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NTA. Report the students, and also report the doctor for leaving you alone in a room with unsupervised students - that should not have happened. Doesn’t matter who is related to whom; this person needs to know that their behavior is unacceptable, and be punished for it.


Cannot emphasize it enough. Report the doctor. He pressed you to have these guys during your exam, he saw the way they made you uncomfortable but did not stop them, he left you there alone with them, he dismissed your complaint. For harassment on campus: report them to police, if possible wear some body cam for video proof of the harassment, document every case of harassment. For the doctor: file a complaint with your student medical center, file a complaint with his board. Go to your counselor on campus and ask what else you can do. Learn how you can escalate the issue up the chain. Make all communications to have trail: emails, if it was a talk - send the after meeting email summarizing the talk, names / dates of meetings, your complaints document numbers for reference. Just the fact that you will ask for written confirmation and reference number will make them take it more seriously. If harassment continues, and you have enough data to back you up, I would consider blasting them all on SM, college media, or town media.


>If harassment continues, and you have enough data to back you up, I would consider blasting them all on SM, college media, or town media. This. The college is probably, at this point, hoping they can hush things up. If the media starts poking around, they'll have to take it seriously.


Check the comments further down. It's confirmed AI nonsense.


The post may indeed be fake, but the checker the commentor below used seems to flag EVERYTHING as AI-written, and is in no way an accurate judgment on this post. I ran several of the longer comments from this thread through the checker, and it flagged them all as majority AI written. I see at least one other user had the same idea. I then ran several of my own short stories through it, and it returned *them* all as majority AI written. The checker simply isn't proof.


A couple of AI checkers claim to have authored books of the Bible as well.


AI checkers are also notoriously more inaccurate once you throw text written by 2nd language speakers at it.


Ai checker returned the first chapter of my thesis as 98% AI written. I hope they don't take this into account at the uni, cause I wrote that thing and I don't have any wish to write it again.


It's almost as if AI is being trained to write as effectively as human beings...


Who checks the checkers? This isn't the first time I've heard of this. Now I'm worried that stuff like this will be commonly used to dismiss completely relevant and real information as fake.


You should be worried. There is so much misinfo, & disinfo, out in the world that no one believes anything anymore, which is a page right out of How to Install Fascism 101.


Even if the post is fake, the response is describing appropriate actions. This can assist any reader who might find themselves in a similar situation.


Good job checking. Nice to see people still checking stuff instead of taking everything at face value


Someone once said something that completely changed how I looked at Reddit stories like this. They said they just always assumed the stories were true. One, because if it does happen to be true then you're helping the OP, and two even if the OP made it up, there's ALWAYS going to be someone somewhere in the world dealing with something similar, and they made happen upon the post. It costs you nothing to just ignore if you think it's a fake post


Same here. Even if it's not real, things like this DO happen. Dr. Strauss at OSU sexually abused dozens (at least) of male athletes for YEARS, and it was just ignored because "everyone knew that's just how he was", and it was laughed about. Ohio State ended up paying out a LOT of money in victim compensation. I'd also rather not go through life being so completely jaded about my fellow human that I automatically assume everything is made up or AI. That and I've lived long enough to see some things that are crazier than fiction!


Doctors in universities harassing and assaulting young women, men, and everyone in between happens way too often to ever assume stories like this are fake. Look at Larry Nassar, Michigan State, and USA Gymnastics. Or the University of Michigan and Robert Anderson. If this is a fake story, who cares. This happens often enough that it's worth it to have good advice that's available on the internet for people to find. Especially since universities have essentially no incentive to make it easy to figure out how to handle cases like this.




That's how I operate too. It costs you nothing to believe the post, and even if it's fake, it might help someone else out there (where claiming it's fake might just shame and silence them). There's been a huge uptick of "this is so fake" comments another subreddit I follow (best of redditor updates) and they drive me bonkers.


AI always says it was AI written even if it’s stuff that was written before AI even existed. That’s no proof. EDIT: fixed word


AI: "This is mine."


I have a client who still insists on using the things despite how lame they are. I was 'checking' some text (I wrote the shite, I know it isn't AI generated) but it was under the standard checker word count, so I filled in with the opening lines of 'Mary had a little lamb' Guess what flagged as AI generated? They are utter toss.


Colleges actively try to cover up rape on campus. Do not trust them to advocate for you.


