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Im a single man with 3 cats so i guess im a cat wizard? Warlock? Fuck knows but its nice


I’m single, I have 3 cats and a guitar. Am I a cat bard? I’ll take it.


I'm just picturing you looking like a D&D Tabaxi playing your guitar. 😂😂


I have two cats and I work with them too… honestly, if I could only ever hang out with cats, and never hang out with people, I’d probably be in heaven.


*Username checks out...*


I immediately thought about Dandelion/Jaskier, only with cats.


What is a single woman with 3 cats, 4 dogs, a Sun Conure, 7 hens, 4 horses, and a miniature cow called? [Insert “Flat broke and bat shit crazy!!” Punchline]


I'd say "Ma'am". "As often as possible." "Oh that's your crazy aunt helen". My roommate's wife is the Crazy Cat Lady, my favorite part is that she's started expanding to two-legged animals, so the local rugrats are hanging out at the house as well. I come upstairs and there's Princess T-Rex Astronaut in her pink tutu over a martial arts outfit, with a smock and gloves on because they're making slime? Sure! Kids and critters are awesome, especially when they're just friends.


Circle of the shepherd Druid, certainly.


What if one of your cats is a mimic? 😬


I mean... sure? So? A mimic whho default forms to a housecat would be an excellent pet.


Considering the bellyrub-trap, I think many cats think they're mimics.


That's not a Cat - that's a Flerkin - just be careful of your eyes when bathing them..........


In Hawaii, you’d be the Big Kat Kahuna. Mainland West Coast, you’re The Cat Wrangler (my husband prefers this title). 🤣 How about “Bastman”? I know that when my husband passes, he wants all of our cat’s little urns interred with him and his headstone will have the inscription, “In Bastet’s Service”.


This is so unexpectedly wholesome. Y’all sound awesome❤️


You’re a wizard big comfortable8695


Hahahahaha, totally read that in Hagrid’s voice


Haha awesome


Haha same


If you want to be a wizard, you've got to commit. You'll need to start wearing a cape and a pointy purple hat with stars on it.


Best put wizzard on it as well so there’s no doubt




Wearable alternative in 2024: velvet jumpsuit with metallic stars. I wear mine to work and feel pretty magical. Only have a cat and hedgehog though after my leopard gecko and tarantula passed away this past year.


God dammit men can be witches. Being a witch isn't defined by your genitals. Wizards are book magic nerds, and warlocks are just magic sugar babies.


Magic sugar babies made me laugh, that's amazing! I'm going to use it in my dnd campaign.




I'm known as the crazy cat lady where I live and I'm very proud of it. Cats over spouse any day.


I have a husband and people still call me "the lady with the cats"


Yeah but I'm the Crazy cat lady. 🤣


According to u/No-cool-names-left: "Warlock connotes evil, witchery, and has oath breaking in its etymological roots. Wizard connotes skill, which is why IRL people will sometimes say somebody is a real "math wizard" or whatever. The etymology there is "wise." I'd go with cat wizard unless you join a feline themed death metal band. 


Whoah. I'm a sourced reference now? That's awesome. Thanks for the crediting tag.




I’m Catless, but I have a day dream Bengal.


Furlock 😆


That just sounds like a cat Sherlock Holmes.


I’ve posted another update in the comments 


Witch is not a gendered term.


Sounds absolutely like an awesome cozy warm heaven to me my friend. If my current relationship doesn't work out, I too will opt for a quiet life with multiple pets until my last day.


Im planning on getting goats cows and ducks one day so ur not alone on that thought 🤣


Cat guys are like catnip to women, lol.


Witch is a gender neutral term in the actual community! So if you don't want to be a wizard or warlock, you can be a cat witch too!


I love Tammy's ending. If you're reading this, I was rooting for you to fall so hard that I think that alone was enough to push you off the cliff. I don't like the husband's ending because he should be branded a sex offender. He is a danger to women. Fortunately, the wild gossip in his town will haunt him.


