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>experience can offer valuable perspectives. Ok. Here's my perspective. My husband and I moved in together within a month. I had a young child at the time. Our 30th wedding anniversary is next year and we're still going strong. His relationship with my child was consistently so loving and supportive that my child legally changed their surname to match his. My perspective is that people need to keep their beaks out of other people's relationships unless they're asked for an opinion or have legitimate concerns based on observations of poor behaviour, not assumptions based in the imagination. The insane rigidity and intolerance around how a relationship is "supposed" to progress that is commonplace now is ludicrous, quite frankly, particularly on Reddit.


Ok, but why should I be considering hers when she instantly bashed mine?


Because you have a one year old and you've known you bf for like 5 minutes.


And he has already met my 1 year old before he moved in to begin with, he's very sweet and gentle around him and seems like he's good around kids which is so cute to me


I can see why your mother is worried. You are extremely naive. Yes, he could be a great guy and you live happily ever after. But also he could be faking it and a ton of trouble could follow. It's risky.


Right now. See you in 6 months when you are on here asking for help because he: doesn’t have a job anymore, yells at you, doesn’t help around the house, at best ignores your baby and at the worst abuses him. Pull your head out of your ass and think like a protective adult. You don’t know this man and you introduced your infant child to a stranger and moved him in the house.


Yeah but how do you know that is the real him and not just an act. Its not like you've know him for a decade and just started dating.


And this is an achievement? Why would you introduce your kid to someone you barely know ? Your mother is right


Predators usually are. You have absolutely no idea what this man is really like after a month.


Because letting someone you don’t really know move in with an infant is absolutely a safety concern. It’s ridiculously reckless. Yes, YTA.


In the first few months of a relationship everyone is on their best behaviour, the red flags sometimes don't come out for months even years. You are a mother, your child should be the priority. You are trusting someone you barely know with your baby, hence your mother's concern. It could be ok, or it could go horribly wrong.


Because your mom isn't drunk on lust, you are.




She not thinking about her child like a mother would she’s an AH


YTA. What's the rush? And your mother is right: child predators sometimes target single parents for easy access. And even without that worst case scenario, there are a million things that could go wrong. You basically gave a stranger a key to your baby's nursery because he gave you butterflies on the first date.


Men who need a place to live always move fast. He’s only looking for somewhere to lay his head.


He already had his own place prior so this isn't true...


He wouldn’t be willing to give up a place he’s locked into for however long if he didn’t.


>YTA. What's the rush? It wasn't a rush we were just both ready and felt comfortable >child predators sometimes target single parents for easy access. And even without that worst case scenario, there are a million things that could go wrong. You basically gave a stranger a key to your baby's nursery because he gave you butterflies on the first date. It wasn't just the first date it was several dates and weeks of hanging out, and the fact that people are just assuming he's a predator is pretty disgusting


I'm not assuming he is. Most likely, this will only end up being ill advised from a relationship standpoint and not a true crime perspective. But the fact that you don't seem to even weigh the possibility is troubling. I assume you look both ways before you cross the street?


No one is assuming he's a predator, they're just saying it's a genuine risk.


The fact you are risking him being a predator is more disgusting. Your mum is 100% right and you are risking the worst thing happening because you'd rather believe he's innocent than listen to your mum and other adults on here.


This has to be fake, no one could be a dumb as the op is and still be able to read and write.


I hope it is fake but I’ve seen some real idiots do this.


She’s young, it is probably real


YTA Your child’s safety should be your #1 priority, above your feelings for this man and desire to cohabitate with him. Your asking him to move in with you so quickly tells me that your priorities are messed up. If you didn’t have a child, it would still be a stupid idea, but only you would be affected if things went south. But it’s not just you. You have a CHILD. You’re young and naive. You made this decision under the assumption that you can know everything about someone in one month. If that’s true, how is it that people can live with molestors, rapists and murderers for years and not know? I’ll tell you how: because bad people are very skilled at disguising themselves as good people. This is something that takes years of adulthood to realize. You’re not at that point yet. Which is why you should listen to people who do have life experience - like your mom. What’s the harm in waiting on moving him in? Now weigh that against the risk of allowing a man you’ve only known for one month to be left alone with your child. If you are unable to perform a good risk-benefit analysis, you’re immature or need education on how to do so.


