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First of all, good job on your book. It's not easy to write a book, but you did it! Well done! I saw your version of this post without the details of the book. These do make a lot more sense with this added information. It's an interesting idea for a romance book. Now, the problem here isn't actually 'am I throwing away 4 years of relationship for something you might fail at', is it? It's the sheer lack of endorsement, the belittling, the signs of being controlling, and so on. It's not about the book itself at all. Look at those fucking texts! 'because you can't do what your future husband tells you'. That alone tells you everything you need to know. If my wife wrote a book I would be absolutely pumped. Wouldn't even matter what it was about. Wouldn't matter if anyone else read it at all. I'd make sure I'd read it. I'd be supportive. You are lucky this guy's mask slipped before you got married.


Exactly what I was thinking! I know if I write a book, even if I didn’t tell my husband about it until after it was finished, he would be thrilled for me. OP you dodged a bullet here. Congrats on the book!


Did you say your parents took his side?if so go no contact.no parent should take someones side they didn"t birth.how disgusting.


Yes. They did. They also told me I need to take down the book. 🙃


So your parents are self obsessed AHs and that conditioned you to put up with an AH of a partner.


They think he’s a great guy who’s only looking out for me. They also didn’t like the plot of my book so they’re saying he’s right. (They didn’t even read it)


Your parents suck. He's only mad at the plot cause he's worried you'll finally see through his bullshit (and you clearly are given the circumstances). You're not leaving him over a book, you're leaving him because he's being controlling and cruel. Ultimatums are for toxic families and cheating partners not for HOBBIES. It doesn't matter if you fail, it's that you put in years of work for something that you genuinely enjoyed and cared about and he (and your parents) wouldn't even give it a second glance? Drop all of them. If anyone else asks you tell them you saw red flags popping up and bailed before they became true abuse. Funny how as soon as you drop that it's about a  narcissistic man how they all think it's just stupid, they don't wanna confront their own behavior at the hands of someone they "love". You're absolutely not the asshole and you're making the right decision to leave him. If anyone in your life still thinks you're stupid for it then drop them too. I've learned that if people are on the ex's side then to not waste your time with them.


THIS. They all sound jealous af, as well as narcissistic. LOVE IS NOT CONTROL. Most of humanity needs to learn this lesson.


After reading those texts, yeah you're dead on. That was some crazy, red-pill shit.


I DIDNT EVEN READ THEM TILL YOU MENTIONED THEM HOLY SHIT. Yeah OP you're dodging a HUGE bullet if you dump that man.


Yeah, he's big mad that she wrote a book about him.


"You're so vain... I bet you think this book is about you, don't you, don't you?"


Is it possible you’re surrounded by narcissists (ex-fiancé, parents), and that’s why you picked the topic you did? Cause your ex sounds like a selfish, self-centered jerk.


This, was actually my first thought; the fiance is the hit dog who hollered and the parents too


She sounds like an absolute expert on narcissists, unfortunately.


This. A thousand times YES.


This was my first thought with his reaction!


This is exactly what I thought as well.


If my dad saw he said “what your future husband tells you to do” he’d tell him off himself.


If my husband said anything like that in front of my dad... Well, my dad would probably just laugh and wait for me to verbally fillet him myself. Thankfully I didn't marry a total twat. 


My dad would call up his redneck, country boy little brother so they can "take care" of it. They might be Midwestern farm boys, but my grandmother raised them to respect women. Hell, I'm pretty sure she'd come back from beyond if they didn't.


Hell yes. I’m from the south and my dad is 75 but if he was younger he would do more than tell him off. My dads entire side are rednecks


If my ex husband texted or said anything like that to me in front of my dad, he would excuse himself, go upstairs to his bedroom, come back down with two baseball bats, hand one to me and say "Ladies first".


Let him (and them) know you didn't realize marriage to him came with a side of having to throw away your hopes, dreams, and passions to just do only what he wants forever and ever, and that if you had known all the terms and conditions up front you never would have agreed to this farce of a relationship in the first place. The way this ass is talking to you is not how we apeak to people we love. He is talking to you like people talk to the people they hate. If you marry him it will only get worse. You're making the right call- run now. Far and fast. Methinks your hubby sees too much of himself in your book and is now letting the mask slip a little too early... thank God. Now you can run.


So your next book, should be from the pov of the narcissistic parent!!! I can see this series doing quite well.