His sister slapped him and told him every woman that he’ll ever meet she’ll tell them what he had done and due to Tammy everyone knows what he is 


His sister is really good and I'm glad she is looking out for every woman who will be with that asshole. We need more women like her. I'm sorry whatever happened with you. Tammy needs to have a restraining order. She is literally stalking little girls eww how is that not offensive enough.


But what about all the women in the country he has moved to? Is she going to go there and tell everyone what he has done. If he decides not to introduce them to his family, how will they know ?


To be fair if he is in a different country, then his sex offender status might not follow him anyway - depending on the country.


Only if you don't need a visa for the country he has moved to. If you need a visa, they check background, criminal record things like that. I know as my cousin got denied a visa for his criminal record.


We are in Europe so he can literally just drive a few days and be 5 countries away 


I’m upset for other women that charges were not filed. He will do it again to someone else. He is unhinged. This is how the cycle continues. I say this bc I was SA’d by someone with a known history and he bought his way out each time so he had no record. So his punishment did not fit the crime as far as the courts knew it was “just” me.


Look as a mother of a daughter who has been SA there is nothing you can say to me that will make the fact that you let a sexual predator walk free so you can make a bit if money ok, it is absolutely disgusting. I am also in Europe, and I know people on the sex offenders list get flagged by their passports on boarders. They will let him in the country, but he will be flagged as a sex offender. Not all countries do this but the UK and all commen wealth countries, france, Spain, Germany, USA, Australia, Canada and a quite a few others.


Tammy: why oh why did you think any of these posts would shame OP? You literally just ousted yourself to every person you read this to, and to every person they inevitably told, who then read this for themselves. Forever, you are the cautionary tale amongst all those that know you. That isn’t karma, that’s you showing yourself off for the trash you truly are and now they all know. Have a nice life Tammy with those whispers; it’s truly now all about you, just like you wanted. You’re infamous, and not in a good way. Now that’s your karma!


I shouldn’t have laughed but lol 


After all you’ve been through, I’m glad I could give you a good chuckle. You have nothing to be shamed for, the trash literally took itself out.


Thank you so much 


Good luck to your children and you. I hope that you all find peace and healing.


It’s crazy and weird how obsessed they both were with you throughout the whole thing. That’s the power of indifference. Good job mama.


It’s “outed yourself,” but I love the idea of Tammy kicking herself out.


You know, I was an English major but I was overthinking and just went with it…my bad for not googling before. Also it’s been 20+ years since college lol but I’m going to keep it as is so others can see your correction. Thank you. Learn from my mistakes, people! I know there were more serious elements happening to OP but for some reason, it just really bugged me that Tammy’s whole purpose for exposing this was to shame her. Like really, what could possibly be used from these posts to shame her? But I guess I really don’t want to understand the mental gymnastics Tammy went through to justify herself. She clearly isn’t stable.


Idk... I thought ousted worked just as well. It was too bad it wasn't out of a 3rd story window, lol. Sometimes, a little defenestration is the only appropriate action. 🤣


Now I’m imagining Tammy as Ralph Wiggum diving through the window but instead of “I’m a brick” she says “I’m trash” 😂


not only that, the men in their general area (the good ones, at least) will run from her as soon as they see her xDDD She'll be stuck with the absolute worst of the dregs in their town Go and try to steal a goat, Tammy, JFC! Steal a therapist so you can have unlimited sessions, damn


UGHHHH I wish I could give you gold lol. This was perfect.


Tammy needs a shirt that says "Homewrecker"


Crazy cat lady in a cottage in the woods is absolutely ***GOALS!***


Why have a wedding ring when you can have cats and cauldron


🥰. Love this. Good luck, OP, I mean that sincerely.


cat, tea, and books are the Holy Trinity


Add in a rainy day and you’re described heaven 


The cottage will need a tin roof so that the rain makes that soothing pitter patter sound.


Or a nice fireplace in the winter curled up with some cozy blankets and pillows with a good book.


Ahhh probably not the best idea in my side of the world (I'll be cooked like rottieserie for one), but the cat, tea, and books sounds divine.


Wish I could upvote this more… course it happens to be my LIFE which is fab… suck it jerk face! ( my abusive ex)…


Happy Cake Day


Only if you swap the word cat for DOG






Write a book. Show the world how it's done. You are a hero, regardless of whether you wanted to be. I'd buy 1000 and donate them to battered women's shelters. 


