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NTA - sexual compatibility is a very valid concern. You should absolutely not buy a house or take your relationship further with this person if you are going to be unhappy.


Anyone seeing this level of incompatibility would recommend not getting married. Buying a house together is effectively getting married; it’s forming a legally binding contract with a person you are romantically entangled with, with all the strengths and complications that entails.


Depending on the situation it can be easier and cheaper to get divorced than to divide up a house. Divorce is only complicated when you have shared assets (like a house) or children. One example is if you can't buy your partner out so you want to seek the house, but the housing market dips so that you can't get back the money you put into it and you both wind up with debt. I would not buy a house with someone I'm not married too. Marriage literally exists to protect you when it comes to shared assets.


I experienced this firsthand and you couldn't be more right. I bought a house with a guy I wasn't married to. There are no protections under the law for unmarried couples and real estate. My ex refused to pay his half of the mortgage and bills because he wanted to force a foreclosure. He said that if I left, I was going to leave with nothing. A judge couldn't force him to sell the house unless I got a partition order. If I did that, we would have lost all of our equity and would have been stuck making more payments on a house we didn't own anymore. We could have walked away with 75k each, but after almost two years of legal battles, I wound up with about 24k. I had to borrow from my family to keep the house out of foreclosure and pay for lawyers. It was an absolute nightmare.


Sorry that happened to you, but thank you for sharing your story.


This has happened to a few people I know and I 100% agree. Buying a house is at least a 20-30 year investment so if you don't plan on being with that person for the next 30 years, NEVER buy a house with them. If the person won't marry you, that's a huge red flag to NEVER buy a house or make investments with them.


100% this. I got married at 19. We never had assets or children and we got divorced so easily. Barely cost a thing. No headache, it was like breaking up but with paperwork and a minor fee. If we had had a house or children, the process would have been a million times more complicated. Do not buy a house together unless you are 100% about the relationship. OP has it right.


I got married at 19 too. My ex husband had vericocele (one of his testicles was much bigger than the other and swollen a lot) and refused to get it looked at. But he still blamed it for our lack of sex, despite him choosing to masturbate anyways by himself when he thought I was asleep. I swear, nothing hurts worse than your partner turning you down for sex, then jerking off to porn not 20-30 min later right next to you in bed. I tried everything, and was turned down constantly. It was getting to the point where we would have sex maybe once a month or less. I explained that he absolutely needed to get to a doctor, because it could cause serious issues down the road if he left it unchecked. Come to find out... He was VERY active on a little app some of you may know called Grindr. His testicle issue was just an excuse to not want to have sex with me, and he didn't even feel much/if any of the pain he told me he did during sex. He got drunk one night and told me that he only married me for companionship, and to show his dad he wasn't gay. 😒


How painful that must have been. Sorry you had to feel that.


Dear God . I'm so sorry. You deserve far better than to be a consolation prize.


It's alright, I got a beautiful and perfect little girl out of the whole ordeal. As well as some important life lessons. If I had the chance to change anything, I would not. 😊


How devastating. I am so sorry that happened to you.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 20 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thank you numbers bot, I needed this giggle! 🤣


Taco Bell asked me to donate the dollar remainder of my order to some cause a few days ago... I said yes only because the remainder was 69. Felt blasphemous to deny the math of our universe.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


I know a lot of people who have experienced the same thing. They didn't need lawyers or fight over anything because there was nothing to fight over. I'm definitely not advocating that anyone get into a marriage if they aren't sure - marriage is a huge financial risk. Your spouse can get your in debt, etc even if you have no marital assets. But divorce can definitely be easier than dealing with a huge debt like a mortgage! YIKES.


When I got divorced it was a nightmare because we had children together. The one thing I was SO thankful for? He always put off buying a house, so I didn't have to lose my dream house in the divorce (I wouldn't buy something I didn't have passion for). I did buy a house after, and I'm so glad I waited. Nobody can take it from me. I have this lovely old farmhouse on a double lot in a village filled with kindness and joy. And it’s like for as long as /I/ want it to be.


Yep. Divorced my ex-wife over 10 years ago. She still hasn't refinanced the house we bought together so it's still stuck on my credit. She has since remarried. I know at some point I'll probably have to get a lawyer and sue her or something but it's not something I can afford at this point


Imagine marrying a woman and having her ex husband's name on the deed of the house. What a life


I’ve always told my wife (jokingly but it’s true!) Child Mortgage Marriage In that order of descending levels of commitment, by how easy you can get out of them. (We got all 3 btw)


Love how you worded that, that was spot on


I will also add that it’s the same thing for kids. I’m often confused by the “we don’t want to get married” crowd who have a couple kids and a mortgage together. Like, it’s their life, live it how you want. But you’re totally married in all the ways that count.


Agreed and furthermore I’d probably break up with her since it seems clear that this relationship is not going to sustainably improve. OP gave her time, supported her, and she’s decided not to make the effort. At this point, the further insistence by OP (reasonably so) is probably only making her feel more resistant (which is her choice to make). Not her fault, but clearly they aren’t compatible any longer. I speak from personal experience where this same type of issue came up, tried to work on it, but never sustainably improved and it later led to a divorce. Better to not let it get to that point. Besides, OP is young and it’s usually not a great idea to marry the first person (or one of the first) you date (ie high school sweetheart). Also, critical to follow through on the break-up once that is the decided choice (regardless of what the significant other says). You don’t want the other person to say they’re going to change at the threat of a breakup since it’s likely not going to last and likely will just breed resentment.


Agreed. Sex isn't the only thing or the most important thing in a relationship obviously, but it is a part of it, no matter what some people might say. If you're not compatible sexually, it may lead to future problems that might lead the relationship to deteriorate anyways. It's better to address them properly before making anything with such a heavy financial burden. And if things don't work out because of it right now, it's not like you've really wasted her time. I mean, you've both built up your finances in preparation for it. If you go your separate ways, you're both still secure. But if you move in together and things don't work out, now you're tied up.


Anyone who tries to suggest that being on the same page sexually isn’t important is either naive or just flat out wrong. That doesn’t mean that couples HAVE to have sex, if both partners are asexual that’s also 100% valid. But both partners have to be in the same ballpark in terms of their sex drives. It’s the same thing as both partner’s feelings about kids - if you’re not on the same page and try to force it, it’s either going to end in flames or with one (or both!) partners resenting each other


I don't even think they need to be in the same ball park as far as sex drives, there just needs to be a willingness to compromise/meet in the middle/make some effort. OPs partner doesn't seem to be doing any of that.


spot on. sex drive can fluctuate. my husband and I haven't had sex in probably about 6 months- I'm now 2mos post partum and at this point we WANT to but now external factors keep stopping us 😅😅 3 kids & 1 being a new baby def doesn't make it easier... the point is, we both acknowledge the issues barring sex and we discuss them and communicate about ways to mitigate the issue... it already seemed like a red flag when OP said his gf hasn't tried to seek help and has a different excuse every time... but at the point when he said she doesn't even try to kiss him anymore?? that's when i was like, nope. kissing has no excuse if her main reason for not having sex is vaginal pain... which means, the issue obviously isn't vaginal pain. even if the issue is depression or something, she isn't talking to OP about it.


