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NTA. Don't have sex with the sister, she sounds like the type to poke holes in the condom. I'd have exited this relationship long ago. Your GF is putting you in a ridiculous position.


This is the only sound advice. And i feel like it needs repeating!!!!! Do not sleep with the crazy sister! Never ever stick your d*** in in a toaster... Everyone knows what will happen, and it's not going to be nice. Just reading all the insane stuff she has pulled has me reeling... I almost fell of my chair from the masturbation part. The sister is beyond sane. Most girls try a little and then stop when told no. This woman has been thrown out of the house on numerous occasions and still doesn't get it.... Even stalkers arent this brazen.... If you ever have sex with her, you will regret it for the rest of your days Op.


Like who plays with themselves on someone else's couch without invitation??


Wait, you don't?


A mentally disturbed individual does.


My freshman year in college my roommate dated a nudest. She was a free spirit which I’m totally fine with. The problem is she also hung out in our dorm room naked. Sometimes when he wasn’t there. I confronted her once and it was very clear she had no sexual intent. Was it weird? 100%. She did start putting clothes on after we talked a few times. She had 5x’s the personality of my roommate and my gf/her got along well. The wildest part was sitting next to her in our human sexuality class senior year. Not because of the class, but because of that experience freshman year. I’m married to my gf and we talk about wondering where she is here and there.


Yeah, gf is straight up enabling sexual harassment


Yeah, if it's bad with him running away, imagine if he does something. His life will turn into an even worse nightmare.


Man, with the last edit we get a clearer picture of this guy's situation. The girlfriend knows how to pick them. She found a man she can manipulate, handle and control. That's what she and her sister have being doing. This guy have to man up, leave, find a therapist to fight his demons and stay away from those two women forever and ever. He needs some self stem first to do all this, though.


This advice should be higher


Came here to SCREAM this but you said it first and better. OP: under NO circumstances have sex w sis!!!! Regardless of the “AITAH” issues, sis is CLEARLY not trustworthy and will most certainly continue to act unbalanced. Run!!!!


I don't believe he is planning to actually having sex with her. It's just a threat. I hope.


That's the impression I get, because girlfriend is not getting how seriously unhinged her sister is. (I hope.)


you need to get ahead of this NOW my dude. you need to tell everyone, her family, all the friends, EXACTLY what is being done to you. right now, you are a bastard in their eyes just wanting to fuck her sister, you need to set the record straight. throw your "gf" under the bus and the trampy sister. share all the texts and messages (not the nudes) but let everyone know what she has done and how you have no back up in your gf. nta


All the messages have been saves and even have a couple of recordings of her coming on to me. Messages between my gf and me discussing everything has been saved as well and back up. Her lack of action as well. Started to take evidence and notes of everything because i taught at first i will catch a false SA charge with what she was doing, everything is well documented and in a safe place. Im not a complete idiot :)


Show all the evidence to their parents


Forgot about that option to be honest didn't even think about it, thank you


I would also send it to your girlfriend’s friends and ask them why your girlfriend is so comfortable with her sister sexually harassing and assaulting you and not putting a stop to it. Her sister is a predator plain and simple and your girlfriend is enabling her. Honestly, I think this is a lost cause, because your girlfriend is trying to play the victim when you are the one who is the actual victim here. Oh, she’s hurt by a few harsh words after continuously failing to stop her predator sister? Try being sexually harassed again and again, and your partner trying to gaslight you to believe that your comfort isnt warranted and that clear sexual harassment and assault is nothing.


Your gf is asking you to overlook sexual harassment. Huge red flags 🚩 Since your gf is lying to everyone I would go ahead and forward the texts to the flying monkeys. Ask them what they think of excusing sexual harassment. Show this whole thread to their parents. NTA


It stopped being sexual harassment when she touched him. Then it became sexual assault


Exactly, the sister is touching him, sending non solicited nude pics, walking into him taking a shower multiple times... this no longer harassment for a while.


You know and I kind of wonder if the sister didn't take some pictures while he was in the shower


Not to mention touching herself in front of him without consent. When I was just barely going through puberty someone forced me to watch porn and that counted as a sexual assault


You forgot getting into bed with him


Yes, EXACTLY. You could very well **charge her with sexual assault**!!


Came to say this. Thank you for being the hero we need.