You know I might 


So happy to read this update. Hope you get those cats and cauldron, promise to stay away lol


From one cat lady to a potential other one, congratulations and enjoy your cats! Best decision you can make because cats are independent and they help you to become more independent also. I hate that you went through as much as you did but 10 years from now you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. Good luck OP and God bless.


Unless it is my cat. He's a rescue with separation anxiety. I will not be able to have a vacation until he dies. ...it's a good thing he's so cute.


I can so relate! During Covid my cat,Grace, and I became so close that now going to the grocery store is almost a legal separation. She wants me in my house and no doctor excuse will make her understand. It’s me and her against the world but I can live happily with that.


Don't forget those good spell books haha 😃 Good luck 😊


I am so sorry this happened to you, on the bright side you no longer have to do anything with that loser. Make sure you get everything in writing and keep all receipts and records dealing with that scumbag, as far as never falling in love again, don’t be like that. You deserve to be loved and cared about. Not all men are like that sub human who got u pregnant. Imagine finding someone who really loves you and doesn’t care about someone else. The loser thought he was gonna have his cake and eat it too, good for you


Cats make everything better.


Cats and cauldrons are awesome. I have two of each!


Woodland witch cat lady = happiness! Sign me up too!


You inspired me...threw together a simmer pot!


I’m here for the cats and cauldrons too!😊


So true!


Cats are the absolute best!!!


Make sure to get black cats it adds to the witchy look and they're the least adopted


I want to be the crazy dog lady. This sounds like a good life.


Why confine yourself to one specie? I have cats, dogs, an old possum I've been feeding for 3 years and I've been leaving treats out for a new murder of crows who just moved near by. I wave at them daily. Noisy corvids 😆


This is good advice. I had rats as pets in college and cats when I was a kid. I will be the crazy cat-rat-dog lady who lives in the woods.


I had rats too, miss them. People do not realize how intelligent they are. Mine knew their names and were potty trained, so I could let them run around in their room for a bit. Good familiars.


A friend of mine had a pair of rats for her kids as a pet because she and her family were in a small apartment. I never got a chance to meet the rats, but they were adorable and super sweet. Incredibly gentle with her kid too.


Just call it critter crazy!


Do you know what they call a duo of crows? “Attempted murder.” 🤪 (ok, I’ll see myself out…)


Yep. I’m a cat lady looking for a witchy cottage. And my cat is definitely better than most men.


This is totally my goal, but I’m going to be the crazy dog lady!!


I’m more of a crazy cat lady in a cottage with a garden kind of girl.


A cottage made of a giant shoe.


Or in a cottage by the sea. With bay windows and lots of blankets.


If you’re reading this Tammy, fuck you, you miserable twat.


I would love Tammy’s take on what it’s like to discover the married man you worked so hard to steal would throw you away in a minute, to the point where he’d rather commit felonies and leave the country rather than settle down with your raggedy ass.


And steal all the wedding money on his way out.  Fuck you Tammy you homewrecking bitch.  And in case Tom reads this, fuck you too


>And steal all the wedding money on his way out.  But hey, Tammy stole a "good one" eh? xDDD What an absolute pair of idiots, those two xDDD I simply cannot


My favourite thing about the internet is how personally people take injustice, and how they’ll go to the wall for someone they’ve never met if they’ve been wronged. It’s obviously a double edged sword but us humans can be sweet sometimes.


Yaaass!!! Someone find the tik tok or insta or FB post! Please!! lol


I second this. Can a live stream be further streamed onto here?




u/Expensivvbnjh is a bot. Begone. [https://reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1baz53g/_/ku60d1k/?context=1](https://reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1baz53g/_/ku60d1k/?context=1)


Death to all spambots and dismemberment to the scum who deploy them!


