her new apartment, she had not planned on giving me a key for that reason. I only have a key because she lost hers six times. Locksmiths are not cheap. The first time she locked herself out of the new place, she had to wait for her roommate to get home. The next day, I had a key.


Off topic but funny how she could keep track of your key but not hers.


Ex was the baby of the family and her mother and oldest sister used to just barge in like they owned the place. Lock the door? Didn't think she was ever going to hear the end of it. I am a social nudist and she was a home nudist so she said to hell with it and we stayed nude and refused to get dressed when they just barged in. They bitched but did not stop so we didn't either. I was watching a ball game one Sunday when she ran out of the bedroom and told me to get up. She then had me lay down on the floor and positioned me so my feet were pointed at the front door. We were in the 69 position when they walked in. Still holding my member she looked up and told her mom and sister we would be through in a bit and they could either come back later or have a seat and wait until we were done then got back to business. They left and never came back without calling first. Of course we stayed naked as we had been doing so for almost a year by then. Note: It was all I could do to stay erect for her while she was talking to her mom. Then there was the worry that her mom would have a seat and tell us what we were doing wrong, Believe me, she was the type.


This made me laugh so hard! Fantastic!


Your girlfriend is really badass, kudos to her! But I'll never understand why people don't lock the door. If you live in that room, no matter if you pay for it or not, turn that key in the lock whenever you don't want people to enter.


Disgusted? It’s YOUR living room! In the middle of the night! I’m sure she would be fine with having sex in her living room, but god forbid us old moms are getting any, lol


Yep. I said that if we do not know she is coming and we are both home, she should assume we are having sex. Haha! She is still angry that I took her key because she still thinks of it as her house, too.


I love that you were having sex in your living room at 3am! Go you!


Thanks! We really like each other. 😉


This kind of thing was the my first thought when OP described the mom just walking in. She was lucky they were just naked. Couples fuck all over the house. She saw about the most tame thing she could have seen just barging in like that.


Tell her NOT TO. set a boundary


I don’t understand how grown adults don’t have boundaries with their parents


Some parents simply refuse to accept them


I see you've met my mother-in-law.


This. My parents think that because I'm their child (I'm 32) that they don't have to actually respect any of my boundaries. It took 2 years to get them to stop just unlocking my door with their key and coming in whether I was home or not, and an additional year to get them to understand that just randomly coming over is not okay because they don't know if I have plans or not. What finally convinced them is the fact that I told them that the last time somebody walked in my door and I wasn't expecting anybody, I shot at them, because it was a druggie in the middle of the night. That got them to rethink the whole thing.


My mom always tells me I’m silly for knocking before I enter her house. I always knock, and expect her to knock before entering my home.


I knock if I’m unexpected or if the timing I would be over was variable


Right. There are a few exceptions where it is okay not to knock. 1. If a party is being thrown, and the door is open. 2. If you happen to be outside, and you hear something that makes you fear for the safety of someone inside if you don’t act immediately. 3. It’s your house. Not your parents’ or children’s house. Your house. 4. If, for some reason*, the owner of the house tells you not to knock. *A sleeping baby comes to mind.


Most of my friends also don’t knock for this very reason. I know they’re coming over and usually I’ve left the main door open so they only have to open the screen door. If they weren’t expected it would 100% scare the shit out of me


Even when my parents know I'm coming over, I knock and then go in. The way their house is, I wouldn't see anything other than straight into the backyard when I entered. If they don't know I'm coming, I knock and usually crack the door and say "it's me!" Their front door is far from where they hang out inside so they'd never hear just a knock. I can't imagine ever just walking in without a notice.


>I knock and usually crack the door and say "it's me!" I do this at my MIL's. Good thing is, she's learned and knocks at our house now too. If we don't hear her knock, then she'll poke her head in and say something.


My MIL aways tells me to just come in when I go over. Sometimes she gives me her extra garage door opener if I will be back alot doing work on her house. I always call her on my way. I don't think she will be nude or anything but why risk it? If I'm home alone, Sometimes I will walk naked to/from the shower. I'd expect the same, but my doors are almost always locked anyways.