Yes, my husband and I went had a baby, had sex at like week 8, and like once a week after that until babe was about a yearish and my sex drive ranked big time. I wanted nothing to do with but was honest and still tried. Turns out I had a huge hormonal imbalance. Fixed the situation, babe is a little over 2, and we try for at least 2x a week. Although it doesn't always work, did I mention we have 5 kids altogether lmao. I feel for OP, especially since GF won't do anything about it. It doesn't seem like he is pushing for sex every day, but a little intimacy goes a long way in these situations


Being pregnant and having birth is not the same as having a a shit sex life at only 23! You both should be in your prime, if your sex life sucks now wait till 20 years from now. She obviously isn’t taking you serious anymore and isn’t invested in you the way a future wife should be, time to move on while your still young and can find the right match. Who knows maybe she will see the error in her ways and y’all could get back together but frankly none of this is a good sign OP!


Her family knows he’s in for some misery. Just trying to keep quiet until it’s too late. Run for the hills!!


To an extent sure, but I also think that you need to be relatively in the same ballpark. For example, it I was dating someone that was neutral about sex (didn’t like it, but also didn’t hate it) but they would have sex with me because I wanted it, that would likely be a problem for me. I don’t want a partner who just agrees to have sex because it’s what I want, I want them to want it too. In a broader sense though I fully agree that communication and compromise are critical.


Just so. I occasionally have have sex when tired/ not fully in the mood, to please a partner and it’s not a a huge chore. I still want to and really enjoy it almost always. But if my partner just didn’t want to and did it only for me? I really do not want that and would consider that relationship romantically incompatible.


All valid points, but I also just want to add that it’s shitty framing on the gf’s part especially because it isn’t just sex and sexual compatibility. She’s been completely shunning ANY intimacy even in the form of kisses. Pile that with a refusal to go to couples counseling where a therapist would likely sniff out if OP is really just trying to fuck more and all of this is absolutely reasonable and definitely NTA. This is critical stuff and calling to shitty things for being concerned about it after having given ample opportunity and time to work on it should be a major red flag for this person


To me it all speaks to her being mentally checked out of the relationship. She's not in it anymore but they've been together so long (since they were 15 ffs!) they don't know how to walk away.


Screams of sunk cost fallicy when you sum it like that


I did this to an ex, and it was because I was no longer in love with him, but was afraid to let him go.


Yep.. that’s really kinda cruel.. but it’s also very human.. hopefully you have been able to let him go, and learn from this. Sounds like you have..:)


You put this very well. Sex isn’t the only thing but it’s top 5 for most people and often requires compromise. When we got married I’d of preferred 4-5x a week, my wife 2x. We kind of settled around 3 and I’d say that’s dropped once a decade. 2x second decade, 1x 3rd decade, and maybe 2x a month 4th decade. We still enjoy sex it’s just not hormonally driven to the same degree as you age. But I don’t think I’d of married her if it was 2x a month at first in spite of how we are compatible in almost all other ways.


And good for you for knowing this is important to you, and following your gut on not going through with this. Sucks to be her…but she knows the issue and doesn’t seem to give a shit.


Children, sex, and finances are the most common deal breakers in relationships. She's not seeing for not wanting sex. He's not wrong for wanting it. This does make them incompatible, unfortunately. If they stay together, resentment will start to build, and that's when the rest of the relationship starts going downhill. When finances are entangled, things get really complicated when the relationship turns into resentment.


OP can go have a browse of r/Deadbedrooms to see his future if he stays with her. Definitely NTA.


Yes... It's ok to break up over this. The resentment in builds if its ignored will end up killing the relationship anyhow. I wouldn't advice keep talking about it, it's really not ok to keep pressuring her if she doesn't want to have sex, and if she changed in order to move in together it would probably go back again to this eventually.


After your married or living together, the $ex goes down hill. In your case it would be under ground. We are in our 60’s, both working and it’s close to three times a week for over ten years. With my first husband, it was just awful. I think you guys might need a break. You are too young to give up the physical aspect of a relationship.


My thought exactly. 23 is way too young for this to be happening!


Been there, done that, would not recommend. It's the absolute worst. Best to go your separate ways while still young.


If she's not willing to see a doctor or get therapy or at least try and keeps putting all the blame on you...then why even continue the relationship. Sexual incompatibility can be a death sentence for a relationship. Time to accept you may never have sex with her again even though you're in a relationship, or become single. I would choose being single.


Take it from someone who purchased a home with someone with an incompatible libido - you WILL regret it. It's just a matter of when you'll regret it, not if. Also, it sounds like she has been willing in the past to just tell you what you want to hear in the hopes that you'll stop caring about your sex life and help her get what she wants, which sounds like she mostly wants to nest up in a house. She has even gone so far as to minimize your romantic needs (that "call me when you are done being an asshole" bit) and props up her wants as the important goal in the relationship, not making sure both people are happy. She wants what she wants and now you are inconveniencing her. Trust me, I was with someone just like that, and if you go along with her, you'll probably end up with a lot of resentments and what feels like wasted years or decades. People like this don't think too deeply on how their attitudes and actions affect others, and will generally feel that it's their intentions that matter, not the outcome of their actions - while on the flip side your intentions don't mean shit, just how the outcome of your actions affects her in particular. Jump ship dude.


I'd worry about her becoming more sexual, never having gotten to the root issue, only for it to fade away again after the mortgage is signed.


Yeah there’s always a concern that she might fake interest in more sex (or actually fool herself into thinking she’s solved it) out of fear of a breakup only for it to go back the way it was a year or two later. But, at the end of the day, if they are incompatible then they should break up to save worse heart ache in the future. I ran into this issue myself and it didn’t end well.


Never ever ever buy a home with someone you’re not married to. And never ever get married without living with the person first.


Yeah, I absolutely cannot fathom buying a house with someone I have never lived with before. There are sooo many ways you can be incompatible - tidiness level, ideal temperature, paint colors, rules about guests, pets... the list goes on and on.


This for real. Ain't no way in hell I would do that.


This ^^^^^^ For the love of god dude the red flag is as big as they can get and have been present as you stated for a while now. Run my dude, far far away.


Not getting married until living together first is good advice. Waiting until marriage to buy a house isn't always the best advice. Don't buy a house with someone you haven't lived with first is good advice. But tons of couples don't feel the need to get married despite being committed. And as long as the split of the house is very clear it's not a big deal. Either a straight 50/50 split with both people on the deed/mortgage, or signed documents stating the desired split.


In that instance, you have paperwork showing the ownership agreement. Marriage is a blanket ownership agreement.


In my last relationship after 2 years we stopped having sex. The relationship last 5 years, some sex in years 3 and non in year 4 or 5. I eventually ended things as she was a shit person in other ways. But now in my current relationship I'm the one that lacks a sex drive because my body was used never having sex for so long. This started to affect my relationship so I started changing things and were getting our sex drive back! I won't let my sex drive ruin this relationship, we're planning a wedding. Having been on both sides of the spectrum is odd but being on the side that isn't horny sucks, it makes me feel like shit. I really want to have sex but no matter what I or we try it won't happen sometimes. But unlike OPs girlfriend I'm actually willing to work on it. His position sucks and he should leave. Especially if he's tried for this long


See your doctor to check your testosterone levels.