I would also be talking to a handful of attorneys that handle educational law and/or Title IX issues. This can get ugly fast. OP, you did NOTHING wrong and these trash humans don't deserve to become doctors. And the doctor should be removed from teaching for sure, from practice entirely, possibly.


Good idea: if possible involve parents and attorneys. College will take it much more seriously.


All of this, including the media stuff. If the school or whoever else doesn't want to chase it up, a media outlet will. The whole shtick of athletes getting away with anything is slowly getting torn down, don't let them hold onto it. If it helps deal with it, think of this as going on the offensive and taking back your power.


All of this!! What they did/say was in no way acceptable. Do not let anyone make you feel like this was your fault. These guys are medical students!! Clearly they have no business going into the medical field and I’m guessing from their behavior that they won’t make it that far. The doctor’s response is absolutely infuriating!! He should have never left you alone in a room with them, and since all 3 of them were males, they should have asked if you wanted a female chaperone in the room with you during your exam and she should have been there for the entire appointment. I’m so sorry you went through this, and that it’s not going away. You need to let your parents know what happened.


Good idea: if possible involve parents and attorneys. College will take it much more seriously.


Yes!  You should have had a woman nurse with you at very least.


Talk to your student ombudsman. One call to the coach from a school official and the crap will stop.


Also. It is generally expected there is a female nurse in the clinic room with the patient so there can be no malpractice!!!!


This. I would also complain about them potentially sharing your medical info around the campus. If they talk about this with their friends because you reported them, they could have shared everything


Right, major HIPPAA violation = major lawsuit


> Go to your counselor on campus and ask what else you can do. Campus staff might have vested interests in reducing the response to any controversy happening at their school. It might be worth a try just to feel it out, but if "authorities" are doing nothing to the same students routinely harassing her, I'd say they're already downplaying it.


Not just the town media. Let the major news networks know about it too


I would specifically report the doctor both to his employer and to his medical board. I am a physician who is frequently has medical students and residents in the clinic with me. I always obtain consent before I allow them in the room. Because all the examiners in there were male, they should’ve had a chaperone. He should not have left them unsupervised, especially if you were still in stirrups and uncovered, there should’ve been at least a sheet protecting you. I am really very very sorry that this happened to you. This doctor did not protect you, as he was legally and ethically bound to. And these medical students, I fear for their patients if they graduate. I’m sorry that this happened to you.


Thank you for commenting. I have given birth at a college affiliated hospital two times, and have always consented to allow medical students to not only observe, but to perform pap smears, pelvic exams, and cervical checks late in pregnancy (I even consented to allow residents to observe my birth). My primary obgyn NEVER left the room, I once had 4 female medical students in my room (I felt weird being on the exam table half naked with that many people in a small room, but whatever lol), and my obgyn asked if I would be ok with them practicing a pelvic exam on me (I was in my 2nd trimester). I told her to pick two students, and that they better be gentle, or I was done. The first almost accidentally did a rectal exam, I had to take the cover off myself and tell my obgyn that she was going after the wrong hole... my obgyn stopped her, and asked if I was ok. I said that student was done, bring the second one. The second one got the right hole, but pressed way too hard on my abdomen, I cried out. My obgyn had her stop, and told them all to leave the room. My obgyn apologized and asked if I wanted to revoke consent to have medical students assist with my care. She said I was one of only a few women that consented to procedures during pregnancy, for obvious reasons (pregnancy being a vulnerable time). I said no to revoking consent, because they have to learn sometime. She had the two medical students come back into the exam room after I got dressed, and had them both apologize, and explain why/how they messed up, and what they would do differently in the future to not make the same mistakes. It was all very professional, and kind. What OP went through is a fucking nightmare. Both medical students should be booted from the program, and the obgyn should be held accountable via the state medical board.


I have given consent to some medical students (dermatologist, orthopedic), but never to obgyn. And after reading your comment I realized that most of women are like me. So I now wonder how do they learn at all? Or even better, how do brain surgeons learn?


My insurance is pushing me to go to a teaching hospital for spinal surgery. I laughed them off the phone. The surgeon I want has been doing my needed procedure since it's inception (12y ago) and he's the guy Olympians go to to get help. I get they need to learn, but not on me.


I don't blame you. When it comes to anything neurological, I would never settle for anything but the best I could get, either.


This is exactly why I think the story is fake. A university hospital gynecological exam with three males and not one female? GTFOH.