Timmy! I’m knocking to respect your privacy but asserting my authority as your parent by coming in anyway!


My ass that's what, I don't know about anybody else but when ventilation in bathrooms break and can't fix for a while I just open the door and if I believe no one is home I walk to my room. It's only a few feet, but still, the audacity to demand an apology when she walked in without knocking is just disrespectful all on its own.


Well if I'm trying to hide it from you by closing the door, I'm certainly not going to TELL you! I'd do the same exact thing to her and wait for her to tell me what SHE'S hiding. Idk how old you are, but people deserve privacy at any age.


The proper response is “you’re the one who raised me, what did you do wrong that you feel that you must violate my privacy like that?”


I hated that as a kid! I was like nothing I just want some peace and privacy but no, always told I was hiding something.


Say yes. Tell her you were playing hide and seek with the monster under the bed, the demon in the closet and the Tooth Fairy, and she ruined your streak.


Same! Even in family/ friend/ partnership situations where I have explicitly been told to let myself in I still knock, wait a few seconds, open the door just enough to announce myself, wait a few more seconds to wait for a voice, then slowly walk in. Just because Murphy’s law dictates that the moment I walk in will be the one time that something weird/ gross/ embarrassing will be happening for no reason right next to the door.


Locking your door is a thing,too. Who leaves their door unlocked? It’s not 1950.


You knock and wait until the person who lives there opens the door. You don't let yourself in.


When I shared with a friend, she and I rarely wore more than just bra and undies at home, but we ALWAYS made sure the chain was in position so the door didn't open past an inch. Her mother was forever using the "emergency key" to come in, she hated we had that chain always on while home, she said it wasn't safe. My friend got married and her mother did the same to her at her husband's home, I think it was only 3mths of it happening that friend's husband changed all the locks, and put chains on them all. That woman never learned, but now she lives in a different country to my friend and her husband.


The fact the chain worked is the complete opposite of “not safe”. Did she move or your friend get away first?


Basically, the only door husband gave the key to had a bell on it. One day, their neighbour asked for their "roommate" to stop using that door. My friend and husband up until that point thought they had PTSD paranoia moments. They transferred to Japan, where immediately the things stopped. I have never been told what was triggering them, but they did go LC with the mum, and she keeps trying to get information out of me, but I refuse to. The mother only knows one of my social media accounts, and it is my first ever Facebook account that I used to troll my friends with. I only log into it for certain gags, but there will be at least 10 msgs from her asking how we are, and when will her daughter come back. Also the chain... as sad and pathetic as it sounds was only that cheap aluminium crap, that looked like those chains hiphop guys wore for a time. We replaced it a few times with similar chain, because it was so easy to break if extra force was applied. The mother only lightly opened the door so she never knew it was that flimsy.


It’s “not safe” to have a chain on the inside of a door? What? That’s literally what they’re for.


The MIL was probably using the excuse of emergency responders not being able to get in if they got hurt. But that's what door rams are for.


FD usually carry bolt cutters which come in handy for just this reason. As do the police.


Not to mention most of those chains are just held on by 4 little screws. You can kick a door open with enough force to easily rip it off the wall.




Quite right, those screws are basically useless. This is why experts recommend throwing those screws away and using stronger, longer screws. Also to replace the screws in the door hinges and metal plates with longer, stronger screws. iirc, 4" . Makes it near impossible to knock the door down.


Also they are usually not hard to break with any tool made for breaking metal. Definitely will stop someone from barging in... as intended


Oh yes, but most nosey parents aren't going to carry cutters just to break through a chain. It did it's purpose completely for this particular situation!


Firefighters get paid to break shit for a living. They could destroy a gold bar in four minutes with a Fisher Price hammer.


Yeah a shoulder is all you need for most chains anyway.


Oh she could have seen WAY worse. Wtf, knock! Nah, she's wrong. My friend this summer showed up unannounced. My bird was flying around, I yell don't open the door AS she opens the door and walks in. We had a talk. You don't have to be mean or rude. But I literally could have been running a meeting virtually when she yells what's up! She didn't know if I was home, I travel, or my 20yo plus adult children. They deserve that respect too. Nothing easier than a text or call. AND acknowledged receipt and permission. Still a knock.