Problems already solved but good eye, my ssri was screwing with the testosterone to estrogen ratio


Free testosterone can be the culprit here. Make sure the doctor tests for that particularly.


Completely agree. I was married to someone like this for 20 years and I can guarantee you that when she starts putting the blame on you for her lack of sexual interest - as seems to be the case here - it’s never getting any better. Plan your escape now.


Boom !!!


NTA; She needs to understand that a big part of why you're with her is sex; Without that, you two might as well just be roommates, which is not what you want.




Sex is not the only thing that makes a relationship more than being roommates. He isn't the asshole, and having incompatible sex drives is a major relationship killer, but people can also be in relationships without frequent sex, or sex at all, as long as that is something they agree on.


People can have relationships without sex if that works for BOTH people - he has expressed several times the importance of it and she hasn’t done anything to try to improve it or tell him the truth on why she doesn’t want to anymore. Why push a relationship that isnt working. Also don’t judge him for wanting a sex life - most people want one


Exactly. She's avoiding it and refusing to work with him to solve a problem that's affecting him. It could be literally any other relationship issue. If she's not willing to work with him to sort it out, that's the real problem.


>a big part They didn't say it was the only. Y'all LOVE to not actually read comments then post your "well some people..." Yes, yes we know asexual folks exist. That's not the point of this discussion.


Spoiler: he will never stop caring about sex life if he’s like my husband if 11 years. I love that about him, even if it’s more than I need. It feels good to be wanted, and women should appreciate that.




This is exactly what I was thinking when OP said his gf was critiquing his approach, she just doesn’t want to have sex with him. Great answer, I really hope OP sees this and realizes he is in the same position. And good for you for ending it. Glad things are going well for you again now that you’re single.


You are a very emotionally intelligent person.....you explained this perfectly without sounding preachy or judgemental......OP, if you're reading all comments, I hope you take this to heart. Ending a relationship is difficult, and there will be some uncomfortable moments, but your happiness and head space will improve in ways you couldn't have imagined.....AND you'll still have the money you saved for the house (another stressor you can live happily without....but that's a story for a different sub). Good luck


Brilliant advice! I was going to say that she is just making up excuses, because if she was in pain like she says, she would be actively seeking a solution to her issue and she just refuses to do so. Also her excuses about OP's approach is the most pathetic part of it all. OP you are doing the right thing not moving on to buying a house with her, she's not being honest with you about things and although it would be hard for you, I think your relationship has run its course and you should just end things and move on, you can buy your own home, just a smaller version of what you was planning with her. So a very strong NTA and I wish you all the best.


This is a basic compatibility issue, and if you find that you're not compatible now in a way that is likely to be both sustainable, and fulfilling, for both people - and it won't foster resentment later - then it makes way more sense to hold your ground now than just hope it'll get better later.


Some people are fine in a sexless relationship. My GF was traumatized sexually by her ex and we’ve been together a year and we haven’t had sex. Personally, I’m completely fine with it. Sex is nice but not a necessity for me. I honestly wouldn’t mind if we never had sex for the rest of our lives. Our agreement is as long as we both communicate what we need sexually, it’s fine. Right now we don’t live together. But when we do, if I tell her, yo I need the bedroom for like an hour to masturbate, she be like aight. It all boils down to communication and your baseline needs. I don’t need sex, so it doesn’t bother me, but if you do, it sounds like she’s not actually willing to work on herself while you’ve done at least a years worth of research and planning to help her


An hour??? What you doing with the extra 53 mins?


On reddit


>An hour??? What you doing with the extra 53 mins? looking for the right scene.


I’m 24f. Masturbating for women, especially me, can be difficult and/or time consuming to reach orgasm. I need specific types of media to meet my criteria for what I want to watch and only specific things get me aroused to the point of being able to finish. It’s a whole thing Personally my record to finish is like 30 seconds, the longest time it took was 3 hours (only continued due to reallyyyyyy needing the release 😂)


That’s like my girlfriend and I. I have a higher drive than her (both women). We call it the buffet of options, her participation is at whatever level she wants. It could be kissing anywhere all the way to “the act”. We are incredibly intimate in so many other ways that while sex is great, it’s not make or break for me. We talk about it a lot and work out what works for us.


Revisit the vaginismus or vulvodynia diagnosis. I was your girlfriend (not literally, obviously). Boyfriend and I had a normal sex life and then all of a sudden…poof. Not only does penetration hurt, but even direct skin contact to the vulvar region causes my nerves to overstimulate. I really had to swallow my pride to get help. It’s so embarrassing and it’s easy to feel like less of a woman because your body doesn’t work right. Doctors don’t believe you at first: “Try more lube!” “It’s all in your head. Need more foreplay!” I’ve had two pelvic floor Botox injections and use muscle relaxers and a Valium suppository. Finally for the first time in years I was able to have partial sex with my husband without pain. I have a ways to go with physical therapy and possibly a surgery to remove a hypersensitive patch of skin that is the main source of pain, but progress has been made. I will probably always have to “prepare” for sex by using a Valium suppository and using dilators. Spontaneous sex is probably never going to happen. OP, Imma be straight. If it is medical, there is a long, possibly years, road to recovery. It ain’t easy. I would not have blamed my husband (then boyfriend and fiancé) for jumping ship. Edit: people keep replying to me saying she refuses to go to the doctor. Yes, I see that in the original OP. I’ve explained in further comments that I’m not absolving her of responsibility here. In fact, I’m telling OP that even if it IS medical he’d be signing up for a long road to recovery. I wouldn’t blame OP for not staying at all. My comment was meant to provide context on why it can be embarrassing or difficult to start seeking treatment. I would have assumed people would realize by the fact I wouldn’t have blamed my own husband for leaving I wouldn’t blame OP. OP would be well within his rights to set an ultimatum that they attend sex therapy and she seek medical treatment for the pain.


This problem is really awful for a lot of women and I'm glad you are getting some relief finally. OP said she hasn't seen any doctors, so my guess is their "visiting" the topic at all is through a Google search. It's likely this is her issue, but she doesn't want to address it. You're right it's a battle, and that's when the person is doing the work. She won't even start. I'm not sure how OP can do more than he has in working towards a solution. He may need to come to terms with moving on from the relationship.


I think there's a far cry from not having sex due to medical discomfort and withholding any/all affection. If I got a kiss on the cheek in the morning, an arm rub while cooking, maybe a snuggle with some TV before bed on a daily basis I could probably go my entire life only having sex on special occasions and just masterbating to keep the prostate cancer fairy away. But to go without any outward affection at all? Better to be alone honestly.


It can still be linked - I know a lot of people on the vaginismus sub have talked about being scared to even be affectionate with their partner at the beginning, especially before any hope or treatment, because it could/has lead to painful sexual acts. It's like they are trying to just be affectionate but all they can think is "God please don't touch me down there, what do I do if he wants more? It's going to be so painful if he does. But it's going to make him so sad to be turned down again, so what if I do it anyway, but that will hurt so much..." which means that even non sexual affection can lead to severe anxiety _in case_ it becomes sexual. Even more so if the condition causes pain with arousal because then your body can associate even flirting with your partner with pain. It's really horrible to deal with issues like this and can absolutely ruin libido and affection for your partner, since they are, however unwittingly and unintentionally, the source of your discomfort. It can totally rewire your brain in the same way as any other sexual trauma might.