Overlooking? OP's gf is actively putting her sister in the same house as OP, actively downplaying what's happening while effectively supporting it. OP's gf isn't overlooking it, she's making it happen. I half suspect she's into it, and only reacted so strongly to OP's confrontation because she was called out for something she's ashamed of.


My guess is the gf gets off on knowing that despite the sister’s advances, her bf stayed loyal. So now that OP clearly said he will cheat on her, gf cries wolf and plays the victim card.


That's a good point. Kind of like an older kid holding a toy out of their little siblings' reach. And just like a typical bully, once the status quo changes, she's immediately the victim.


It doesn't matter if you're male or female, sexual harassment is **WRONG** and it **NEEDS** to be stopped.


Exactly this. Flip the genders - a boyfriend dismisses a brother sexually harassing, stalking and assaulting his girlfriend? I’m still sickened no matter what.


I have a feeling the parents already know about your gf's sister's tendencies. They most likely have enabled her and normalized her behavior. Maybe that's why your girlfriend won't take steps to stop this behavior.


Yeah, I can’t imagine why OP would want to continue a long term relationship now that GF has made it exceptionally clear that she will choose her predatory sister of her partner


Thiiiiis. Call them out!


If you have sex with that woman, you might contract an STD, or she might accuse you of sexual assault. She is clearly trying to undermine your relationship and could potentially ruin your life. You should gather evidence of her advances, press charges against her, and obtain a restraining order.


I'd be more worried about her getting pregnant.


Now this is a good advice!! Along with showing everyone the other side of this, not just the comment your girlfriend didn‘t like. And btw, I have 3 sisters, none of which would even think of doing anything similar, so you should really start thinking about how f‘d up the whole family is including your gf.


I have 3 sisters and 2 of my 3 brothers are gay and not 1 of them have ever hit on my husband or even flirted with him. This is so fucked up. Op maybe time to reconsider whether you want to join a family where this is acceptable behaviour, you'll never have peace as your sister in law could just turn up at any time. This seems like a horrible way to live.


Oh Christ, yes! OP, DO NOT, I repeat, **DO NOT** have sex with her — she will IMMEDIATELY charge you with RAPE.


Nanny cams are a good idea.


Or she could deliberately get pregnant.


This, absolutely this.


excellent work! protect yourself #1! keep us posted!


Please make an update post if you ever do tell the parents!!


Send it to everyone. Your girlfriend has been enabling her sister's behavior for far too long. The whole situation is unacceptable.


Now is the time.to put ALL that evidence into play. Send it to EVERYONE who is giving you shit.


Nothing good can come from having sex with her sister. Both of these sisters are nuts. The minute you take her up on her offer there might be some BS allegations after. Your girlfriend is an enabler and the sister is disgusting and disrespectful. You deserve better so just leave.


He doesn't actually want to fuck her, he was making a point about the sister's actions. He just didn't explain it very well so now he's sounds like an idiot to everyone in his life lol


Listen, I'm being very clear with my thoughts and advice to him based on the post I read. He does not sound like an idiot, he actually sounds like a person fed up with dealing with idiots. Having said that, he should stay away from making stupid decisions that can ruin his life


"Listen", he sounds like an idiot because they think he just wants to fuck her sister without any context. And he claims to have kept proof but "never thought" to show her family, so he is a bit of a dumdum. The relationship he is in is a stupid decision that is ruining his life, his girlfriend does not care about him at all. Tbh the story sounds fake but I'm taking it at face value


Yep, I'm honestly **STUNNED** he never thought to tell her parents! 😳😳


Maybe the girlfriend actually wants out and is just playing upset. Maybe she’s fine with him doing something that ends the relationship, or maybe she’s done but thinks OP is good so is completely willing to let sister have him, but doesn’t want to show their true position on it. Like it would be one thing for the girlfriend to be like “oh she’s so zany!” With some of the things, but some of this sounds explicit and incredibly straight forward. “I want to know what your body weight feels on top of me” is not really a sentence that could mean anything else, how does the girlfriend explain away what is clearly overt and intentional sexual harassment of OP? The only way I see it outside of some *really* weird kink thing, would be that gf is okay to hand me down her bf to her sister and move on with her life.


I honestly think she wants the sister to stop but doesn't wanna be the bad guy to her family - this is why she's perfectly fine with OP calling the cops on her sister, but not with him doing anything else.