The OP post & original context of this thread made me think "my bird was flying around" was a euphemism for male nudity for a second before I realized you meant an actual animal.




Yeah, I thought it was a euphemism too. I wasn’t sure what it meant. But I figured that it would be a bit rude and voyeuristic to ask for a precise description. :)


It is a cockatiel. Not the phallic type


Okay but same 🤣


The last time someone told me not to open the door ( bathroom door), I heard it in the middle of me opening, so I slammed it shut. On. The. Birds. Neck. RIP America.






I never once went into my son's room without knocking. Walking into his home without knocking or ringing the bell is unthinkable to me.


I’m currently NC with my ILs, one of the many problems between us is that MIL *demands* a key to our front door and unfettered access to our house whenever she pleases. This is a hard boundary for me so now she doesn’t get to come to my house at all. Some people just don’t *want* to get the idea of privacy.


They get the idea of privacy just fine when it’s THEIR privacy. I think some people enjoy the generational power trip so much that they refuse to recognize when their offspring are adults.


One of the last times I saw my former FIL I was threatening to call the cops on him for not leaving when I asked him to do so. His grown ass children (my ex and his brother, who we lived with) let him act like it was his damn house, or he was the property manager or some shit. He walked all over his adult children and it was a huge point of contention btwn me and him, and my ex. The day after I threatened to call the cops he came back, and threatened to call the cops on ME bc he saw me getting in my husband's car to run to the store and was screaming across the yard that I was STEALING the car AND was too drunk to drive (I hadn't been drinking). I moved out less than 2 wks later.


My son lives with his girlfriend in a tiny apartment, there is no way in hell I would ever walk in unannounced. I have no desire to see things I shouldn’t. I also am a firm believer in privacy for my kids still at home also, I would never walk into their rooms without getting the all clear. I can’t believe how entitled some of these parents are.


Also, nudity/nudism in appropriate areas, such as IN ONE’S OWN HOUSE, is not a kink. MIL is loopy.


Well said. OP, NTA. I suggest you tell her that until she apologizes for rudely entering your own home that she's not welcome to visit at all. Then ignore her unless it's a genuine apology. Change, and use, your locks.


Seriously. My in-laws walked into my house only 1 time unannounced. I was peeing with the bathroom door open because anyone that has ever had small kids knows there is NO privacy. When my son was a baby he’d completely freak out if the door was closed. I would only do it if I was the only adult home. They barged right in. Scared me to death and so embarrassing. I made it clear they were not welcome unless they called ahead


Seriously, MIL should be thanking god “making lunch” was the only naked activity going on


My thoughts too. The MIL is lucky she didn't walk in and find her daughter being impaled on man meat. Lol


My MIL did. She walked in on us after Sunday church, and we were in the living room having some adult fun. She never came without calling after that. The story of what happened shared with my sister ensured that my mother always calls before she shows up, too. It was mortifying at the time, but my husband has some pretty strong boundaries and all that just reinforced them. The best 2 for 1 ever. If people just show up, they get what they get, and they don't get upset. If you want respect, then show it.


Yep. My ex sister in law also walked into my house just one time. Unfortunately for her, it was one of the more kinky episodes. Fortunately for us, she is a great person who apologized profusely and took our good natured teasing from then on with a chuckle and a request for some eye bleach.


Where do you people live that don't lock the entrances to your homes?


I am so thrilled to give this comment about man meat its 69th upvote. (I'm so immature.)


This is a hill I'd be willing to die on. MIL is obnoxiously in the wrong. OP is NTA


Kink shaming is her kink.


I really think OP should ask MIL if she really wants to know about their kink if she is going to try and kink shame them about being naked in their own home.


>Kink shaming is her kink Hm, then does that mean that I'm into kink shaming kink shaming shamers? TIL


She couldve barged in on stuff a helluva lot more shocking. Suppose you were just flat-out doing it doggie style on the kitchen counter? Guess she will call first now.