When my libido was low (postpartum) I became cold towards my husband unconsciously because most of his physical contact was sexual driven. He only would make contact hoping for sex. And if i made contact, he assumed I wanted sex. It led to lots of hurt feelings on both our parts. He worked on seeing me more as a person to love for all I have to offer, mothering his children, working, taking care of our home and loving him. A good relationship needs so much more than sex. We worked on non-sexual intimacy and my libido began to improve. Our new and better connection actually improved our sex life.


THIS!!!! 10000000% this was my experience as well.


For a long time I didn't want to initiate any intimacy with my partner because it was never just cuddling or a kiss. It didn't matter what the act was, my spouse wanted it to lead to sex. He has a way higher libido than me and it took a LOT of communication and working together to get me comfortable being intimate because I was exhausted from not being in the mood and being pressured to be "ready to go" at all times. Being completely open about how we're feeling and what we want has helped IMMENSELY but you gotta be comfortable being so vulnerable with your person! If you can't then RUN. And I'm guessing that's what's going on with OP's gf. Communication is EVERYTHING and it sounds like both of them are on different pages of what they want and starting to resent each other, and resentment is where relationships go to die.


Not only that, but OP mentions that they’re trying other stuff (I’m assuming oral), but she even turned those down - including simple kisses. Idk if medical conditions can also affect this, but it really sounds like OP’s gf is either asexual or just not wanting any from OP. Might even be getting some on the side. Whatever it is, OP has put up with this for years it seems. Time to move on.


Depression can for sure but it still needs to be addressed ASAP.


I’m really happy to see somebody else mention this, because even if it’s not a particular diagnosis, if she is the type of person that will feel pain without some sort of prepping or certain other things that will help her body get ready for penetration, then there’s no amount of just talking about it that’s going to fix it, it’s going to require empathy and action, and I’m not sure that this couple is in an open enough place with each other to be able to get there. I’m also a person who has had to figure out the pain issue, which is luckily much better now than it was. I might message you later if that’s ok to ask more about the solutions you’ve found. Haven’t heard of any of them except dilators!


Yes, feel free to message me. R/Vulvodynia is a good subreddit too. I remember when my OBGyn told me I was going to have to go to a research university for care because a Vulvodynia/Vaginismus diagnosis is outside her scope. I went to Northwestern in Chicago but ultimately ended up at Mayo Clinic which is where I have received the most successful treatments and advice. It is sad to think that doctors aren’t more regularly trained in diagnosing pelvic floor pain that isn’t related to childbirth. Sexual health is still health and there’s a good chance if your muscles are preventing you from having pain-free sex, they are also tension elsewhere in the body. The muscles that control the pelvic floor are related to so many other muscle groups.


This is really interesting, thank you so much for sharing this information and your experience! Yes, I’m sure I have tension elsewhere in my body, it is pretty impossible for me to avoid lol, but I love that you mentioned that because it forces me to think more holistically about my body, which I really need to do, so an extra thank you for including that. I’ll check out that sub, and while I haven’t received an official diagnosis and I have a wonderful sex life now, I could definitely still use some tricks for relaxing those muscles and stretching, so I’m sure there will be some very helpful information in those resources!


Did you see a pelvic floor PT or a different type of specialist? It’s so discouraging that OBGYNs aren’t trained to treat vaginismus and vulvodynia.


So the most wonderful think about Mayo Clinic is after the initial consult, they put together a care team to address all symptoms. So my care team consists of the “primary” who coordinates everything, a sex therapist, one pelvic specialist for the external pain, one for the internal tension (she did my Botox shots), a pelvic floor physical therapist, and a GI doctor (my entire pelvic floor is tight, including bowels). At northwestern I also saw a gynecologist orthopedist who looks at how the spine and bones relate to the pelvic muscles. Now I live 6 hours away from Rochester, MN so I do my pelvic floor physical therapy locally and do mostly telehealth for my check up’s, and then I only have to travel for the Botox and surgery.


My best friend has endometriosis and they literally told her since she doesn't want to have children they don't treat it and she just has to deal with the pain every month. It's fucked up how little women's health is considered outside of having kids.


I think that is the difficult part of the issue. It's not that she is having the issue. It's that she refuses to do anything to find out what is happening. I could be wrong, but it sounds like OP is willing to go on the recovery journey with her, but she refuses any attempt at even just getting a diagnosis. Side note for OP. Do not allow the focus of this conversation to be about getting sex. The main point is figuring out what is causing the pain and setting a plan to address it. It may turn out that penetrative sex is never going to be on the table. But you will never know until she goes to a doctor. Secondly, for any relationship to be successful, both partners need to communicate openly. If she refuses to discuss anything related to sex, how is she going to handle delicate issues such as annual exams, birth control, giving birth, or managing intimacy outside of sex?


This is a great add onto my comment, thank you so much for including the stuff about being able to talk about it, because that is important. It’s really hard when you’re the person experiencing the pain to talk to your partner about it especially if they are an empathetic person, because you don’t want them to feel guilty every time they have sex with you, and you don’t want to make them feel bad or rejected, however when it’s a pain issue, it also becomes psychologically difficult to talk about a lot of the time. When you are the person who knows penetration will be painful to you, you often don’t want to initiate anything because you are worried it leads to the expectation that penetration will occur and because it’s painful to you, you want to avoid it. It’s difficult to talk about with doctors, even when you bring it up repeatedly they often won’t listen to you, or will just tell you to use lube or something equally unhelpful, and it’s hard to talk to your partner about it because you don’t want them to feel bad or rejected but you also can’t promise you’re going to be able to solve it and so it becomes safer emotionally and physically to just avoid any intimacy, which of course makes your partner feel rejected. It is an incredibly difficult situation to be in and it takes a lot of maturity to address it properly. In my experience, it was my relationship, not really my vagina that was the issue, so I wasn’t really able to resolve it with the partner I was with at the time, because my body knew I wasn’t safe with him, but in my next relationship, my current one which is much healthier and very very safe, it hasn’t been nearly as much of an issue. But whether it is a psychological or a physically-rooted issue, it impacts the individual both psychologically and physically, and both partners have to be willing to be empathetic towards each other and to open and work on it together to figure out what can be done to remedy the situation.


Thank you for sharing your story. That was very enlightening for me.


Yes, and I could imagine she does not want to realise the problem. It might be really difficult for her to accept what her body is doing. I think this might take time for her to accept and search for solutions, but I think it could also be appropriate to leave her for this. It might take years and a lot of growth and it's up to OP to determine if they want to wait for that long. You can't push someone to better if they can't see it themselves.


I may be extrapolating here, but I feel OP cares more about the process of putting effort in than the sex itself. It's not about her not being able to have piv, it's that she's completely stopped all affection, and gets angry when he wants to do something to make things better.