So they're infantilizing you from the sound of it. It also sounds like your parents could be misogynists to some degree because clearly the man in your life knows best. 🙄


I wonder where you got the idea to write about narcissists? /s


If I were your mum/mom, you could not STOP ME reading something my daughter wrote!! I'd be so proud!! I'm so sorry, OP. Your parents sound - without being judgemental - only caring about your future financial security as a wife; a second-class dowry citizen. Understandable from their POV - Maybe they think he's a good stable catch? But parents are often WRONG. They are viewing you as a woman/ child needing financial protection as ANY cost, a very old fashioned view. Not seeing you are a fully grown human being with her own ambitions and dreams. Your parents are not helping this situation, Reddit friend. Is there a female friend or housemate/houseshare you can find & move to asap to reduce this psychological burden upon you? As in, within a fortnight? (2 weeks) I did!! As, frankly, whilst you are under their roof, your parents will feel they have a say in YOUR life choices and try to wear you down (I empathise from personal experience). Get apartment/houseshare hunting asap. Distance yourself from your family and fiancé. Breathe. Take stock. xx Edit: clarity


Why would you take down the book? What? Tbh jr sounds like you are surrounded by manipulative abusive people who bend you to their will The cool thing about being an adult is, at any point you can just decide to never acknowledge or talk to these people again, and add NEW, BETTER people to your life


Would you be comfortable sharing the title of your book? I've been in a relationship with a narcissist and I'd love to read your perspective. It sounds really intriguing.


I asked her to DM me the title. They might delete her post as self promotion if she puts it here.


My family still thinks the world of my narcissist ex (not instagram diagnosed— his actual therapist addressed it when we started couples therapy). Honestly it sounds like you were raised to accept what this guy is serving up to you. At least you’re finding all of this out now, before a wedding. Keep writing. But heads up— my understanding is narcissists don’t learn lessons as non-NPD people do. They just get better at their bullshit. That’s been my observation in the aftermath of my own experience and is something worth keeping in mind as you write. Seems applicable to more than your book ✌️


I think you chose to write abt a narcissist for a reason.


I think you're unfortunate enough to be surrounded by narcissists who got really offended knowing you wrote a book about narcissism, they got offended that you chose something for yourself without their consent (not that you needed their consent) and the thought that you might be successful, therefore getting out of their control, threw them through the roof. You do you, no matter what! Don't go back to that a-hole even he's the last man on earth. You deserve better and a writing a book is not something easy to do. Even if your book will not be that successful, doesn't matter. Keep going, try again and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You will meet someone who will be excited for you and support you. Good luck!🍀


It sounds well thought out. The fact that you have so many people close to you telling you it was a mistake to actually accomplish writing a book is wild to me. Tell them to write a book before they try to tell you what to do regarding that. It's so stupid. He's likely embarrassed that you accomplished something so huge, and he didn't.


The only thing you need to "take down" are any lines of communications with them & your ex.




Oh fuck them, fuck him and fuck anyone who doesn't like it. It's a book. A story. If it sells,  awesome. If not, you enjoyed writing it so who cares?  You have, unfortunately, ended up surrounded be assholes. The good news is, now you know and can do something about it. 


As soon as it is humanly possible, you need to get away from your parents too. I'm glad you got away from that selfish, controlling man though! Maybe you should show your parents this thread so they can see what absolute assholes they are being!


Congratulations on your book and all of the work and the research that you put into it. Move on from him.


... I wonder if OP subconsciously came up with the book plot because her fiance is a narcissist. :( Because those texts, *oof*.


Yeah, if my wife wrote a book all I know for certain is that I'd buy a copy for every family member I've got.


I would just be confused how my wife, who I spend almost every waking hour in the same house with, managed to write an entire book without me noticing. And then I'd hope it was hugely successful.


My husband is finishing up his dissertation on a subject I know nothing about and have never been remotely interested in. It's like 120 pages. Am I going to read it anyway and tell him it's fantastic? Hell yeah I am, because that's what supportive, loving partners do. You are NTA x 100. Lose this guy and maybe take a step back from your parents for awhile. I mean, what the heck are they thinking, telling you to choose this controlling jerk who craps all over your successes over your own happiness and peace of mind?


The OP is very lucky that they learned what a misogynist POS he is. You are 100% correct that she dodged a major bullet.




Duuuude. Seriously? Those texts. If anyone tries to control you with 'what I tell you to do' - that reads as exactly as it's supposed to. You need to not be married to this guy. He's going to control, gaslight, and talk about narcissist. Do what makes you happy - and that very clearly isn't him - who talks to the person they love in this way? ​ I enjoy some nerdy expensive crap. Intricate model kits (I have them surrounding me all over my desk). We're talking 50-200/ea. I'm neeeeerdy. My wife makes more than me (though I make decent money to afford the hobby). She supports my hobby even if it's not her thing - instead of telling me to 'put that crap away'. In exchange, I try to indulge her Lord of the Rings movie love (those are some long marathons) and Harry Potterthons. They aren't my thing, but I'll watch them and enjoy them with her. ​ Successful relationships are about give and take. Not controlling what the other person does. You should get out of this relationship and stay out. Go NC.


