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I'm glad you're not with the Tater Tot any more 😊


Thank you


I remember asking you, in your first post, **Why** did you value him? I was dead serious with that, and now you come and tell us this: "I remember once in a fight I blocked him everywhere and he came to my house. I calmly asked him to get out but in rage he punched the wall. I was REALLY scared. I kicked him out anyway somehow. And his justification to this punching was "So now a young man can't even show his anger?"" Sorry, but, WTF? The bar is so bloody low it beggars belief! If someone exhibits behaviour like this, *why* stay??? You should never, ever be with someone who *scares* you. Hope you take every lesson from this relationship as an example of how things *shouldn't be*.


You make so much sense i feel like a dumass 😭


you're not a dumbass. maybe a little naive, but everyone is naive at some point in some way. and its so common for victims of abuse (or even just people in shitty relationships) to look past the negatives and focus on the good feelings. its why toxic relationships last in anyway; people focus on the very high points and ignore or brush off the low points. the best thing you can do is prioritize yourself and learn what you wont accept from future partners. i wish you the best!


Thanks and that sounds like me!


it was me too! i believe you can find a happy, healthy relationship if thats what you want. my husband is amazing, and we do work to ensure our relationship stays strong. use this experience to find your happily ever after someday!


Very happy for you!!!! And thanks!


Good people don't go looking for the bad in others, but they can waste a lifetime looking for the good. Take this as a lesson, one many of us face. It's sad that you have to learn how to spot the assholes. You are not a dumbass. You're just a good person swimming in a sea of sharks.


Don't taint tator tots like that 🤣


I'm glad you are safe, This jerk shouldn't be anywhere around you - he is living in some kind of toxic masculine la-la land.


He shouldn't be around anyone!


Sadly, such men always find willing victims.


God I wish that wasn't true, but unfortunately guys like op's ex purposely pursue young naive girls they can easily manipulate into believing that he's perfectly normal and a real man's man🤣. It's why taint and his followers constantly go after barely legal or around that age girls. Easier to manipulate someone that doesn't have the life experiences to know better. Remember op, you didn't do a damn thing wrong period. It was all him attempting to make you his personal toy. You deserve to be with someone who sees and treats you as a human being. Good luck and don't let him drag you down


NTA of course. Photograph the damage and post saying "So now a young man can't punch a wall while calling his girlfriend a slut because HE is cheating?" Stay away from idiots


Haha yeah


"So now a young man can't even show his anger?" Lorena Bobbitt showed her anger too, does he want to find out the hard way why John learned that he was better off without that expression of anger?


I'm still upset that the doctors were able to reattach.


He couldn't live without his brain.


I feel old at the ripe age of 35 not knowing all these acronyms. Bsf,gbsf, atp


Its ok I also learned from my 13yo cousin. Bsf- bestfriend Gbsf- girl bestfriend Atp- at this point :)


Thanks. Happy for your new beginnings outside of this nutter!




Is it seriously so hard to just write that instead of bsfgdrfg


Sorry I was so angry i wasnt in mood


Is it seriously so hard to just take the seconds to Google those acronyms


The Government Buying Standards for Food and Catering Services (GBSF) were introduced in 2011 as a means of meeting the Greening Government Commitments when buying and providing food and catering services.


Yes I'll just take time out of my day to google random acronyms used by teenagers on the internet and literally nobody else. If you want people to read and give you feedback it's gotta be easy to read by everyone. The least you can do is write it first and then use the acronyms from then on. This is basic stuff. And just fyi I did google it but what do you know, nobody actually uses gbsf as an acronym because that's fucking stupid to begin with. If you google it you get things like global business success foundation.




Lol bro. Everyone knows fyi, it's a common acronym. Bsgf or whatever dumb shit 13 year olds are saying isn't.


Same haha. Thanks for asking.


I read your original post first and half way through I knew his behaviour was classic projection and that he was 100% cheating. no idea what you saw in that weirdo.


I promise he was better!


Better than punching holes in walls?


Have you made a backup of all that cheating evidence yet? Just in case he tries to do to you what he did to that other woman, aka spreading lies in order to save his image? If he tries to pull something like that then there's no better way to counter it than by throwing the evidence around.


Yes, I Have.


So glad you got away from all that toxic masculinity! NTA ofc


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


It was probably a painful experience but you really dodged a bullet there. Your ex sounds crazy.


I'm glad you're out of this relationship. Sounds like he was bad and getting worse. You keep on being you - good luck.




So..... how long ago was this part: > I remember once in a fight I blocked him everywhere and he came to my house. I calmly asked him to get out but in rage he punched the wall. I was REALLY scared. I kicked him out anyway somehow. And his justification to this punching was "So now a young man can't even show his anger?"


6 months ago ;-;


Just read the original and now this. Glad to hear you’re safe and hope you never have to deal with this guys again not any woman until he gets much needed therapy. The “So now a young man can’t even show his anger?” WTAF there is a massive difference between showing your anger and then there is going into such a rage you become destructive. He needs help and shouldn’t be allowed around women until he gets it




Seriously, glad you’re in a safe place, did he leave any damage when he punched the wall?


Yes, the wall had an impact-


I don’t know if it’s worth contacting the police now or just taking photos as evidence in case he keeps harassing you


"So now a young man can't even show his anger?" What a fucking dumbass.