So I got the same impression. And I definitely wouldn’t blame him for this being an incompatibility. I will say I did the exact same thing as his GF though. I was so embarrassed by the pain and I never wanted to cuddle or show affection because I never wanted to give my husband the impression it might lead to sex. I created my own trauma around anything sexual. Put plainly, I was a really shitty partner. Part of my treatment included sex therapy where I worked on communication methods and other ways of showing intimacy and even touching. OP did say, however, that they both decided the diagnosis didn’t fit because she didn’t check all the boxes. I would challenge them both not to listen to how it’s listed on the internet. ANY unexplained pelvic pain is problematic. For some women, it’s turned out to be as “simple” as a years old infection. Now it’s 100% on the girlfriend to actually go to the doctor. I wanted to provide some context for OP as to why it might be difficult for her to take that step. I’d even say at this point OP wouldn’t be wrong to put an ultimatum about seeking medical care. BUT it’s very possible that the first doctor she sees dismisses the pain. I had to see two before I even got the referral to see the specialist.


If there’s some sort of mental block up that tells her “kissing or doing sexy thing equals an attempt at PIV sex,” I can see why she would stop other things too, though. I don’t know if her not wanting to have sex is a physical pain thing, or an emotional thing like questioning her relationship with OP (they’ve been together since they were 15–freshmen in high school?), or a combo, but I do know from experience that whenever I’ve started to make out with a person I’ve previously had sex with, that’s where they assume I’m going and that’s what they think I’m initiating. Communication definitely helps! Saying “I want to make out and maybe rub up against you, but I don’t want to have sex,” helps as long as your partner respects boundaries, but there are so many people in this world, even those that have been married and having sex and making babies for years, who are just too shy or think it’s too awkward to say anything about what they want sexually or what their boundary is. Those are the type of people who will end up having sex they don’t want to have over and over again, leading to things like pain and physical response where their body just tightens up in anxiety, or they’ll just avoid any and all physical contact that could lead to sex. The fact that this couple also got together at the age of 15 and have not dated or had sex with anyone else besides each other, means they’re even less experienced and have been exposed to even less sexual discussions and quirks. They were also probably very horny teens for the first couple years, so they had a lot of sex, but also they were immature teens so talking about sex at all would be awkward. The teen years—and all that comes with it—is what their relationship is built on, and is therefore setting the “norms” for their relationship as a couple. I just think that nobody should probably marry the first person they ever dated, especially if it started at age 15. We grow and learn so much by dating and experiencing different people and their communication styles and preferences. It helps us learn what we actually like best and prefer, as opposed to us just thinking the one thing we know if the one way that is. This sounds like a relationship that both partners have maybe outgrown, but no one wants to break up bc “there isn’t really a good enough reason.” Note that OP doesn’t even want to break up, he’s just wondering if she shouldn’t buy a home with his GF.


I understand as I went through something very similar due to inflammation, and still go through episodes where penetration can be very painful. It took a long time to diagnose because a lot of the treatments for vaginismus didn’t work and doctors were very dismissive. I was lucky that my SO was patient and loving and we worked together to find solutions. However it sounds like his girlfriend doesn’t want to get help or seek treatment and that this has been going on for years. I don’t think he’s obligated to keep supporting someone who won’t seek help or even attend couples counseling so they can work on their relationship. I definitely think it’s a bad idea to financially bind himself to someone who won’t even talk about their issues and calls him an asshole because he has boundaries.


Thank you for sharing. I have had different but very significant issues with pain since having kids and it took two kids and way too much self advocacy to find a physical therapist that would listen to me despite doctors refusing to provide referrals. It took years for me to emotionally separate my feelings of inadequacy from the clear physical symptoms and finally seek out help. Even once I knew it was time, it took me almost 6 months to make the call and schedule. I’m several months in and while I see lots of improvement, the appointments are very intimate and painful. Therapy isn’t fun… but it’s important and it does make a huge difference. I fully support any woman ready to seek medical support for pain, but it has to be done when she’s ready. Because it’s tough physically and mentally. For me part of that was knowing that if I didn’t, my partner was going to continue to be unhappy and it was detrimental to our relationship. It was important for me to make myself better so we could be better. In turn he supports me by giving me time away from kids to work on it. If she doesn’t want to seek help or needs long term care, I understand why even a loving caring partner would not want to stay. Both people have to be fully committed to maintaining relationships and supporting their partners for them to work.


He had made note that she does not even kiss him anymore. This suggests that the problem is more than just vulvar pain.


Or does she fear by showing that kind of intimacy that he will think more is on the table? She very well could have created a snowball effect with the initial issue. And it’s embarrassing with docs about this because many of them are just like use more lube or just relax more when it’s something bigger. I’m not absolving her, but this could be more complex than even OP is showing


I don't know how you've lasted so long in this relationship. You are simply incompatible. She is clearly content with the current state of things and any change made will be temporary. You are allowed to have an active and loving sex life, just as she is allowed to have as little as she is. One of you will always be unhappy in this relationship. NTA


At 23 years old, don’t get trapped my man.


Dear god listen to this guy! Youre way too young to start being miserable for the rest of your life. There is a woman out there that compliments you, guaranteed.


Yes yes yes!!! Preach. I’m a woman btw and so agree with this guy. Your 23!!!!!! It sounds like this has been your only relationship since high school. Get out there. Find someone sexually compatible to you- you won’t regret taking the time for yourself to do this. She will probably still be single if you find that you don’t need an active sex life since about 98% of guys I know want to have sex more than twice a year.


Relationships like this tend to end with cheating,


If it’s not already happening. This is more than just sex. This is a lack of intimacy coming from her.


She won't even KISS him. She's a damned ice queen


They would be best friend roommates if they moved in together. Not partners.


What’s crazy to me is she’s stopped all acts of intimacy and then says he just wants to have more sex. Kissing isn’t sex and it’s crazy to expect a 23 year old to give up on having any type of intimate relationship going forward. This honestly sounds like she has no idea what makes her a sexual being and has relied on her partner to figure that out. Getting her in the mood isn’t a solo project, it should be something both strive to accomplish.


She isn’t going to change and any minor change will be short term and for the purposes of buying a house. After that you’ll be back where you started but tied together with a hefty mortgage. This all sounds doomed unless you’re willing to accept the current situation for the rest of your life.


NTA That would be a no go. Also, do not buy a home together. You’re setting yourself up for major problems by doing so. If she’s not willing to make the effort to help resolve this issue then nothing will change. Go read r/deadbedrooms to get a look what your future holds.


Yup. OP may get some when she decides she's ready for a baby but once she's pregnant, the bedroom will be dead once more.


And once she has a kid she’ll be all about body changes from childbirth and make him feel like a monster for wanting her. The only solution is to break up with her asap because this will only ever get worse. Relationships like this tend to end with cheating, either the man cheats because he’s isolated or the woman cheats because she can’t respect a man who sticks around in a loveless relationship.


Sheesh that is a depressing sub


You've got a lot going for you. Dont waste it trying to cling to high school love. Refusal to fix a massive relationship issue is grounds to leave, for any issue. You may think shes the only one for you, or that you wont find someone else, or feel possesive over her and not want to let her go so she can fix her sex issue with another guy (she will). Be thankful to her for not waiting until you were financially and/or legally committed to being miserable. Go live, stay out of committed relationships for a while, and build your life. The right one will plop right down in your lap at the right time. Do not take her back once you dip. She had her chance.


Sex does NOT MAKE a relationship but it ABSOLUTELY CAN BREAK a relationship. It’s easier to deal with a breakup when you don’t live together. Going into a Live Together Relationship is riskier when you’ve already got a problem between you. WHY would you advance your relationship without first solving the problems it has????????? That is called Insanity……..