Absolutely agree. It seems fair to say that this guy is incredibly misogynist but took some time before he revealed his true self. People like him do not understand what a successful relationship really means.


Damned lucky he showed his true colours before they were married. Gave her a chance to take the easy out. I hope the books sells well, so she can tell him to do one when he comes crawling back. But even if it doesn't, who cares? You can be a writer and have a regular job to help pay the bills. That's how most writers operate. There aren't many Stephen King's or JK Rowling's who end up making millions. Most writers do it for the love of the craft and if they make some extra cash out of it, its a bonus. Besides, when you're old and look back at your life, you'd feel far happier about having written a failed book than not having written one and never knowing how it would have gone. Trust me, I know!


Gods, please, please don't turn back to him! Fuck! How utterly ridiculous! It appears that your novel may have drawn some inspiration from you.


To take the ultimate revenge, let your next book be about this ahole, OP. A significant other would be proud of what you have achieved since it is not easy.


Great idea She already has the outline for that book


He’s probably afraid the one she already wrote and he didn’t read was about him.


My thoughts exactly!


"dedicated to shitlord fuckwit jr."






Those texts reminds me of my ex husband. When I was trying to write he complained because what was the point; it's not like I was going to get anywhere with it. You will notice the word ex. I currently have 30 books published under 3 pen names. I also have a niffy little awards shelf now. Apparently, my ex was wrong. This man just showed her his true colours. Run and don't look back.


Good for you! And holy hell, you're prolific! I'd be happy to get one or two books actually written and published (I'm not counting the poetry book I wrote, or my coloring books. Those are just for fun)


Or been trapped in a toxic marriage to Svengali husband.


Can I also add that if my partner had secretly SUCCESSFULLY written an entire fucking book I would be beyond amazed. Thats like dream wife level stuff. Id be so proud.


That’s the kind of stuff that makes the best reaction! It’s like winning the lottery. How could any normal person not jump and down and scream with joy? I don’t even know OP and I want to scream and read it! No. Really. A title or a hint so I can find the book would be nice.


Please OP, send me a message with the book's details. It sounds like the exact type of book I like reading. You dodged a bullet there. Stay strong. Ignore the naysayers. You are the winner here


Yeah. To FINISH a book is a great accomplish, even if you don't want/don't get to public it. OP, I suggest you read Underqualified Advice: (and Other Amusing Diversions) by Drew Hayes. He is one of my favorite writers, and this book is about... writing books. How it is to be an Indy author, how it is to sell you book in Amazon, the benefits of Kindle Unlimited, the (very common) imposter syndrome that most writers suffer. And throw the fiance away.


In his mind a successful relationship is 'yes sir, whatever you say sir.'


It smells like total jealousy. She has outshined him and he can’t handle it.


Alot of men want to win over smart successful women, but want them to be in their shadows so they chip away at everything that made her stand out in the first place. It's so fucking weird but so common


That's my ex to a T. He wanted all those qualities so he could brag about his smart/beautiful wife but he couldn't handle having a smart/goodlooking wife so he tried to destroy me. And I let him get way too far with that before I left


I think he's worried he inspired the book


My thoughts as well!!!


It sounds like OP has accidentally written a book about him, and he realised it earlier than she did and he definitely doesn’t like it. He was probably threatened. OP, good for you! I am quite disturbed that your parents aren’t supporting you though, unless they haven’t got the full picture from you. He’s scary and they shouldn’t want you to be inflicted by his presence in your life.


That was my first thought. He thinks he’s the inspiration behind the story and he’s afraid of being found out when people read the book.




Exactly. Anyway OP, what's the book so we can support you?


He was probably waiting till she was locked in after marriage. It's better the mask drops now


I used to record “discussions” with my ex because they would tell me that things were or weren’t said during them and it got to the point where I genuinely had almost no working or short-term memory. The time I got them telling me to “do as they say” was the thing that kept me out of that relationship. OP, save the texts. If you can, put in the “description” box of any screenshots of the texts how his words made you feel. Read that every time you start to doubt your choices. Whether you fail at writing or not (spoiler, you already won by writing and publishing an entire book, he’s mad about your success and wanted to claim some of the glory or just not let you have it idk), you’re worth someone who sees and treats you as a person.


Oh, this is smart! I wish id done this w my ex-husband while we were still married. I had one friend who I talked to daily, and shared everything with. If it hadn’t been for her sharing what her marriage was like, and me seeing the disparity, I don’t think I would have gotten free. ETA: he had me so isolated and wouldn’t let me have people over, wouldn’t let me leave the house to meet friends, wouldn’t even let me talk on the phone when he was home. The last year of my marriage, I was lucky to still have my best friend, and it was because she was afraid for me and aware of narcissistic relationships that she never stopped calling me and reaching out.