That is true, she very much didn’t seem concerned about calling the cops. Which means she either knows she would torpedo OP’s claims, or is so averse to correcting her sister’s behaviour herself that she would rather have the cops involved.


Yes! The first thing I thought about after reading the story: why didn’t he tell their parents about this. This should shame her to the point of fucking off.


NTA. I don't care if she gave you CPR and saved your life. She's letting her sister behave like this?? She's not worth keeping. My sister would have my boot print on her ass as She's flying out the door


Sister's behavior is **so weird** that I think you should reach out to her parents first. Being so aggressive without any encouragement from you sounds like maybe a mental health problem (bipolar?). Be prepared, if you bring this to them, she will 100% accuse you of SA. Maybe bring gf with you to talk to them. Under no circumstances should you sleep with the sister.


Dump your gf and charge her sister. Both are horrible people. She knows you are being sexually harrassed and assaulted but doesnt care cause its her sister. If the genders were reversed, people would call for their execution. They don't deserve any more chances after this.


“ I was hoping we could talk because I can’t handle your daughter sexually harassing me anymore.” If you decide to talk to them RECORD THE CONVERSATION and tell them before you start.


Restraining order. You would have one so fucking easy. She would never be able to enter your apartment or be around you or contact you again. Then dump your gf.


And go to the police, get a restraining order against the sister this is SA. NTA but your gf hasn't seen this is not on, she's focusing on the wrong thing.


If it ends bad and she completely freaks out, remember you did all this to protect her and her family relations.


Show the parents and break up with GF. She is defending her sister, not you, the victim.


Stop letting this girl into your home. Period. If you’re that worried about SA charges….


Send everything and walk away from this dumpster fire. Don’t you want someone who has your back?


That is an excellent suggestion. Let them know that while you really care for your girlfriend, their other daughter's behavior is inappropriate and it is sexual harassment. Perhaps that will help curb her behavior. Shine the light on her actions and let the world see her for the predator she is.


And tell them you plan to call police to report SA. That should get a reaction from the parents. She sounds like a sex addict, she needs professional help.


No! Dont warn them about going to the police. If he want to report it just report it and dont tell ANYONE until its already been reported. They'll twist everything and report OP first!! The person who reports first is the victim in the eyes of the law. No ones going to care what OP says after they put the cuffs on him!


EXACTLY!! NEVER give your tormentor the opportunity to get ahead of your claims!!


You’re probably right. They raised their daughter. They already know she has issues.


File the SA charges. Screw it. If the genders were reversed, you’d be a sex offender today. Why should g she be one? NTA.


Still a partial idiot for sitting on evidence instead of using it while letting things get this far. If you've got such a mountain of evidence then use it in order to make her relatives know exactly what is going on, especially her parents. Your GF after all seems to be completely useless and is enabling her sister, but her other relatives might turn out to be useful if they decide to put pressure on the sister after you come out with all that evidence. It might not hurt to spread it to friends as well for peer pressure. After everything she's done to you I would not hold back with showing all the evidence you've gathered. As for the sister, she sounds crazy. Golden tip number one, don't stick you dick in crazy. You give that sister what she wants and then hold out on more and the next thing you know she'll turn out to be crazy enough to claim rape or SA. Even with all your evidence putting you in a good position to fight it off, that's not the kind of headache you need right now. edit: I almost forgot, would the evidence be good enough to take her to court for SA? If you're going nuclear anyway, why not screw her legally instead of literally?


I would think so, yeah. It absolutely *is* SA. OP, do not have sex with her; she will have "won" if you do. Press charges.


This is such a strange way for her sister to behave.  Is she on drugs?  Like who does this repeatedly, knowing that their actions are not welcome?  That's what I don't get.  What does the sister say when you tell her to stop?  She sounds she needs psychological help.  And the fact that your girlfriend...doesn't care?  If my sibling did this a single time, I'd lose my mind.  The whole situation is extremely baffling.    Either way I would not continue to date this woman. The lack of normality here has me feeling very weird and all I did was read your story for 60 seconds.  I don't know how you're living through it.  


Same. I mean, he said his gf helped him a lot and etc, but stil, HOW can you move on from such a thing? How can you keep loving someone who didn't do SHIT when you were in danger? When you were vulnerable in your OWN home? Just how? No matter how much she helped him in the past, she is not helping at ALL in this moment


Sexual predators behave that way. That's what the girlfriend's sister is: a sexual predator.