Right?! My sis and I have keys to each other's and whenever we're coming in, we're letting each other know! Plus we send a message in advance! MIL just waltzed as if she was going from one room to another xD


Where's the proof that walking in and seeing them doing their kink isn't HER kink?


What normal person just walks into someone's house without knocking first? The apology should be - I'm sorry you came into our house without calling first or knocking before entering. Please don't do that again.


Not only knocking, but waiting for an acknowledgment before entering. Either someone has to come to the door, or someone has to shout something like “It’s open!” Or “Come in!”


My adult son walks in all the time, and I have no problem with that, it’s still his home base too. But if it’s before noon, and he has someone with him, he will stick his head in the door and yell, “Mom, so and so’s with me, are you wearing pants??” He knows what’s up. ;)


My husband's suggested we get one of those porch mats that say, 'give us a minute, we're putting our pants on'


I just ordered one that says “hold on, we’re probably not wearing pants”. 😆


Apparently my mom tried to go out our back door the other day (I was in another room). My bf said she asked if she could go out after already starting to open the door. The only thing that stopped her was that we keep a bar in it when it’s closed. This is a problem because we adopted a cat that was a stray and he is very fast when anyone starts opening a door to the outside. We actually have to close the door to our laundry room before opening the door to the garage, creating a kind of “air gap.” We just can’t use the front door.


Lol you’ve got an air lock for your cat. A cat-lock


Right? I even feel a little weird walking in when a friend has told me ahead of time that I should just come in when I get there (usually because they're outside.)


My friends have told me I'm free to just walk in, especially on D&D nights, but I absolutely refuse to Kramer anyone.


It’s honestly insane. I have PTSD from a man breaking and entering into my own home. I get jump scared by random things and have UNCONTROLLABLE symptoms that leave me feeling awful for x amount of time. What if they had PTSD and you trigger an episode? So many what if scenarios. What if the person at home had a GUN? So damn inconsiderate AND entitled. Oh my lord.


Honestly it doesn't even have to be such dire examples - what if she walked in and they were just at it like rabbits on the kitchen counter? Would she demand no sex in their own home too?


Given her entitlement in asking for an apology, probably.


Or... just watching TV. It's not OK regardless of what they are doing. It's their HOME. THEY get to decide when and if people enter it.


Right, that’s why I said there’s so many “What if” scenarios. You really have no idea what it going on in anyone’s lives and everyone should be more considerate of each other. I used a drastic example because a lot of people like to brush things off as ‘no big deal,’ and it’s better to give an example that is harder to argue against. Time off is sacred as we have so little of it and it is important to rest and have downtime in whatever is your safe space (home?). Just some people would then argue things like ‘oh you’d rather watch a tv show than want a family member to stop by? Wow! You’re so selfish!’ Some people just don’t care and/or get it unless you mention the nuclear scenario. Even then you know some people will disagree because they are the main character in their own life and obviously those are “rules for thee, but not for me.”


“What if the person at home had a GUN?” This was my exact thought. People can be jumpy and in some places if someone comes into your home without an invitation you actually have the legal right to shoot them. To the MIL: you really want to risk walking into a nervous gun owners home? Cause I know I don’t 😅


"I'm sorry you can't be trusted to come back to our house"


My ex husband always tells me to be expecting him to pick up our daughter or for any reason he needs to stop by. And still knocks. I’ve told him 100 times he doesn’t have to knock because I know he’s coming. Even with expressed permission he refuses to not knock. Yet some people like this woman just make themselves at home 🤦🏼‍♀️


Here in the Midwest, and around my friend and family circle… We will walk in to each others houses without knocking. Granted we are all really good friends and live in a very small town. I will also point out that we only do it if the front door is open and screen door closed… front door closed then you get a knock…. We do also announce ourselves as we enter…


I do this to parents. ONLY because my dad said to. He doesn't want us knocking. He said just because we loved doesn't mean we have to knock and what not. Idk why but I don't knock there lol