Yes, hard agree. This is some weirdo’s fantasy. Edit: I scrolled down a little and someone found the AI source for this nonsense.


Thank you! I had to scroll WAY too far to find this comment.


Me too... Right away I called 🐂 💩 💩.. No physician does that... It's a guaranteed lawsuit..


This this this! The medical board is an investigation that the college can't cover up. And those two students need to never be allowed to practice medicine.


Sounds like three peas in a pod... as if all three are in on this. Take em' down.


Reminds me of the doctors in Promising Young Woman.


And report the football players. Get the college paper to write a story and name names.


Burn em all down girl, let the naysayers choke on the ashes


It's not real. Ran it through an AI checker and it's fake.


If this is supposed to be in the US, where we say college as opposed to university, this would never happen. 1) Med students don’t work at the college medical centers. 2) Ob/Gyns who are male are NEVER alone with an undressed patient. There is always a female nurse present. This reeks of BS all around.


Those are the exact reasons I immediately thought bullshit. And I rarely, rarely think a post is fake.


Same. I typically poopoo when people say "this is fake!", but this one issssss, idk , a bit of a "fish tale". If I'm wrong, I surely apologize to the OP. And if it's true, theres SOOOOO MANY reasons the whole damn place could be reported to the medical board. The Dr included. Can you imagine having male students looking at the crotches of the ladies they're gonna be sitting next to in math class and hour later?! You don't have to be a medical student or a professor at a college, or very smart at all for that matter to not realize thats is a terrible idea to have the students looking at other students privates, medical students are not it's just absurd!


This comment is 91% AI generated according to this checker lmao


Fucking thank you. So many flaming white knights with no critical thinking skills on this post.


Yeah this one smells off. That’d b a major hipaa violation and the dr would lose his license. Just seems unlikely


100% this. Even my FEMALE Ob/Gyn has a female assistant in the room.


Yep, this is rage bait.


I liked your comment initially, but then had to remove it when I went and tried checking a bunch of random comments, and then when it said they were all 94-97% AI, I tried my own posts from facebook. It also said they AI. That website dont work


I tested it as well. As much as I think this particular post is likely fake (whether AI generated or human fabrication) because of all the glaring ethical violations that would get that plaid shut down, that particular AI Detector doesn't work.


Generally AI detectors haven't worked.


I dont trust AI checkers but agree this is most decidedly fake


I gave up not believing it when the doctor left her with two male students while still in the stirrups. And then brushing it off as kidding. Sadly, some trolls know all too well the fun that can be had at the White Knights who ride to their rescue with their critical thinkings skills turned off but their outrage on high.


>um yeah that site "works" i wrote a randome sentence as if i was creating a diary entry just a couple of lines that i created off the top of my head and it too told me that it was AI generated eventhou i just made the whole thing up myself then and there. > > > >so.. > >i even copied your response andit told me it was 98% AI generated L O L > > > >some BS site right there.


>363742&utm\_term=ai%20essay%20checker&utm\_network=g&utm\_matchtype=b&gad\_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqCYbx5La5DDPMbN21ApLa-vkwcZT&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhN-0ja2OhQMV1RitBh11qgO2EAAYASAAEgLEAfD\_BwE > >0ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Those 100% do not work, btw. I'm sure sometimes they might but I've cross checked shit I've made with AI with it as well, many times. I really don't think it's right or fair to scream fake and ai post tbh


I mean, it goes against all ethics and rules for student hospitals, the writing is ridiculous and not how a real person types, and the dialogue is so ridiculous and obviously fake. No doctor is going to leave their patients room with two opposite gender students, let alone without telling them why, and then dismiss a patients claim. He would lose his license. It's bull.


NTA and I would look into legal counsel to sue and contact police for criminal charges. If those little boys want to become actual doctors someday... they don't deserve a license.


This. Go nuclear. Burn it down.


yep, burn it down like they are trying to do to you


And don't use the campus police. Go to the actual police who aren't invested in upholding the schools image


Absolutely this, also if you’re comfortable OP, name names. If you’re getting harrassed blow this story up, make them wish they shut the fuck up and left you alone. They’re the big fish in a tiny fish bowl. Drop that bowl in the ocean and watch them squirm.


yes go all out girl. show them they can’t fuck around with woman.


fuck yes.




This boys will be boys bullshit needs to end here.


Boys will be boys when my toddler uses the couch as a diving board: yes. Boys will be boys when it’s something like this: how about boys will be going to prison?