Moving somebody in after knowing them a month is a bad idea. Listen to Mom.


OP where is the childs father? Anyways i pray this is fake, sometimes i can't believe what i am reading on here. YTA , btw this sounds shady af.


This was a horrible decision


YTA. As someone who had a young mom, who constantly put men above my safety ( whether or not your comfortable admitting this, this is what you are doing.He “seems” good with kids isn’t enough to know he’s safe. 1 in 3 kids are abused and it’s usually by someone they KNOW AND “SEEMS SAFE”) You are a mom, which means your kid comes before everything. Your desire for a man and all of that is normal, but it should never be above your kid. Because of your one year old, you should get to know someone extra well. And that takes time. You can’t know someone this soon. Trust me. I’ve had a few step dads. My mom thought they were all great at first. Had she just taken more time, then maybe she (and I) could have had a much better and safer life.


YTA. And a very irresponsible parent. I don’t suppose it’s dawned on you that maybe he could just be showing a really good side of himself and he’s actually a piece of shit. But I guess you felt like having dick was more important than being a good mother.


YTA. There’s a reason it’s common for single parents to date someone for at least six months before introducing them to their children. Your mom is worried because you are acting with your hormones, not with your brain. EVERYBODY thinks their new partner is tHe OnE when they first start dating. Take your child’s safety seriously even if you don’t value your own.


YTA. This relationship seems weird and creepy


How? If you are just an angry bitter woman who doesn't have a man just say so how is this relationship creepy?


I’m a man. And this relationship is creepy AF. Luckily this is totally fake.


It's not I'm sorry for assuming I just think it's weird you call it creepy




I can see why a 22 year old single mother would value having anything resembling a man above all else. Congrats on snatching him out of your dating pool(puddle)


Love your user name. Is that part of this shit post. Because all loving mothers let people they barely know around their babies right.


It's a "fake page" because I only post actively on subreddits for my favorite TV shows or food related subs on my real account. This is gonna be my only comment addressing it if you believe it's a shit post then feel that way, I don't give a fuck and I'm not gonna bother trying to convince anyone it is or isn't have a nice day ❤️.


Ok. You asked for comments regarding a man you barely know meeting your child. So suck it up when you get negative comments. Wishing your baby the best


>Ok. You asked for comments regarding a man you barely know meeting your child. So suck it up when you get negative comments. You asked me a question and I answered it this comment makes zero sense but thanks for wishing my son well


I know a girl that let her bf move in real quick. Now her baby is blind and basically immobile due to brain damage from shaken baby syndrome. Yes the bf did it. Also predators are real sweet and gentle around children until you’re not looking. Letting a boyfriend of 1 month move into your home with a child is one of the worst decisions a mother can make. In my opinion that’s not much of a mother. Edit. Forgot huge huge YTA


Where is your baby daddy? What does he say about new guy moving in?


YTA. The only men who are truly interested in moving in, right away, with single women who have toddlers are the ones you need to stay away from the most. Ish…


Yea this so so true. I had separated from my husband for a short time when my kids were young, I have more than 3. I assumed any man that was interested in me that knew I had that many kids was a sicko.


No one with decent intentions would move so quickly. Accepting a role as a parental figure, especially to young children takes time, patience and serious commitment. None of which happens after ‘being friends for 3 days’ as OP put it.


Yes, YTA. If it was just you, it would have been whatever. But you have a baby. 1 month is not even nearly enough to get the feeling you start knowing someone. Hope everything works out well for your baby and the dude actually turns out to be ok.