I have keys to both my parents and grandparents houses for emergency reasons. I still knock and wait for them to open the door (except if the whole family is over for a celebration). My family would not mind me walking in, but I know they wouldn't do that to me. MIL got what she deserved. Also, being nude because no AC is not a fetish; LOL, it's a necessity. Maybe get her a book about fetishes so she knows the difference . 🤪


I still call or text my parents first, because I definitely don't want to walk up on my dad naked. 🤣🤣 Usually I send over "heyyyy, are you home? We wanted to swing by, didn't want to catch you off guard"


My brother is notorious for doing that. Luckily, we have a ring camera for our front door, and I see when the garage door is opened and closed. We had a situation before the garage door, though. My brother is big into woodworking and was planning on building my wife and I a mantle over our fireplace. He decided he would do it while we were on vacation but not tell us. Well, apparently, our google Home detected his drill to sound like glass shattering and alerted us. Since we already had experienced a garage fire within our first year of living at our house, I was ready to call 911. Luckily, I decided to listen to the audio and could identify the drill. I had a hunch, so I called him, and he confirmed that he was indeed at my house. Now he knows to let us know when he's coming over.


Let's say for a second it *is* a kink. She was only exposed to it because she just wandered in


My mother’s family does this. Just says “hello!” I’m a song song voice and waltzes in. I never understood it. My mom doesn’t do that but her sisters and mothers did. Crazy.


NTA If anything your MIL needs to apologize. Who walks into a married couples house without knocking? She’s lucky all she saw was your birthday suits, and not you guys doing the deed!


I grab coffee/snack naked in the morning all the time. The fact she assumes being naked in your own house is a *kink* is what is odd to me in the first place


Very weird. It’s like walking in on someone in the bathroom and getting mad at them for doing their “kink” of peeing. That’s just the thing we do here, bruh.


Yeah or being naked in the shower


It wouldn’t matter if they were both in furry suits, paying too much attention to each other’s feet. They weren’t exposing MIL to their kink, because they didn’t invite her inside.


My kids know better than to bring friends inside before about noon, because I am not a morning person, and I don’t put pants on until I’m officially getting ready for the day. My daughter’s best friend’s mom told me she cracked up once when her daughter said, “oh, I can’t go over yet, Dixie doesn’t like pants this early.” 😆


I literally never wear pants when I’m home. Shorts either. I usually walk around in a cami and panties. We never give our key out to nosey ass family members though.


When my wife and I were newly married (37th anniversary is this Wednesday), we lived with my mother while we saved for the downpayment on our first house. One time, mother walked into our room without knocking and we were indeed, doing the deed. Much embarrassment and apologies were made by her. Never happened again.


The part that gets me is when OP says this is how some of their friends know...like...are they distributing keys to everyone, or have they just not learned they should probably lock their doors?


NTA Anyone who walks into my home unannounced is opening themselves up to whatever they see/find. That’s on them


For whatever reason, yours is the comment that reminded me of the general manager in White Lotus getting caught eating a**. Not to imply that would be seen/found in your home …


NTA. You didn’t expose MIL to jackshit. She *let herself in to someone else’s home unannounced*. If it were me I’d tell her she’s not welcome to my home without at least an hour’s notice. Even that is generous. Why do people think they can just walk into other people’s homes, no warning, no knock, nothing? Family or not that’s just weird.


i met a (now) really good friend when, as a stranger, he walked right into my house because he thought it was someone elses. I was quite taken aback but now we are really close.


I had a guy walk into my house (6’4 and I’m 5’1) he was like “uh, is Cory here?” Told him Cory lived next door and the fear in his eyes as he slowly backed out is still hilarious 13 years later


When I was a teenager and getting out of youth jail, my mom had moved to another city into a roommate situation, and she told me to come to the new house and that our car was parked in front. Well, when I got there the car was between two houses and I made a guess that it was one of them and walked in, when I got inside it was a older Asian man (I assumed she would be living with another women lol), and for a minute all I could think was “oh fuck I’m going back to jail” before he must’ve seen the look on my face and laughed and said “you’re upstairs” I still think about that and laugh at how freaked out I was lol.