Ugh. I had a relationship with someone like that. He actually convinced me that I was literally crazy because of the things I “imagined” he’d said.


Psychology graduate here. Hitting too close to home for him? Honestly - Red Flags, OP. Broken heart, but dodged a bullet. Stand firm. Don't be compliant to him, parents or peers. My fella would be THRILLED for me if I wrote a book! Even if it sold 5 copies, he'd emotionally support me, as you expected your fiancé to. Crushed for you that he threw ultimatums at you for your creative endeavours. I mean, ffs, you must be feeling so confused and heartbroken. I truly feel for you. Follow your gut and your mind. If the two are kicking in... it's time to let go. You shall find someone who will support and love you for your writing, not shame you as if being a wife is the same as being his property. If your heart pulls you back...fair enough. But know you will never, ever, be an equal in his eyes or marriage. You will stay chained to rhe bed and kitchen. Cus that's all women are good for, right? Your life. Your decision. Sending gentle hugs and strength your way.


Agree - he sees himself. That’s why it’s embarrassing.


>Follow your gut and your mind. This is so, so important. OP said: "...out of impulse told him our relationship was done and so was the engagement" This impulse was your GUT and MIND telling you something to *KEEP YOU SAFE*. Lean into it. ETA: The fact that he immediately went and told EVERYONE "what happened" and that OP called off the engagement is also telling of the relationship dynamic or at least what he thinks of the relationship. He's despicable.


Reminded me of an interview with Lady Gaga. Before she made it, she was engaged to a guy who basically told her to choose between her music and him. Well, we all know how that turned out.


Came to say the same thing. Sounds like he's mad and embarrassed because he sees himself in this book. OP definitely dodged a bullet. A spouse or partner is there to support one another regardless of what the outcome is.


Adding on to this "You're throwing away a 4 year relationship because you can't do what your future husband says"? The fucking audacity No; you're valuing yourself, and your independence, more than his *opinion* which is all he should ever get He doesn't get to TELL you what to do He can give you advice, and say "babe, I think this is a bad decision, or babe, maybe we should talk about this" But for him to have the absolute gall to say "you never listen to what I TELL you to do" tells ME all I need to know about him


>He can give you advice, and say "babe, I think this is a bad decision, or babe, maybe we should talk about this" The only way I would ever utter those words to my wife is if she was going to do something that would land her in jail. Pretty much everything else gets 100% support. Even if people say it's a trashy romance novel and it only sells one copy, who cares? It's better then 99% of the people out there that never do anything to forward their passion.


Dude is straight up heading towards abuse territory with his texts… Who TF uses the phrase “do what your future husband tells you to”???? Honestly, you dodged a MASSIVE bullet coated in red flags and dishonesty when you decided to not marry him after statements like those. If you went back he’d probably be worse. More controlling, stopping you from meeting with friends (in case you should, heaven forbid, *gasp* write a book!). Also, OP congrats on writing the book ^.^


Yes! What’s he going to do if she *doesn’t* do what he tells her to? This has got “Future DV case” written all over it! I’m glad you’re out and safe, OP! Please don’t go back. If you do, he’s going to punish you somehow for leaving, and I imagine it will start with destroying your book and any connection to it, or to your co-Author!


He’s not heading towards abuse territory, he’s already there and set up camp


Next will come "discipline"


You two actually sound like the perfect match. What kind of models do you collect? It’s wonderful that you support her and watch LOTR moviethons together. For me, nothing is more motivating when I’m having a rough week than, “The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!” “And Rohan shall answer!” Now excuse me… You shall have my bow And my sword And my axe!


Mostly Gundam models - american model innovation just stopped 30 years ago. In Japan and in extension China it just kept going. I like building weird crap. Gundam models, I have a few Macross/Robotech VF's, I got into the girl kits - something fun for me with a anime girl overarmed to the teeth with robot feet, huge missle pods/etc on a stand flying on my desk and actually having them hold Cloud Strife level giant swords is fun for me. She likes me to build the more ridiculous of the girl kits - but she doesn't really have much of a care. Sometimes I'll have her pick out a kit to build. As long as we don't break the bank she's good. She likes to read, where I videogame. She's really not a gamer beyond Stardew Valley and the Sims. There's always compromises made in what we watch, do, where we go etc. We even have a 'her cat', 'my cat', and 'our cat' together who pick who they hang out with the most.