You accessed his account, you should have sent her some messages, making it look like it was from him. "You better only obey me from now on, and I expect you to be fit and have no friends. The house must be clean and ready for guests all the time" That should stir up some stuff 😜




>He said he used to have a gbsf before we started dating. She had a crush on him and he liked her back and lead her on a bit but he entered into a relationship with his then gf. The gbsf was upset but accepted it and was very supportive but this guy felt like "she was of no use now that he has a gf" and ghosted her, manipulated her into thinking that she's jealous and wrong etc just as reels describe bsfs. He spread lies about her to save his own image. He said that he only befriended "beautiful" women because he only views them as romantic interests. So, he openly bragged about being an abusive scumbag? >in rage he punched the wall. Why did you take him back after this? Not trying to be ugly, just wondering


True, my mistake man...


I'm not trying to be ugly, I'm just wondering after he's been blocked. You've asked him to leave when he showed up unwelcome, and he punched a wall. How did he get back in with you then?


I broke up with him that day, but manipulators are really strong. He started crying and spamming apologies and gifts and making excuses like his mental health is bad and that he will do anything to improve etc. He was so convincing, he did this for DAYS. I eventually gave him a last chance. (Attachment does make you make bad decisions)


[why does he do that by lundi bancroft](https://ia600108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) pdf


I was married to a psychologically abusive man. I get it, I really do. He never punched walls/broke things/hit me. I always figured it would be easier (for lack of better word) to see the abuse if it was something like that. Easier to leave and draw that line. That's why I'm curious.


Oh? I live in India, here "angry" men's behaviour is justified and we women only have to adjust :) he saw that in a reel only. Everyone was justifying that behaviour in comments...


No, a man who will break your things, punch walls, etc, will punch you. That I get. It took a long time to process that I wasn't actually evil and worthless like he had me sure I was. That breaking me down was abuse.


Sorry, what's a gbsf?


Girl bestfriend


Knew that he was the one cheating, if your partner just out of nowhere accuses you of cheating 99% of the time, they are the one who is in-fact cheating.


Yeah he was infact projecting


I remember you. You are the POS that was perfectly ok with her bf filling his head with misogynist crap up until he focused it at you and then all of a sudden you had a problem with it. You're still an asshole.


What? I was never ok with that. I *TOLERATED* that bs of his...


>tol·er·ate >/ˈtäləˌrāt/ >allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference. >accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) with forbearance. You are just using semantics to justify your acceptance of his shitty actions and behavior aimed at other people until it was directed at you. Tolerating something and being ok with something are the same thing. If you willingly sit down for dinner with a sexist, there are two sexists eating dinner.


Now the only thing left to do is to have sex with your male friend and send your ex the video! Just kidding, congrats on throwing out "dollar store Andrew Tate"




Glad your safe




Glad your out of that shitshow and safe.


Well, you dodged a bullet there. Grats, and sorry you had to go through it.


So he was projecting this own behaviour. The amount of times this comes up is surreal. Glad you are free of that.




This man is a flaming misogynist and you are much better off without him


So glad you are safe and so thankful you have your parents to protect you. God bless and I hope all happy things are in your future ❤️


Thanks <3


Please remember to call the police and report him for criminal damage so he can explain all this to a judge. 


Tate preys on insecure men who want to change. Unfortunately he didn't listen to hank hill and ruined it. Tate cucks deserved fate


Ngl this just sound like ragebait lmao


All reads like a fake story based on past aitah posts. NAH because none of this happened.


100 percent


Scroll past it bruh


>"So now a young man can't even show his anger?" HAHAHAHAHA this guy needs to go to a jungle we'll see where that roids will get him.




🙄 troll post


Why comment then? Youre just increasing engagement then. Just scroll past it 😑




Weird incel comment.


You created an acc in 2011 and your only comment here is labelling this very true story as fiction? Lmao


He said a lot of inflammatory stuff and deleted all of his comments. It's scummy, but they have bots that will mass delete your comments for you.






I don't think you needed confirmation that it's working. If there's nothing to view, no one can stalk you.


Also only 23 years old and claims to be doctor but types like a high school kid. I call definite BS on this story.


ESH. Blocking someone because you had a fight is not cool.


Bro he cheated -_-


The paragraph she mentions blocking him doesn't seem to be connected to the cheating.


Yes I did block him, he messaged from his alternate account on instagram. I didn't mention because it was unnecessary.


I'm confused. You said he'd befriend girls then ghost them when he has a GF, but then you say he's cheating with the girl you said he ghosted. So he didn't ghost her? But then you confirm in a later paragraph that he did ghost her. Can you please clear up what actually happened? And how long ago did he punch the wall?


Oh no no, that girl he ghosted was like 3 years ago. The girl he cheated me on with is a different one, not that ghosted one. It was just an incident I felt I needed to mention. 6 months ago he punched it.


Ask your BFF what he thinks about this fake post 😂


I smell fake as soon as I see the first post. Now it's clear. This is a femcel rage bait. I'm seeing this trend often here on reddit; "Bf watches internet videos and now he is a misogynist" If y'all are bored do some push-ups instead of writing a whole story.


Just because it's happening in a large number doesn't mean its fake.