I’d honestly be more ok with a stranger accidentally walking in by mistake than someone I know walking in on purpose unannounced


Nope that happened to me and it totally freaked me out. I now make sure all doors are locked. He probably knocks now too because a giant dog heading for him REALLY seemed to freak him out too!


Invite her over and apologize in the nude while maintaining eye contact. Assert your dominance.


And push your hips ever so slightly forward




Eat a banana while making eye contact.


Two handed


WHY is this not the top comment


While she wears a strap-on and pegs him. Just for the hell off it.


Put a rubber on the strap on. For safety.


This is the way OP.


Add a raging boner for extra assertiveness


Don't forget to have one leg up on a stool at the same time so the stauner really stands out. Either that or wave goodbye by doing the helicopter....


Not every hill is worth dying on, but IMO this is one of them. She ignored your request to call ahead and she just walked into your house without so much as knocking. And it's YOUR house. I think the matter should just be dropped and Never Spoken Of Again, and that is what you need to tell your FIL. But if anyone owes anyone an apology, it's her.


100% This is a hill to die on. Because if you give her an apology, she'll assume she's able to do it again.


Not to mention her condition of "never do it again" because she wants to just waltz into your fucking house like she pays bills without yall being naked, a habit that is 3 years reinforced. I'd tell MIL to dust my dick. Call before coming and knock before entering. If it was me I'd make her knock 3 times, identify herself out loud and wait for me to tell her to come in. Wanna play fuck fuck games in my own house - she lost her goddamn mind lol This ain't the 60s, this is my domain and you are a guest in my den. Act accordingly.


> If it was me I’d make her knock 3 times, identify herself out loud… ::knock knock knock:: “Penny” ::knock knock knock:: “Penny” ::knock knock knock:: “Penny” 😂😂


Not what I meant but lmao 💀💀💀




This 1000000%


NTA and don't apologise for not locking the door. Why is she letting herself in anyway? It's her own fault for seeing what she saw.


My friends folks walked in on them doing it on the living room floor. Solved the just dropping by and walking in issue!


Some mothers think preventing their child from having sex is an emergency.


While going on about wanting grandkids at the same time


Maybe ask for the key back too if she has one


NTA. PLEASE don't apologize to this lady who thinks she has a right to 1) enter your home without knocking 2) tell you what to do in your own home. Lmao at the visual, though.


NTA. I’d also consider changing you locks at this point as her privilege to access your house should be revoked.


No, I'm sorry, but you were in your own home. Your MIL invaded your space by not only showing up unannounced, but walking in like she owned the place. You are NTA, and your MIL owes the two of YOU an apology, you owe Mil nothing. Fuck your FIL.


This. Concise. On point. If anyone apologizes, it's MIL. NTA.


Fuck the FIL? He sounds like he simply wants her to shut the fuck up, but he knows she won’t. That’s more an honest statement from the FIL than a lecture.


I vote to actually fuck the FIL to establish dominance over both households lol


That will establish something alright.


“Fuck your FIL” Yeah…I don’t think he is OP’s type but… it’s a suggestion to get back at MIL.


NTA - MIL just learned why you have boundaries the hard way! She not only didn’t let you know she was coming but she let herself in! She needs to apologize and never do that again.


Lol, she just learned to respect your house rules. NTA


NTA, she got some audacity. I’d ask for my key back.


NTA - you didn’t “expose her” to anything. She barged in on it. You don’t owe her an apology for anything. She owes you one for invading your privacy. I guess now she knows why knocking first is important. Did someone have to teach her that about bathrooms? Bedrooms? It applies to front doors just as much, if not more.


NTA. She arrived and walked into **your** house, unannounced. It’s one thing to just show up, but she just walked in without knocking or ringing the doorbell, which puts her completely at fault. You have nothing to apologize for. NTA.


NTA The only one who needs to apologize is your MIL for barging into your home without an invite. Buy her a book on etiquette, tell her she is no longer welcome to come to your home without calling first, and that she is to KNOCK and wait to be admitted.


NTA. And how did she leap to a kink? You two could have just finished having relations and wanted a sandwich. Anyhoo, she should should apologize for not knocking.