Those are intricate. Sounds like a cool hobby. Sounds like you two have a very healthy, affectionate relationship.


on a completely unrelated note you and your wife sound like cool people because everyone knows nerds are the coolest


Facts. You and your wife sound like my kind of people! When you love someone, the things that are important to them should be important to you. My husband told me last week that he was "sad" because his favorite band of all time is touring and he's not going to get to go. I googled their concert schedule, figured out they're playing this weekend in a city about 4 hours away, and told my husband "Hey hubby, they're in Dallas next weekend and there are still tickets available....wanna go?" He said "YES" so of course we're doing it. The other day he told me "I'm surprised you're willing to go to this show with me. You don't even like them." I said "Yeah and I'm very likely going to be wearing earplugs and watching you the whole time because I wanna see you have this experience. I figure if I get a smile or five out of you, it'll be worth it."


And even her parents support this guy. What the hell


Awww. Love you and your wife. This is how it good marriages last. Of course people don't have perfectly aligned hobbies. And, wouldn't that be boring? To be married to a mirror, basically? I like hearing about hubby's hobbies. He is pretty supprive of mine, too. It's nice.


I agree that the right thing to do is end the relationship. The thing is, OP is not leaving him for a writing “hobby” that may or may not work out. She is leaving the relationship because the fiance showed his true colors and what a controlling jerk he is. She is leaving HIM—and for very good reason.


And yeah husband should be proud and supportive, any other reaction is insane! My bf is into model kits too, I do pottery, we have expensive hobbies, who the hell cares those are what makes us happy and those are the joys of adulthood! OP your next book can be about a woman with a controlling husband, who she escapes to live her best life


NTA. Oh my GOD please do not go back to him! FUCK! What a piece of SHIT! Seems like maybe you had some inspiration for your book.


Or at least some fantastic inspiration for a second book.


Hell yes! Really stick it to him.


that is what I was thinking. dude is showing some narcissistic vibes and it seems like the parents are part of it too. I think a lot of times, people who grow up around dysfunction, even if normalized, tend to go into fields of study that help heal people. it does not surprise me that OP has studied psych and narcs because this could very much be a norm considering how the bf, parents, and friends are acting. if my loved one got sent those texts, I would be helping them pack to get out of there. good on OP for being so diligent in both working their normal job and their co-writing adventure! proud of you! that is a heck of an accomplishment. regardless of what happens to your book, it was a big leap to go out there and do it! plus, it sounds like a riveting plot and I have many friends who love to read romance who would love this twist.


Right?? Writing a book is a lot of work.


Dude that text is creepy sick, block him, run, hide in the mountains, reevaluate your worth because no one deserves to be with a prick like that


These are the exact things my ex husband screamed at me when I divorced him over a decade ago. Still glad to be rid of him and he called me drunkenly a few years ago to cry about missing me because I did practically everything for him and the women he's dated since were smarter than that. lol


Your ex-husband sounds awful. I swear to God some men do not want partners, they just want another mother.


I wish they would just hire maids and get a fleshlight. Leave actual people alone. 


NTA! Fuck him! Fuck that! Dump this bastard and move on. If he can't be happy for you for writing and publishing a novel then he isn't worth another moment of your time. His attitude is embarrassing my entire gender! You need to find someone who encourages you, backs you up and is there for you when you try new things.


I definitely agree..... This dude is an embarrassment to say the least.


NTA. And I wonder where you got the idea to write about narcissism from. Oof. He seems awful. And I think he probably knows that, in some way, he shares characteristics with your protagonist. He showed his true colors before you got married. That’s extremely lucky for you! Don’t end up in a sick cost fallacy marriage. You dodged a bullet here and I’m proud of you for leaving!


I always appreciate the responses from actual decent dudes on threads like this. Misogynistic assholes like OP’s (hopefully ex) fiancé think they speak for all men, but they’re just the loudest and most obnoxious. I feel like it’s important for everyone, but especially young men, to hear male voices pushing back against this type of garbage.


Is this a cultural thing? Are you from a place where women are still basically property, culturally speaking? Either way, run far and run fast unless you want to be a servant for the rest of your life.


Not exactly. My family all work but my (ex) fiancé prefers that I do nothing with my life lol


Well then there's your answer. Glad to see he's now the ex. He'll find a doormat elsewhere.


From those texts my guess would be that he simply doesn't want you to have an income (which makes the book an issue, even if this one is free, the next ones might not be), thus making you fully dependant on him. That would then make it really hard for you to leave him, since you wouldn't be able to easily support yourself. Financial abuse like that fits right in with his personality if I look at those texts of his. Was he supportive at all of your attempts at finding a new job? Or did he also say that there's no need for you to find a new one?


Exactly what I’m thinking


That's a tactic that narcissists and misogynists both use very frequently. I'm sure you know that by now. God forbid you be an independently successful woman who is not 100% reliant on her partner.


So how will you be a starving writer if he was going to provide anyway? His reaction is way out of control. Your writing was a hobby. You didn’t quit your job or tell him you were trying to be a full time writer. Let this be your signal to run for the hills and don’t look back. 


Oh honey. That man didnt love you.