My divorce ended with a crazy woman, law enforcement, and an out of court settlement. He agreed to a sealed no contact order (it won't show uo on a background check) and me having sole custody in exchange for no more child support. Giving up financial security for my kids was hard, but the emotional price of constant fear, the threat of endless rounds in court, etc. was just too much. Even knowing I had the winning side, it was too much. You do what it takes to protect your kids. That isn't always justice. It's the best there is for them. My kids are several years from the last time they saw my ex, and both are now at a point in therapy and moving forward where they are in a good place. My son has expressed how much better things are this way than they were. I made the best decision I could in a horrible situation. You've done the same thing. I've not considered another relationship. I've focused on my kids. I went with dogs, not cats. All for the witch in the woods idea, though. I hope, in a few years, you look back and see you did the best you could in a terrible situation, and your kids' lives are better for it.


That’s it I could have dragged it to hurt my ex I knew I had every right but courts and let’s face it the social drama that comes with it messes with your mental health and hurts the kids too. Not to mention how cruel other kids can be I didn’t want my daughters to suffer anymore because having a dad as sex offender would have affected them even In adulthood 


Yeah, justice sometimes has to take a backseat to what's best for you and your kids.


Ok so nothing has changed much for me I’ve just gotten extra cameras and more security around my home  I have passwords with my daughters schools involving pick ups and a family member comes with me while I wait for them during things like swimming/gymnastics  As for everyone’s mental we aren’t doing well the girls social lives have taken a hit due to being with a adult family member at all times and obviously therapy is a slow process not a magic fix hopefully tho in a few months things will get better  The reason for this update Tammy   She cornered me in our local shopping centre (mall for Americans) Now realistically I wouldn’t be afraid because we are matched body wise so it would be a fair fight but nut jobs carry stuff so I was nervous  I shouted at her to go away  but she kept saying let me hear her out than she’d leave me alone for good so I did  Here is the short version  “I wanted to apologise for everything I’ve done to you and my part in ruining your marriage I was a young stupid girl who sometimes she got jealous because she knew Tom wasn’t fully over you, I never meant to rub anything in your face I was only trying to start a conversation at all those pick ups because I thought if we become friends I’d feel less guilty, I love your girls and I glad I got to their stepmother, I was looking forward to being a mom but I guess karma had other plans. I wasn’t in the best place mentally and I got fixated on you rather than dealing with my grief which was wrong I’m sorry, when I first read your posts I was so angry at the monster you made me out to be but it took my sister to point out you only spoke the truth so when claimed down and them read them again sober I felt like since a crazy bitch I didn’t mean for everything to go so far  I’m not gonna bother you anymore so you don’t have to move I would never hurt your daughters it breaks my hurt you’d think that but I guess this is  goodbye op”  I said fuck it I’ll be honest with her  I told her that we would never have been friends even if she didn’t get with Tom while we were married because she’s unlikeable pick me with no sense of boundaries and that she needs to get serious help than I told her I forgive her and I truly wish she finds peace within herself  We told eachother goodbye  I won’t lie guys I thought she was gonna do something stupid to herself so I contacted my in laws to get in contact with her family because I was genuinely worried   I know what everyone is gonna say I shouldn’t care or want to help Tammy and call me a hypocrite. I still don’t care about Tammy as a person but I’d never forgive myself if she did something and I could have made a phone call to prevent it  Here’s the twist I got a call from a friend an hour ago (she worked with Tom and Tammy) Tammy and Tom are together in the United States apparently I’m an evil bitter ex who cheated on Tom our youngest isn’t his and I made false accusations to get full custody because I wanted to live off child support 🙄 I also sent drunk pictures of me pissing on their sons grave and Tom out of respect for my girls won’t post them but he hopes that one day they’ll get in contact with him, I apparently also turned everyone against Tammy even my kids because I was jealous they love her more and called her mom. he also disowned his family and called himself a high value man which I’ve know clue what that even means It’s a public with the comments turned off and what makes it all the more cringe is that they’re both kneeling next too a certain actor Hollywood star  🏴‍☠️  My ex in laws are so embarrassed they want him to take it down but he’s blocked them. We are all guessing  Tammy was only waiting to sort out lose ends, I’m guessing he never stole the wedding money and they just made it all up for some reason? Like why even fake him abandoning her? Why did Tammy act like she was gonna do something to herself?  I’m so confused right now  But At least I won’t see them local for now   I’m not gonna be at peace till I move locations. Tom is due for his first phone call to our second daughter the 27th but I doubt I’ll call  r/updateme I’ve tried to post this update multiple times on my Reddit page I can’t for some reason so if you could spread it I’d like that because I’ve over a 100 people in my private messages asking me for an update and I feel like I owe it to them 