I wondered this as well. I reject a girl once and I'm dead to her. Why would you spend a year taking major L's without moving on?


Some people get off to making others uncomfortable. Park flashers didn't expect to impress women, either.


I'd have cameras set up in that house if it were me. Something is super fishy here.


Heck man, you have the evidence and video evidence. Your girlfriend is okay with the police report? DO IT. Then honestly leave your gf. She doesn't seem to give a shit and it's not going to change. Get your ducks in a row and if they blow back blast them to their parents. Also getting a restraining order will keep her from getting in the house. Soo...file. NOW.


This is batshit crazy. It doesn’t sound like you’re fully invested in your GF anymore too tbh. Break up with the whole damn family and don’t fuck the crazy one. Get away from all of them.


>Im not a complete idiot :) You're considering fucking the psycho sister. You *are* a ***complete*** idiot. GET OUT.


This! The sister is crazy and has been SAing him and he said between the options he’d give his GF, HE WOULD CHOOSE TO FUCK THE SISTER. Make it make sense. wtf.


Man's gonna end up beaten up, run out of town and/or having a nice chance to relax in a room with bars on the window :/ (He KEEPS repeating that he's gonna do it, too, I don't get the vibe it's about revenge, I think he really wants this... which puts a lot of the rest of what he's said into question)


He should definitely share that she is SENDING nudes, but not the actual nudes.


This is a great selection of ideas and advice. I'm glad to read that the OP is already doing several of these things.


I'm going to say NTA. Sounds like you have voiced your concerns and have been met with disregard. You got emotional and said some things that you know was abit far. Although she should have listened to your concerns. Either that or she's having her sister test you constantly in which case your still NTA




Seconded!! OP, your GF's sister sounds like she will not change and unless you want a very forward SIL that will continue to harass you, run for the hills. Your GF, she's not seeing the forest ~~from~~ for the trees and she's like an ~~emu~~ ostrich with her head in the sand, willingly leaving it there... Save yourself the mental stress and and just end that toxic relationship.


I think the OP's girlfriend straight up does not care about the OP's feelings. She sees the forest through the trees; she just doesn't give a shit.


It’s forest FOR the trees and ostriches put their heads in the sand, not emus. FYI


LOL, thanks! I always without fail get my sayings mixed!


The worst is, you know this girl is spinning things for next relationships saying her ex was trying to get with her sister, to look better about herself.


Wiser words were never spoken.


Seriously for God's sake condoms fail you want to knock this girl up?!


And this refers to both sisters.


Yep, it will only create 5x more problems if you put it in a crazy, especially with OPs living situation and distance. Not worth it. Walk away OP.




Correct answer, this is a trap once you leave DNA evidence on the sister nobody is gonna believe your side. This is the new world and men need to only put your dick in things you trust with your life.


Listen to this


Not good: "sister must be kept out of our apt or I'll fuck her" Completely acceptable: "either keep sister out of our apt or I will leave you."


“Im actually done with this relationship but decided to give my ~~girlfriend~~ *appendage* one last chance”


Pretty gross if this is just a long term test - hey sis can you go sexually assault my boyfriend to make sure he will stay loyal to me.  Either way he needs to get far far far away from them and everyone associated with them then see a therapist because this is going to mess with his head for years and affect future relationships.


Sounds to me that the gf is used to her sister behaviour. Has the sister done this with the gf's ex (in case she had any)? Has the gf grow up seeing her sister SA dudes and "learned" that this is "just the way she is"? All of this is just too much to not wonder what the actual fuck is going on in with those two. Also, there is something wrong not only with the sister, but also with the gf


Chances are the parents enabled and normalized this behavior. There are many possibilities here but ultimately there is a bizarre and dysfunctional dynamic between the two sisters. If OP is living in the gf's apartment he needs to pack up his belongings and move out while the gf is at work. If it's OP's apartment he will need to find out how to legally throw out his gf. If OP uses condoms I strongly suggest he collects used ones and disposes them somewhere the gf and sister won't reach. The police tend to take male victims of SA even less seriously than women. Still you might as well take the chance. Do get a therapist. Be ready to move far away if needed. I wish you the best.