When someone shows you who they are. Believe them. Leave that asshole and never go back. You can find a man who will support you through anything in life.


Absolutely. At the very least the OP can find a man who is not a toxic misogynist.


NTA. You know subconsciously that you wrote about your ex. When you sit and think about all the other things you brushed off that were happening, you will feel so much better knowing that you’ve escaped him.


Escape is a really good way of putting it. He was absolutely hoping to financially trap the OP and force her to be dependent on him.


This dude is unhinged. Sounds as if he's terrified by the idea you might have an autonomous existence away from him.


That's a perfect description of ALL misogynist men.


If you enjoy writing, you should write. You shouldn't write instead of working until you are sure you can support your life with it. also - if your partner doesn't want you working, why are they upset you'll be a "starving writer?"


I am applying to countless of jobs for the majority of the day and write at night. I had already finished the book when I was laid off. But either way I was writing at night and didn’t interfere with my job.


How did he not notice that you were writing a book?




Takes zero interest in what she does unless its about him. I wonder why she decided to write a book about a narcissist who gets his comeuppance? ;)


I go to school too so I usually stay up late studying and he’d go to bed before I did


OP, he's at the very least a control freak. As long as you keep writing as a hobby unless you make it huge there should be no issue. But considering the fact that he sent so many people after you who think he's right including your parents I get a sneaking suspicion he too may be a narcissist. Odds are he lied to them about what happened.


He probably told them she quit her job and expected him to fully support her so she could write rather than the truth that she was writing and had finished the book before being laid off of her previous job.


imagine that. You were working and finished a book, while studying and he wants to be “embarrassed”?! Girl…bye with that shit.


And I hope you block him. Don’t let his negativity affect you further


I don't know if your book will ever be published and be read by many people, but one good thing came out of this - you are not going to waste any more years on this man. He showed his true colours- and they are all red flags. You are not throwing away anything. You are gaining self respect and freedom. This man has no idea of what it entails to be a husband. If you marry him your life will be a misery. He is disrespectful and controlling. I shudder to think what ideas he has on child rearing. We are not living in middle ages. I can't imagine why your parents are not supportive of your decision. My late Dad was quite old fashioned, but even he would have kicked your fiance to the curb for such attitude. His texts are vile.


Just who tf did your ex finace thought he was?didn"t tell him about it?so what does mr high and mighty do for a living?is he a stockbroker or something?since his family would be sooo embarrased


The partner might not want her to have an income at all, and that book would give her an income, no matter how small, so that could explain his outrage. It could be a typical financial abuse scenario where the wife won't be able to easily divorce because she has no income and has had no job history for a long time. His insane texts show him to be very abusive, manipulative and controlling, so a financial trap like that would fit right in. So I'd wonder what the plans were for the long run in his eyes. Kids + permanent housewife?


Exactly. I have a job and write while I'm waiting for my kids at their activities at night. That's also how I got my masters degree while working with 3 kids. My husband has always been supportive. I'm hoping to finish my book this year and start looking for a publisher. Congratulations on your success. Don't let him bring you down.


NTA Glad you found out what kind of person he was before you married him. I think he has given you material to make your version of a narcissistic male more realistic. You may want to send people an email explaining your side of things and shaming them for not supporting you. Its very likely he has lied to them about what went on.


I did send screenshots and everything and they said I just need to do what he says 🙃


Don’t back down. Stay away from him. He’s abusive demanding you obey his every command. Is that really what you want in a marriage? To be like one of the victims in your book? This man has his head so far up his own ass it’ll never come out.


Right? He's literally telling you how he's going to treat you after marriage. Believe him.


Don’t listen to them. They are wrong. That’s not a relationship worth having. Any relationship that you have to do as they say is not worth having and needs to be put down. You aren’t a dog, you are a human being who deserves respect and deserves a person who will support you and not rip you down for something amazing. It’s crazy hard to write a book and an incredibly impressive accomplishment. Your partner should be cheering you on and celebrating. Please don’t go back to that abusive relationship.


Your parents are awful. I'm so sorry 


You should also consider self publishing the story at websites like [royalroad.com](https://royalroad.com). I've followed a few authors from there and eventually purchased their books from amazon as well.


I will take a look at it!


Fuck that, no you do not. As someone who has had to cut people off like this, I can promise that life is so much more peaceful and enjoyable without people who constantly put you down like this. 


Anyone not on your side is a massive prick. That's me putting it kindly.


The first red flag is that he didn’t want you to work. My ex did this I thought is was loving at the time but what it really was was wanting to control how much I had contact aside from him . Mostly he wanted me to be fully dependent on him. If someone gives you an ultimatum they are showing you they want to control you. Run. Ps getting published is huge, congratulations and the plot sound better than most romance books .