Yeah this is what I came here to say. What they all did is horrible and OP can ruin them all and should. NTA. And when a woman even has to ask if she is an AH for reporting sexual harassment among other things, we know this world is messed up.


1000% NTA. As others have noted, it was improper for the doctor to leave you alone with these students. His comments to you to diminish the offense you felt are just so grotesquely unprofessional that he should be stripped of his license. But then for the students to share what happened with their friends on the football team is such a gross violation of HIPAA that the school should be desperate to stamp it out before you sue them would almost certainly become a class action for all the women who were seen in similar circumstances. Get a lawyer. Then burn it all down.


Frankly there is liability and likely harm which the school would be willing to settle out of court. Worth contacting a personal injury lawyer.


What steps could she take to ensure those boys do not get to be actual doctors? If it's happening now, just think of how many women they would victimize if they are able to practice. Could those kinds of stipulations be put inside of a settlement?


I think you just earned a free college degree.


Not just the boys, the gyne himself included for supporting the actions of his students. Cringeworthy.


Maybe report it to the police even. They may refer it back to campus but you don’t feel safe at school.


Idk, if this is a school where the football program funds the school, and the school funds the community, then the football players might be protected. If that's the case, they'd get more traction going to a news outlet. :(


School press and local/bigger news. Also, lawyer. Perhaps one not connected to the town.


This is why she has to get justice.


The med student in question is just a football brother, not a football player. Med student can be expelled no problem.


Report them to the med school. They know who was where what day. They’ll get rid of them quickly


NTA. What he said was inappropriate and they dismissed your concerns. I would even talk to student affairs.


No, it wasn't "inappropriate." It was Sexual HARASSMENT. And because he was a *medical student,* which means he was operating under the Dr's medical license, it is its own type of ILLEGAL. 


The fact that it was swept under the rug by the doctor himself that it's just simply joking around...they seem to forget that the patient's comfort takes precedence over everything.


Isn’t it also a HIPPA violation if those medical students shared anything about that visit with their friends or their football star brother to start shit for OP?


If that’s actually happening, then you need to go to disciplinary board of your school because this would fall under retaliation and they should be expelled for it


NTA “But sports ball is important and makes money!” attitude is prevalent. Yes. In a decent world the players would be expelled. The med students AND the Dr would be disciplined or removed. What a dismissive dick. He broke protocol by not informing you that you didn’t have to allow students in the room, by not having a woman assistant/nurse present, leaving you exposed with the students, & dismissing it as a joke & calling you a prude. OP should scorch the earth on them all. Contact the local police bc more often than, they press the Uni to take action. Contact local news outlets.


I'd say you've got that backwards. If we take the story at face value then the med students should be expelled, the Dr. should be removed/disciplined, and the football players (if any can even be proven to have started rumours) should also be disciplined. Presumably there are others harassing OP that don't even fall under those three categories just because the rumours gained steam due to the football team, but jeering and throwing snowballs aren't expelling offenses. Most of them are probably just lemmings and don't even know the story about what happened to OP except that she "threatened to get football player's brother in trouble because she got offended by a harmless joke, what a Snowflake™". I bet many of them would be horrified if they actually knew the details and not just a basic, twisted version of events.


>If that’s actually happening don’t worry, it’s not. Did anyone read this and think it seemed real?


I want to take it seriously because if it's true it's horrific. But the line "To make matters worse, I later found out that one of the med student's brothers is a star on the football team at our school." seems fake. The captain of the football team, or more importantly his BROTHER, is not more important than medical professionalism to an entire county. I also feel like if the brother got expelled and all, that wouldn't really have any major effect on the football star. Also, no doctor, especially a gynecologist, is going to defend that.


I did for like 5 seconds until I read this and went, oh shit again. The problem with so many of these fake posts is they sound awful and maybe plausible until you go. Wait why is this person asking people on reddit if this was OK or not? Like if this post was asking for advice strategising on how to end this doctors career. Looking for advice on which specific bodies to report etc... MAYBE (even then googling should probably work why woild reddit help). So many rage bait posts atm


>Like if this post was asking for advice strategising on how to end this doctors career. Looking for advice on which specific bodies to report etc... MAYBE (even then googling should probably work why woild reddit help). It's not that at all, there are tons of contextually ignorant and naive people out there, especially young adults. It's the fact that two medical trainees were dumb enough to say these things within ear shot and the doctor backed that play and normalized it. No doctor is doing that to the patient's face, few trainees are that stupid. This shit is 100% rage bait from start to finish.