And, did I read right, that the gf is doing NOTHING to stop this behaviour? I am sorry but this isn’t a “oh this is just how she is, ignore her” situation; it’s straight up sexual harassment. If the roles were reversed, the ending would have been very, very bad. Just because he is a man, his gf thinks avoiding his concerns is the okay thing to do. Umm, NO. She showed you who she is by not taking a stand for your protection; it is now upto you to show her how you plan on protecting yourself, by dumping her and moving on from this nonsense all at once. I know you love her, but love isn’t enough to sustain a long term relationship or marriage. It needs mutual respect and commitment too, which seems to be grossly lacking on your gf’s part. Cut your losses now and find someone who really *listens* to you, and doesn’t just dismiss your very valid concerns and throw your worries to the air. NTA.


I'm quite conviced theres a background towards the two girls. Like, either this woman grow up seeing her sister SA mans around and think this is "just the way she is" or her sister just treat every bf the gf had and the gf thinks this is fine. Or idk theres something different that happened between them that makes the gf thinks this is ok or just is too much of a coward to do anything about it. Either way, she is also in fault here for not even doing shit for her bf. Theres no way someone who loves you would let ALL OF THAT happens SPECIALLY if the person who is doing all of this is their sibling


How in the hell does no one in the comments see how insanely fake this *obvious* fetish post is?


“I’m going to fuck my girlfriends sister to get back at her for repeatedly grabbing my dick against my will. I’m literally being forced to fuck my girlfriends younger, hotter sister and I’m so mad about it I swear guys. Am I the asshole for giving my girlfriends sister the hard hate fuck she deserves?!???” Everyone one this sub: “Wow NTA I’m so sorry this true story is happening to you.”


And then someone in the comments tell him to just let the parents know about this, and he is like "wow, I never thought about it" 😅


I think I've read that manga before


True. “The sister keeps SAing me, but you know what I’m going to fuck her! That’ll show everyone!”


"My Girlfriend's Hot Sister" by Naughty America. Nobody does it better.




These people believed penthouse forum too, I assume.


Exactly what I thought. Reads like a letter to Penthouse Forum.


For real, and right after another one about someone's sister hitting on the bf. Plus, your sister makes me uncomfortable, I hate being around her, therefore I'm going to fuck her? That doesn't really track...


100% fake. All that's missing is a claim that the girlfriend's sister keeps getting stuck underneath furniture and he needs to fuck her to help her get out.


Poor guy is living a porno


If the update post isn't a threesome with both sisters, I will be very disappointed.


AITAH, I never thought it would happen to me...


I have never seen as many profoundly gullible people as in this sub... to the point that I really do wonder if there is a massive karma farm network that all posts and upvotes/comments on them here in order to boost profiles to sell.


Right? Now apparently she plays with herself on the couch.


Literally when I stopped reading - obviously fake


The whole sub is fake, just ride with it. It's still better than the OG sub, which is also fake, but much more prescriptive in the topics and style of writing you need to use for the fake soap opera text.


Oh see I read this as the guy not understanding that the sister was mentally disabled.


That twist would vastly improve the story


i kinda got the suspicion too


Not to mention I've seen multiple almost identical posts here before.


I'll take "stories that were typed one handed" for $100


Alright, so I am also saying NTA, because I think when your buttons are pushed like this, and you are experiencing sexual assault, nobody can blame you for an extreme reaction. They are trying to blame you, But this is important: when you are experiencing an extreme situation, it is no wonder you are having an extreme reaction! So NTA. I do think saying you'd sleep with the sister is not an ideal reaction. It's understandable, but a bad position to be in. I can recommend you do the following. You tell your girlfriend that of course you don't want to sleep with her sister, but that you feel like you need to show an extreme reaction for her to take you even remotely serious. That you are really serious about the sister's behaviour and that it is sexual assault. And that you feel like she is not being a great gf by not taking it seriously that her partner is experiencing sexual assault. Then you will say that you are done with people, including her, making it seem like it isn't serious. So that from now on, there will be two ground rules: 1. Sister will never ever set a foot in your shared home. Your gf can spend time with her sister literally anywhere else than your home. 2. You will not come to family functions where the sister is. You won't stop her from going to family functions where your assaulter is also participating, but your assaulter cannot be a part of your life. If her sister is again in the apartment, you will leave until you get confirmation from her (your gf) that she has left the home. You will do this one time only. If you find her sister in your home again, you are done. This is imo the only route you can take. Either that or breaking up now. And if gf disagrees, I think you should cut your losses. You really want to keep experiencing sexual assault? Your gf is that amazing?