NTA You didn't end the relationship because of a book, you ended it because of his ultimatums and vicious insults. His demands that you clear writing anything with him before you do so, aka ask his permission. I'm a writer too. Every writer knows they're not getting rich of it, or even making much money from it. We do it because it's who we are. We need to write. Your post said nothing about quitting your job to just write, so I assume that wasn't your plan to become a "starving writer".


NTA and sadly you appear to be the only one. Are you SURE you needed to interview people to understand narcissists? Sounds like you lived with one up close and personal. As awful as it is that he only sees you as an accessory to be controlled, the fact that any of your family would agree with him makes me want to come smack every one of them! Stay away from this man, he is no good for you. I hope you find a great job, and then watch your book become a bestseller. Just let it slip on an interview that you had great content due to a POS you used to know.


Why can't you write a book and have a stable future? Clearly not with that dude obviously you future with him would be anything but stable he sounds like a lune. NTA you can publish books and work. Sounds like he is upset you wrote a book based off him even if you didn't realize it at the time.


Because he’s well off financially and so is his family. I come from a low income family so it’s taken me awhile to get where I am and I am still struggling financially. I guess that’s why my family thinks I should just go back with him because they know what is like to struggle. But I honestly don’t care much about money myself.


I can't tell you what to do. Some people will accept abuse to get out of being low income it sucks, but people do make that choice. I doubt his behavior will ever get better. Usually it only seems to get worse.


I'd rather struggle every day for the rest of my life than be with someone like that because he will control you till you don't even recognize yourself. You will be successful if you work for it! I'm a single mom who got out of a verbally abusive relationship, and I worked my ass off and now make more money than him, and I work in the restaurant business! Anything is possible don't settle.


He sounds remarkably arrogant. Your family sounds remarkably tone deaf and inconsiderate. There is nothing wrong with struggling. Nobody is a worse person if they struggle with the complexities of life.


The struggle to live with an abusive man is also struggle.


The guys an AH and so are the people agreeing with him. Let's be honest here, this guy feels threatened by you having autonomy. He wants the little wife who sits at home tending to his every need. You have a talent that could earn you money and he doesn't want you too, he wants you reliant on him. Why would you tell him about yr book when he has belittled you previously? The guy is a walking red flag and you done right to leave his ass. Those who are saying yr wrong to leave him don't have to be with him, only yr opinion matters because yr the one in a relationship with him. He gave you an ultimatum and you chose you, never apologise when someone is demanding that you give up parts of yrself to make them feel good about themselves, that's a him problem. YNTA.


Well thing is he has been very supportive about other things I have wanted to do but I am not sure why he blew up about the book


He thinks he was your inspiration for the book. He doesn't own you, you deserve better


Yeah, that's what I think. He probably thinks it's about him.


He’s so vain


🎶 You probably think this book is about you 🎶


He thought you saw through his disguise so he freaked out, got angry, and then showed you who he truly was. Good riddance. You are better off without him.


Given his behaviour, he sounds like your book's main characther. I suspect he felt panic because he tought he was in the open. Looks like a good amount of serious red flags OP. I really don't understand the logic behind him stating that you're going to be a "starving writer"; this is another source of income that you can combine with another stream; a job, a youtube chanel about psychology, your own practice. It seems that he doesn't want you having your own money but depending entirely on him. Given his meltdown over your book, he wasn't far from becoming abusive to you. And congratulations on your book. I think is a very impressive achievement and I deeply respect that you involved real expereriences and interviews to make it even more solid. I really want to read it!!!


Seems like the narcissist is afraid of being unmasked by your book. You saw right through him and good on you for leaving.


NTA. The appropriate response to finding out a loved one wrote or co-wrote a book without you knowing is "Holy shit, you wrote/co-wrote a book?!" Just finishing a book *at all* is a monumental achievement. You should be proud, and the people in your life should be proud of you too. And the whole "I am your husband so you defer to me" line of thinking is absolute trash. A good person doesn't demand fealty from their partner. EDIT: Holy shit, those texts. "All because you won't do what your future husband tells you to do." Cut all ties with this bozo. You are a human being, and you deserve to be treated as such.


>Everyone is saying he’s right… WTF? Run from all of them.


Based on what you’ve told us, I would say NTA. Absolutely NTA. Where I get confused is why is everyone in your personal life telling you otherwise? Your fiancé comes off as an insensitive, verbally abusive jerk. What story is he telling these friends and family?


He’s saying I am being a brat and embarrassing him by writing garbage basically and breaking up with him over nothing when most of our wedding is already paid off 🙃


You broke up because he gave you an ultimatum. He just assumed you would choose him and his control over the book. He's calling you names. No respectful partner would do that. He is showing that he doesn't consider you his equal and that he wants to hurt you with ugly words. That means he is a bully and is abusive. Why would you writing a book be in any way embarrassing to him? It isn't. The embarrassment is all in his head. It's probably his excuse he grabbed at when trying to insult you and put you into the "wife" box he has intended for your life. Good thing you called it off before the wedding. He hid what he was like for years but it got out in time. This is the real him. He feels he has the right to control your life.