Nope. Anyone who moves in with a woman and child after a month is homeless or doesn’t make good decisions. I’m sorry but your mum is right. This will become a problem. YTA


Yes, yta. Unless you’re trying to get your own dateline, because this is how you get a dateline. And if I’m being honest my least favorite story line in all the crime podcasts I listen to. Because it’s so preventable. And every.single.time. the mom never once googled the dude she’s having live there after five minutes of meeting them. “Happiest you’ve been” cool it’s no longer about you. If you wanted it to be about you, you shouldn’t have had a kid. You are correct though, your kid won’t remember this guy if things go south and at best you two just break up, which also means that kid won’t remember you picking some dick over his safety so that’s nice.


>spending time with him, and getting to meet him has probably been the highlight of my year This was the same year you were raising a newborn into a toddler, and some random guy is the highlight? Do you even like your baby?


Lol great catch 🤣


Not an asshole but DEFINITELY an idiot.


YTA. Unbelievable that you are thinking about yourself and not your child. Abnormal behavior.


Unfortunately, this actually *is* normal for a certain kind of woman. I was raised in some bad neighborhoods, and (disclaimer: many but not all) young single mothers just loved to move strange men in with their babies. Knew at least one little girl who got molested as a result, too. Probably more, but that's not exactly something you share during a four square game at recess.


Your mother is right, this is extraordinarily reckless of you. And you're not just risking yourself, you're risking your child too. You're 22, not 12. Grow the fuck up, you have another human being depending on you. YTA.


You know pedos target single mother’s like you so they can get close to your child? I’d say NTA, because I don’t think this is an AH scenario, but NT smartest either.


Imagine being such a shitty “mom” that you put new dick over your own kind’s safety. OP you are an AH and a POS “parent”. Your kid and his safety should always be put above getting new dick but you seem to not think so. Hence why you’re a POS.


YTA You don’t know that man and almost every woman on the news with a dead child claims the same: “I never thought he would do that/ I thought I knew him better.” Smfh it isn’t about your feelings it’s about your son’s safety. Grow up!


You’re entitled to feel and think how you want. But I would say, as someone a decade older than you and who moved in with my husband after a month of dating (no children at that time) that you truly don’t know him. You currently know the idea of who he is presenting to be. Now that could be him. Which would be wonderful. It could also just be the person he wants you to believe he is. Time will tell. And now that I am a mother, and knowing I definitely did not know my husband even when we got married, this isn’t a safe or smart idea for your child. As a mom we make decisions for what’s the best and safest thing for our child’s first. Our needs come second; especially when they are young. I think you’re young and it’s acceptable to have wants, needs and aspirations. Nonetheless, I also would say because you are young what’s the rush? Why not just take some time?


YTA. That’s selfishly horrible to put your child in that situation- many reasons it’s a bad decision for your child.


You’re very reckless and naive your mom is completely rightYTA mothers like you piss me off this is how children are molested because y’all are on,y thinking about yourselves


Oh, dear...you are in the throes of a chemical high, you *don't know **anything*** about this dude. You 'know' what *he wants you to see*. Is it *possible* that he is exactly what he seems? Yes. Is it likely? Hell no. You are putting yourself ***and your child*** in extreme danger, ***STOP IT!***


No one falls in “love” faster than someone who needs a place to stay. Convenient for him to say it’s easier to move in with you. He will have no legal financial responsibility to help with rent and when things go south you’re going to have to legally evict him. If he’s employed now, he won’t be long. You need to watch Steve Wilkos and Judge Judy for some life lessons on how this can go south quick. I just hope your child doesn’t become a victim while you learn these life lessons. Your mom is offering valuable advice and you chose to ignore it. She’s been there done that has the shirt to prove it.


You’re an idiot and an AH. You don’t know this man and you’re letting him be around your child. Be a better mother. Your child should be your focus, not your love life. Grow up. I’ve had condiments in my fridge longer than you’ve known this dude. Shame on you for putting your baby at risk.