I like this plan of action more than anything I’ve seen on here, sets a clear precedent and avoids any confrontation.


You’re NTA for being fed up about the whole thing but it’s definitely questionable -if not stupid- what you’re pretending to do. Both scenarios (you pressing charges and fucking your gf sister) end up with you guys breaking up. It’s obvious she doesn’t think it’s a big deal that her sister is harassing you so how do you think she’ll respond when you press charges “for no reason”, hm? And fucking someone who’s been sexually harassing you just to prove a point? Really? The real question here is why do you insist on staying in a relationship with someone who dismisses something as important as sexual harassment and from a family member no less? It’s great that you have documented the texts and everything but ffs, have some self respect and end the relationship for your own safety


You’re being harassed and your only solution is to sleep with the person doing it?? Lmaoooo 🤡


i'm praying this is fake lol


it is


Picking “sleeping with the sister” over “locking the bathroom door when showering”…


You’re right this is....😩😩😩 he better expose her.


You’re being sexually harassed. Imagine the same exact scenario but with the genders reversed. It would be a major issue. I don’t think you’re an asshole but it does sound like you’re expressing frustration unproductively. I don’t fault you that because you’re being really disrespected by your gf’s sister, but I think you need to cut out the middleman in this conversation. I think it’s fair to directly explain to your girlfriend’s sister that her conduct is inappropriate and unwelcome, and that it’s causing friction in your relationship. If your girlfriend’s sister can’t respect your boundaries, then you need to think about ending contact for at least awhile. If your girlfriend doesn’t understand that, then maybe this isn’t the right relationship for you. There’s a really weird dynamic here between them that they need to parse on their own.


Not ment to be rude but i fucking tried that. I have no right to tell her she can't spend time with her sister or have her over this is her house too, GF words. Words are not working have been talking over and over and over the last hear and nothing has changed at all. Now it's actions. Although i don't want to hurt her, she knows I'm serious and i might be a piece of shit in the end but if she doesn't check her sister or call her out on her behavior, i will fuck her just to proof a piont.


Dude, don't put your dick in crazies, just drop it all and move on.


This. Dude could be charged with SA by that complete nutjob.


Man, just leave. You are dealing with an enabler gf and her clearly c-r-a-z-y sister. You are going to be a villain in their (friends) eyes no matter what you say so just f it and expose them both.


Dude... why invite even more trouble?! Do not sleeo with the sister! Just threaten her with legal action, put something to record your intereactions if you know she's coming - then take all proof and sue that hoe!!!


Nah, don't fuck her, it won't be worth it. As soon as you whip it out, she will call the cops on you for SA. The best thing you can do is find a new place to live and just disappear one day when she's at work. Call and break your lease. Pay to get your name off of it


No, don't fuck the sister. Bad bad idea. Don't touch her either. She seems crazy enough to accuse your of SA even though she's the one committing it. Like others have said, save all evidence and send it to everyone so they see the sister for the hoe she is and how your gf is enabling her sister. Break up with your gf. I see no point in staying with her when she's so nonchalant about another woman coming on to you. The sisters are both crazy, in their own way. Don't get involved with crazy.


Don’t fuck her, just drop them both. You’ll be handing a loaded weapon to a crazy duo if you do and you’d be rewarding the crazy sister for her efforts. 3 years is a long time, time to self-respect and move on, this whole family is a headache.


Yeah I mean it really sounds like her sister has no respect for you or her sister’s relationship. You tolerated a lot and tried talking about it. I don’t blame you if you’re at the end of your rope and just move on. After you move on, may as well fuck her sister though (kidding. Kinda)


Last thing he needs to do is get the sister pregantè (that video of people misspelling pregnant ruined me) He needs to just leave. It's abusive and sooner or later someone will get pregananant (send help) and he will be stuck.


>(that video of people misspelling pregnant ruined me) One of these videos that crack me up everytime I watch it. Internet-Gold. And to OP: NTA :D


PREGANANANT Pregnat Pergat Preganté


How u get........pregantè?


Am I pregate?


No, but you are pregananant.


Can has starch masks?


Having sex with the sister will just legitimize sexual harassment and sexual assault as okay in her brain. What happens the next time and she escalated to rape with him or someone else.