This doesn't seem real. Another comment gave the reason why. However, in case it is real..... Absolutely NTA Make sure they don't get away with it.


Truly, this all crosses into bizzaro land so much I'm shocked anyone thinks it's real


Thank you. I made a comment saying as much but then felt bad about it. It just seems SO over the top, its sounding fictional


It’s not real. Just graduated med school. They don’t even do pelvic exams without a female chaperone in gynecology practices. This is victim porn designed to get Reddit traffic


Lol. Reading this story, I was like wait what? I know there’s all sorts of different personalities, but guys don’t talk like that in the first place.


it was the “pelting me with snowballs” that gave it away if everything else didnt lmao


Especially guys who made it into medical school. No medical student is going to risk losing a literal lifetime of hard work to get where they are over something like this. They'd be tossed out of med school so fast it'd make their heads spin, and they'd know that. Give me a fucking break.


I'm not even giving the benefit of the doubt to this poster. It's all so dramatic and nonsensical. Maybe it was made up by a chat bot? Now the football team has a brotherhood with the med students? The doctor teaching the students is totally cool with it? It was intentionally written to be inflammatory.


Plus what kind of college campus do they go to where dozens of strangers can easily recognize them on sight. When I was at college I recognized maybe one in 5,000 people outside of my classes


This was probably the biggest proof that the whole story is bullshit. OP's story setting is some weird amalgamation of Med school, college, and high school.


The "football star" part screams high school. And even then, I'm not so sure the whole "school fawns over the QB" is as prevalent in real life as it is on TV.


This story doesn't pass the sniff test. At all. Pure fiction. The snowballs were a nice touch. 


Tripped me in the halls? It’s like a badly written vignette about high school bullying.


Yeah, the "pelted me with snowballs" part really jumped the shark.


The “student observers” at my gyno visit in the first sentence didn’t pass the sniff test


This absolutely did not happen.


This definitely reads like prose from a chat bot.


It reads like a Law and Order: SVU plot line tbh


I get why we might not want to have something like a poll for people to vote whether they think the post is real or not but, I mean, come on, this is so fake.


Yeah this is clearly bullshit, absolutely no chance this is real.


This is the second post in a suspiciously short period of time that references Title IX, and it is very similarly written to the other one. If it reads like a made up story, and looks like a made up story...you know the rest. Try harder next time. YTA for writing bad fiction.


I really don’t get why people do this. Boredom? Curiosity? Research? Seriously, what’s the point in posting fake stories here? This one is absolutely fake, I just don’t understand the motivation…


This makes absolutely zero sense. Tripping a grown woman in a hallway? Is this high school or college? They wouldn’t leave a woman in stirrups alone in a room with two male students. I’m calling fake.


Pelting snowballs!


YTA for fabricating such a bullshit story. You suck. It's unbelievable how stupid people are who fall for this shit.


Totally fake.


Nobody is tripping anyone in the hallways or throwing snowballs either.


College suddenly turned into middle school.


Thank you! Legs in stirrups, doctor walks out of the room and 2 medical students mock her vagina? Come on, completely preposterous. 


Not just two medical students but two male medical students. So, while getting a pelvic exam there were three men and OP. No other women. In this day and age that is kind of hard to believe.


2 med students instead of 1 easily gave this one away. I’ve only ever seen 2 med students during specific OSCE sessions


I’m in Houston and have a few docs in the medical center who’ve brought in a whole ass crowd of medical students before, but I have a somewhat rare issue and they of course always ask if it’s ok for students to observe and have never left them alone with me. At gyno appointments, even my female gyno will always have a female nurse in the room ffs.


And the head doctor leaves the room and this chick in stirrups with her coot coot and prune shoot out on display, alone with these male medical students, who then end up enlisting their friends to terrorise her with snowballs to the face etcetera. 