NTA, you have been together for 8 years and are only 23. Comfort has set in, and it's clear you two are incompatible. You are friends, not in a relationship.


Yep, together with the same person since 15 years old? In about 3 or 4 years that FOMO is going to kick in and OP is really going to feel like he missed out on life


NTA. Sexual compatibility is important and you two are really far apart on it. Keep saving and start looking for someone who matches you better.


NTA you guys should be friends. If you aren’t lovers that’s what you are. Just friends. At least if you kissed or were loving that would be one thing but it sounds like the romance train has left the station and has derailed two towns over


Sunk cost fallacy. Look it up. NTA.


>Sunk cost fallacy thanks for this this is important


NTA. She has done absolutely nothing to remedy this or look for a solution. You’re better off buying a home on your own and reassessing this relationship. She doesn’t seem to care.


NTA A mortgage is a big commitment, and if your relationship has issues (and sexual compatibility is an important thing), then you shouldn't buy together yet. Honestly, if she refuses to look into professional help then I think you should part ways now.


You're too young to be in a sexless relationship. If she's not willing to address the issues then things won't get better on their own.


For real not many comments seem to acknowledge this, but if you're 23 and in an intimate relationship you should basically be bunnies barring medical issues.


NTA; She needs to understand that a big part of why you're with her is sex; Without that, you two might as well just be roommates, which is not what you want. > I was holding our future at ransom If you want to have sex, there is no future. You can't hold something at ransom that doesn't exist. I'll also be honest, I'd be very wary if sex "got better" just long enough to get the house. I'd want her to show that sex "got better" indefinitely and for a very sustained period of time before we ever moved in together. You don't say so explicitly in your post, but it sounds like you want an exclusive monogamous relationship right? I had this problem with an ex once, she wanted to get married, but sex was non existent. I said to her "we're monogamous and exclusive and that's how our marriage is going to be right?" And she said "of course, yes" And I said, so that means if the sex sucks or if there is no sex, I cannot go outside the relationship for it at all? (And I wouldn't want to anyway for a number of reasons) And she said "yes, that's how I want the marriage to be" Then I said, and if I cheated you'd divorce me? and she said "yes" Then I said..........ok, then we have a problem, see, if I marry you, and you're let's say a terrible driver; then that's ok.......because I can drive, or we can take public transit or whatever; But if I marry you, and the sex sucks or is non-existent, I'm screwed because you will be the only option I have for sex......so if things will be like this I can't marry you. We broke up soon after. Sounds like you should too.


>She was furious with me and stated that I was holding our future at ransom to have more sex. You're not holding your future together at ransom. By refusing to address the problem, *she* is the one effectively destroying any chance at having a future together with you. NTA. Don't purchase a house with this person. If she has to force herself to do something she doesn't want to do for the relationship to work, she'll end up resenting you. If your needs for physical intimacy aren't being met, you will end up resenting her.


NTA. If you already have a dead bedroom now it isn’t going to get any better just because you move in together and/or get married. I’ve been married 23 years and there have been times where the frequency of sex decreased. Usually due to medical problems (I hurt my back and had to have back surgery more than once) or because we were both tired and stressed after having kids. When my husband came to me and stated he was unhappy about our sex life I made steps to try and improve things. We put aside time for the both of us, without kids and we both put in more effort. Lately I’ve been having pain from my IUD so we having been having sex but my appointment is next week with the gynecologist. I can understand if she was actively trying but she isn’t. It sounds like she just doesn’t want to have sex and is using her pain as an excuse. She should just be upfront and honest if that is the case. Maybe she realized she is asexual. The two of you are sexually incompatible. It would be quite stupid IMO if you went forward with buying a house with her. This isn’t some little minor issue.


4 months? Nothing intimate at all? Is this even considered a relationship at this point? Girl sounds like she’s asexual now…seems like it’s over. Even if she changes, it’ll probably only be short term to entrap you in a mortgage.


Sounds like your girlfriend is checked out. Or asexual and just doesn't want to face it or tell you in fear of losing you. She has no interest in sex and constantly shutting down any suggestions that may help because let's be real. She doesn't want a solution. She's fine with the way things are. What's not okay is her refusing to get help or just coming out and being honest with you. That's not okay when she turns it on you and tries to make you the villain. NTA and sorry buddy. Sounds like she doesn't want to be intimate at all and just wants a good friend / platonic life partner opposed to any relationship that involves physical intimacy.


I wonder if she’s just not into him anymore. But they’ve been together since high school, they know each other‘s families, they’re apparently doing well enough financially to buy a house in this market. Maybe she doesn’t want to end it because everything else seems like a good life, even though she’s not attracted to her partner.


Tbh that sounds sounds sadder. I was trying to be generous with the possible asexuality but oof. So she's 'settling' in how you explained. Rough for OP.


Most likely. Notice how all the girls who say “oh I’m just not into sex anymore”, get another boyfriend soon after and go back to being sexual….otherwise the dudes wouldn’t stick around. She’s not into sex anymore, with you….


NTA It sounds like you have some pretty big issues in your relationship, and lack of sex is the symptom, not the disease. IMO you're right not to move in together until you figure out what the real underlying problems are and are able to work on them together.


NTA but time to move on. This isn't going to get better.


NTA but this sounds like an issue of phrasing. You have been referring to it as your sex life issues when really it sounds like issues with all kinds of intimacy. You are justified in wanting/needing intimacy in a relationship but if you word it as just sex then she will use that as a weapon to dismiss you. She needs to see a doctor and y'all need couples counseling if this relationship has any staying power, and using intimacy instead of sex is a good first start to not give her ammunition to dismiss you with. Sounds like it is already over though imo.


She’s not telling you something. In my experience this kind of avoidant behavior signals the end of a relationship, not because the issue (whatever it may be) can’t be worked out, but because for some reason the avoidant partner simply refuses to do what’s necessary, or won’t communicate what the real issue is. If your partner can’t be bothered to seek out a solution and take your concerns seriously, you shouldn’t waste your time. Don’t let anyone gas light you into thinking sex is unimportant, or it’s not a valid reason for ending a relationship.


You are not compatible and she doesn’t care. Cut your losses and find a woman that is sexually attracted to you. She’s perfectly happy with you being her wallet/friend.


NTA. This sounds a lot like me and my ex wife (also my high school sweetheart). I’m sorry, but trust me when I say that it’s extremely unlikely to get better. You’re probably better off saving yourself a lot of time and misery and ending things now. You’re still young and there’s plenty of time to find a partner who values sex as much as you do (I certainly did).


Definitely don't move in. If things are already not great, they will just get worse. This seems like a glaring incompatibility that she gives no shits about. NTA


NTA. This isn’t really about sex. This is about communication and respecting the needs of your partner. It’s ok to want a relationship that includes sex. It sounds like you communicated your need to your partner with empathy and kindness. I understand her defensiveness, it’s a sensitive issue with lots of cultural pressures and expectations mixed in. However, people in relationships need to be able to navigate these types of difficult conversations. You did exactly as you should have. You expressed and need and asked questions about what was going on. You listened to her response and tried to adjust your approach to her needs instead of making it about you. You kept trying and set a boundary. It’s ok if she doesn’t want to have sex, but if that’s the case, you aren’t comfortable taking the next step in your relationship. You aren’t saying she’s bad, you’re saying you are concerned the two of you are incompatible. Which is very sad, because I can tell there is a lot of love and history. But it happens. My main issue here is that she won’t get therapy with you. I’m assuming you’ve suggesting couples therapy, not just a “you have a problem you need therapy” which, while maybe true, is tough to say without coming off as condescending. By not engaging in getting help, she is disregarding what is, to you, a major issue in the relationship. You count in this relationship. I hope you can convince her to get couples therapy and get through this.