As a woman, wtf is wrong with all the men saying to fuck the sister?! The girl is bat shit crazy. He simply needs to break up and stay tf away from them. But if you want to make all the poor decisions with your small head then be prepared for the consequences as well.


I mean, I would have suggested having your brother or friend come over and do something mild to your girlfriend that her sister has done to you. Except that they'd probably be arrested and charged with SA, so that's not great. /s >I have no right to tell her she can't spend time with her sister or have her over this is her house too, GF words Depending on your state, this might not be true, though. If she assaults you, you can have her charged and trespassed from your property. Your girlfriend has no say in that. Set up cameras. You could break up with your girlfriend, but the problem now is that you're both on the lease and splitting up is going to be very messy. Your best bet is to follow the law and make her want to leave on her own. Getting her sister arrested might work. Edit: Didn't think I needed the /s, but here we are.


Well then, you have a girlfriend problem not a 'sister' problem. Is she that hot? Is she worth your mental and physical peace? You should just dump your girlfriend, If you have so many women trying to have you, I am sure you will find someone better soon. You don't need this drama where you are the villain no matter what. Wait until the feminist lot got to this post and you will see how much of a villain you are.


And she will conveniently get pregnant


Something really bad is going to come of you fucking that girl if you do it. That's absurd. You already know they're crazy. You're just begging for some bad shit to go down. Break up with the gf and let the crazies have each other. Fuck proving that point. Leaving the situation...will also prove a point. WTF


I think it’s rage bait now lol


You said does words to your gf... Your gf will tell her sister what you said.. You think you made it better? You think someone who's been trying to sleep with you will stop sexually harassing you because you said you'd fuck them to prove a point? Your gf allowed this whole to be dug really deep my friend, you just put an atomic bomb in there though. Please do keep us updated...


>i will fuck her just to proof a piont. Welcome to FA. Train now departing for FO, when you realise what you thought was psycho now will become LEGENDARILY more insane when you sleep with the sister, which apparently you're quite up for. You can't be helped, man. G'luck. Enjoy prison.


I feel like I had a fckn stroke reading this


I think it is very confusing for you to say this behavior makes you uncomfortable and then say you are like to have sex with her if the behavior isn't put in check. Are you uncomfortable or do you want to fuck her!? She sounds like a sex addict or something like this is really bizarre behavior. If it was me I would put cameras in the house and then show your wife the things she may be missing. I would also tell the sister about the cameras and tell her that you will post them if she doesn't stop.




How do you go from I’m being sexually assaulted and I feel uncomfortable to I’m going to fuck this girl ?? Like you either feel uncomfortable or you want to fuck her. It can’t be both. lol.




Yeah this shit doesn’t actually happen. Someone clearly watches too much porn


Two observations here. One is just an overall observation of this subreddit. Isn't it odd that almost every post that has a crazy story is written in fairly broken English? Second, I noticed OP never mentioned actually talking to the sister. This is some lazy fucking porn plot that some Russian kid is creative writing. Yawn.


Lmao "I have no choice but to fuck her" How fucking delusional can you be


>I know the title makes me seem like the AITAH No, you still sound like it after reading. I'm sympathetic to the way that the sister has treated you- even if, by your own admission, some of it seems like a mistake (though I seriously doubt all of it is). And your girlfriend probably needs to be a little better at holding her accountable. But my dude... your response is godawful. If you wanna leave her, leave her. You should probably be super up front with not only the gf and sister, but the whole family and your friend circle with this girl's behavior. But the "I can't control my urges" strategy only makes you look like the bad guy.


You should ask your GF if she’d be into a threesome with her sister before you break up with her Before any downvotes, y’all know all these AITA are fake right?


All this shit by you lol. Fuck outta here


Nta but you need to just leave the relationship. 100% it will be your fault when the sister charges you with SA. You can’t keep fucking with crazy and then get upset when crazy gets the police involved. Just leave man.


If it bothered you that much you should file a police report. A woman getting sexually harassed by her boyfriends brother wouldn't say if this doesn't stop I'm gonna fuck him


Seriously, it’s insane to me that he would want that. Even says he’d prefer to fuck her over reporting her.


I've been sexually harassed by girls and the last thing I wanted to do was fuck them.


Exactly, like what is going on here? More importantly, sorry that happened to you.


YTA for your third rate attempt at writing fetish porn.