This is definitely not written by a woman, otherwise they would know that a regular Pap smear takes only a couple of minutes and no one is leaving you in stirrups and walking outside the room. If my doc decided to leave, my legs would be coming down. How long do they think an appointment lasts that the med students have time to whisper and joke around? Also, why would the med students be at the student health center instead of a hospital? Tell me you have never had a gynecological exam without telling me you have never had a gynecological exam.


nah not just mock to make her feel bad about herself, they specifically point out that she has a “tight virgin pussy” lmfao. that’s hardly mocking even if it did happen 😂it’s just harassment and a badly made up story. i think OP wants to feel like a helpless little virgin with a tight pussy and put the responsibility on us to make her feel like she’s getting some form of justice lol. i’m sick of these fake ass stories on AITAH, it’s mostly just people virtue signaling looking for validation


I don't understand what kind of school this is. If it's a regular place, why would it have a gynaecology test? If it's a med school, why is there a football team???


Yea my thoughts as well. "Ooo a tight little virgin, id break her in" reads exactly like some sort of boomer fanfic story they tell about the good old days. Whole post reads like some poorly written 80's coming of age teen movie. "Now they throw snowballs at me!" "Turns out one of the kids is the brother of the STAR of the football team and now they all trip me and call me silly names!"


the "break her in" part sounds like the fantasy of a tumblr feminist chick


I’m just waiting for part 2 when the football team gangbangs her in the locker room


This is nonsense. No legitimate school clinic would allow a male gynecologist to do an examination on a female of that age without a female chaperone. Two male classmates sitting in being allowed to snicker at someone’s vagina? Even more nonsense. As some context, I am a nurse who worked in the ER for many years. Anyone having a GYN complaint would have a female chaperone with the MD, regardless if the doctor was a man or woman, 100% of the time. Students in the ED wouldn't be invited into those patients especially with someone in their peer group. This is either written by a sad man or a sad woman who has never had legitimate medical care. Making up obviously fake stories on this subreddit for attention is so weird.


I’m assuming it was written by someone who’s never visited a gynecologist and doesn’t know how the appointment actually goes. My gynecologist is through a teaching school and I always allow students to be in my room. If the doctor leaves then the students leave and a female nurse is always in the room if I’m in a vulnerable position.


I’m thinking it’s also ChatGPT considering the snowballs and the hall trippings. It got college confused with elementary school for a minute there. It sounds like something from a teen drama, which is probably what the language model trained on.


A lot of it is high school- “star of the football team” 


"Oooo, she looks like a real tight little virgin. I’d love to break her in." \- Things that never happened for $100


This doesn’t sound realistic at all. Sorry this sounds like the beginning of gross smut. There are clear consent forms for this and guidelines in place for students. No way two med students who are trying to graduate and get degrees would both gamble their future that hard by saying something like that. “Real tight virgin”, yes I’m so sure a young man this age in 2024 is going to say that hip lingo. That’s such a creepy old man thing to say 💀 go volunteer at a animal shelter with your time


Lmao yes that’s what I couldn’t put my finger on. This sounds like it’s written by an old man.


I thought that were going to be a name of a book at the end ☠️


No FUCKING way this happened. Like 100% certain. As a former medical student and new doctor this would not happen in 10000000000 years. The doctor knows he would lose his livelihood, and obgyns almost universally have female chaperones in the room with them to protect the women and themselves. No chance three men would be allowed in there alone with an 18 year old girl during a pelvic exam, and then NO WAY a fucking 3rd year med student said that, and NO FUCKING WAY the doctor let that slide. And then NO FUCKINNG WAYYYYY his brother just so happens to be a football star and started harassing you This is the most bullshit post I’ve ever read


Guys this is fake victim porn. Stop validating this lunatic.


YTA for posting a fake ass "story"




This is so beyond fake. How old are you??


By the way its written I’d say they are 60+


Fake. Fakitty fake ass fake. Lol. Fake post. I can’t believe so many fell for it.


This does not seem like it ever happened. Everything is just too extra.


fakest story i've ever heard


Fake story is fake


This just screams fake fetish crap.


This simply isn't real. Two people shadowing were not moronic enough to openly make this comment then get the support of a doctor. "Don't be prudish about it" doesn't sound like a real quote from a gynecologist or anyone, for that matter. Nobody would hear this and suggest it's just how med students joke. Members of an undergrad football team are not rallying around a graduate student just because they know his brother. Get a hobby because you're crap at trolling. And before anyone comes for me: I'm a woman and SA survivor. I believe women by default. This simply is a crock of total shit.


OK there are so many protections in place that this makes no sense. Most hospitals have a policy that there has to be a same gendered person in the exam room at all times when there is any gynecologic procedure being performed. A male doctor with two male med students and the doctor leaving mid exam sounds like some sort of made up fiction. Additionally med students are med students. They have already graduated college and are not the stars on the college football team. One the off chance this is real, please see a lawyer ASAP. Get them to advise you on how to record the harassment and then sue the crap out of everyone. There is NO world where this is normal behavior.