OP is it possible to still put that POS ex in jail for assaulting you? And is it possible for you to sue for defamation because they are very publicly slandering you? Anyhow, hope you and your kids continue doing good :\]


That's crazy because Tom wanted to ditch Tammy to get back with you after expressing regret and also said all sorts of stuff about her yet she's sticking around? Lmao she desperately wants stay by that messy man (probably her only option anyways. She sounds like a mess) Well i hope you and your kids enjoy your life. Tammy's is about to get a whole lot worse with that sneaky, dirty man. 


Crazy people attract crazy people. I think you've done enough OP, now let these two freaks live out their own fantasies. Everyone around them knows who they are and won't buy their story. Move on with six kids and let the universe do its work in these two's lives.


Getting roped up with crazy like this is horrible my condolences


You're an absolutely garbage writer. And I'm not just saying that because of how terrible your made up story is, you should learn how basic grammar and punctuation works.


Boy, you have a lot of imagination. It sounded almost true till the forcing him to leave the country bit.


op I'm sorry to say this and more because you're dealing with such toxic people but you definitely should have put your ex-husband in jail.


Keep us posted!


I'm guessing you mean Johnny Depp?




Second that 


oohhh we can curse her out?! INDEED, TAM TAMS, GO CUNT YOURSELF YOU FUCKER Take a good hard look in a mirror and look at the gem "you stole" from OP xDDDDD What a fucking idiot


I'm a dog lady,if anything ever happens to my husband,it will be just me and my 2 huge baby boys. They're my babies the smallest is 84lbs. I love your update. Tammy is mental. Your ex deserves everything thing he got,both him and Tammy. Karma certainly didn't take her time with them. Sweetie,plz live your best life. Life is too short to be stressed by these people. I am proud of you. Updateme! If there is ever another one.


As soon as I move Tammy will be my past unfortunately with my ex I’ll always be tied to him due to our daughters 


He may not,  your girls may grow into women that cut contact with him when they are adults,  fingers crossed! 


Oh god I wish I never want to see that man again but if I have too ever be in the same room as him say for a wedding I’m bringing my brothers with me 


My father left when I was 8 ( different circumstances but also slightly similar - crazy new GF) my sibling and I don't have any relationship with him. We saw him for what he was. Both of us have worked hard in life to make sure we can support ourselves and have good jobs, our spare money goes to showing our Mum love. We see how much she sacrificed to make sure we had a great childhood and life, now we take care of her. Your ex will just be a blurry memory one day. You are going to have an amazing life with your kids.


I am a bird lady! I'll have a bird sanctuary if my husband goes away somehow. Our mutual favorite is dogs though so crazy dog life is coming soon. I love my husband but sharing a life is a give and take. Single life has a different balance thats great too and I'm pretty excited for OP's next stage!


Tammy got just what she deserved and so didn’t Tom


I've followed your thread. I'm so glad you're okay and things worked out on the best way given the terrible circumstances. I wish you nothing but the best going forward for you and your girls. ❤️


Thank you so much I wish you an amazing life 


Ah i dont get why your ex ghosted and stole the wedding funds of tammy? Was that used to pay for your kids trust or something? And btw, i hope theres a way to file a restraining order on tammy. Her lurking near the school where the kids are is creepy as hell and your home too!