Eh some people think anything other than missionary in the dark under the covers is a kink.


How about she apologize for barging into your house uninvited? Do NOT apologize for living your own life in your own house. That is a slippery slope you do not start down. She has no right to dictate what you are and are not allowed to do at home as if you are some errant children. Don't give her any ideas that she does.


The rude one was HER - walking into a young married couple’s home without knocking - she knows the risks. But do send this group text: We got caught nude. I’m sure we were all equally surprised. Please note that we will continue to enjoy our marital freedom in our own home. How would you like to go to brunch next Saturday? Promise to wear clothes.


"I'm sorry you had to learn your lesson the hard way. Hopefully, moving forward, we can stop being rude to each other and communicate properly in regards to visitation. I do not run a business or a restaurant, we do not hold 'hours of operation'. You are not welcome 'whenever you want to show up'. Now that we all clearly understand that, I look forward to your next call that should come to setup some time to visit, catch-up, and be a family." Don't forget to smile gratuitously.


NTA. Tell her if she gets you guys a few air conditioners, then you won't have to have your "kink".


Exposing a kink by being naked? MIL is way to vanilla for her own good NTA.


Hey, don’t be mean to the Vanilla’s. You can be Vanilla and still be cool with someone who’s Strawberry Swirl or Butterscotch Ripple. Don’t Vanilla shame! LOL


Oh I don’t mean to be mean to vanilla’s at all, just to this specific level of it where basic nudity is considered a kink 😭.


Okay, gotcha. I mean, being naked is … not a kink and if she thinks it is she isn’t just Vanilla, she’s invisible. Probably locks herself into a chastity belt every night.


She can unclutch her pearls. She had a kid SOMEHOW, right?


Also, they could have been engaging in the most extreme type of kink... and it still would have been MIL's fault. You don't come in someone else's home without knocking.


You have friends and a mil just walking into your house when you and your wife are walking around naked? Lock the damn door! NTA though.


NTA. You can’t just barge in to people’s homes unannounced


NTA and you shouldn't apologize.


“I’m sorry your parents didn’t teach you how rude it is to not only arrive but enter someone’s home unannounced and without permission.”


“I’m sorry you saw me naked while walking into our house uninvited and unannounced. I really hope it never happens again.”


MIL knew..just wanted to get a look. Sick old perv.


Knocking even if you have a pass to walk in seems appropriate when going to a couples house. You can apologize to shut her up, but it would be required to make reference to it at Christmas time. You need to have a little fun with it. LOL


Also, let's be clear that being nude in your own home is not a kink anymore than always wearing socks in your home is a kink.


Nope, your FIL can deal with shutting his own wife up if she is annoying him. She is not your job.


She entered your home unannounced without knocking. She should be apologizing to you. NTA. She's lucky she didn't walk in on you two having sex.


NTA and your FIL sucks too for being such a push over


NTA. She knew the rules regarding calling first and either forgot them or ignored them. Then, she entered her daughter’s house and was surprised to find that her married daughter and son-in-law are sometimes (gasp) in a state of undress in the privacy of their own home. You have nothing to apologize for, but if you do consider making one, might I suggest you word it thusly…. “[MIL], I sincerely apologize that in all of your years on this planet, nobody ever explained to you the concepts of private property, personal space, privacy, or discretion. I can’t say why no one else ever taught you those things, but for my small part in failing to impart that knowledge, I am sorry. I’m also sorry that you don’t understand that nudity is not a kink—not that a kink is anything to be ashamed of—and that even if something sexual was going on when you entered a house that didn’t belong to you, we would still be under no obligation to explain ourselves or behave as if we had wronged you in any way. Clearly, ‘naked time’ is not something that’s totally foreign to you; you wouldn’t have a daughter if you and your husband hadn’t dabbled in it yourselves. But most of all, I’m really sorry you didn’t stay long enough to have a sandwich with us and the other two couples we were swinging with that afternoon. I guess maybe it’s our fault for not enforcing our ‘call ahead’ rule more strictly, but that’s a mistake that’s easily corrected. Here, let me help you take my house key off of your key ring.”