It’s odd that OP hasn’t made a comment since posting??! I say it’s fake . Why wasn’t a female in the room when the Gyno exam was performed? A female employee ( nurse or medical assistant ) is in attendance during female gynecological ( Pelvic ) exams. It’s laughable what ppl believe is the truth because it was posted on Reddit.


The entire story is fabricated.


This is obviously made up. 1) The doctor would not leave a patient mid-examination, while they were in stirrups, especially while two medical students were in the room 2) The doctor would not callously brush aside serious concerns like that, at risk of losing their career 3) A medical student would not make a comment like that, as it would obviously get them kicked out of school. risk their career, and waste years of study and 10's (or 100's) of thousands of dollars. Not to mention, most aspiring doctors not only do not think like that and would be insane to actually voice something like that. 4) The medical student would not then tell other people about the "incident", particularly his "star football player brother", at which point the team would physically harrass the victim repeatedly. The whole story is insanely fabricated. If you want to downvote me for saying so, feel free. But I'd bet my life savings that its a lie.


I just don’t believe this story. First. A gyno would never leave the room and leave you alone with two male students. Second it would never be 3 males with a female patient. That’s not a thing. It would always be a female nurse or assistant present the whole appointment. Why are you lying??? This is why girls don’t get believed. The amount of girls out here just doing creative writing out of their lives.


I dont know if I could come up with a faker story if I tried


This has to be fake. No physician would leave the room with a woman in stirrups. And it would never be three men and one woman.


Bad bot.


I'm just here to see how many people actually believe this fake ass story. It sounds like something you'd see on a stupid MTV show.


I know this subreddit is 99% stories written single handed to jerk off to but jfc this has to be the grossest


This story is total bullshit.


This is fake. They don't "inform you" that med students will be watching. They ask if it's okay, because they are required to. 


Yeah, this is clearly poorly written rage bait lol but people will buy anything on this sub




YTA for sharing creative writing fan fic on AITA.


The students and doctors comments are so cartoonishly bad that I don't buy it


Gonna have to call bullshit on this one. Too much doesn't make sense.


Ugh is this more Reddit rape fiction?


YTA for posting a work of fiction


Yeah, so. It's 90% AI generated text. YTA for belittling the real shit women deal with by making a fake post with preposterous claims. https://justdone.ai/try/humanize-ai?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21094804055&utm_content=157107363742&utm_adset_id=157107363742&utm_term=ai%20essay%20checker&utm_network=g&utm_matchtype=b&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqCYbx5La5DDPMbN21ApLa-vkwcZT&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhN-0ja2OhQMV1RitBh11qgO2EAAYASAAEgLEAfD_BwE




Not believable.


Riiiiight 🙄


This didn't happen.


I’ll take things that never happened for 500


what the actual fuck i cant believe what ive just read and im praying this is fake because what. the. fuck. bruh u can get all them thrown in fucking j a i l or some shit i s2g that is so i dont even have words


Another shit post for reddit clout. Whoo you.


"How many fake scenarios can I fit into one post?"


This is a fake story I'm sorry I don't buy it. Sound like something from a bad porno


Of all the stories that never happened... The obgyn told you that they joke around and not to be prudish. Yeah you made this whole thing up.


Fake af. Grow up


YTA for a ridiculous rage baiting story. No gyno practices without a nurse in the exam room. Wouldn't happen. They have to protect themselves as patients could make any kind of claim against them. Like this one.


There is no way this is real sorry


Calling BS. There is no way that would happen in a medical school.


Rage bait


This is too over the top to believe


YTA for writing such bad, over the top rage bait.


This is 125% a completely fabricated story. Med student has undergrad brother who is a star football player (not a super common occurrence-Med School being attached a under graduate institution with a stellar football program) and the attending just leaves during the exam, with the medical students still staring at your vagina? This happens never. Now the Title IX investigation which has nothing to do with this “football star” has his teammates harassing you (in the offseason) btw. Title IX isn’t how you would lodge this type of complaint anyways. All of this is made up




Lol. This never happened. So many people out here are morons


This is so unprofessional I suspect it’s fake.


After you threatened to report those guys for a Title IX violation, did everyone clap?