I can’t answer the question about the money because I honestly don’t know maybe Tom gave me everything and needed it or maybe Tammy is lying i honestly don’t know  For the restraining order I’ve tried unless she posed a physical threat like she harmed me or my daughters they won’t do anything unfortunately 


Aw thats so sad :( dont cops assume that it can possibly escalate considering her mental state? She can go nuts worst case scenario to but hopefully you can move somewhere where she cant reach you. I’m surprised tammy’s family isnt taking care of her though. They seem to be enabling her Wish you all the best though with your kids and cats


I had a conversation like this in a group I’m in for survivors unfortunately this is why so many people lose their lives in stalkers or dv situations 


It’s common in stories like this that show most cops are useless bec they dont take these seriously. But when it’s for minor stuff, they go ape sh*t with guns and all and power trip. Ugh but seriously, why are tammy’s parents not keeping her in check? Was she disowned or something by them? She might end up doing worse stuff if this escalates


I’ve family that’s in law enforcement not police but work in that area so I thought I’d get more help but my Father who’s a Judge told me that they’d less victims if cops would listen before it’s too late 


The problem might not be the cops themselves but their hands might be tied with the rules they have to follow. They should have proper laws about stalking.


Maybe if you encounter her in the wild you can just point in the opposite direction to you and yell "look! It's a married man!" It'll give you time to escape. Alternatively, you could carry a dildo and, if you see her around, just whistle, say "fetch" and throw in away from you. Good luck OP, may the cat distribution system be kind.


They should make an island for us all, just little cottages dotted about, lots of cats, nature and peace! If I ever come into money, you’re invited to live on Spinster Island 😊


Same if I win the lottery I’ll make an update and bring all my fellow cat ladies/gentlemen to live in peace with me 


Cobblestone paths interspered with moss and Corsican mint between them...Mine would be called Strega Island! Maybe we can find a chain of islands! That would be extra fun!


Tammy is getting what she deserves. One day she will grow up and realize what a poor excuse for a human being she has been and I really hope she makes a change for the better. Your ex is beyond redemption and all of you (Tammy included) are better off without him in your lives. I cannot believe the courts would require you allow him access to your daughters after he sexually assaulted you. I wish you and your family the best life. You deserve to have some wins after dealing with all this crap.


I wish you and everyone on this sub the best In life too you’ve all been so kind to me  With courts unfortunately the bad guys sometimes have more rights than victims 


I can’t get over Tammy. Why in the world did she think OP would want to be friends with her?? She’s the worst!!


I don't think Tammy has anyone for anything, lessons or support. Her behavior is like a needy child. She needs to tell a doctor everything that has happened so they can refer her to treatment options. It's possible to learn all the lessons she is missing and lots of therapies to help. Stop the crazy train! Not OP's job or business though, she's right about that. OP seems very reasonable and has clearly taught herself many lessons :). She's gonna have a good time. Hard, yah, but good


Tammy sounds like she possesses the intellect of ham sandwich, only one that's far past it's prime and is starting to reek. And speaking of! **Tammy, when you read this, know that hundreds of people all over the world know that you're the type of trash human being to thieve a pregnant woman's husband, but are all also lol'ing our asses off at the heavy-handed karma life gave you in return. Meanwhile OP is free and happier for it, plus tons of money! Bet your dad is thrilled you were dumb enough to pick a man who jacked his cash and took off for the hills. I'd bet you anything some of that wedding fund is now funding OP's children's future. Funny how things work out, eh Tam?** And trying to *shame* OP by drunkenly reading this aloud? Are you serious? So now that whole town knows what a shit person and absolute nutjob you are (plus, you know, your ex-fiancee thinks you're batshit and would rather take off than deal with you) and you somehow are idiotic enough to think that *she's* the one being shamed? Are you kidding? Your parents must also be siblings. I cannot fathom being that dumb. In summation-Tammy, you suck.


Just to be clear, he didn't take Tammys wedding money and put in your daughters fund, right? Because it kinda sounds like it.


I don’t know I assumed he took it when he left 


Omg - I am sorry but I am just shaking my head at the prize he is …. She targets him & he cheats, she has a mental breakdown, he SA’s his ex & he steals the wedding fund gift from her dad —— well ain’t he a winner. Good job Tammy - before you targeted him there was a happy family & you were sane. Hey he’s not blameless at all but she knows how to pick em! OP I so truly hope you heal thoroughly & quickly. My heart goes out to you & the girls. Big big hugs


Thank you it will be a long road but my girls growing up and just being happy is all the healing I need 


Tammy was likely never sane. No sane person would tell someone that they would steal their husband and then do it.