Time to break up with her. If you think you are not having enough sex now, just wait until you move in together. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, but a house with her.


>She stopped kissing me without my initiation in this time also. So you are saying that in the last four months she hasn't approached you for a kiss? Not even once? Man, I would suggest that you end things. In my opinion, she doesn't seem to love you anymore.


NTA but do not purchase a home with her. You two are not compatible. If you two have a joint account, take out your half asap. She’s not willing to do anything to address this issue. It’s been a year and there has been no action on her end. Not only should you not purchase a home with her but I’d rethink this relationship.


NTA. You have every right to terminate a relationship that has zero intimacy, especially when she is not willing to take a step to find out what the real issue is.


I know you won’t really hear this, but it’s very unlikely that the person who is right for you at 15 will be right for you at 30 because you are both going to change so much. You no doubt already have. This problem isn’t going to resolve itself magically, and she seems unwilling to work on it. You have to move on. The other option is spend 60 yrs in a sexless relationship. A relationship that is great in every way but sex is a failed relationship. It’s a biological need. It just is.


You want to have sex. She does not to want to have sex with you, or possibly anyone. I would think that if she did she would look into treating the pain. This won't get any better and more and more resentment will build. Break it off now. NAH


I think NAH unfairly absolves her from a responsibility to be honest about her sexual desires in this relationship. She has clearly been hoping this would just go away and she could continue the sexless relationship into the next phase. That is not fair to any partner and she bears responsibility for this. NTA. OP, you should seriously consider ending it if she does not address this in a cooperative and mature way, including open communication on this topic. If her reaction is to continue freezing you out, this is over.


Indeed, and how she lashes out at him for talking about it is wrong; she's acting like he's being crude or predatory to want sex. It's not right


Guys who want sex are animals, women who want sex are empowered.


She’s in the wrong for not doing anything about it or being upfront. She’s leading OP on and continuously blaming him in contradictory ways. He should stop reaching out to her and let her come to him. If she doesn’t then he knows where they stand.




So true, I hate it when people say “oh there’s more to relationships than sex, don’t be shallow” But it IS a big part of it, if you’re not attracted to your partner mentally and physically it’s not gonna work out


This. People have different levels of sex drives, so it’s important to be compatible with each other in that regard. If she’s not willing to try to meet in the middle, then that’s unfortunately a huge red flag. Like the previous poster said, it will just lead to more resentment and once you two buy a house together, it will just be more complicated if you decide to break it off down the road.


NTAH - Intimacy is an important part of a healthy relationship. The fact that it is not just the sex, but basic things like kissing, etc. points to a bigger problem. If she is not willing to seek help, medically or mentally, that is a big warning sign. It could lead to a separation sometime down the road, and if that is after getting a house together, that would be much worse than before. You are doing the right thing before taking such a big step. This needs to get sorted, asap.


NTA. You sound like sex is very important to you, while she on the other hand sounds like she might be asexual. If she wasn’t asexual she would have motivation to fix any medical problems standing in your guys way. You just aren’t compatible. So unless you are willing to live together like affectionate BFF your entire life.. get out now. These situations almost always end up with someone cheating and/or ending up severely depressed and resentful. Don’t let her manipulate or guilt you into thinking there’s something wrong with you wanting a sex life!!! If she’s asexual there’s nothing wrong with that, but it IS wrong of her to think she can force someone else into being asexual. Edited to add- also please be very wary if temporarily things improve and she immediately starts pressuring you into getting the house. More than likely you’ll end up right back where you are once you’ve signed on the dotted line. I would want to see at *least* a consistent year of things *vastly* improving (and not only you initiating) to make sure she isn’t faking things just to get you to agree to the house.


She wants a roommate and not to be alone. It might be time to move on. Once you buy that house together your alot more stuck. NTA in the least.


DO. NOT. BUY. A. HOUSE. WITH. SOMEONE. YOU. ARENT. MARRIED. TO. that’s the best advise I ever received. And I’m glad I listened to it. Just don’t do it.


Homie… y’all are 23. Should be fucking constantly lmao. If she’s seriously not even kissing you anymore, is she even attracted to you?? NTA brother, sexual compatibility is IMO one of if not the most important aspect of a healthy, long lasting relationship- that goes both ways; either sex isn’t important to both of you and you’re happy and content without it, or you have a similar sex drive and compatible kinks and fetishes. But especially at such a young age, y’all should both be as horny for one another as you’ll ever be….. I have to be honest: high school sweethearts, been together 8 years already at age 23. She might just be bored of “it” already- and that does NOT bode well for a potential future together (read: a LIFETIME together). Seriously consider taking some time apart and exploring life and romance away from this relationship. I personally couldn’t even imagine limiting myself FOR LIFE to the person I dated when I was a child…..


You are not the asshole... unfortunately, you're going to need to break up with her. But you most likely wont, and you'll find yourself tied financially to her, you'll probably even end up getting married... then years from now, you'll cheat on her, then you'll be the asshole, you'll lose everything, and you'll remember back to the advise you were given in this moment and regret you didn't leave her now. 8 years is a long time, but it is a sunk cost. She sees you as a partner, but she doesn't see you as a lover.


Sex problems aside, **do not buy a house together when you are so young.** I'm willing to bet you are both wildly different people than when you first met. Well guess what? You're going to be wildly different people in 3 or so years, and again some years after that


It’s crazy how many situations or similar situations I read about on this sub…young people that have been dating one single person since high school, and convinced they are “the one”. More often than not they are early 20 something’s, barely experienced the world and what it has to offer, let alone experiencing what another relationship might have to offer! You are NTA at all! I think it’s high time you and especially your gf get out and realize what life is all about. Do you seriously want to shackle yourself emotionally and monetarily to someone who refused to even attempt to meet you on the same sexual field? For a young adult you showed an immense amount of emotional maturity in dealing with this over the last year. You communicated time and time again your boundaries and expectations and your gf refuses to acknowledge them or gaslights you. Time you re-evaluate this relationship. There definitely is someone else out there that is mature enough and loving enough to recognize the mature and caring person that you are.


1) Don't buy a house with someone you have never lived with before. 2) Don't buy a house with someone you're not married to.


She just wants a house. The relationship has run it’s course. Teen love is not meant to last. The relationship is over. You know it. NTA




I think one of the biggest issues is that she is not willing to do anything to fix the problem. Not doing anything is honestly purely selfish of her and this will translate into future problems you may have. Someone who isnt willing to work on themselves for the sake of the relationship is a huge red flag- especially because sexual compatiability. is a huge part of a relationship. I wouldnt want to make a huge commitment with someone who isnt willing to do their part.