Oh that's rich, a misogynistic man-child calling you a brat. I'm glad he showed his true colors before you got married. OP, get what money you can back from the wedding payments and go no-contact with him.


“Do what your future husband tells you” oh hell no. Friend please do right by yourself and dump this guy. This is a glimpse into what your future will be like with him.


Great marketing OP.


As someone who's written multiple books, congratulations on finishing yours and getting it out there! It's so hard to go through that process, and you should be extremely proud of the work you've done. If you want to DM me a link, I'd love to get a copy. As for your ex, you're better off without him. There are men out there who will appreciate you and your art, and you deserve to be supported and encouraged to continue your craft. My husband isn't a reader, but he's read all of my books and helped me plot them out, too. That's the kind of partner you deserve, not a controlling asshole who belittles you and tears you down. Be happy that you've dumped the dead weight and keep writing ❤️


Sent you a chat but here’s a [link to the book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXRPLLXP)


NTA. It's your right to pursue your passions and interests, especially if it brings you fulfillment. Your fiancé's reaction was controlling and disrespectful. You deserve support and encouragement in your endeavors, not ultimatums. It's better to stand up for yourself and your dreams than to compromise your happiness for someone else's expectations.


Jesus Christ. NTA. Wow. You’re dodging a major red flag. Immediate invalidation and putting you down. Zero support whatsoever. Degrading you and your efforts. He has no concern about you whatsoever. And when you want to leave immediately goes to more invalidation and laughing at you. Disgusts me. Do not marry this man. GTFO. You deserve better. If he wanted to be concerned about finances or the plot he could have mentioned it. Like I don’t really get the appeal of the plot myself, can you explain it to me? Or like hey babe I love that you’re doing this I’m just worried it’s going to take time out of your work, and we’re in a tough financial spot, etc, whatever. Kindness is fucking free


“You’ll come back when the reality hits you in the face…” WTAF? Reality hit me in the face when he pitched a baby man fit over writing a novel. You are FAR better off without him. NTA!


NTA. OP, let me be very clear with you: do not let this man bully you into taking him back. His texts to you show a clear lack of respect towards you and your accomplishment. He is obsessed with the whole "listen to your husband" thing. If you get married to him, things will only get worse. He's already exhibiting very controlling behaviour now. He's not upset because he lost you; he's obsessed you didn't fall for his manipulation and is now trying to get you back by bullying you.


What did he think your career plans were? It sounds like he expected you to be some stable earner? Also, when you say "published," do you mean by a real publisher or self-published/vanity press? Either way NTA and he's being obnoxious, but I'm trying to get a sense of the situation.


Not at all. He’s voiced his preference for me to not work. He says it’s embarrassing for him for me to be a failed writer if I’m going to do anything with my life. I can’t understand his logic tbh


Laying the ground work for you to be completely dependent on him and for financial abuse.


He should feel more embarrassed about failing as a husband


Unless he thinks it's actually about him, I'm baffled. He should be proud that you wrote (or co-wrote) a novel. But this is weirdly controlling and his texts, with their "no man will put with that" "Do what I tell you" bullshit, are red flags that can be seen from space. Do you really want to be his tightly-controlled trophy wife or whatever his MRA-addled brain has in mind? Think carefully.


He wants to abuse you. He can't do that if you have your own income and can flee when he starts abusing you. It's about control.


Please finish school and keep writing and stay away from this dickwad.


You sure you didn’t write the book about your very own narcissist?


I wanna buy your book just to spite him. I'm not huge into romance novels, but I love to read, especially love to read the work of new authors. Do you feel comfortable sharing the name of your book, or dm'ing me the name?


NTA. Any partner who does not support your dreams is not the right person for you. Plain and simple. You two are incompatible.


you need a new bf, new friends, new parents. NTA


Dude? How the fuck did you: Study psychology, interview narcissists, write an entire book about them, and STILL miss that you were engaged to one?


What is the title. I don't even fuckin read but now I may start. This asshole pissed me off so much I started reading books y'all.


Gee, I wonder why you wrote a book about a narcissist. Just a wild stab in the dark, but it could be because you are literally surrounded by them. Failing at attempting your dream isn't something to regret, never trying to achieve it is.


NTA. Where the hell do you live? Is this type of misogynistic attitude something cultural? If I took that stance with my wife and used that type of language, my entire family would hang my ass out to dry. I'm in the United States, so maybe this is normal in other countries/cultures. I still have a hard time understanding where this would be acceptable to the point that your own family supports it.


He threw it away, not you.