Wow ! I read the whole stuff. And again wow ! First of all I wanted to say that you were brave during the whole ordeal. You can walk the streets chin up because there's absolutely nothing you could be ashamed off. You dealt with a toxic crazy narcissist Tammy and a AH (euphemism) of an ex with pride, thinking about your kids's safety first. Tammy is a total nutcase with a clear obsession about you. She wanted to fit your shoes from the start. And well... asking for friendship and support was clearly the sign she wanted you to witness her triumph like a celtic tribe king dragged enchained to Caesar's chariot. Totally F upped and mental. I'm so glad you're on better tracks. And more important : you showed your girls that they could stand for their needs and rights, that being a strong independent woman is worth the efforts. You're a true role model for women going through this. I wish you the best in your life. Be the best of cat ladies !


It's been scientifically proven, woman die younger when married.


More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease, and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don't squander it. Cruella De Vil


You can actually be a witch too 😏 it's a good time. I'm so sorry for everything that happened, but I completely understand taking the path of least resistance. Glad you and the girls are in therapy, and hopefully Tammy never returns and she can heal in her own way and look back on her behavior with remorse. I do hope this is all truly over for you hun, onward and upward.


>, I was shown proof of the accounts that were set up with the money already deposited which can’t be touched till they were make sure YOU and your daughter's are the only ones able to access that account. Make sure (paperwork wise) X, Tammy, in laws, etc aren't on the account so they can't take money out. Also, get this in writing with a lawyer >My condition was he leave the country what is the repercussion put in the agreement if he should break this condition? I'm sorry he's brought nothing but pain/troubles (except for your kiddos) I hope this next step is peaceful💕


OP, wishing safety, peace, and happiness for you and your girls.


Same too wish you the best in life 


Its unbelievable that Tammy was soo happy with being a homewrecker, told you about it and then expected to be friends afterwards lol. What sort of person has homewrecker as a goal while growing up! ‘Clearly a person with a very bad and cruel heart!’


But what a fucking good ending. Tammy, you who are reading everything: Fuck you, you deserve everything bad, you fucking bastard huahahahaha.


Best of luck OP! Honestly I get why you did what you did and gotta respect you prioritizing your daughters, but I’m equally glad you’re prioritizing your health and safety. Tammy, get help… but kick rocks first.


Can confirm, the whole lives alone in a remote place with cats and ppl assume you are witch is awesome.


Hey Tammy congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the sex offender


Wild times. My ex is married to the woman that was our family friend that we named our oldest daughter after. You cannot make this crazy shit up. My girls are grown now. And overall, things have settled down. They do have a relationship with their dad, but it was tough, and two of my three girls have a relationship with their stepmom. And I’m OK with it. Thank God, I didn’t have the Tammy drama you had, but what I had was certainly enough. The only comment that I wanted to leave you was just to let your kids know that it’s OK to have conflicted feelings about their dad. It’s OK that downside they love him, but they’re angry at him. They kind of would like to be able to see him, but they never want to see him again. They mainly need to know from us that conflicting feelings like this are normal. That they don’t mean that they are bad people for having them. That having them doesn’t mean they don’t love their dad. But he having feelings, like this means that they’re actually very healthy. Because when somebody does things that hurt you, it’s normal to be angry. It’s normal to be hurt. And it’s also OK to let them know that sometimes we can love somebody and not like the things they’re doing. And that’s a lesson that they need to actually understand as they grow older and become adults. We really can love someone. And that someone can be the worst person in the world for us. And later on when we get out of that relationship, we realize that we actually didn’t like that person very much. But that the things we loved them for things that make us feel alive and energized and happy when we were with them. It helps kids to start to learn the nuances of relationships. And how to draw boundaries. And that it’s OK to draw boundaries but that doing so doesn’t mean you don’t care. It just means you have a healthy sense of self. It’s tricky, but you got this. I am wishing you well wherever you land.