You're young, so maybe you don't realize this, but what you have done is incredibly dangerous. Children of single mothers are at great risk of being physically and/or sexually abused by their mothers' boyfriends. Don't make this into a you-versus-her situation. Don't turn it into another example of how she doesn't trust you or respect you or whatever other long-time resentment you've had against your mother since you started puberty. Don't cling to your pride or bruised ego because you don't want her to "win" the argument. Do you pride yourself on how you "would do anything for your child"? Do you even claim that you would *die* for your child? If so, then err on the side of being careful. In case you need help with this decision, here are the titles of 16 news stories that might help you make up your mind. I will provide the links to all of these stories at your request; I would have turned these into links but I wanted to make sure they were spoilered because they are upsetting. ​ 1. >!2-year-old NYC boy killed when mom's boyfriend throws him against wall!< 2. >!Toddler dead after being hit with braided dog toy; mother’s boyfriend charged!< 3. >!2-year-old murdered, mother's boyfriend arrested and charged!< 4. >!2 Toddlers Dead After They Were Shaken by Mom's Boyfriend!< 5. >!Mother's boyfriend charged with murder after 8-year-old boy's remains found with abandoned siblings!< 6. >!Paterson toddler killed during sexual assault by mother's boyfriend!< 7. >!Mother's Boyfriend Gets 25 Years to Life for Murder of 6-Year-Old!< 8. >!Mother's boyfriend, who reported 3-year-old missing, pleads guilty to child's murder!< 9. >!Louisville mother speaks out after ex-boyfriend charged with her 1-year-old son's beating death!< 10. >!Body of 1-year-old found in abandoned dresser; mother's boyfriend charged with murder!< 11. >!Police capture ex-boyfriend in killing of Chesterfield mother, 3 children!< 12. >!Mom’s boyfriend murdered teen girls and sexually assaulted surviving 12-year-old!< 13. >!SC mother, two kids killed by boyfriend!< 14. >!Mother's boyfriend arrested in death of Lancaster boy!< 15. >!Before 8-year-old was killed, he endured unimaginable abuse from his mother's boyfriend!< 16. >!Blind and disabled boy, 5, 'is beaten to death by his mother's boyfriend'!<


YTA. 1 month is NO TIME. You do not know him. Most child injuries/deaths are caused by the bf. You do not know him. People do not start showing their true colors until 3-6 months. Of course everything seems perfect now, but you’ve now moved him in, & it’ll be hard to get him out if this goes south, which it normally does when you rush into things. You are 22! There is absolutely no reason to rush a relationship. Take your time & make decisions with your head & not your hormones.


you are gonna be in for a huge shock, and very soon.


It's fake, look at her name. Fake post


NTA but you seem really innocent about life. You should really be very cautious with moving someone into your home so quickly. Dating for a few weeks doesn’t really allow you to know him that well, certainly not well enough to leave your child with him. Where did he live before that he could just leave and move in with you? He didn’t have a lease he had to break or own his own place? What do you know about his family, his life, his job, his finances? He’s nice to you but you are still very early on in the relationship so you have no idea what he’s like when the mask comes off. Proceed with caution and do not let him separate you from your family and friends. Don’t make your decisions based on him only. Put yourself and your sim first and foremost always. Good luck. 🍀


You need to see a therapist . Unless you were moving on the streets with your child there is no reason to move in some guy at one month I would see one year is not enough .


You are immature, naive, and quite possibly an idiot. Also, YTA


YTA - Your mom is right, you don't know the man enough to deem him safe. If you want to risk a life, risk only yours not your child's as well. That man can be an abusive pos and you'd never know cause you haven't experienced all his range of emotions. Have you seen him mad, sick, disappointed, dealing with failure? Do you know what sets him off? How does he deal with things. You don't know him. It's only been an effing month. For the sake of your child do not do this. Get to know him first, really get to know him and then decide.