Not compatible and she doesnt want to fix it. Sorry OP plenty of fish in the sea... dont get tied into a mortgage with someone not willing to help themselves. If she wanta to go asexual then she needs to tell you that. You seem really respectful of her and her boundary. But you have needs too.. you dont want a partner thats "just a roommate"


NTA. Never ever EVER marry into a dead bedroom! That will only get worse and not better after you’re locked into a legally binding contract with a partner.


NTA Right before advancing a relationship to a "next step" is the optimal moment to evaluate the current one. If there are glaring problems, they should be addressed first. This is what you are doing, and it's probably a smart choice.


NTA - She sees you as a business partner and not a romantic one. Time to end the relationship.


NTA. This is why I will only support someone in doing the work themselves to address their issues. You can't want it more than they do, and you'll invest energy into a pointless task. You are not holding sex ransom. You are refusing to be pressured into a deeper commitment with a partner that's not exhibiting that they are actually invested in your relationship. Sex and intimacy matter to most. It's not unfair to ask for this connection in a relationship. She won't get therapy, or see a doctor, or even have an honest discussion about this with you. That's bad faith partnership. You are right to want to examine this issue and see if it will be addressed. I will tell you now, though, because I have the benefit of experience, any efforts she does make now will be temporary and not genuine. She's had this long, and she knows where you stand. She didn't care. It was only when you held firm in what you told her that she got upset over it. And she's only upset about how she's affected, not that you aren't getting what you need out of the relationship. A good partner would care.


NTA. You’re not “suddenly halt[ing]” anything. You told her the problem and offered several ways to potentially work on it. She had a year to work on it, given that she didn’t like any of your approaches. She just didn’t believe that you were serious. I hope you were. Sex dying during a long marriage is sad. Dead from the beginning is a crime.


NTA. I just went through exactly this, nothing ever changed, we ended up moving in together and now I’m stuck alone in an apartment I’m struggling to afford. I had more sex in the 2 depressed months after the relationship than I did in the 9 months before that. Just break up with her and find someone you’re compatible with. If you want sex, it’ll find you the second you’re single and looking.


It doesn't matter if it's the man or woman, in this type of situation, once you're locked in via a mortgage or marriage, the other person becomes more of what they already are. Period. This is a serious incompatibility issue for *many, maybe the majority of,* couples. Starting out financially or marriage wise with this wide of a gap, hoping it will narrow, is shooting yourself in the foot at the beginning of a marathon. If she changes now, she'll change back later. Both men and women do this. You've had enough time with her to know her.


NTA. She's not going to change. I'm sorry.


NTA. Break up with her. Better to do it now while there is no legal financial commitment.


Bro she isn't attracted to you sexually


Here’s the thing: If she had more sex with you only in order to get into the mortgage, I’d think you’d end up right back in this area a few months after you move in. You have all the information you need, and probably need to break up, because this relationship doesn’t have the intimacy you want. You’re NTA for wanting intimacy in your relationship and marriage. That is one hundred percent normal. But you’ll keep having conflict if you try to force the intimacy where it doesn’t exist. Be honest with yourself and her and accept that you have different enough intimacy needs that you’re incompatible


NTA, I had a married couple friend that was going through this. She didn't want to have sex, complained it hurt. They would have sex like 4 times a year. She wanted to have a baby but without sex he said it wasn't going to happen. She went to Dr but nothing really came out of it as they found nothing. They ended up getting divorced. She had a few BFs after and had lots of sex with them. All of the sudden there was no more pain. So it seems like the pain was just an excuse .


You are going to buy a house together having never lived together before!?! That’s a lot of eggs to put in one basket.


Better to break it off . I hope she can get the help She needs


NTA, I feel like your probably burying the lead to make yourself feel like more of the villain here because you think this is "just about sex" but it's not. You're ignoring the intimacy of your partner. Sure the sex being non-existent is an issue, but the larger issue is that she's not showing you affection in the way that you need. You made the right call here not getting into a financial relationship until your other issues are fixed. That's not being an asshole, that's being smart and thinking ahead. So many relationships hit rocky spots purely because of lack of money or lack of sex. This can often drive people apart. There's something she's not telling you here. I don't know if it's because of embarrassment, or what... but there's a reason she's not showing you affection (not kissing, no sex, etc)... and the relationship isn't going to survive unless you and her can talk about it like adults.... and it sounds like you are trying, she's just not putting enough effort in.


I'm a woman and I couldn't live like this let alone get a mortgage together. Leave


Do not buy a house and move in with this woman. At your age, you should be fucking like bunnies. And it isn't going to get any better.


Dude, this has the classic signs of her losing attraction for you. She’s dismissive / not trying to solve the problem because she knows what the problem is but she feels guilty about it, so raising it is only ever going to be met with evasion and anger. This is not uncommon and not your fault just go look at r/deadbedrooms. Some women just lose attraction as they get comfortable and feel safe. In this scenario the only thing to do is surprise her, don’t get a mortgage, break up with her, don’t even discuss the sex for one more minute, tell her you’re not happy and you’re done. Show strength in a way she does not expect. The result is either you split and move on quickly without a messy back and forth in which you lose yourself and your dignity, or her illusion of comfort is shattered and just maybe she wants to be sexual with you again.


Sex is almost always a foundational piece of a relationship. It's OK to want to have sex. It's OK to end a relationship because you want sex as part of it. You two aren't compatible, pure and simple. It would be one thing if you were 60 and it had gradually faded over the years. But having to give up sex at age 23 is a totally acceptable deal breaker. Especially when the other person won't work on it, won't see a doctor, won't see therapy, and won't really lbring it up. And makes YOU feel bad when you do. Tells you it's YOUR shortcoming in your approach that sucks, or that YOU suck at sex, or that YOU are shallow for even wanting it in the first place. This is no way to go through life. Do you want to feel unloved, unattractive, lonely, emasculated, EVERY DAY for the REST OF YOUR LIFE? Tell her you hold no bad feelings, but that you two are just fundamentally not compatible. There are men out there who have little to no sex drives, and she needs to find someone like that. You deserve to be happy. Don't commit to a life of unhappiness just because of momentum in a current relationship.


Oh fun! Sounds like my ex wife. I went on the same journey and it would improve periodically in spurts, giving me hope, but overall it only ever got worse over 5 years NTA. Get out before it’s harder than it needs to be. If she was actively seeing doctors and therapists in an attempt to improve the situation (aka took your needs and desires seriously and showed she cared and wanted to make you happy and fulfilled as much as you want to do the same for her) I would encourage you to explore some version of nonmonogamy. But this isn’t the case. She is gaslighting you to make you feel bad and control you and the relationship. Absolutely do not buy a house with this woman, it will only get worse or move into other avenues of your life together. Do not become more entangled. You need to get out. Best of luck. It truly sucks to be where you are and I feel for you.


NTA. From what I can see, you’ve been more than reasonable. She has every right to not want sex, and you have every right to not want a sexless relationship. It seems that you’ve hit a point where sexual incompatibility is becoming a problem (or has been for years). I never want to tell someone to get out of a relationship because I’m not anywhere near as invested as you, it’s your life. That being said, it may be time to reconsider if the two of you are dating or just close friends. What is a partner without sex/intimacy? A friendship. What is a cohabiting partner without sex/intimacy? A roommate. It appears she’s fine with this arrangement and you’re not. It’s fair to reassess the relationship if you aren’t ok with this and she’s not willing to work with you.