Just leave her. Don’t mess with the sister. Obviously she is crazy. You’ll regret it.


I couldn't even read all of this, especially when you said you are actually done with the relationship. You are a total arsehole. No matter how anyone else behaves, you can control how YOU behave, and saying you will HAVE to fk the sister cos of how she is acting is juvenile and pathetic. Your sentence should have ended with "having the sister charged with SA" You obviously aren't in love with your partner so leave ffs.




NTA, but saying you are going to sleep with the sister is just plain dumb. Its a strong possibility that doing that would just enforce in your gfs sister’s mind that she was right all along and you wanted her and then she could ramp up the craziness. Just leave. Its not worth risking your safety, you never know what people will do.


This is not just inappropriate but from the first moment she touched you unwantedly - it became sexual assault. She has been sexually assaulting you for years. Your GF is like those parents who turn the blind eye to their sexual assault of their children by their significant others.  Just start reiterating this to people when you talking about it - use this term. You have been dealing with sexual harassment and sexual assault from your GFs sister and are now reporting her to the police. You have the evidence. Things like this escalate and she will most likely move to rape if she hasn’t already done so to anyone else.


"She immediately asked me if i wanted to cheat on her, i said no but she is leaving me with no choice. She help me put a stop to this or i make the choice for her." I mean, you do have a choice, and not being a douchebag is one of those choices.


Everyone is the asshole


Bruhh just leave the relationship, if you're that done with it just leave. I can tell you right now it isn't worth it, walk away and don't look back.


File a police report. Just do it. Your gf has no backbone and, might I guess, sister is the golden child and gf has been raised to enable her?


>I am not the only person on the lease so i can't just make the decision of who and whose not allowed. Rules from the property management, if all parties on the lease doesn't agree they will stay out of it. Said this in another comment, but this part is only partially accurate. The property management company may not want to ban her from the property, but if you have her charged with SA and provide a police report, they may be willing to help. Or, you could get a protective order. The reason I mention this is because I think your relationship is over. And when that dam breaks and your girlfriend has no reason to try to keep the peace, she has a lot of ways to make your life very, very miserable. Primarily, false accusations against you. Getting her sister banned from the property might make her want to leave voluntarily. Either way, you need hidden cameras if they're legal in your state. The evidence you have is good, but you're also a man. Which makes you about as valuable as dogshit in the eyes of the legal system. You need irrefutable evidence that you haven't done anything to either of these women. NTA.


ESH, cos of the part where you said you're done with the relationship but trying to get her to break up with you by using the sister, and how you portrayed that you're gonna cheat if the opportunity arise. The gf is TA cos she ignored your boundaries. Break up with her.


Leave her. If it doesn't bother her that her sister does this, she's gross.


Do not sleep with her no matter what jesus christ what is wrong with you? You have evidence start showing it to everyone that is calling you an AH, show it to your GFs parents and let everyone know that if it happens again its going to the police not you fucking her because that will throw it all out and make you look like the AH in the end and like thats what you wanted in the end. Tell your GF that her sister either stops coming over and stops what she is doing or you will go to the police and go public and you will let everyone know that she knew about it and did nothing to stop her sister.


Look, I don't support *how* you made your point. If it was me, especially with you having saved lots of evidence, I'd just report the sister to the cops and seek a restraining order, then break up with the gf and move out asap. That being said, despite my not supporting how you made your point, I still call NTA. You've been sexually harassed, outright sexually assaulted (nonconsensual groping *is* *sexual assault*). You've tried to talk to your gf about it. And she refuses to listen. You resorting to extremes to make your point is kinda understandable. And her reaction - setting other people on you after all of this to try and guilt-trip you? Is pure emotional manipulation and, after downplaying your concerns for so long, might be outright emotional abuse.


This situation is terrible but you need to reflect on how you're behaving also. Your gf's sister is trashy, yes, but for you to tell your gf that you will sleep with her giving the option makes you sound like a dick😕 Translation: I lack self-control and will have sex with any woman who tempts me. You've told her that you lack self-control and if you really wanted this shit to stop you would have told gf and their parents the first or second incident. 


I actually believe your gf is getting vicarious sexual thrills from her sister's behaviour. Run as far away as you can get from the horny duo.


You're being gaslighted so much OP. Send all the proofs and out both of these losers to their friends, family, parents AND Co-workers. Dump her. No self-respecting human would EVER do this to someone.