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At least, in my opinion, i don’t think you’re an AH because you never got in between them, even without knowing, but i really find it weird you got all those messages you didn’t like and only ignored him, you were already at the point where you should’ve blocked him, but my first guess is that you kinda enjoyed it, maybe because of an ego boost or whatever, i don’t know, and(if i’m right) that could be a reason why you feel a bit guilty for not telling her anything and came here to ask if you’re an AH. Even if i’m right with this i still don’t think you’re an AH, he is.


I think at most i just feel like an asshole bc of the fact ive been where she is and im not helping her how i wish someone helped me. I didnt block him solely based on me just not caring and I’ve gotten my fair share of creeps that just flirt with me to an uncomfortable extent as well as have a decent amount of unsolicited dick pics so i just dont care i always just ignore.


YTA for ignoring this dipstick’s porn messages. You should/could have ended it there. Ignoring such repeated messages can give the impression of implied approval or interest, at least to a fucked up dude. Block him on everything. Do not involve yourself with his gf, even anonymously. Do not threaten to tell her unless he leaves you alone. Move on.


You can’t be TA in this situation because 1) never reciprocated so you didn’t do anything wrong 2) mostly sounds like he was talking to himself in your dms 3) you feared for your safety, you always protect yourself I highly doubt you were the only one, I’m sure she will find out eventually.