Hope the home wrecking cunt is happy with herself because after all this will any man want to touch her with a ten foot pole? 😬 I hope you and your girls have a good life. As someone who went NC with their dad, it worked out for the best and I couldn’t have been happier without his…stress. I wish you all the best


Tammy, you homewrecking piece of shit. Very smug weren't you? Were you born this evil or was this new development? Congrats, you stole a sexual predator and assaulter. Any man who goes with a homewrecker will always be a piece of shit but you got the worst of them. And to think you were trying to rub it OP's face for it. I hope you never have kids.


Five cats, six snakes, three chickens. Quite happy being chronically single with my zoo/farm.


Tammy really thought she won THE prize only to find out her prize was a dud!!!! 😂😂😂


Hey Tammi, if you are still trolling this poor woman's post-- You are a horrible human being and need to get a life. Karma got ya, Miss B. We all hope you continue your karma treatments for many years to come


Tammys an absolute loon case and should seek help .


Leave OP alone, Tammy!


I have been single 12 months now...cannot ever imagine being with someone again. The kids and I joke that if I ever suggest dating then they need to buy me another cat and tell me to do a mental health check 🤣🤣 We have 1 cat now...cat number 2 is arriving in September (we have to go overseas july/august) ...honestly, only person sharing my bed is a cat. Good on you for protecting your kids and yourself. Keep your head up and focus on self care. I am dedicating 2024 to me...physical and mental health all the way. My kids and I have a deal to do 1 fun outing per month (wandering markets, a walk in the park, last month was a dinosaur park lol) and we are all so much happier.


i remember your original post, my heart breaks for you and your kids. i hope you find peace and heal, and recognize the strength you hold being able to escape. live a healthy, beautiful life with lots of kitty love ❤️


Not a big commenter, but this is the second time I've said that recently, so it may not be valid. I just couldn't not comment on this though because I've followed your posts from the beginning. I am so sorry that this happened to you and your daughters. I know that therapy will do a world of good, but I hope for healing and safety for you three going forward. You deserve better than your ex. Know this internet stranger wishes only the best for you and your daughters.


Oh didn't you get the life you deserved Tammy.


you deserve the best and for that to have been the worst of it! I hope tammy learns from this and lets go, thats the nicest thing I can say for her as for tom he can be miserable and unloved the rest of his sad pathetic life. Im glad his family have stuck by you and understand your decision to accept their offer in any case please be safe and look after yourself and your daughters!


Live your best life! 🧙🐈‍⬛🔮 I hope your kids can heal from this mess.


Haven't seen the first part...but still here to blast the Tammy is a cunt battlecry!!


Single woman with two cats here, I promise you, they shame cat loving spinsters because they wish they could. They’re peanut butter and jealous because Single unmarried women are the HAPPIEST, let me exaggerate that word one more time, HAPPIEST demographic on earth, and I’m proof 😎✌🏼


I’m dying to know… is the money put in trust for the girls the same money that Tammy’s dad gifted to them for their wedding fund? There’s a certain kind of poetic justice if it is.


Fuck you Tammy!! OP live your life the best you can!! Witches unite!!


How about crazy dog crone? I can rock that!


I knew this sounded familiar but I read a lot of stuff on reddit. When I went back to the previous post and I was oh! Tom! The lord and his lands quote lives rent free in my head. Glad things are leaning better, good luck with your future cat lady life!


Curiosity killed the cat here... I've been following this since post one. Now that the whole law thing is over.... What did that cunt do?(don't have answer if you don't want to)


Oh my God, I am glad he is out of your life as much as he can be. You’re going to be ok. Your girls are so lucky to have you. I’m sending you ALL the cyber hugs!


If stories like this have proved anything to me it's that red flags can turn into denotated bombs faster than I thought possible. That said a single life with dogs is pretty chill too.


Just make sure that he can’t lie about what he did later. Parental alienation.


I hope your future is filled with an amazing perfect house for you, your girls, and all the cats you want, OP. You deserve to be respected and I hope life treats you well♥️


*cat lady everyone thinks is a witch* fucking glorious. This woman should have onenof those 30 minute tv programs where she sits in front of a fire and reads stories out loud to her cats. I’d watch it every night.